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A Manuscript of Stravinsky’s

Three Pieces Sold in France! by Jean-Marie Paul

Dec. 29, 1918, Morges
My dear Mr. Allegra,
Here is the information you asked me about
my Pieces for clarinet alone.
1) In the 1st piece, the note is effectively a
natural D [musical illustrations follow]
2) In the 2nd piece, at the beginning… etc
(and these are effectively natural E and B)
3) Further… a low F and not a D
4) In the 3rd piece, 15th bar , it is effectively
… (he confirms the three flat signs of the
Reproduction of the cover and first page of the 5) In the 3rd piece, the 18th bar line is
manuscript (from the auction catalog) wrong, that is 4/16 instead of 5/16”
[On the left corner:] Pay attention only to the
November 1918 in Morges, Switzerland.
metronome and to the accents. The gradations
But this manuscript bears the date of 1919,
will come by themselves (i.e. naturally)
and the letter sold with it is from Decem-
ber 29, 1918, in Morges. The first per- [On the left of the page, written vertically:]
formance was given in Lausanne only on Hoping to listen soon these pieces played by
November 8, 1919, by Edmond Allegra. So you and to shake your hand. Best regards.
could this “manuscript” of 1919 be a copy Igor Stravinsky
for Allegra and not the original? (I’m not
an expert in Stravinsky’s handwriting to be
able to compare.)
P.S. By the way, are you aware of an-
other Stravinsky piece for clarinet – Pour
Pablo Picasso? Written in 1917, thus be-

fore the Three Pieces (a topic for a future ar-
manuscript of Stravinsky’s Three
ticle?), the piece has never been published.
Pieces was sold on April 26 in
It can be located at: http://classconnection.
Nice, France for 17,000 euros
(sales no. #0092;
This piece, an homage to Picasso him-
ATS26042014.pdf ) self, ends in less than 30 seconds after it
The Hotel des ventes auction house did begins. It was scribbled on an Italian tele-
not reply to my email, so I can understand gram form by an inebriated Igor Stravinsky
that the buyer may not want to be known. as he and a friend sat in a café in Rome
However, I also asked them to forward my in April 1917. Stravinsky’s friend, Robert
request to the buyer so that researchers Craft, later recalled the moment when the
could have access to the document. piece was dashed out: “The composer was
Was it the copy signed for Edmundo Al- alcoholically elevated at the time, since
legra? I received from the auction house a the lines of the staff weave uncharacteristi-
copy of the first page of Nos. 1 and 3. But cally, and the name “Pablo” is misspelled
also included, and most interesting, was a as “Paolo,” and the Italian word for April
letter dated December 29, 1918, written is also incorrect. The music betrays no sign Original music excerpts from the letter, Nos. 1-5.
in Morges, Switzerland, where Stravinsky of inebriation, however, and the Spanish
replies (in French) to Allegra’s questions. character of the embellished six-pitch mel- Readers who want a color reproduction
(reproduced here in the illustration). ody is established in only 23 notes.” of the whole letter and the first page of the
It is generally assumed that Stravinsky Here is the translation of the letter of first and last movements can send me an
wrote the Three Pieces around October– Stravinsky to Allegra: email at
80 The Clarinet

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