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Wear 255 (2003) 1–13

Progress towards standardisation of ball cratering

M.G. Gee a,∗ , A. Gant a , I. Hutchings b , R. Bethke c , K. Schiffman c ,
K. Van Acker d , S. Poulat e , Y. Gachon f , J. von Stebut g
a National Physical Laboratory, Centre for Materials Measurement and Technology, Queens Road, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 0LW, UK
b Department of Engineering, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, Mill Street, Cambridge CB2 1RX, UK
c Fraunhofer Institut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik, Bienroder Weg 54 E, D-38108 Braunschweig, Germany
d VITO, Boertang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium
e Teer Coatings Ltd., 290 Hartlebury Trading Estate, Hartlebury, Kidderminster, UK
f HEF R&D, ZI Sud, Rue Benoit Fourneyron, Andrezieux Boutheon Cedex, France
g Laboratoire de Science et Genie des Surfaces (LSGS), Ecole des Mines, Nancy F54042, France

The ball cratering (micro-abrasion) test is becoming popular as a method for the abrasion testing of surface engineered materials. It
possesses many advantages over more conventional abrasion tests including the ability to test small volumes of material and thin coatings,
its perceived ease of use and the low cost of the test equipment, and its versatility. Standards are now being drafted both in the USA
and Europe on ball cratering, but further work is needed before this work can be completed on the effect of test variables and the choice
of measurement method on the results that are achieved. This paper discusses these aspects of the test and its relevance to industrial
wear problems, and describes the results of a preliminary interlaboratory exercise that has been conducted in the UK to determine the
effectiveness of the test method. The paper will also give an outline of an EU funded project that has the aim of validating the test and
which brings together a consortium of 10 research partners from four European countries.
© 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Ball cratering; Abrasion; Wear testing; Coatings; Surface engineering

1. Introduction used for components with normal engineering finishes as

the depth of the wear damage is within the uncertainty
One of the primary functions for engineering coatings of measurement caused by the original roughness of the
such as TiN and diamond-like-carbon (DLC) is to improve surface.
the wear resistance and thus durability of components and One technique that has been considered for assessing the
products. To determine these aspects of the performance of resistance of coatings to single or repeated abrasion events
coatings, robust wear testing techniques are required. is scratch testing with single or multiple repeat scratches
Traditional techniques such as pin-on-disc or reciprocat- [4,5]. This shows considerable promise as a model test, but
ing sliding wear tests or the dry sand rubber wheel test have will not be considered further here.
been used successfully [1,2], but, particularly for thin hard This paper reviews ball cratering (otherwise known as
coatings, there can be considerable difficulties in perform- micro-abrasion testing) which is a promising new technique
ing tests [3]. This is often related to the fact that coating for assessing the wear resistance of coated and surface en-
thickness constrains the volume or depth of material that gineered components. It was developed from two earlier
can be removed before the coating is perforated. Thus for techniques. These are dimpling to prepare transmission
successful measurements of the wear of the coating, only electron microscope samples ready for ion-beam thinning
small amounts of wear can be tolerated. Traditional meth- and cap-grinding for the measurement of coating thickness.
ods of measurement such as mass loss become ineffective, In both cases spherical depressions were produced.
and even techniques such as profilometry often cannot be In ball cratering these techniques have been modified so
that wear properties can be determined by performing tests
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-208-943-6374; where the test parameters are carefully controlled so that
fax: +44-208-943-2989. repeatable and reproducible measurements of the wear re-
E-mail address: (M.G. Gee). sistance of materials can be made.

