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Clinical and molecular characterisation of 80

patients with 5p deletion: genotype-phenotype
P Cerruti Mainardi, C Perfumo, A Calì, et al.

J Med Genet 2001 38: 151-158

doi: 10.1136/jmg.38.3.151

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J Med Genet 2001;38:151–158 151

Clinical and molecular characterisation of 80

patients with 5p deletion: genotype-phenotype
P Cerruti Mainardi, C Perfumo, A Calì, G Coucourde, G Pastore, S Cavani, F Zara,
J Overhauser, M Pierluigi, F Dagna Bricarelli

Abstract CdCS has an estimated incidence of be-

The majority of deletions of the short arm tween 1:15 000 and 1:50 000 live births.7 11
of chromosome 5 are associated with cri Among the mentally retarded population, the
du chat syndrome (CdCS) and patients prevalence may be as high as 1:350.7 Most
show phenotypic and cytogenetic variabil- CdCS patients have a de novo deletion (about
ity. To perform a genotype-phenotype 80%), parental translocations account for
correlation, 80 patients from the Italian slightly more than 10%, and rare cytogenetic
CdCS Register were analysed. Molecular aberrations cause less than 10%.7 Parent of
cytogenetic analysis showed that 62 pa- origin studies show a majority of paternally
tients (77.50%) had a 5p terminal deletion derived deletions: 20/2512 and 10/12.13
characterised by breakpoint intervals Although CdCS is a well defined clinical
ranging from p13 (D5S763) to p15.2 entity, subjects with 5p deletion show pheno-
(D5S18). Seven patients (8.75%) had a 5p typic and cytogenetic variability. The existence
interstitial deletion, four (5%) a de novo of a critical region responsible for the CdCS
translocation, and three (3.75%) a familial phenotype was suggested from the karyotype
translocation. Of the remaining four pa- analysis of 35 Danish patients with 5p deletion,
tients, three (3.75%) had de novo 5p indicating that a region in 5p15.2-15.3 must be
anomalies involving two rearranged cell deleted for the typical phenotype of the
lines and one (1.25%) had a 5p deletion syndrome to be present.7 14 This hypothesis was
originating from a paternal inversion. The supported by the identification of subjects with
origin of the deleted chromosome 5 was deletions not encompassing 5p15.2 and who
paternal in 55 out of 61 patients (90.2%). either did not display the classical CdCS
Genotype-phenotype correlation in 62 pa- phenotype15–18 or were completely normal.19
tients with terminal deletions highlighted Recent molecular cytogenetic analyses2 20 have
a progressive severity of clinical manifes- led to the definition of two distinct regions, one
tation and psychomotor retardation re- for the cat-like cry in 5p15.3 between loci
lated to the size of the deletion. The D5S13 and D5S760 and the other for dysmor-
analysis of seven patients with interstitial phism, microcephaly, and mental retardation in
Divisione di Pediatria 5p15.2 between loci D5S23 and D5S791
e Servizio di Genetica, deletions and one with a small terminal
deletion confirmed the existence of two (CdCCR). The semaphorin F (SEMAF) gene,
Ospedale S Andrea,
Cso M Abbiate 21, critical regions, one for dysmorphism and covering at least 10% of this region, was
13100 Vercelli, Italy mental retardation in p15.2 and the other recently cloned.21 Because of its role in guiding
P Cerruti Mainardi
for the cat cry in p15.3. Results from one axons or migrating neuronal precursors during
A Calì cortical development in mice, it has been sug-
G Coucourde patient permitted the cat cry region to be
distally narrowed from D5S13 to D5S731. gested that SEMAF may be responsible for
G Pastore
Furthermore, this study lends support to some of the features of CdCS.
Laboratorio di Church et al,13 22 in studies involving patients
the hypothesis of a separate region in
Genetica Umana, E O with atypical CdCS features or no symptoms,
p15.3 for the speech delay.
Ospedali Galliera,
(J Med Genet 2001;38:151–158) mapped the cat-like cry to the proximal part of
Genova, Italy 5p15.3 and to the distal region of 5p15.2. Two
C Perfumo
A Calì Keywords: cri du chat syndrome; 5p deletion; further separate regions were mapped to
S Cavani phenotype-genotype correlation; FISH 5p15.2, one for childhood facial dysmorphism
F Zara and moderate mental retardation and the other
M Pierluigi for adult facial dysmorphism and severe mental
F Dagna Bricarelli The majority of the deletions in the short arm retardation. Recently, the ä-catenin gene
of chromosome 5 (5p−) are associated with cri (CTNND2), a neuronal specific protein in-
Thomas JeVerson
du chat syndrome (CdCS).1 The size of the volved in cell motility and potentially associ-
Philadelphia, USA deletion ranges from the entire short arm to ated with mental retardation in CdCS, was
J Overhauser only 5p15.3.2 Hallmark clinical features of mapped within this region.23 24 The presence of
CdCS include a high pitched, monotonous cry, a region for speech delay in the distal portion of
Correspondence to: microcephaly, a round face, hypertelorism, epi-
Dr Cerruti Mainardi,
5p15.3 was also hypothesised.13 canthic folds, micrognathia, abnormal derma- Few studies have attempted to correlate
toglyphics, growth delay, and severe psycho- genotype and phenotype in CdCS7 8 25–30 and
Revised version received motor and mental retardation. Characteristic the results diVer. To investigate possible corre-
22 December 2000
Accepted for publication phenotypic changes are seen in adolescent and lations and to define a molecular and pheno-
4 January 2001 adult patients.3–10 typic map of the short arm of chromosome 5,
152 Cerruti Mainardi, Perfumo, Calì, et al

