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Impact of Globalization on Diversity in Corporates

The full impact of globalization in the workplace has yet to be realized, but as
more companies embrace this trend and become more diverse, certain changes
are emerging.

 Benefits

 Better decision making

 Improvement in problem solving

 Greater innovation and inspiration for creativity

 Recognition of the employee’s talents

This leads to:

1. Improved product development

2. Successful marketing

3. Employees having a sense of belonging

4. Greater commitment and loyalty of the workers

 Challenges

 Management faces numerous problems in managing a diverse workforce.

Many organizational theorists have raised their concerns over the
motivation and management of a diverse workforce.

 Diverse organizational work environment should be considered as low

context cultures. Many challenges are to be faced by the management.
Such as:

1. Miscommunication within the organization

2. Interpretation of messages can vary from person to person since no two
people have the same experience of events

3. Cultural bias including prejudice and discrimination

4. Assimilation

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