I & E and The Alphabet: 117 Comments

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I & E and the alphabet


Practise phonetics with Harald and Teodor

Every day you will get to practise the mysterious sounds that make up the Norwegian language
together with Harald and Teodor. All of these videos follow the same pattern. At first, Harald
says the words and sounds out loud, and you can just sit back and listen. Then, he repeats them to
the student Teodor. Finally it’s your turn to repeat after Harald.

Remember: Don’t be shy! Say the words and sounds out loud. Even if you are sitting on a bus
commuting to work. Maybe your fellow passengers will pick up some Norwegian as well!

Did you find any of the letters of the alphabet particularly easy or difficult to pronounce? And
why do you think that is?

Share your vowels

It can be a bit difficult to get the vowels correct right away, but practice makes perfect. We
would like to invite you to share your vowels with your fellow learners. If you want to, you can
record yourself saying the vowels and share this in the comments section below. We believe you
will benefit from sharing and listening to other learners producing these sounds.

So, if you are up for it, please make a recording of yourself pronouncing “i” and “e”.

How to share a vowel

You can use whatever service you like, but Soundcloud is a great option. Here is a guide how to
do it:

 Soundcloud is a free service but you will need to create an account, if you don’t have one
 Once you have logged in, you can upload your recording. Soundcloud provides
instructions on how to do this on their website.
 To link your recording to those from other learners on the course use the tag
#FLnorwegian when filling in the Basic Info tab.
 After you have uploaded your recording, copy the link to the recording and paste it into
the comments below. Before you do, please take a look at FutureLearn’s advice on
sharing using third party tools.

If you don’t want to sign up for a Soundcloud account, you could use the free service Vocaroo.
After you have saved your recording, you’ll get a link you can post in the comment section

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