0043-1648/03/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
2 M.G. Gee et al. / Wear 255 (2003) 1–13

Currently there are no agreed test procedures in place for slide up the sample giving non-spherical craters [7]. There is
the use of this test. This is unfortunate as there are now also a potential source of error in the normal load due to the
a considerable number of systems installed both in Europe contribution to the effect of friction between the sample and
and worldwide (probably in the range of 50–150). This lack ball which alters the effective weight of the ball. In the com-
of control is leading to a deficiency in reproducibility in mercially marketed test system of this type [8], this potential
results. error is reduced by using a load cell placed under the sam-
To rectify this situation, there are currently major efforts ple holding plate to measure the real normal load. Finally, it
occurring in the USA through ASTM, and Europe through should be noted that for typical test balls, the maximum ap-
CEN to develop agreed procedures and standards for this plied load that can be used is relatively small (about 0.4 N).
test. In CEN a draft standard is near to publication. There is also another type of free ball machine which uses
The CRATER collaborative project, which is funded by a 30 mm ball supported on grooves on two rotating shafts
the EU, has the purpose of validating this draft standard and (Fig. 2b) [9,10]. The sample is clamped into a pivoted arm
this paper reports progress in that project. with dead weight loading applied directly above the ball.
The face of the sample is pressed against the top of the ball,
and the load is applied and the range is from 0.5 to 5 N.
2. Overview of test systems Again this test system variant suffers from uncertainty in
the speed of the ball because of the lack of the direct drive.
Three variants of the test system have emerged. In all However, the twin shaft arrangement avoids the potential
the different types of system wear is produced by press- error in applied load due to friction between the ball and the
ing a rotating wheel or ball against the test sample, and test sample, and also enables higher test loads to be applied
introducing an abrasive suspension into the wear interface than with the inclined plane system.
(Fig. 1). In the directly driven configuration (Fig. 2c), the ball is
In the rotating wheel or dimpler system, a spherical de- driven directly by clamping the ball in a split drive shaft
pression is produced by rotating the sample under the ro- which allows balls to be removed and replaced easily. The
tating wheel. To carry out tests effectively it is essential to sample is pressed into the rotating ball from the side by test
accurately align the axis of sample rotation with the contact loads placed on the weight pan. This design also allows for
point between the test wheel and the sample. Although this the application of loads exceeding the mass of the ball. Test
has been achieved [6], the need for exact alignment makes systems of this type are now also marketed within Europe
this type of test difficult to carry out. [11].
In the cap-grinding or free ball system a free ball is driven There is considerable interest in these techniques for the
by friction at the contact with a notched drive shaft (Fig. 2a). abrasion testing of coatings. It is estimated that approxi-
Because the ball is not directly driven, there is some uncer- mately 50–150 test systems of the different types described
tainty in the speed of the ball. However, the grip of the ball above have been set up in the last few years at a number of
on the shaft can be improved by the use of rubber driving coating suppliers, users and research establishments. There
elements on the shaft [7]. The normal load is generated from are several reasons for this:
the weight of the ball resting on the test sample. It is varied
• The test equipment is relatively cheap to purchase or man-
by altering the angle of the sample holding plate. However,
it has been found that as the angle is reduced to increase the
• Test samples can be quite small as the size of the wear
normal load, there is an increasing tendency for the ball to
scar that is produced is small. This enables the technique
to be used on small test coupons produced during the
development of new coatings; as a technique suitable for
quality control testing of coatings; and perform tests on
coated components to check the quality.
• It has the potential to be developed into an on-site test
system, i.e. the test can be carried out in the field rather
than the component having to come to the test laboratory.
• The test system seems simple and is thus attractive.
• The test system can also be used for thickness measure-
• The test system can be used for profiling.
This latter point is particularly useful since depth scars
often appear to be deep in systems with a hard coating on a
soft substrate when in fact the actual loss of material be quite
small with the depth of the wear scar caused by substrate
Fig. 1. Principle of test. deformation.
M.G. Gee et al. / Wear 255 (2003) 1–13 3

Fig. 2. Different test systems: (a) free ball-single shaft; (b) free ball-two shaft; (c) fixed ball.