Table 1 Karyotypes of seven cases with unbalanced analysis was performed using the ÷2 test with
translocation Yates’s correction, ÷2 test for trend, and
Patient Karyotype
Student’s t test. Bonferroni correction for mul-
tiple comparison was used.
3 46,XY,−5,+der(5)t(5;9)(p15.2;p21.1)de novo
8 45,XX,−5,−22,+dic(5;22)(p15.1;p11)de novo
12 46,XX,−5,+der(5)t(5;18)(p14.3;p11.21)de novo CYTOGENETIC ANALYSIS
24 46,XY,−5,+der(5)t(5;6)(p14.3;q25.2)pat Peripheral blood cultures of patients and their
31 46,XY,−5,+der(5)t(3;5)(p25.3;p14.3)mat parents were set up according to a standard
62 46,XY,−5,+der(5)t(5;7)(p13.2;q36.2)mat
67 46,XX,−5,+der(5)t(5;s)(p13;?)de novo protocol. Staining was performed by QFQ
banding. Slides were analysed by fluorescent
microscope (Olympus Provis AX70) equipped
molecular and phenotypic analyses of 80
with a CCD camera (Photometrics Sensys).
patients from the Italian CdCS Register were
Image analysis was carried out with PSI Mac-
Type software. An aliquot was used to obtain
IL-2 cell lines. All cell lines were stored in the
Patients and methods Galliera Genetic Bank.
Eighty patients (35 males and 45 females) with MOLECULAR-CYTOGENETIC ANALYSIS
5p deletion were recruited from the Italian In order to rule out cryptic translocations or
CdCS Register, which, with the help of various other chromosomal rearrangements in the par-
cytogenetic laboratories, genetic counselling ents, fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH)
services, and paediatric units as well as the was performed with a biotinylated “painting”
Italian Cri du Chat Children’s Association, has probe specific for 5p (LiStar FISH). The chro-
managed to collect personal, cytogenetic, and mosome “painting” probe was used according
clinical data for 198 patients since it was set up to the manufacturer’s protocols.
in 1980. These include anthropometric data at To find out the extent of the deletions in the
birth and in subsequent follow ups, dysmor- patients and to detect interstitial deletions,
phism of childhood and adult age, major and FISH experiments were performed using 136
minor malformations, and other medical prob- single locus DNA lambda phage probes
lems.6 9 31 Parents of subjects participating in spanning the 5p arm.35 Phage clones were
the study were personally informed and signed propagated by infection and concentrated by
an informed consent form. polyethylene glycol precipitation; DNA was
All patients underwent a detailed clinical extracted by two phenol/chloroform extrac-
examination by the same clinician (PCM). tions and concentrated by ethanol precipita-
Their age at the time of molecular-cytogenetic tion. Phage DNA was labelled by nick transla-
analyses ranged between 4 months and 32 tion with biotin-16-dUTP (Boehringer-
years (median 8 years 7 months). Evaluation of Mannheim), coprecipitated with human Cot1
dysmorphism was performed both by pattern DNA (Gibco BRL, 1:40) by ethanol, and
recognition (Gestalt)32 and in an analytical resuspended in 50% formamide/2 × SSC/10%
manner.9 31 Eight types of dysmorphism (broad dextran sulphate at a final concentration of 40
nasal bridge, epicanthic folds, strabismus, ng/µl.
downturned corners of the mouth, short FISH analysis was carried out as described
philtrum, low set ears, microretrognathia, by Lichter and Cremer.36 In short, slides were
transverse flexion creases) which remain stable denatured in 70% formamide/2 × SSC for four
throughout life7 9 were evaluated. minutes at 75°C in an oven, and dehydrated
Evaluation of psychomotor development was with ethanol. Phage probes were denatured at
performed using the Denver Developmental 70°C for 10 minutes. Repetitive sequences
Screening Tests (DDST).33 34 The main mile- were suppressed by Cot1 DNA at 37°C for 15
stones from each of the four areas of develop- minutes. Hybridisations were carried out at
ment (gross motor, fine motor-adaptive, 37°C for 20 hours. Post hybridisation washes
personal-social, and language) were consid- were performed in 50% formamide/2 × SSC at
ered. The ages at which the patients mastered 43°C for 15 minutes and in 2 × SSC at 37°C
each skill were retrospectively obtained by hav- for 15 minutes. Hybridisation was detected by
ing a questionnaire filled in by parents and car- avidin-Cy3 (Amersham). Slides were counter-
ers and centiles (25th, 50th, 75th, 95th) were stained with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole
derived based on the total number of subjects (DAPI) (200 ng/ml) and analysed by fluores-
recorded as having completed the skill. Skills cent microscope (Olympus Provis AX70)
with less than 23 responses were not included. equipped with a CCD camera (Photometrics
All clinical, genetic, and developmental data Sensys). Image analysis was carried out with
were collected in a database and the statistical PSI MacProbe software.
Table 2 Karyotypes of three cases with mosaicism
Patient Karyotype DNA from the patients and their parents was
22 46,XX,ish del(5)(:p14.3→qter)(D5S28−)[76]/ extracted from peripheral blood using conven-
46,XX,ish tional techniques and were typed with highly
dup(5)(:p12→p14.3::p14.3→qter)(D5S28−,D5S25++,D5S802++)[24] polymorphic PCR based microsatellite mark-
40 46,XX,ish del(5)(:p14.1→qter)(D5S711−)[73]/
46,XX,ish ers (Research Genetics)37 spanning the distal
dup(5)(:p12→p15.2::p15.2→qter)(D5S751−,D5S778++,D5S802++)[27] chromosome 5p in order to determine the
71 46,XX,ish del(5)(:p13→qter)(D5S787−)[78]/
46,XX,ish del(5)(:p14.3→qter)(D5S796−)[22]
parental origin of the rearranged chromosome.
A total of 100 ng of genomic DNA from each
5p deletion and clinical phenotypes 153

