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Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Grade 8)

I Objectives
At the end of the class discussion, the students should be able to:

 define voice projection;

 appreciate the importance of voice projection in the communication
process; and
 perform the right way of projecting the voice.

II Subject Matter
Topic: Voice Projection

III Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer Miss Degayo, please lead the prayer.

Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed

be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy
will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; and
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive
those who trespass against us; and lead
us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil. Amen.
 Greetings
Good afternoon class!
How are you today? Good afternoon ma’am.
We’re fine ma’am.
Alright that’s good! Before
sitting down, kindly arrange your Yes, ma’am!
chairs properly and pick up the pieces
of dirt under your chair.

 Checking of Attendance

Who are absent?

Eugene, please check the None ma’am.
attendance for today?
 Monitoring of assignments.

Do we have any assignment?

None ma’am.
B. Review

OK. So, let us have a short review

about our lesson yesterday. Last meeting, we discussed about the
What did we discuss yesterday? Figure of Speech and its different kinds.

Ok, yes very good!

Who can give me at least 2 figures
of speech?
Yes, Grace?
Simile and Hyperbole, Ma’am.
Very good!
So, what is Simile? A simile is a figure of speech that directly
Ok, John? compares two things, Similes use the
words like or as to compare things
Examples: She is as innocent as an

That’s correct!
And what is Hyperbole?
Yes, Cherry? Hyperbole is a figure of speech that
involves an exaggeration of ideas for the
sake of emphasis. For example; Your
suitcase weighs a ton! and My
grandmother is as old as a hill.
Yes! Very well said Cherry!
Alright, so, I think all is clear about
the figures of speech. Am I
correct? Yes, ma’am!

C. Motivation

Alright Class today we’ll going to have a

game. Well going to have a puzzle game, Ok ma’am.
and it is called “Fill me”.

Alright class, good job for those who

answered the puzzle board.

So now, from the words in the puzzle

board. I have questions for you.

 Why do people shout or yell?

Yes, Arnel?
People shout because they want to
Yes, you have a point Arnel. express what they feel especially when
Thank you! they’re angry and/or calling someone far
from a person.
 Why do people whisper? Why do
you think?
Ma’am, I think people whisper because
Yes, Melody? they don’t want to express their feelings
loudly or they don’t want others hear
about what he/she is talking especially if it
a secret.

D. Presentation of the Lesson

Based on our short activity and based on
the words in the puzzle board, what do
you think is our lesson for today?

Yes, you’re absolutely right! Our “Voice Projection” ma’am.

topic for this afternoon is all about Voice
Yes ma’am.
But before we will start the
discussion, Ladies please read the thing
that we are going to obtain for this
afternoon. Learning Targets:
At the end of the class discussion:
 I can define voice projection
 I can appreciate the importance of
voice projection in the
communication process.
 I can perform the right way of
projecting the voice.

Thank you ladies.

E. Discussion
Now, who can give me an idea about
what voice projection is all about?
Voice Projection is the strength of
Yes, Solitaryo? Do you have an idea? speaking whereby the voice is used
loudly and clearly.

Ok, that’s right Solitaryo.

Voice Projection is the strength of
speaking whereby the voice is used
loudly and clearly. It is a technique
employed to command respect and
attention, as when a teacher talks to a
class, or simply to be heard clearly, as
used by an actor in a theatre.

When you are going to project

your voice, what are the possible parts of
your body necessary for voice projection?
Lungs and Diaphragm Maam.
Anyone? Yes, Miss Doralyn?

Yes, that’s correct. What else? Back of Throat and Abdominal Muscles
Yes, Angel? Maam.

Very good! You got it right.

So, the possible parts
necessary for voice projection are lungs,
diaphragm, back of throat, and the
abdominal muscle.

There are 5 different types of

voice projection. What are these? Can
you give me one? Whispering, Maam.
Yes, Dholyn?

Yes, correct another? Yelling , Maam.

Ok, Eugene?