3. Basic principles This relationship assumes that the shape of the crater is
conformal to the shape of the ball. This assumption has been
In the ball cratering test abrasive slurry is dripped into the shown to be true in many cases.
contact between the ball and the sample. Tests can be carried The Archard wear law states that the volume of wear V =
out limiting the duration of the test so that no perforation of KSN where K is a constant (the wear rate), S the sliding
the coating occurs. When perforation does occur, analysis distance and N the applied load. This has often been found to
of measurements of overall crater diameter (b in Fig. 1) and be true, but in some cases a strong dependence of wear rate
the diameter of the crater in the substrate (a in Fig. 1) for on the number of revolutions and hence the sliding distance
sets of tests performed to different test durations can yield was found [7].
wear rates for the substrate and the coating. However if the Archard wear law is followed, the wear
rate K is described by
3.1. Tests without perforation
πb4 1
K= (2)
For monolithic materials, or for tests where perforation of 64R SN
the coating does not occur the volume V of a crater is given
by By performing tests without perforation of the coating wear
rates can be measured easily for different coatings. This
πb4 process is illustrated in Fig. 3 where a number of experiments
V = (1)
64R have been performed on a range of coatings. In Fig. 3a
with 2b the crater diameter, and R the ball radius (for b  measurements of the overall crater diameter are given. As
R). the test duration (number of revolutions) increases the size
4 M.G. Gee et al. / Wear 255 (2003) 1–13

Fig. 3. Tests performed on range of coated samples: (a) increase in overall crater diameter with increased test duration; (b) calculated wear rates from
non-perforated craters.

Fig. 4. Use of non-perforating test to determine wear rate of metal containing DLC coatings as a function of metal content. Free ball-single shaft system [7].
M.G. Gee et al. / Wear 255 (2003) 1–13 5

of the crater increases. Perforation occurs for some of the 3.2. Tests with perforation
Eq. (1) is used to calculate the wear rates shown in When perforation of the coating occurs, the procedure
Fig. 3b. Only the values for crater diameter for the craters that was originally developed by Rutherford and Hutchings
where perforation does not occur are used. It can be [13,14] can be used.
seen that reasonably consistent (independent of sliding A series of tests are performed with different durations.
distance) wear rates are obtained for the four different The inner crater diameters (a in Fig. 1) and overall crater
coatings. diameter (b) are both measured. Typical results are shown in
Another example is shown in Fig. 4 which shows the Fig. 5a. It can be seen that there is a steady increase in the
variation in wear rate with metal content for W–C:H and size of both diameters. Note that perforation of the coating
Ti–C:H coatings [7]. occurs at a relatively early stage.
This technique has been shown to be effective for coatings The analysis assumes that progress of the wear in a crater-
as thin as 1 ␮m [12]. ing test follows Archard’s law, but this needs to be modified

Fig. 5. Analysis of results of series of ball cratering test on TiN coated steel sample. Rutherford and Hutchings [14]: (a) crater diameters; (b) results of
6 M.G. Gee et al. / Wear 255 (2003) 1–13

to take account of the perforation of the coating after a short

while. This is done by using an extended Archard’s law for
a coating–substrate system which can then be used:
1 1
SN = Vc + Vs (3)
Kc Ks
where Kc and Ks are the wear coefficients of the coating and
substrate, respectively, and Vc and Vs the measured wear
volumes and SN the sliding distance multiplied by the ap-
plied load.
There are different ways of implementing Eq. (3). It could
be solved using a multiple least squares approach. The wear
coefficients Kc and Ks are then considered both as unknowns.
However, the equation is rather unstable, because of the
relationship between Vc and Vs .
A better methodology is to rewrite Eq. (3) as a linear
function. Conventionally two forms are used. The first one is
SN 1 1 Vc 1
= − + (4)
Vt Kc K s Vt Ks
where Vt is the total worn volume. The formula is more sta-
ble when Vc /Vt < 0.5. A second way of rewriting Eq. (4) is
SN 1 1 Vs 1
= − + (5)
Vt Ks Kc Vt Kc
Application of (3) to the results presented in Fig. 5a gives
the results of Fig. 5b when the thickness of the coating is
substituted into (4). For further details on the analysis of
results see Ref. [15]. Fig. 6. Effect of abrasive size on crater: (a) deep grooving from coarse
abrasive; (b) well defined crater from fine abrasive [7].