Locus 100%
p15.3 D5S724 75%
D5S701 50%
D5S759 25%
p15.2 D5S713
D5S755 D5S755
D5S712 0%
D5S720 A B C D
D5S737 Group A (n = 7) 0/4 2/16 4/14 6/10
D5S772 37.5%
No. of patients with microcephaly/
No. of patients with available data
p15.1 D5S793
Figure 2 Distribution of microcephaly (head
D5S796 D5S796 circumference <3rd centile) at birth in 44 patients with 5p
D5S699 D5S699
D5S28 terminal deletion (÷2 for trend p<0.05).
D5S698 Group B (n = 22)
D5S7 54% three (3.75%) a 5;autosome translocation
D5S742 A v B p < 0.05 inherited from a parent. Three others (3.75%)
p14 D5S711 D5S711 had de novo 5p anomalies involving two
D5S769 D5S769
rearranged cell lines and one (1.25%) a 5p
D5S735 Group C (n = 20) deletion inherited from a paternal inversion.
D5S689 66.4% Karyotypes of the seven patients with unbal-
D5S687 A v C p < 0.05 anced translocations and of the three with
D5S776 D5S776 mosaicism are summarised in tables 1 and 2.
D5S748 D5S692 Out of 148 parents, four showed an abnormal
D5S733 Group D karyotype with a rearranged chromosome 5,
(n = 13) indicating that the deletion in their child was
D5S17 82% the result of adjacent segregation of a hetero-
D5S741 AvD zygous parental translocation and in one case a
D5S743 p < 0.05
paternal inversion.
D5S734 D5S734 The parental origin of the deleted chromo-
cen 2 5 7 10 13 15 17 20 23 27 29 32 34 36 38 41 43 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 63 65 68 70 73 78
4 6 9 11 14 16 18 21 26 28 30 33 35 37 39 42 44 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 64 66 69 72 74 79 some 5 was defined in 61 families (all sporadic
Figure 1 Molecular analysis of 62 patients with 5p terminal deletions. Black bars cases) and it was paternal in 55 patients
represent the deleted chromosome 5 of each patient. On the left is a diagram of chromosome (90.2%). The same percentage was found for
5p and the matching phage probes. Patients were subdivided into four groups according to patients with interstitial deletions.
the deletion size (A, B, C, D). The percentages refer to the frequency of dysmorphism in the
patients of diVerent groups (÷2 for trend p<0.05).
subject were amplified using 1 U Taq polymer- Genotype-phenotype correlation was done
ase in a cocktail containing 0.1 µmol/l of the separately for 62 patients with terminal dele-
cold forward primer, 0.4 µmol/l of the reverse tions including the critical region for dysmor-
primer, and 0.3 µmol/l of 32P labelled forward phism and mental retardation in 5p15.2
primer, 0.25 mmol/l of each deoxynucleotide between the loci D5S23 and D5S791 (Cd-
triphosphate, and 1 × PCR buVer in a total vol- CCR),2 for the seven patients with interstitial
ume of 10 µl. PCR amplification was per- deletions and for the patient whose terminal
formed using conditions specific for each deletion does not include the CdCCR. The
marker as reported by the manufacturers. After seven patients with a translocation and three
PCR, 5 µl of the sample were denatured for five with mosaicism38 were not included in the cor-
minutes at 95°C and immediately electro- relation analysis because of the misleading
phoresed on a 6% polyacrylamide sequencing eVect of the partial trisomies in the former
gel. Autoradiography was performed after dry- cases and of the diVerent cell lines in the latter.
ing the gel in a vacuum.
Sixty two patients with terminal 5p deletions
Results The typical CdCS phenotype including the
CYTOGENETIC AND MOLECULAR ANALYSIS cat-like cry was observed in all 62 patients. In
Eighty patients and 148 parents were analysed. order to analyse if the severity of the syndrome
Sixty two patients (77.50%) showed a 5p was related to the deletion size, the patients
terminal deletion with a wide variability of were subdivided into four groups: group A
breakpoints ranging from p13 (locus D5S763) (seven patients, mean age 14.3 years, range
to p15.2 (locus D5S18). Seven patients 5.9-25.11) with deletion breakpoints proximal
(8.75%) had a 5p interstitial deletion, four to the CdCCR2 down to p14 (from D5S755 to
(5%) a de novo translocation involving 5p, and D5S796); group B (22 patients, mean age 11.1
154 Cerruti Mainardi, Perfumo, Calì, et al

