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Running head: BIKO’S CASE STUDY 1

Biko’s case study



Biko’s case study

Question 1

From the way, he responded to the counseling session based on his attitudes, beliefs, and

his behaviors both in the past and present it is indeed true that Biko had some issues that needed

to be taken handled (Sue, Arredondo & McDavis, 1992). Biko was suffering from issues to do

with anger and being that he was aware of his issues it will thus be easier to intervene his case. In

addition to anger, Biko was also suffering from pornographic addiction. All the concerns

presented by Biko were likely contributed by his background and past experiences in life. For

instance, from his case, Biko's parents were always fighting and even divorced when he was

young thus this may have contributed to his anger issues as the only way to solve his problems.

Consequently, his anger could have resulted in the fact that Biko hated the fact that his parents

remarried and even after kept on fighting. His problem to do with pornographic addiction that

seems to be getting to the next level likely as a result of issues to do with intimacy in his

relationship and being that he spend most of the time alone. Even though Biko has been trying to

contain his anger issues, it is still not enough and needs to be helped out. For Biko to be able to

control his rage, there is a need for him to try to be more sociable and make friends.

Question 2

Based on the tripartite framework additional information concerning the nature of the

counseling procedure would be quite helpful. For instance, it would be crucial if the counselor

could mention their race as Sue explains that the in cases where the counselor is white, and the

client is an African American there may be an assumption by the counselor regarding the racial

and the cultural background of the client (Sue, 2001). Secondly, additional information

concerning the group level of tripartite framework could be helpful when it comes to

conceptualization as it will give more insights regarding the situation of Biko. The aspect of

commonalities as a human could also be relevant on this occasion relating to the case of Biko

and his girlfriend. From what it looked like this is just a common event that happens on a daily

basis in almost all the couples thus this case was not that much different. The information could

be collected from Biko himself by taking a deeper look into things during the counseling session

so as to get much information as possible. Consequently, the information could also be obtained

by questioning Biko during the counseling session.

Question 3

The considerations of interest to be looked into are the multicultural considerations and

the differences between the client and the counselor. The racial or cultural identity development

model explicitly addresses this concern surrounding the client counseling sessions. The model

explicitly acknowledges that there are a variety of differences between different groups of people

in the society. The differences between the client and the counselor might exist regarding the

cultural differences between the two and the race (Chavez & Guido‐DiBrito, 1999). For example,

when the counselor is white, and the client is black some differences need to be considered

during the session. Consequently, the model goes further to explain the different stages involved

in the process of counseling of which the preferences of the client keep on changing. Due to the

variations in the preferences of the client, the multicultural consideration is bound to change with

time thus affecting the effectiveness of the counseling process.

Question 4

I would approach the client by ensuring that my action does conform to the relevant laws,

ethics and professional standards while dealing with many cases. In this case, the counseling

process would involve managing the aggression by conflict meditation. I would advise Biko to

establish boundaries and be considerate when selecting the appropriate peer relationship to avoid

such occasions from happening. Consequently, I would use a personal approach where I could

help the client to be able to cope up with the current situation. Moreover, helping him contain his

anger would effectively s it prevent any future misunderstanding and physical aggression from

happening. Some of the ethical consideration involved in the whole process of dealing with Biko

situation requires confidentially and the decision-making ethics as to which solution is the best to

help him out of his situation. I would have intervened the situation of Biko by making the people

who he has collided with and also the rest of the students aware of the psychological situations

that we go through in our lives as a result of different circumstance. This act would be properly

integrated by coming up with a physiological seminar where the students could be taught on how

to handle cases of physiological problems. As such this will be conducted so as not to point

fingers to anyone. The situation might change the therapy process with Biko, he might feel his

confidentially is at stake (Paradise & Kramer, 1981). However, through professional guidance, it

would be easier to make him understand the situation before embarking on it.

Question 5

The cross-cultural approach might not work in this case as Biko seems to be quietly

aware of his ethnicity and also embrace the ethnical differences between the African Americans

and the white (Niedenthal, Krauth-Gruber, & Ric, 2006). Biko was noted to have been not be

biased by his ethnicity since he chooses to go to a predominantly white college contrary to his

parent's suggestions.


Chavez, A. F., & Guido‐DiBrito, F. (1999). Racial and ethnic identity and development. New

Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 1999(84), 39-47.

Niedenthal, P. M., Krauth-Gruber, S., & Ric, F. (2006). Psychology of emotion: Interpersonal,

experiential, and cognitive approaches. Psychology Press.

Paradise, L. V., & Kramer, H. (1981). Ethics in Counseling. Counseling and Values, 25(4), 219-


Sue, D. W. (2001). Multidimensional facets of cultural competence. The counseling

psychologist, 29(6), 790-821.

Sue, D. W., Arredondo, P., & McDavis, R. J. (1992). Multicultural counseling competencies and

standards: A call to the profession. Journal of Counseling & Development, 70(4), 477-


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