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Made by Leanne van Bokkem

On the seventeenth of December I went to the cinema to see Harry potter part 7: the deathly
hallows. I went there with a friend of mine at quarter to four we arrived, half an hour later the
film started. In this report I¶ll subscribe the film and what¶s behind it: like the director and
who play the main characters.

Page one: front
Page two: Introduction and index
Page three: Information and form
Page four: Contents, Function and my opinion
The fil i called Harry Potter, it already the seventh part of this fil and is called The
Deathly Hollows. It has been directed by. These are some main characters:
Harry Potter played byDaniel Radcliffe
Ron Weasley played byRupert Grint
Hermione Grangerplayed byEmma Watson
Voldemort played by Richard Bremmer
DracoMalfoy played by Tom Felton
Albus Dumbledore played by Richard Harris
Severus Snape played by Alan Rickman
And RubeusHagrid played by Robbie Coltrane
I saw this film in Cinema Arceplex in Spijkenisse on the seventeenth of December. All the way down you see some

Harry, Herminy and Ron were most of the time in the forest, Voldemort was looking for
them, so they had to hide from the haunters. Because of this they got a little dirty, but they
had everything they needed. Herminy had this enchanted bag, everything fitted in there even
the tent~. They scenes were sometimes a little bit anxious, because of the dark forest.
Even though the forest played a big role in the film, the music did that as well. When in a
scene a fight was, there was loud and fast music and when a quit peaceful scene, quiet and
slowly music. Also some different kind of music played a big role: special effects. You see,
everyone in the film, except Muggels (of humans) are wizards. So when they use there wand ,
you hear some weird sounds.
This story has started a couple years ago when Harry Potter found out, he could use magic.
Then he went to the Hogwarts school of magic. He found out his parents were the same as
himself, but they died a couple years ago. Voldermort had killed them, but Harry survived.
Because Voldermort tried to hurt Harry, he became part of him. Since then wanted
Voldermort revenge at Harry and tried to kill him in several ways. In Harry Potter you see
him grow up and getting stronger every day.
Before I tell you any further, you must know that the last part (seven) has been split in two
parts. The part I saw was part one, the second part will be released in June of 2011. The scene
which made the most impression was the scene the last one. In this scene Voldermort is
standing on top of the grave of Dumbledore , he was the ex-headmaster of Hogwarts~ before
he died. Voldermort is taking the wand Dumbledore, which is the most powerful one on the
entire earth. This scene was very important because you really want to know how it ends!
This film is in the genre of fantasy and is an adventure film.

I already told what did happen before part seven. This is how part seven goes:(the first part
Harry, Ron and Hermione must collect the Deathly Hallows, which can make Lord
Voldermort stronger. They must destroy them, to destroy Voldemort forever. They are alone,
because they ran into the forest to hide from the seekers. They can¶t come back and get help
because Voldermorts supporters are waiting for them. Because they are stuck with each other,
so they are relied on their friendship and they must trust each other .
In the meantime a long feared war broken out and Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic over
by Death Eaters. They want that all the Muggles, halfbloods, mudbloods and people who
counteract are being arrested or being murdered. Even though Voldemort want to get rid of
these people, Harry Potter is still his main target. If that is going to work? We shall see it in
part two!
Harry, Hermione and Ron are the main characters:
Harry is determined, wisely and opinionated. He is a great wizard, who has powers like his
mom and dad, but also powers like Voldermort. For example he can talk to snakes in an
another languages, which Voldermort also can.In the film dates Harry, Ginny: Ron¶s little
Hermione is very smart and knows every single spell.She is also a little bit bossy from time to
time, she likes to have everything under her control. In the film dates Hermione, Ron
Ron is the one who is red-haired but should be blond, because he¶s sometimes very late
understanding.. When he does something he seems very sully. Bisides that he¶s very sweet to
all people and want every to be happy. He is also scared of a lot of things, especially of
Harry, Hermione and Ron aren¶t normal people: they are wizards and they represent that the
good will always win. In this case it is Voldermort who will lose again and again.
I commiserated the most with Ron, because Hermione and Harry never listen to him. Also
because he¶s very afraid of everything and is a part of the film all by himself. In that part you
see only Harry and Hermione, but you know that he¶s alone.

The film is made just to amuse. You see, the film is made by the book of J.K. Rowling and
that was also mend just to amuse. The environment played a big role to get your attention, it is
being filmed in Scotland and it is very beautiful there. The forest plays also a big role in the
film, it is dark and a little bit scary. It keeps very much the tension in the film as I said before.

When I went to the movie I expected a lot, after all I saw all the other parts. The film was
actually a little bit disappointed, because this part wasn¶t that exciting as the other parts were.
But I aspect the second part to be above all expectations. This last part is the final part of
Harry Potter. In this part Voldermort shall be dead forever. I think it was again a good film,
all Harry Potters films are! This one was only a little bit monotonous, they were only in the
forest. But after the disappointments I am very curious to the second part of the seventh film
of Harry Potter, which will be released in June 2011.

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