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The Twelve Steps

Programs / Meetings

Paton, Wally
Back to Basics

Paton, Wally
How to Listen to God

Big Book of AA

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions

As Bill Sees It

Pass it On

Twenty-four Hours a Day

Dr. Bob and the Good Old Timers

AA Comes of Age

Living Sober

The Little Red Book

A New Pair of Glasses

Drop the Rock

“Serenity” (collection / meditations)


Inspirational / Recovery

Daily Reflections

Around the Year with Emmet Fox

History of AA / Not God

[ ?]
The Language of Letting Go

Each Day a New Beginning

The Promise of a New Day


Further Afield:

Carnes, Patrick
A Gentle Path Through the Twelve Steps

Gorski, __
Understanding the Twelve Steps

Henry Drummond
The Greatest Thing in the World (Sermon on the Mount)

The Book of James

AA Prayers collection

Yet even further:

Mark Houston / Dave Frederickson “Steel on Steel”

Sandy Beach reading list

The Twelve Step Buddhist (?)

James, William
On the Varieties of Religious Experience

Susan Cheever’s biography of WGW

Other biographies [ ? ]

Francis Hartigan [ ? ]
Spiritual / Related

The Upanishads

The Bhagavad Gita

The Bible

The Greatest Salesman in the World

Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

Thich Nat Hanh - Anything

Eckhart Tolle - Everything

esp. The Power of Now and Practicing the Power of Now
and also A New World

Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet, also The Duino Elegies

T.S. Eliot, The Four Quartets

C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Unclassified [ including Deep Ecology, Transcendentalists, Art, Poetry, etc.]

Werner & influencers [possibly no book(s)

J. Krishnamurti

Alan Watts x 1000

D. T. Suzuki

Bernie Siegel

Byron Katie - Anything, esp. Loving What Is

Ram Dass

Vandana Shiva
Unclassified [Cont.]

Johanna Macy

Scilla Elworthy
Pioneering the Possible

Mary Oliver


Audre Lourde

William Hutcheson Murray

The Scottish Himalayan Expedition

Jean Houston



Jon Kabat Zinn

Thomas Merton

Teillard de Chardin?

Yvonne Chouinard

West With the Night by Beryl Markham

Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham

Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne

The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

The Narnia Tales by C.S. Lewis

Lynn Hill [ Women climbing ]

Antoine de St. Exupery

Night Mail
Flight to Arras
The Little Prince

Richard Bach (?)

what ever happened to The Bridge Across Forever (?)

Raymond Carver or no

Horace Afoot by Frederick Reuss

First Light by Charles Baxter

Richard Proeneke movies [ Alaska ]

oh no: The Rediscovery of North America (Barry Lopez?)

A People’s History of the U.S. by Howard Zinn

And these really should not go here they should go on a separate page but wtf
Rosalie Bertell’s “Planet Earth The Latest Weapon of War”
Andre Leu’s “The Myth of Safe Pesticides,” which is revised as “Poisoning Our Children”
The usgov’s “Owning the Weather by 2025,” and likewise, “Full Spectrum Dominance”
and no library should be without SBN-13: 978-0615412566
ISBN-10: 0615412564
by Would You dith

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