4. Parameters affecting results

will be upper limit of abrasive which can be drawn into the
As in any wear test, there are a large number of parameters
interface between the ball and the sample [12]. Clearly if
that affect the results of ball cratering tests. These include
no abrasive is present at the interface, the wear mechanism
• the abrasive material; changes radically. For the size of balls that are normally used
• the abrasive size; (25 mm diameter), this limit will be in the range of 10–20 ␮m
• the abrasive shape; diameter. This is the main reason that this test is most ap-
• the abrasive loading; propriate (for abrasion testing) for use with fine abrasives.
• the type of suspension fluid; Typically abrasives less than about 5 ␮m diameter are used.
• the load; Under some conditions, craters made with coarse abra-
• the speed; sives can be difficult to measure as the edge of the craters
• the ball material; are obscured by grooving from the abrasive. When this oc-
• the ball surface condition. curs, the use of finer abrasive can give better crater definition
(Fig. 6) [7].
4.1. Abrasive As with all abrasive tests, the shape of the abrasive is
important. Abrasives with more angular shapes will give
The abrasive material is clearly important. The main rea- higher loading when they are pressed and moved against the
son is the hardness of the abrasive, and in general, the harder sample. For this reason abrasive damage and wear are likely
is the abrasive, the higher is the wear rate. However, it is to be higher for more angular shaped abrasive particles.
important to realise that it is the relative ratio of hardness
between the abrasive, the ball material and the sample that 4.2. Abrasive loading and load
is important.
The size of the abrasive is also important. It has been The effect of applied load and the concentration of abra-
shown from consideration of the frictional forces that act be- sive in the slurry are linked. As the load is increased there
tween the test surfaces and the abrasive particles that there is a transition from a three-body rolling wear mechanism
M.G. Gee et al. / Wear 255 (2003) 1–13 7

Fig. 7. Ball cratering wear mechanism map for tool steel sample with Fig. 9. Variation in magnitude of wear of tool steel sample with SiC
SiC abrasive [18]. abrasive slurry concentration [18].

to a two-body grooving mechanism. Conversely, as the vol- The gross appearance of craters tested in the two-body
ume fraction of abrasive is increased, there is transition grooving regime are typically shiny in appearance (Fig. 8b)
from two-body grooving to three-body rolling. These transi- with a regular array of grooves over the surface. By con-
tions can best be expressed [16] by a wear mechanism map trast, surfaces of samples tested in the rolling regime are
(Fig. 7). Typical micrographs of the surfaces of samples pro- dull in appearance (Fig. 8a) with much more random
duced in these different regimes are given in Fig. 8. damage.
The slurry concentration also affects the magnitude of
wear that occurs, normally with higher wear in the rolling
wear regime at higher slurry concentrations [16] (Fig. 9).
When the load is increased further, the phenomena of
ridging occurs (Fig. 10). Little or no wear occurs at the
centre of the scar because of blocking of abrasive ingress
at the centre of the contact resulting from the high Hertzian
contact pressures at the centre of the contact. This prevents
abrasive from entering this contact region and thus reduces
or eliminates abrasive wear in the centre of the scar. The
ridging prevents further increases in wear with increasing
load above a critical load value (Fig. 11).

Fig. 8. Worn surfaces of tool steel samples tested with SiC abrasive in: Fig. 10. Ridge formed at centre of crater on TiN coated tool steel sample
(a) rolling wear regime; (b) grooving wear regime [18]. under high load dry sliding conditions.
8 M.G. Gee et al. / Wear 255 (2003) 1–13

Fig. 11. Lack of variation of wear with changing load for WC/Co sample tested with SiC abrasive. Lack of wear is correlated with increasing size of ridge.

