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Evidence: My sense of justice

I agree that some people are biologically predisposed to becoming criminals, because I have
read that genetics influences people's behavior. For example, when people go to adopt, they
are sometimes afraid of the genetic traits that the possible child has, precisely because they
may have behaviors typical of criminals.

I disagree with the idea that crime is a consequence of poverty; there are people who kill for
pleasure or because of psychiatric problems and they are not poor. Now, I think that crime
can be a consequence of problems in parenting, family abuse or lack of opportunities.

I totally disagree with the idea that you cannot reform a criminal, I believe widely in second
chances, in psychological therapy and in education as a path to change.

I totally disagree with the idea that to reduce crime we only need more police, because crime
is a structural problem, it is not enough to arrest people and reprimand them, because the
problem will continue. It is necessary to analyze the problems that turn people into criminals,
to prevent them both in them and in others who are prone to be.

I disagree with the idea that some criminals deserve the death penalty, as it goes against
human rights. Every day we lose humanity and although these people have committed crimes,
they have attempted against the humanity of others, no one can decide when they end the life
of another.

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