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
months years
Gross motor skills
Sits alone (48)
Walks alone (41)
Fine motor skills
Grasps (52)
Transfers (34)
First words (48)
Understands commands (33)
Combines 2 different words (26)
Feeds self with spoon (41)
Washes own hands (28)
Toilet trained (23)
Dresses self (24)

1 25th 50th 75th 95th

(1 = first reported age of completion)
Figure 3 Developmental chart for 62 patients with CdCS comparing ages of achievement of milestones. The number of
subjects screened for every skill is shown in brackets.

years, range 2.0-26.11) with deletion break-

points in distal p14 corresponding to the region
which was reported to have no phenotypic
Group A
0.8 eVect19 (from D5S699 to D5S711); group C
Group B
(20 patients, mean age 13.4 years, range
0.7 Group C
Group D
4.0-25.4) with deletion breakpoints in proxi-
0.6 mal p14 (from D5S769 to D5S776); group D
(13 patients, mean age 15.5 years, range 3.11-
34.11) with deletion breakpoints in p13 (from
0.4 D5S692 to D5S734). Distribution of the
0.3 dysmorphism showed an increasing frequency
from group A to group D (A=35.7%, B=54%,
0.2 C=66.4%, D=82%) which reaches statistical
0.1 significance (÷2 test) between group A and
group B (p<0.05), C (p<0.05), and D
0 (p<0.05) (÷2 for trend p<0.05) (fig 1).
Sits Grasps First Combines Washes Dresses
alone words 2 words own hands self The frequency of microcephaly (cranial
Walks Transfers Understands Feeds self Toilet circumference <3rd centile) at birth (data
alone commands trained available for 44 patients) compared to break-
point distribution is shown in fig 2. No patient
Figure 4 Psychomotor development in the CdCS patients who reached the milestones in group A had microcephaly and the fre-
<25th centile. *A/D p<0.05, **A/C p<0.05, ***÷2 for trend p<0.05.
quency increased from group B to group D (÷2
for trend p<0.05). Forty two out of 44 patients
were microcephalic at the most recent check up
Group A (age 11 months-24 years). However, the most
Group B pronounced microcephaly was found in the
250 Group C patients of group D (>−4 SD) compared to
Group D those of group A (−2.9 SD).
200 The evaluation of psychomotor development
is shown in fig 3.33 34 39 40 Acquisition of new

150 skills occurred from the age of 2 months to 19

years without any loss of previously acquired
100 skills. Patients who reached the milestones of
psychomotor development below the 25th
50 centile were more frequent in group A than in
groups B, C, and D for nine of 11 milestones
(fig 4). The diVerence reached statistical
Sits Grasps First Combines Washes Dresses significance (÷2 test) between groups A and D
alone words 2 words own hands self
for “walks alone” (p<0.05) and between
Walks Transfers Understands Feeds Toilet groups A and C for “walks alone” (p<0.05)
alone commands self trained
and “feeds self” (p<0.05). The statistical trend
Figure 5 Psychomotor development in 62 CdCS patients. Mean ages at which each group was observed for three skills: “first words”,
mastered diVerent skills. *A/D p< 0.05. “combines two words”, and “toilet trained”
5p deletion and clinical phenotypes 155

(÷2 for trend p<0.05) and was borderline for for any of the parameters considered (dysmor-
“walks alone”, “grasps”, and “feeds self”. phism, microcephaly, psychomotor develop-
The mean age at which each group mastered mental delay).
diVerent skills increases from group A to group
D. Statistical significance (Student’s t test) was Seven patients with interstitial deletions and one
reached for “first words” (p<0.05), “combines patient with a terminal deletion not including the
two diVerent words” (p<0.05), and “toilet CdCCR
trained” (p<0.05) (fig 5). Six out of seven patients with interstitial
No phenotypic diVerences owing to imprint- deletions (19, 25, 45, 75, 76, 77) lacked both
ing eVects were noted in this group of patients the CdCCR2 and the regions for dysmorphism

