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Once there were two women who never knew each other,

One you do not remember, the other you call Mother,

Two different lives shaped to make you one,

One became your guiding star. The other became your sun,

The first one gave you life ; the second one taught you to live it,

The first gave you a need for love ; the second was there to give it,

One gave you nationality ; the other gave you a name,

One gave you talent ; the other gave you aim,

One gave you emotions ; the other calmed your ears,

One saw your first sweet smile; the other dried your tears,

One sought you a home that she could not provide,

The other prayed for a child and her hope was not denied,

And now you ask me through your tears

The age old question, unanswered through the years

Heredity or environment. Which are you a product of?

Neither, my darling, neither. Just two different kinds of love.

An age old query, nature vs nurture

not such, a simple precursor

celestial bodies, in constant motion,

gravitational effect on you, and the ocean,

minuscule yet undeniable, zodiac’s notion,

add to that, hereditaries genetic disposition,

bloods legacy, and linear imposition,

introvert, extrovert, all upon the spectrum,

personality defined, jungian deduction,

crafted by guardians practice

developing your unique madness

friends and family, add the seasoning,

determining your sight and reasoning,

society a most invasive beast,

on your insecurities, will it feast,

too small, large, pale, or weak,

on our life, who are you to speak,

chaos theory, what you may call fated

through your experience, have been created,

so like the butterfly, on the wing,

be your self, let your heart sing,

yes I know you feel alone,

But better that, than another clone

Respect to the world - we must give
And make it a wonderful place to live.

Be it rain or sunshine,
Nature is always fine.

Between the mountains high and low, the sun glows,

The wind blows and the river flows.

Blossoming of buds - a treat to the eyes.

Chirping of birds - a treat to the ears.

Let's together in unity

Preserve the natural beauty.

Let not pollution spoil our environment.

Set out solution for more development.

Let's do good deeds and inspire the rest

And make them work at their best.

Always smile and be confident.

Forget the past and live in the present.

Good habits - we must cultivate.

The young ones - we must motivate.

Let's be polite and obey the elders.

It's our duty to carry out their orders.

Let's set high goals and achieve the impossible.

With determination and will power anything is possible.
A very good morning to the honourable judges, time keeper , teachers ,

parents and my fellow friends. Today I would like to tell a story entitled “ Honesty is

a best policy”.

Once upon a time there was a poor woodcutter. He was very poor but he was

always honest. One hot day, he took his axe and went inside the nearby forest in

search of wood. After searching for a long time, he found one good tree near a river

inside the forest.

“ Hemm.. this tree is good. I can get lots of firewood”

 So, the woodcutter started to work.

„Swish, swoosh, swish swoosh..”


 Oh no! As the woodcutter was cutting the woods, his axe slipped from his hands and

fell inside the river. The river was very deep. So he couldn't get into the water to take

his axeout. He started crying.

“ Oh..oh..what am I going to do?”

“ I have lost my precious axe. Oh dear, oh dear..”

 Suddenly, a beautiful angel appeared from inside the river water.

“ Why are crying my dear woodcutter?”

 She asked.

“ Oh, I have lost my axe…now I wont be able to cut woods anymore.”

 The woodcutter told her how his axe fell inside the water. The angel went inside

the water and after sometime came out with a golden axe in her hands. The woodcutt

er refused to accept that golden axe. The angel again went inside the water. This time

she came out with a silver axe and gave it to the woodcutter. Again the woodcutter

refused saying that his was not a silver axe. The angel dived into the water. This time

she came out with the woodcutter's iron axe. The woodcutter happily accepted his

axe and thanked the angel. The angel was pleased with his honesty. The angel

rewarded the gold and the silver axes to that woodcutter.

MORAL: Honesty always gets rewarded.

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