Weight and Balance Rigging / Class 86: Mezeker

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Weight and Balance rigging / Class 86

Phase 2-----Instrutor Mezeker

1-The correct dihedral angle can be determined by:

a-To measuring the angular setting of each at the rear spar with a bubble protractor
b-To placing a straightedge and bubble protractor across the spars while the airplane
c-By using a dihedral board and bubble protractor along the front spar on each wing
d-By using straight edge only

2- Change in direction of a control cable accomplished by:

a- Air leads c-turnbuckles
b- Pulleys d-Push pull roads

3-What is smallest cable size that may be used in aircraft primary flight
control system:
a-1/8” b-3/4” c-5/32” d-3/5”

4-When inspecting a control cable turn buckle for proper installation

determine that :
a-No more than three threats are exposed on either side of the turn buckle barrel
b-The terminal end threads are visible through the hole in barrel
c-The wire ends are wrapped a minimum of four turns around the terminal end hanks
d-None of above

5-Placing a piece of lint free cloth around a stainless steel control cable is
generally this factory of:
Answer missing b-

6- Missing…………………………b- ………………………………..

7-The tension regulator in flight control system is used for:

a-To increase the cable tension in cold weather
b-To provide a means of cable tension change in flight
c-To maintain cable tension with in the limit in all conditions
d-None of the above

8-The universal propeller protractor is used to measure:

a- Propeller track c-Degrees of control surface travel
b- Aspect ratio of the wing d-Cable tension
9-Which cable is the most flexible as used on aircraft control system?
a- 7x7 b-7x19 c-19x19 d-All

10-What is/are the purpose of a/c weight and balance?

a- Fight safety c-Operational efficiency
b- Structure safety d-All

11-Aircraft manufactures are supposed to weight and balance out of:

a- 3 b-5 c-10 d-15

12-Which of following could be affected in an A/C is improperly

a- Ceiling b-Maneuverability c-Rate of climb d-B and C
e- All of the above

13-The maximum weight of an A/C is the

a- Empty weight plus crew, maximum fuel cargo and baggage
b- Empty weight plus crew, passengers and fixed equipments
c- Empty weight plus crew, and fixed equipments

14-Empty weight and center of gravity of an A/C is determined

a- At a time of A/C manufacturing
b-At each period and level flight
c-During straight and level flight
d-During test fight check

15-Which of the following will cause C.G shift in flight?

a- Aircraft painting c-Major alternation
b- Pilot report d-All

16-Which of the following will cause C.G shift in flight?

a- Depletion of fuel in flight c-Retraction & extension of landing gear
b- Movement of crew and passenger d-All e-None

17-Which one of the following is a pay load?

a-Pilot b-Fuel c-Baggage d-Aircraft e-None

18-In which documents do we find the weight and balance

a- Aircraft specification c-Aircraft flight manual
b- TCDS d-All
19-One of the following will not be included in the empty weight of
the aircraft
a- Residual fuel
b- Optional or special equipment which has a fixed location on the aircraft
c- Hydraulic fluid d-All C-None

20- A reference line on which all measurements are taken for weight
and balance control… Answer missing ……………b- …..

21-… missing ………equipment on A/C affects

a- Empty weight b-C.G c-Useful load d-A and B e-All

22-The most convenient location for installation of temporary

a-The tail section of the A/C
b-At a very strong structural member
c-Any where
d- At the cargo compartment

23-For weight and balance control purpose any occupant of an

aircraft seat weight is:
a- 150 b-160 c-170 d-210 e- None

24-The deliberate attempt to load an aircraft is in a manner that

will create the most critical balance condition and still remain with in
the design C.G limit is
a- Adverse loading check c-Maximum weight check
b- Empty weight check d-None

25-What type items are loaded between the forward and aft ward
C.G limit during adverse load check?
a-All useful items c-Depends on type of the check
b- Minimum of essential item d-No item is loaded in the C.G range

26-One of the following is not true about weighting an aircraft:

a-The aircraft should be weighted in well ventilation area
b-The aircraft should be free form excessive dirt
c-The accuracy of the scale must be established
d- Tare weight should be subtracted form the scale reading
27-Private aircraft are required by regulation to be weighted
a- True b-False

28-During small A/C loading over weight is more critical than

out of balance. The reason is:
a- Small aircraft are loaded with very small C.G item
b-The C.G range is very restricted
c-The loading points are concentrated around the C.G range
d-The question statement is wrong

29-What is the effect of an item on the A/C if it datum is

ahead of the nose?
a-Increase b-Decrease c-Does not change d-Can not be determined

30-The following data was obtained on weighting a tricycle

Nose wheel weight--------------------------------320
Right main wheel weight------------------------816
Left main wheel weight--------------------------810
Horizontal difference b/n weighting point----75
Datum is 40 in forward of the nose wheel center line
Question: Determine the C.G location ?

Weighting point Scare Average? moment

Right wheel 816 115 93840
Left wheel 810 115 93150
Nose (f) 320 40 12800
Total 1946 ============== 199490

C.G=moment (total) : weight (total)


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