D5S794 Speech delay
p15.3 D5S724
D5S731 Cat-like cry
Cat-like cry
D5S23 Dysmorphism and Childhood facial
D5S759 severe mental dysmorphism and
D5S791 retardation (CdCCR) moderate
p15.2 D5S713 mental retardation
D5S705 Adult facial
dysmorphism and
D5S737 severe
mental retardation
p15.1 D5S793
D5S16 Mild mental retardation
D5S7 No symptoms
p14 D5S769
D5S774 Severe/moderate mental
D5S27 retardation and microcephaly
p13 D5S17
D5S763 Overhauser et al 2 Church et al13 22
D5S691 20
Gersh et al
cen 1 19 25 45 75 76 77 80

Figure 6 Seven patients with 5p interstitial deletions and one patient with a terminal deletion. On the left is a diagram of
chromosome 5p and the matching phage probes.
156 Cerruti Mainardi, Perfumo, Calì, et al

Table 3 Clinical data of the seven patients with interstitial deletions and the patient with deletions, Wilkins et al8 found a significant
the terminal deletion not including the CdCCR negative correlation (p=0.02) between IQ and
Patient Cat cry Typical Microcephaly Psychomotor Speech
the size of the deletion. Cornish et al,26–28 in
dysmorphism retardation* delay their studies on 26 typical and four atypical
CdCS patients, found that subjects with
1 + − − Mild +
19 − + + Mild/moderate − deletion breakpoints in 5p15.3 had a milder
25 − + + Moderate + degree of cognitive impairment and fewer
45 ? + + Moderate/severe + behavioural problems than those with deletion
75 + + + Moderate/severe +
76 − + + Moderate + breakpoints in p15.2. Marinescu et al29 did not
77 + + + Moderate + find any relationship between the size of the
80 − − + Severe + deletion and the level of developmental delay in
*The psychomotor retardation groups were defined according to Marinescu et al30 and Kjaer and 50 subjects with CdCS.
Niebuhr.45 The diYculties of genotype-phenotype cor-
relation in the evaluation of complex (quantita-
and mental retardation defined by Church et
tive) traits (dysmorphism, psychomotor devel-
al13 22 (fig 6) and showed the typical dysmor-
opment) must be considered. In fact, the
phism, microcephaly, and psychomotor retar-
genetic background or environmental factors
dation. Clinical data of all these patients are
or both may aVect the clinical phenotype.46
summarised in table 3.
Nonetheless, a study with such a large number
Patient 80, with a deletion that did not
of patients makes it possible to make some
encompass the CdCCR, but included the
interesting observations.
region for adult facial dysmorphism and severe
The 62 patients with terminal deletions that
mental retardation,13 22 (fig 6) did not show the
include the CdCCR in 5p15.2 (D5S23+/
classical CdCS phenotype nor the cat cry, but
D5S791+)2 presented the classical CdCS phe-
had microcephaly and severe speech and
notype. However, the clinical evaluation
psychomotor developmental delay.
showed a diVerence of severity for micro-
Patient No 1, with a terminal deletion
cephaly, dysmorphism, and psychomotor
(D5S23+/D5S18−), which does not include
retardation between the patients with small
the CdCCR2 nor the regions for dysmorphism
deletions in 5p15.1 and those with larger ones.
and mental retardation defined by Church et
The statistical analysis of the 62 patients
al13 22 (fig 6), did not show the CdCS
subdivided into four groups (A, B, C, D)
