Market Research: Links The Organization With Its Market Environment. It Involves The

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2Repaso Investigación de Mercados parcial 1

Market research: links the organization with its market environment. It involves the
specification, gathering, analysis, and interpretation of information to help management
understand the environment, identify problems and opportunities, and develop and
evaluate courses of marketing action.
 Marketing research is an aid to decision making.

Exxon conclusions:
1. Segmentation is to mark differences amongst target
2. Evaluate the consequences of an incentive
3. You should be looking for frequency to generate loyalty
4. Insights are based on behaviors that consumers most of the time do not recognize

Objectives refer to expected or intended researcher outcomes.

 Specific knowledge, skills, or attitudes that researcher is expected to achieve

Marketing planning process

Market research
 Situation analysis
o Understand the market and the environment
o Assess the competitive position
o Identify threats and opportunities
 Strategy development
o Define the business and segment the market
o Select target segments
o Determine positioning strategy
 Marketing program development
o 4P´s of marketing
 Implementation
o Performance monitoring
o Refining strategies and programs

The value of research

 Can be expensive
 We do not want to do research unless it adds value
 We need to carefully evaluate costs and benefits

Should Research be Conducted?

 Is the research connected to specific decisions and alternative actions?
 Is the information already on hand inadequate for making the decision?
 Is there sufficient time available before a managerial decision must be made?
 Does the value of the research exceed its cost?
Marketing research process
1. Problem definition and research objectives
2. Develop a research plan
3. Information gathering
4. Information analysis
5. Results presentation
6. Take a decision

Steps for a problem definition

1. Specify the research objectives
2. Review the environment or context of the research problem
3. Explore the nature of the problem
4. Define the variable relationships
5. The consequences of alternative courses of action

The research objectives should be:

 Closely related to the research question
 Covering all aspects of the problem
 Very specific
 Ordered in a logical sequence
 Stated in action verbs that could be
 Achievable, taking into consideration the available resources and time

Type of environmental variables

 Micro- Environment variables
o Supplier o Competitors
o Marketing intermediates o Public
o Customers
 Macro-Environment variables
o Demographic o Technical
o Economic o Political
o Physical o Socio-cultural

 Simple: contains one independent variable and one dependent variable
 Complex: Predicts the relationship between 3 or more variables

The role of marketing research

 Is aid to decision making
 Conduct marketing research only when the benefits justify the costs
 Backward marketing research: begin with the end in mind
Competitive Response: boost profits by introducing a promotion that maximize frequency
and profits

Research design
Detail blueprint used to guide a research study towards its objectives.
1. Research approach.
2. Tactical research decisions.
3. Structure and length of questionnaires.
4. Procedure for choosing a sample

Research approach
Explanatory: used when one is seeking insights into the general nature of the problem,
the possible decisions of the problem, and relevant variables that needs to be consider.
Descriptive: to provide an accurate snapshot of some aspects of the marketing
Casual: when is necessary to show that one variable cause or determines the values of the
other variables.

Detective funnel:
Each of the three types of research has a distinct and complementary role to play in many
research studies.
 Problem
 Explanatory research
 Possible causes of the problem
o Descriptive research
o Casual research
 Probable causes

Traditional Marketing Research is of late increasingly spilling into cheaper and noninvasive
media such as the internet

Data collection methods

Secondary data: are already available, because they were collected for some purpose
other than solving the present problem.
 Existing Company information system
 Databanks of other organizations
 Syndicated data sources
Primary data: are collected specially to address the issue in place

Ethnography for design thinking

Design thinking: herramienta enfocada a fomenter la innovación en las organizaciones de
una forma eficaz y exitosa. Innovacion centrada en personas.
 Se centra en el proceso del diseño
 Entiende el problema y crea soluciones
 Comprender al usuario
 Observar
 Usuario tipo
 Idear
 Prototipos

 Empathize
 Define
 Ideate
 Prototype
 Test

Etnografía: estudio de manera sistematica de las personas y las culturas

 Propone realizar una descripción objetiva
 Es un modelo cualitativo

 Observación
 Descripción
 Análisis

1. Identificar el problema
2. Segmentar
3. Formular la presentación
4. Adquirir el permiso de acceso
5. Observación participativa
6. Entrevista en formato natural
7. Recolectar información
8. Análisis de datos

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