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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College

Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)

First Semester 2020-202
Week 1-2
Date August 24 - September 4, 2020
Module Title Concepts and Components of Physical Fitness
Deadline September 4, 2020 @ 9:00 AM

SURNAME: ______________________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________

COURSE AND YEAR: ______________________ CLASS SCHEDULE: ___________________
PE TEACHER : ____________________________ SUBMISSION DATE: ___________________


Activity 1: Common Terms in Physical Fitness

Direction: Choose the correct term/s as defined or described on each number.

physical activity workout skill-related fitness physical fitness

exercise anaerobic exercise cool down sedentary
aerobic exercise muscle cramps health-related fitness warm up
lifetime activity fitness fitness assessment

1 The part of an exercise session when you are exercising at your highest
2 A cardiovascular activity that prepares the muscles for work.

3 Fitness that reduces a person’s chances of getting disease.

4 Involving little physical activity.

5 Purposeful activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive, that

improves or maintains little physical activity.
6 Intense, short bursts of activity in which the muscles work so hard that
they produce energy without using oxygen.

7 Low-level activity that prepares your body to return to a resting state.

8 A sudden and sometimes painful contractions of the muscles.

9 Any form of movement that causes your body to use energy.

10 All rhythmic activities that use large muscle groups for an extended
period of time.
11 The ability to carry out daily tasks easily and have enough reserve
energy to respond to
unexpected demands.
12 An activity that can be done at any age.

13 The kind of fitness that helps a person perform physical skills.

14 Focuses on the components of health-related fitness including

cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility,
and body composition.

Used to develop activities that support the development of all students.

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021
Activity 2: My Personal Physical Activity Pyramid

Direction: Name two activities that you do each week that you can do LESS, that you need
ENOUGH, that you need MORE of and that you need PLENTY of.


Activity 3. Identify the different types of physical activity as Aerobic or Anaerobic.

____________ 1. brisk walking ____________ 6. swimming ____________ 11.rowing

____________2. running ____________7.jumping rope ____________12.bowling

____________3. weight lifting ____________13.gardening

____________4. sprints ____________14. dancing

____________5. power lifting ____________10.push-ups

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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021
Activity 4: Independent Discovery
Direction: Use your phones, tablets, or computers to enable you to provide a clear explanation of
your answers to the succeeding questions.

1. Does being physically fit make a difference in how long you live? How?

2. Physically fit people are less likely to develop or die from hypokinetic disease. What do you
mean by hypokinetic disease?

3. Cite 5 examples of hypokinetic diseases?

3.1. _________________________________ 3.4. _________________________________

3.2. _________________________________ 3.5. _________________________________
3.3. _________________________________

Activity 5: Chart the Heart

Directions: You need to record your radial or carotid pulse rate for five consecutive days on your
Pulse Graph Chart. Use dots ( ) and the three colors of pens when recording and connecting your
Check your pulse…. Calculate:
1. Upon rising in the morning 1. Count the heart rate for 15 seconds
2. Before lunch 2. Multiply the number you get by 4
3. After lunch

1. Click chart, above u will see “DESIGN”.
2. Click “DESIGN” then press Edit Data.

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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021
Activity 6: Fitness Quest

Directions: Review the characteristics of cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, muscular strength,

muscular endurance and body composition. Design your own “Fitness Quest”.

Activity Health-Related Fitness Component

Activity 7: Muscle of the Week

Directions: Locate and identify the names and locations of major muscles on a diagram of the
human body, and describe how it works.


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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021

The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021

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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021

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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021


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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021
Barriers to Being Active Quiz
What Keeps You from Being More Active?

Listed below are reasons that people give to describe why they do not get as much physical activity as
they think they should. Please read each statement and indicate how likely you are to say each of the
following statements. (Circle the applicable number for each statement.)

Scoring Follow these instructions to score yourself:

In the spaces provided below, enter the number you circled for the applicable questions (on the quiz),
recording the circled number for statement 1 on line 1, statement 2 on line 2, and so on.

Add the three scores on each line. Your

barriers to physical activity fall into one or
more of seven categories: lack of time, social
influences, lack of energy, lack of willpower,
fear of injury, lack of skill, and lack of
resources. A score of 5 or above in any
category shows that this is an important
barrier for you to overcome.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Barriers

to Physical Activity Quiz.” Physical Activity for Everyone:
Overcoming Barriers to Physical Activity. . Adapted with

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