dysmorphism or microcephaly in infancy or
according to the deletion size confirmed a sig-
adulthood, but he had a high pitched cry and
nificant trend from group A to group D for the
slight psychomotor and language retardation in
expression of the most important dysmor-
phism and for the delay in acquisition of some
important milestones of psychomotor develop-
Discussion ment. Microcephaly at birth proved to be
A cytogenetic, molecular, and phenotypic cor- closely correlated to deletion size. Almost all
relation study on a large number of patients patients became microcephalic as they grew,
with 5p deletions was carried out. Firstly, the but the most severe cases were those with larger
importance of FISH analysis for a precise diag- deletions.
nosis of 5p deletions must be stressed.30 In the The lack of the distal region of 5p14, which
present study, seven patients (five with intersti- had no phenotypic eVect in the family described
tial deletions, one with a small terminal by Overhauser et al,19 seems to have influence
deletion, and one with mosaicism) had not on dysmorphism and psychomotor retardation
been correctly diagnosed by previous routine in group B, on the basis of both clinical and sta-
cytogenetics. tistical evaluations. Recently, Johnson et al47
The range of breakpoints from 5p15.2 (locus reported a healthy father and an aVected son
D5S18) to 5p13 (locus D5S763) indicates that (microcephaly, seizures, and global develop-
the short arm of chromosome 5 does not have mental delay) with an identical interstitial dele-
a breakage hot spot. This phenomenon may be tion of 5p14. Hand et al48 also reported a family
attributable to the unusual richness of low or in which a patient with a peroxisomal disorder
medium copy number repetitive sequences, and his normal mother had the same interstitial
such as LINE-1 elements and chromosome 5 deletion in 5p14. It is possible that the
specific repeats causing unequal phenotypic eVect of the haploinsuYciency may
recombination.41–44 depend on the presence of recessive alleles on
Few studies have attempted to correlate the the homologous chromosome or genetic back-
deletion size of the short arm of chromosome 5 ground or both. The fact that Marinescu et al29
to the CdCS phenotype. Niebuhr,7 25 in his did not find any relationship between deletion
study of 35 Danish patients, found that the size and developmental delay may be because of
anthropometric data and dermatoglyphic diVerent characteristics of the two populations
anomalies of the probands with the largest (age and deletion size).
deletions showed a general tendency to deviate The analysis of the parental origin of the
more from normal than those with smaller deleted chromosome showed a prevalence of
deletions. Cephalic breadth and bi-iliac width paternal origin. No phenotypic diVerences
were significantly lower (0.05>p>0.025) in the resulting from imprinting eVects as suggested
group with the largest deletions. Kjaer and by Bengtsson et al18 were observed in this group
Niebuhr45 suggested that the CdCS manifesta- of patients.
tions varied in severity depending on the The study of key patients with interstitial
breakpoint. In 48 patients with terminal and small terminal deletions was particularly
5p deletion and clinical phenotypes 157

