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These are: the most important healthy habits and how to avoid diseases.:

1.First point: Your body is not a machine, so, you must take care of it.
2. You have to eat healthy, like vegetables, more fish and less sugar.
3.The first meal is the most important, so you should always eat breakfast.

4. You must stay strong, yeah, physically and mentally.

5. You should sleep 8 hours, what happens if you don’t sleep? 1.You get sick
2. Your heart suffers 3. You can’t think.
6. You have to Get your exercise, 3 times a week, get up and get moving.

7. you must love yourself, first me, second me, third me.
8. Don't neglect dental hygiene, you should take care of your teeth.
9. Stay hydrated, you have to drink 8 glasses of water

10. You should not worry, it’s bad for your health.
11. you must not smoke, don't smoke your life
12. you have to get up early everyday, yes everyday.

13. You must have friends, Friends Help Us Interact with Just About
14. you have to Wash your hands often, dirty hands keep bacteria should use antibiotics sensibly.
16. you must Be smart about food preparation, carbohydrates, protein and
17. You have to Don't share personal items and glasses.
18. you should get vaccinated, Keep your recommended vaccinations.

19. you should take care of your sexuality

20.You have to Get your cholesterol checked.
21.And finally you must complete these tips to live longer.

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