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HRM Case Study TEST

Submitted By: Siddharth Kr. Pathak


Q.1. Do you think that the expert’s recommendation will be sufficient to get most of the administrators
to fill out the ratings form properly? Why? Why not? What additional actions (if any) do you think will be

ANS 1 No, I think the experts recommendations will not be sufficient to get most of the administrators to
fill out the rating forms properly because:

The administrators might be biased and convinced to rate "excellent". This will not improve ability and
skills of secretaries and clerks. A Few administrators want to be unpopular to his subordinates and he will
hesitate to rate the optimum marks. I think the following additional actions will be necessary: Managers
may opt for generic dimensions such communications, team work, know-how and quality. Another option
is to appraise performance based on the jobs actual duties. There should provide performance appraisal
software so that the administrator can only put the data and the authority can only find the ultimate total
score and can easily evaluate.

I don’t feel that the experts’ recommendations will be sufficient to get most of the administrators to fill out
the rating forms properly. The managers would be pleased with the recommendation to rescind Mr.
Winchester’s forced ranking technique but would definitely challenge

the idea of not tying salary increases to appraisal forms because it’s what they’ve always done and it is the

only way they feel they can provide competitive wages for secretaries. The issues of providing invalid
feedback to each secretary has been a standing practice for quite some time, therefore it would be
ludicrous to think that a practice imbedded in the organization’s culture would simply cease to exist per a
recommendation. Administrators must understand and value the new process. In order for the
recommendations to be accepted and practiced Mr. Winchester will need to educate administrators on the
new process and why it is necessary then provide training to improve the administrators’ appraisal skills
and monitor the effectiveness of the new appraisal form to ensure that that they are operating in a
manner that aides in the success of organizational goals. In order for appraisal techniques to be effective
administrators must be made aware of potential problems that may exist during the appraisal process such
as leniency/strictness, bias and central tendency. According to research by R. Murray, if people understand
and believe in a program and see it as a means of helping themselves to accomplish their own personal
desires through contributions to organizational goals, they will use it and feel committed to it

Q.2. Do you think that Vice President Winchester would be better off dropping graphic rating forms,
substituting instead one of the other techniques discussed in this chapter, such as the ranking method?

ANS 2 Yes, because using graphic rating forms have several problems such as unclear standards, halo
effect, central tendency, leniency, bias etc. Instead, the ranking method is much better to get the desired
result. Because in this system employees are ranked from best to worst on a particular trait. Alternation
ranking method avoids central tendency. Rob Winchester decided to put a hold bar on number of
secretaries getting anything above average. This new forced ranking system was done because
administrators were very lenient in ranking their staff. But forced ranking system is very strict and it is
unfair for those who have a very good staff. New forced ranking method might create a very unhealthy,
cut-throat competition among staff and it will damage the distributive fairness in the system. The
distribution of the budget for appraisal should be fair to keep the staff satisfied. Staff satisfaction is a big
criterion for any organization to work.

Q.3. What performance appraisal system would you develop for the secretaries if you were Rob
Winchester? Defend your answer.

ANS 3 The main objective of a performance appraisal system is to develop good performance from the
employees and to raise production. Using a performance appraisal system allows employees to see the
level they are working at and managers are able to get information from employees so they can help make
their jobs more successful. These appraisals should be consistent through-out the whole process and in a
consistent timely manner. There are several types of appraisals, some examples include; essay,
standardized scales, use of critical incidents, management by objectives, it is always better to pick the right
format for your organization. During an appraisal, the employee is evaluated on job performances and is
thought to improve job performance and show any areas that are in need for improvement. Clear goals
should also be established for this appraisal system, so that it may be clear to every employee. These goals
should be achievable goals as well as the goals being adjusted to meet the needs of individual employees
so that there is a better chance of the employee achieving their goals. There should be some sort of a
reward system in place following these appraisals for the employees that have exceptional performance or
that have really shown improvement, this will help the employee strive to achieve their goal in a manner in
which they also can be proud of their self. Having the employee be involved in their own appraisal is also a
great way to get the employees own views and opinions as to where he/she is strong and weak, this helps
them to see themselves grow or decline in their job performances, and be involved a great deal more with
the whole process.

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