4.3. Suspension fluid 4.5. Ball material

Clearly, if the composition of the slurry suspension fluid There are two effects of changing the ball material, both
promotes corrosion or chemical reaction with the sample, due to the changes in the relative hardness. Thus a softer
a synergistic effect of variation of the wear rate is likely ball will encourage embedding of abrasive particles into the
to occur. Although there is some evidence that the physical ball, reducing separation between the surfaces and enhancing
properties of the fluid such as viscosity may have an impact grooving wear.
on results [7] for high viscosity fluids such as glycerine, If very soft balls are used, the normal assumption in the
for many practical suspension fluids (e.g. water), the speed calculation of wear volumes that the wear scar is conformal
of relative motion between the ball and the sample is suf- to the unstressed shape of the ball may not be true. The
ficiently low that hydrodynamic lubrication effects are not ball deforms under the applied load so that the contact area
important. becomes much larger than would be otherwise expected.
There may be lubrication effects due to changes in the This makes analysis of test results much more complex.
way the suspension fluid lubricates the contacts between the Unless there are special reasons for using other materials,
ball, abrasive particle and sample, but there is currently no most users use hardened steel balls.
clear evidence for this.
There is conflicting evidence over the effect of suspen- 4.6. Surface ball condition
sion dosage. Some workers suggest that as long as there
is always sufficient suspension at the wear interface there The condition of the test ball has been shown to have a
will be no effect on results, whilst others report a high major effect on the wear that occurs. As balls are used in
influence and state the need to dose the slurry precisely tests, they become roughened through abrasion and poten-
[7]. tially corrosive damage.
In experiments where the wear displacement was mea-
4.4. Sliding speed sured as a way of monitoring wear on-line, the wear obtained
with used balls was compared with the wear obtained with
The wear volume (at constant sliding distance) is largely new balls (Fig. 13). It was found that the wear displacement
independent of sliding speed, but increases somewhat for for the worn balls was more reproducible than with the new
very low speeds (Fig. 12a) [9]. ball. This was confirmed to be due to a lack of entrapment of
For the free ball machine, the tendency of the ball to slip abrasive particles with the new balls. As the test proceeds,
on the shaft increases as the speed increases. This can lead and the ball gradually roughens, abrasive becomes entrapped
to an apparent decrease in wear as the ball speed increases in an irregular random fashion. With the rougher used balls
(Fig. 12b) [7]. entrapment occurs almost immediately the test starts.
M.G. Gee et al. / Wear 255 (2003) 1–13 9

Fig. 12. Variation in wear volume with sliding speed: (a) for tool steel sample with fixed ball system and 4 ␮m SiC suspension [12]; (b) free ball single
shaft machine with DLC coating and 1 ␮m diamond suspension.

Although surface treatments have been developed for the • the fact that non-perfect crater shapes are often seen in
balls [17] to eliminate the variability introduced by this ef- tests;
fect, perhaps a better procedure is to condition new balls by • the theory for analysing results may not be appropriate
carrying out a “running in” procedure on the new balls on a for all materials and test conditions.
sacrificial part of the sample.
As well as reducing variability in results, the use of treated
5.1. ILL defined crater edges
or used balls increases the wear that is observed. However,
as wear to the test ball continues a flat band can be worn on
the ball giving erroneous results. It is therefore important to Often there can be difficulties in defining the edges of
ensure measure the ball at regular intervals and replace it if craters. Fig. 14 shows the edge of a crater made in a TiN
it becomes too worn. coating on tool steel. Grooving wear took place in this test,
but some of the grooves were so deep that it made mea-
surement of the inner crater diameter impossible in this case
(also see Fig. 8). Fig. 14 also shows that there is a region of
5. Factors affecting measurements
scuffing that has occurred around the edge of the crater. This
scuffing can cause difficulties in determining the real edge
Factors that affect measurement are
of the crater. Thus in Fig. 15, optical microscopy can be seen
• the difficulty in resolving the edges of craters; to overestimate the size of the craters by comparison to di-
• the method of scar size measurements; rect profilometric measurement of wear volume [12] (look
10 M.G. Gee et al. / Wear 255 (2003) 1–13

at the gap between the two craters when comparing the two
measurement methods).

5.2. Different measurement methods

The different measurements that have been used for crater

size measurement are
• optical microscopy through image analysis or travelling
• profilometry through interference microscopy, laser opti-
cal techniques, or mechanical probe devices.
The use of profilometry sometimes overcomes the diffi-
culties mentioned in the last section, but clearly the bound-
ary between the portion of the crater in the coating, and
the portion in the substrate cannot be distinguished by this
method, as profilometry can only be used for testing where
perforation does not occur.