Very good!
Voice projection has 5 different
types. These are; Whispered, soft,
conversational, loud, and yells. The 5 different types of voice projection
Can you give it again? are Whispered, soft, conversational, loud,
Princess? and yells.
That’s correct!
The projection of your voice will depend
upon how those possible parts of your
body necessary for voice projection
functions well and it will depend also from
the different types of projecting the voice.

So, when do you need to

project your voice?
Yes? Miss Sadio? When we are talking, we are already
projecting our voice.

Very good! So, whenever you speak, we

are already projecting our voice.

So, how are you going to relate

it in real- life situation? When you’re
approaching someone, would you need
to yell him? Whisper him? Or asking him Ma’am, when I’m approaching someone,
normally? What? there is no need for to yell because it’s a
Yes? Kenna? kind of inappropriate way, unless if he is
far from me, so I will call him loudly.

You’re right! That’s how you

should approach someone. Because your
voice projection matters. Am I clear? Yes, Ma’am.

Ok, now go back to your groups again. I

have here 2 boxes. The first box contains
sentences to be projected and the
second box contains the 5 types of voice
projection. Face one another. What you
are going to do is, the group 1 will pick
from the second box and the group 2 will
pick from the first box. After picking, the
group one will tell what the type of voice
projection they have drawn. The group 2
will execute or speak according to the
types of voice projection the group 1 had Yes, Sir.
picked. And then reverse.
Get it?

(After the activity)

Alright! You’ve really projected the
voice well. Let us give everyone a
fireworks clap!
Go back to your sets now.

. Generalization
Did you really understand now what is
voice projection all about and how
important it is applying in real life

From the 5 different types of Sir, I will choose the conversational way
voice projection; the Whispered, soft, of projecting my voice because it is
conversational, loud, and yells, what do appropriate talking to someone normally
you prefer especially in talking someone? without yelling.
Anyone? Yes, Kiven?

Very good Kiven! Very well said.

Any questions and clarifications Yes, sir.
about the Voice Projection? Did you now
understand what voice projection is all
about? None, sir.

Are there any questions?

F. Application
And now, group yourselves
again into 5 groups.Please count. I have
here a 5 different situations where you (5 Situations will be given. 1 situation in
are going to execute your voice according every group)
from the different types of voice
projection. I will give you the situation
written in a bond paper. In every situation
contains two characters only. What you
are going to do is to discuss it within your
group. Every group will be divided into
two characters. Practice it within your
group. You will be rated according to the

Rubrics in Rating the Activity

Group Cooperation-------------------30%
Voice Projection----------------------50%
(Students practicing their presentation)

You have 10 minutes to practice the


(After 10 minutes) (Group 1 presenting their situation)

I think everyone is ready for the
May I now call on the first (Students Clapping mosquito clap)
presenter, the group 1?
(Group 2 presentation)
Very good! Let’s give them a
Mosquito Clap!
(Students clapping Nice Clap)
May we have the group 2.

(Group 3 presentation)
Great job! Let’s give them a Nice Clap!
(Students clapping Train Clap)

And now, may we have the group 3. (Group 4 presentation)

Alright! Let’s give them a Train

(Group 5 presentation)
Next presenter, the group 4.

Very good group 4! Let’s give them a (Students clapping for AlingDyonisia
Let’s Go Clap! Clap)
Last but not the least, may we have the
group 5?

Alright! Let’s give the group 5

aAlingDyonisia Clap!
None, sir.
Alright everyone! You’ve really
presented it well, and congratulations. Go Yes, sir!
back to your respective sits now.
Any clarifications?

Are we all clear about voice


If there’s none, get ½ sheet of paper and

answer the following
IV Assessment
Instructions: Listen to the audio and identify what types of voice projection is being
implied. Choose your answer inside the box.
Whispered Yelling Loud

Soft Conversational


V Assignment
Answer the following questions.
1. What is the importance of voice projection?
2. How does voice projection helps you?
3. Who needs voice projection? Why?
4. Why is it important to improve the way we use our voice?
5. How do we improve our voice?

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