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First 45 Day Deliverables

Mastery Goal Within the first 45 days of school...

● 100% of scholars agree to the community code (school and classroom systems)
○ 100% of the adults understand the difference between cooperation and compliance (as observed) and work to abolish
harsh and punitive interactions with scholars
Virtual and in- ○ 100% of adults give logical consequences when a consequence is appropriate (observed / data points)
person ● 100% of educators, scholars, and parents consistently demonstrate investment in learning, excellent work habits, and on-task
Classroom behavior
engagement ● 100% of scholars understand the reasons for our behavior/classroom management systems and understand how the systems
&Managemen work
t & Discipline ● 100% of scholars understand virtual learning expectations document
● 100% of scholars attending online lessons daily
Priority 2& 3 ● Educators purposefully engage, celebrate, valorize scholars who don’t get the same attention as our most vulnerable children
● Educators adhere to the guidelines for behavior/classroom management (including properly managing up and communicating
about outliers) so that outliers are identified, have plans in place, and there are less than 5% outliers across any team they
● 100% of staff agree to expected organizational norms
● Leaders assesses staff members’ capacity against current roles and makes adjustments so that 100% of staff are optimally placed
People going into the remaining 160 days of the school year.
Management ● Principal and school leadership set clear expectations regarding adherence to high levels of professionalism within the staff’s’
roles, responsibilities, and expectations with their direct reports.
Priority 2 ● Leaders , discuss job performance with every staff member not meeting expectations.
● Staff complete 100% of deliverables assigned to them in a timely fashion and/or as defined with an understanding that submitting
work product late - or not completing assignments at all - is contradictory to our school mission.
Instructional ● All staff members study the academic data, so that 100% of the academic outliers from the previous year have concrete plans to
Management ensure a strong start to the school year (in the first 15 days).
○ build in checkpoints beyond generic versions of parent/scholar conferencing - and whenever we meet with parents to
Priority 3 discuss academic progress, we are always leading with data and presenting next steps for all parties ( need something
measurable here)
○ Scholars will received 100% of their accommodations and modifications as indicated by their IEP team within 15 days of
IEP being provided to the school.
● Leaders, and non-instructional teams have regular and effective structures in place for data and scholar work-study.
○ happening with fidelity
○ emerge with plans to close gaps
○ adults use the plans and make adjustments in service of achieving better and excellent results for scholars
● Educators valorize thinking across their grade teams and set clear expectations for intellectual preparation so that 100% of adults
are prepared for planning meetings.
● Educators and non-instructional staff members make reading and math a priority so that 100% of classrooms on their teams have
established a strong reading and math society.
● 100% of scholars enrolled are F&P tested within 10 days after date of enrollment
● 100% of scholars have a F&P goal and a guided reading plan to achieve goal within 10 days unless attendance is a barrier.
● 100% of scholars enrolled are Fast tested after 15 days after date of enrollment
● Leaders set clear expectations with parents regarding professional decorum so that 95% are on board and understand their
responsibilities to maintain a culture of mutual respect and academic superiority.
● Leaders hold parents accountable so that 90% of Homework and Reading Logs are complete by the deadline.
● Staff effectively communicating with parents so that they meet our school culture goals for attendance, on-time arrival, homework,
and reading logs.
Student and
● Leaders set clear communication about 24-hour communication policy so that 95% of parents return phone calls and respond to
email in 24 hours -, and those who do not are held accountable.
Investment &
● 100% of the adults in our school respond to parents within by the next school day of contact 100% of the time
● 100% of teachers lead engaging classroom discourse that motivates and inspire scholars to talk about the joy of learning when at
home, with their peers, or in the community.
Priority 2
● 100% wear the school uniform while in the school building as outlined.
● Adults are dressed professionally when scholars are present except for field day, field trips, and athletic events. Scholars and
adults are professionally dressed for field study unless the casual dress is required for an interactive, hands-on experience where
clothing may be damaged or soiled.
● 100% of students adhere to online expectation.
● School leaders effectively build a team around our mission so that 100% of the adults feel inspired by our mission and call to
● School Leaders set clear expectations so that 100% of their direct reports are responsive to their manager, both seeking out and
quickly implementing feedback.
● 100% of our adults excelling in areas of mastery readily share their best practices and approach.
● 100% of adults struggling in areas of mastery consistently manage up and ask for guidance, understanding that failing to seek
Priority 2
help is a disservice to children.
● 100% of adults do not engage in gossip of any kind.
● 100% of adults agree to resolve conflicts with each other before involving school leaders.
● 100% of staff and students are wearing face mask while in the school building while interacting with others
Health and
● 100% of staff are consciously socially distancing,
● All Staff are adhering COVID HR procedures
● All Classrooms are equipped with Hepa-ULPA Air-cleaning systems
Priority 1
● 100% of classrooms are sanitized and disinfected

Cultivating ● 100% of staff and students have been taught the history of Black National Anthem and recite the Black National Anthem at least
Confidence in once per week
scholars by ● 100% of staff and students have been taught the principles of the NGUZO Saba
building a ● 100% of the staff and students have engaged in a discussion on the significance of statement Black Lives Matter
strong African

Priority 2

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