5.3. Reproducibility

The ball cratering instrument has been tested using stan-

dard wear protective coatings, e.g. DLC, W–C:H and TiN.
The results for W–C:H and TiN are shown in Fig. 16 [7].
The sliding distance (number of revolutions) has been ad-
justed in a way that the wear process is limited to a depth of
1 ␮m, where the wear properties of the coating could be mea-
sured without influence of the substrate or interlayer. The
measurements show high reproducibility of the wear depth
Fig. 13. Wear displacement traces for three repeat tests on silver steel (1% measurement with a standard deviation of less than 5%.
carbon steel) with SiC abrasive: (a) new test balls; (b) used test balls [19].

Fig. 14. Poorly defined edge of crater.

M.G. Gee et al. / Wear 255 (2003) 1–13 11

Fig. 15. Twin (same test conditions) craters on tool steel sample: (a) optical micrograph; (b) height map from profilometric measurement [12].

5.4. Comparison between perforating tests and Between these two limits either type of test and the relative
non-perforating tests merits of both types of test will vary with the materials that
are being tested.
It is useful to compare the two modes of use of the ball A systematic comparison between perforating and
cratering test. Clearly for thick coatings (more than 10 ␮m non-perforating tests has not yet been made; this is one of
in thickness), the non-perforating test will be most useful the expected outcomes of the CRATER EU project.
as perforation for these coatings will take a long time. In
this situation, good measurement accuracy can be achieved
without the need to make the assumptions that lie behind 6. Preliminary interlaboratory exercise
the analysis for the perforating test that may not be valid in
all cases. For thin coatings (less than 1 ␮m) the coatings are A preliminary interlaboratory exercise is being conducted
perforated very quickly, and the only possible route is the to give further information on the reproducibility and re-
use of the perforating test. However, as the coating becomes peatability of the test method. Four laboratories in the UK
thinner, it becomes increasingly difficult to measure and dif- are participating, and were asked to follow a procedure
ferentiate the relative sizes of the inner and outer craters so defined by NPL [19] that included both perforating and
accuracy is a concern. non-perforating tests.
12 M.G. Gee et al. / Wear 255 (2003) 1–13

Fig. 16. Repeatability of non-perforating ball crater tests on free-ball-single

shaft system. Red is tungsten doped DLC, and blue is TiN [7].

Samples of TiN, nominally 6 ␮m thick, on a stainless steel

substrate were prepared. Two of these samples and 4 ␮m
SiC abrasive were distributed to the participants.
Initial results are shown in Fig. 17 (at the time of writing
only three laboratories had returned results). The measure-
ments of crater diameter show that although there is rea-
sonable repeatability, the results from one laboratory were
consistently a little higher than the results for the other labo-
ratories (Fig. 17a). This is also reflected in the wear volume
results (Fig. 17b). These results are nevertheless quite en-
couraging as they show that very similar measures of wear
have been found from both laboratories, although there
is a small systematic difference in the results for the two
Ball cratering is a technique that is also used to measure
the thickness of coatings [18]. The other result from the
interlaboratory exercise shows good agreement from the two
laboratories in terms of thickness measurement (Fig. 17c).
However, the measured coating thickness does tend to drop
as the sliding distance increases.
Further analysis of the results, including the application of
the Rutherford and Hutchings method [13,14] will be made
when all four sets of results are available.

7. Standardisation activities

Because the ball cratering test has such obvious advan-

tages over other possible test methods for the evaluation of
the wear properties of coatings, there is ongoing activity to
standardise the test in both USA and Europe.
In USA the test is being standardised within ASTM com-
mittee G2 where a draft standard is nearing completion.
In Europe a draft standard has now been accepted by CEN Fig. 17. Initial results from preliminary interlaboratory exercise: (a) crater
diameters; (b) wear volume; (c) coating thickness.
and will shortly be published as ENV 1071-6.
The standardisation activities are being supported by an
EU funded project, CRATER, on the standardisation of the measurement methods for the evaluation of coatings wear
ball cratering test. Ten organisations from the UK, France, and friction performance. This will be accomplished by
Belgium and Germany are collaborating in the project. validating the draft European Standard. In addition to the
The CRATER project has the objective of assisting Eu- development of an agreed test method, the project will
ropean industry to acquire access to validated and robust involve further development of the test system and analysis
M.G. Gee et al. / Wear 255 (2003) 1–13 13