interesting for the study of the critical regions. The first two authors contributed equally to this work. This
study was supported by Telethon Italian (grant E.511) and the
The analysis of patients 1 and 80, who showed Italian Cri du Chat Children Association. The cell lines of the
deletions that did not include CdCCR and did CdCS patients are stored at the Galliera Genetic Bank
supported by Telethon Italian (grant C.23). The following col-
not show CdCS dysmorphism, and patient 76, leagues collaborated in providing patients, material, and clinical
who had the typical clinical features of CdCS, information: G Andria (Napoli), A Baraldi (Brescia), L Boggi
(Massa Carrara), C Borrone (Genova), M Cammarata (Pal-
would suggest a correlation between dysmor- ermo), D Caufin (Pordenone), M L Cavaliere (Napoli), L
phism and CdCCR2 rather than the region Chessa (Roma), A Di Comite (Taranto), B Dallapiccola
(Roma), M Farina (Lamezia Terme), P Franceschini (Torino),
proposed by Church et al.13 22 A Garau (Cagliari), L Garavelli (Reggio Emilia), G Gemme
The existence of a region for severe mental (Genova), A Giannotti (Roma), M L Giovannucci (Firenze), L
GiuVrè (Palermo), R Lingeri (Como), A Lomangino (Bari), A
retardation in proximal 5p15.224 might be con- Lumini (Pistoia), R Magistrelli (Ancona), M Martinazzi (Galla-
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