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Duel Academy League TEAM: TAG RULES v19.06.24b  

For 3+ players. Turn order runs clockwise. To determine the choosing player, each team rolls for highest result with tied for highest rerolled until
one team has the highest result. That team chooses which goes first.

Teammates Must Rotate Teammates Choose Whether to Rotate
Between Turns Just Before Their Turn Between Turns Just Before Their Turn
● After each team has had their first turn, for the remainder of the ● After each team has had their first turn, for the remainder of the
Duel: Between turns just before you start your team’s turn, your Duel; Between turns just before you start your team’s turn, your
team’s In-Game player and Out-Of-Game player MUST swap team’s In-Game player and Out-Of-Game player CAN choose to
places. swap places.

M A N D A T O R Y & V O L U N T A R Y 
● The Forbidden & Limited Lists apply to each Duelist INDIVIDUALLY, NOT per team.
● You CAN view your teammate’s cards and discuss strategy at any time.
● Your team shares same starting LP and the same basic Dueling Area that is used in traditional Standard (1-V-1) pairing format.
● Turn Order: Team-1’s In-Game player, then Team-2’s In-Game player, then back to Team-1’s In-Game player (after swapping between turns, if
they do), repeating the cycle.
● Only the last player conducts their Draw Phase normal draw and may conduct their Battle Phase on their first turn.
● Opposing teams MUST play the same variation.

In-Game: the player and their Main Deck, Extra Deck, and hand that IS affected/regarded AND CAN be used.
Out-Of-Game: the player and their Main Deck, Extra Deck, and hand, that is NOT affected/regarded AND CAN’T be used in any way.
Dueling Area: the field and GY, and does NOT include the cards therein, nor the Main Deck, Extra Deck, hand, nor the cards therein, nor the player.
Played Cards: the cards on the field, in the GY, and that are banished, and does NOT include cards in the Main Deck, Extra Deck, nor hand.

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