methods, and validation of the technique and its relevance References

to industrial coatings.
[1] E. Santner, D. Klaffke, G. Meier zu Kocker, Comprehensive
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8. Conclusions
[2] H. Ronkainen, K. Holmberg, K. Fancey, A. Matthews, B. Mathes,
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sented, and the effect of variation in test conditions on thin hard coatings (FASTE), Final Report, EU Contract, MAT1-CT
results discussed. The main parameters that affect wear are 940045.
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and the test load. Changes in the abrasive concentration af- of Hard Materials, Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 75,
fect the type of wear that is observed, with a grooving wear Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1986, p. 919.
seen with low concentrations, and higher magnitude rolling [5] S.J. Bull, D.S. Rickerby, A. Matthews, A. Leyland, A.R. Pace, J.
Valli, Surf Coat. Technol. 36 (1988) 503.
wear observed with higher concentrations of abrasive. Vari- [6] R. Gahlin, M. Larssen, P. Hedenquist, S. Jacobson, S. Hogmark,
able results were found when polished test balls were used Surf. Coat. Technol. 90 (1997) 107.
without any preparation. Simple running in or other sur- [7] R. Bethke, K. Schiffmann, Ball Cratering Wear Test: Review
face preparation treatments have been found to be effective of the State of the Art, Fraunhofer Institut fur Schicht und
in eliminating this problem. When the test load is raised Oberflachentechnik, Braunschweig, May 2001.
[8] Calowear Test System, CSEM, Neuchatel, Switzerland.
above a critical value, abrasive cannot reach the centre of [9] Y. Gachon, Industrial Experience from HEF R&D on Abrasion
the contact between the ball and the sample due to the high Testing by Ball Cratering System, HEF R&D, May 2001.
contact pressures at this point. This leads to starvation of [10] Gencoa Ball Cratering Test System, Manchester, UK.
abrasive from this region giving rise to the phenomena of [11] TE 66 Test System, Phoenix Tribology, Newbury, UK.
“ridging”. For this reason, testing is only meaningful at test [12] D.N. Allsop, Abrasive wear of bulk materials and hard coatings,
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1999.
loads below this critical value. [13] K.L. Rutherford, I.M. Hutchings, A micro-abrasive wear test, with
Some of the factors that affect measurement have also particular application to coated systems, Surf. Coat. Technol. 79
been discussed such as the definition of edges and the tech- (1996) 231–239.
nique used to make measurements. [14] K.L. Rutherford, I.M. Hutchings, Theory and application of a
The initial results from a preliminary interlaboratory exer- micro-scale abrasive wear test, J. Test. Eval. 25 (1997) 250–
cise on the test method show promising reproducibility and [15] M.G. Gee, A. Gant, I. Hutchings, R. Bethke, K. Schiffmann, K. Van
repeatability in results. Acker, S. Poulat, Y. Gachon, J. von Stebut, Review of ball cratering
Standardisation of the test is now taking place in both or micro-abrasion wear testing of coatings, NPL Report MATC(A)62,
the USA through ASTM and in Europe through CEN. The October 2001.
standardisation activity is supported by an EU funded project [16] R.I. Trezona, et al., D.N. Allsopp, I.M. Hutchings, Transitions
between two-body and three-body abrasive wear: influence of test
which has the aim of validating the draft standard which is conditions in the microscale abrasive wear test, Wear 225–229 (1999)
near to publication by CEN. 205–214.
[17] D.N. Allsop, R.I. Trezona, I.M. Hutchings, The effect of ball surface
condition in the micro-abrasive wear test, Tribol. Lett. 5 (1998) 259–
Acknowledgements 264.
[18] CEN Draft Standard, ENV 1071-6, Advanced Technical Ceramics—
Methods of Test for Ceramic Coatings—Part 6: Determination of
The authors would like to acknowledge the support the Abrasion Resistance of Coatings by a Micro-abrasion Wear Test,
of the EU through the Framework V Growth contract July 2002.
GRD1-2000-00415 and the UK Department of Trade and [19] M.G. Gee, Procedure for ball cratering test, NPL Report MATC(A)52,
Industry through the Materials Measurement Programme March 2001.
for some of the work reported in this paper.

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