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International Journal of Psychophysiology 61 (2006) 5 – 18

Basic emotions are associated with distinct patterns of

cardiorespiratory activity
Pierre Rainville a,*, Antoine Bechara b, Nasir Naqvi b, Antonio R. Damasio c
Département de stomatologie et Centre de recherche en science neurologique, Université de Montréal, CP 6128,
Succ. Centre-ville, Montréal Qc, H3C 3J7, Canada
Division of Behavioral Neurology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Neurology, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City IA 52242, USA
Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520, USA

Received 18 October 2005; received in revised form 20 October 2005; accepted 27 October 2005
Available online 24 January 2006


The existence of specific somatic states associated with different emotions remains controversial. In this study, we investigated the profile of
cardiorespiratory activity during the experience of fear, anger, sadness and happiness. ECG and respiratory activity was recorded in 43 healthy
volunteers during the recall and experiential reliving of one or two potent emotional autobiographical episodes and a neutral episode. Univariate
statistics indicated that the four emotions differed from each other and from the neutral control condition on several linear and spectral indices of
cardiorespiratory activity. Dependent variables were further reduced to five physiologically meaningful factors using an exploratory principal
component analysis (PCA). Multivariate analyses of variance and effect size estimates calculated on those factors confirmed the differences
between the four emotion conditions. A stepwise discriminant analyses predicting emotions using the PCA factors led to a classification rate of
65.3% for the four emotions (chance = 25%; p = 0.001) and of 72.0 – 83.3% for pair-wise discrimination (chance = 50%; p’s < 0.05). These findings
may be considered preliminary in view of the small sample on which the multivariate approach has been applied. However, this study emphasizes
the need to better characterize the multidimensional factors involved in cardio-respiratory regulation during emotion. These results are consistent
with the notion that distinct patterns of peripheral physiological activity are associated with different emotions.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Basic emotion; Autonomic nervous system; Heart rate variability; Respiratory sinus arrhythmia; Respiration

1. Introduction by this debate is the role of somatic states, constituted by

endocrine, visceral, musculoskeletal, and behavioral response,
There is a long history of debates surrounding the role of in the experience of emotions. Indeed, while James’ original
somatic states in emotions. William James proposed in 1894 theoretical proposal requires that emotions be associated with
(James, 1994) that the felt afferent signals from the viscera are distinct patterns of somato-visceral activity, the cognitive
essential for the unique experience associated with distinct perspective implies that the peripheral activation associated
emotions. In contrast, Cannon (1987) proposed that the slow, with emotions can be reduced to a single dimension. Here, we
diffuse, and unspecific, visceral activity could not be the source revisited James’ hypothesis using cardiorespiratory measures.
for the qualities of felt emotions (also see Cannon, 1931). The Previous studies have provided some evidence for James’
contribution of cognitive factors was later emphasized in view. Specific patterns of autonomic activity have been reported
theories in which peripheral activity only contributed to the felt across individuals during the voluntary production of emotional
level of arousal and not to the quality of the emotion experienced facial expressions (Ekman et al., 1983; see also Levenson et al.,
(Schacter and Singer, 1962). One of the central questions raised 1990), and in response to visual (Collet et al., 1997), olfactory
stimuli (Vernet-Maury et al., 1999), and film clips (Christie and
Friedman, 2004). However, based on a meta-analysis of the
* Corresponding author.
studies investigating the physiological responses observed
E-mail address: (P. Rainville). during basic emotions evoked using a variety of methods,
0167-8760/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
6 P. Rainville et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 61 (2006) 5 – 18

Cacioppo and his colleagues concluded that the literature junction. This system is relatively rapid because the Ach is
provided only equivocal evidence for the existence of distinct quickly degraded by acetylcholinesterase in the extracellular
patterns of peripheral activity associated with basic emotions compartment (Talman and Kelkar, 1993). The dynamic
(Cacioppo et al., 2000). Although this conclusion may be regulation of vagal tone can therefore be indexed by a number
regarded as particularly conservative in view of the evidence of chronometric variables sensitive to high frequency changes
already available, it nonetheless suggested the need for in the RR interval. By contrast, sympathetic regulation relies
additional investigations of somatic states associated with upon the release and relatively slow re-uptake of adrenaline.
emotions. The difference in the dynamics of parasympathetic and
There are at least two reasons for the limited success in sympathetic systems implies that the rapid changes in heart
uncovering distinctive physiological patterns associated with rate are mediated by parasympathetic activity while slow
basic emotions: the inadequate experimental elicitation of the changes can result from either sympathetic or parasympathetic
target emotions and the incomplete physiological characteriza- activity. Rapid changes in heart rate are further coupled, in part,
tion of the ensuing somatic states. The first limitation may be with changes in respiration because the increase in intra-
surmounted by acquiring and analyzing physiological data abdominal pressure during inhaling activates the baroreceptor
when subjects actually report feeling the emotions, rather than reflex and produces rapid increases in heart rate mediated by
simply relying on stimulus or task-related criterion. Here, we vagal mechanisms. The resulting respiratory sinus arrhythmia
use data obtained when subjects reported feeling a target (RSA), typically observed in normal cardiac activity, can be
emotion in a paradigm involving the autobiographical recall characterized by the amplitude of changes in heart rate within
and on-line ‘‘reliving’’ of target emotions. This method has each respiratory cycle, and generally contributes to the high
been effective in demonstrating some level of discrimination frequency components of HRV. Based on these observations,
between basic emotions based on autonomic measurements in several dependent measures, more or less sensitive and specific
previous studies (e.g. Ekman et al., 1983). Improvements in the to various aspects of cardio-respiratory control, can be
characterization of emotion-related physiological activity may extracted from continuous recordings of cardiac and respiratory
be achieved by measuring additional physiological signals or signals. These measurements reflect three component of auto-
by refining the analysis of commonly used physiological nomic regulation: (1) a sympathetic component; (2) a
measures. In the present study, we took this latter approach and parasympathetic component coupled with respiration (RSA)
applied modern chronometric measurement techniques to and reactive to baroreceptor reflex activity; and (3) a para-
assess cardiorespiratory activity during emotional states. sympathetic component independent from respiration and
possibly reflecting top-down neural influences on vagal output.
1.1. Multi-dimensionality in cardiorespiratory regulation
1.2. Hypotheses
One of the conclusions of the meta-analysis of Cacioppo
et al. (2000) was that a better characterization of sympathetic The experience of several basic emotions has been
and parasympathetic responses may provide some discrimina- consistently associated with changes in heart rate (Cacioppo
tive power to distinguish patterns of visceral activity associated et al., 2000). By contrast, the contribution of heart rate
with basic emotions. A number of non-invasive computational variability to emotions has been documented mostly in fear.
techniques have been developed over the recent decades to For example, panic attacks have been associated with higher
characterize the autonomic processes involved in the chrono- heart rate levels coupled with robust decreases in HRV
metric regulation of cardiac function (e.g. Task force of the (Yeragani et al., 1991; Friedman and Thayer, 1998; Rao and
European Society of Cardiology and the North American Yeragani, 2001; George et al., 1989; Yeragani et al., 1994b).
Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology, 1996; Berntson et al., However, it is not clear whether those reductions in HRV are
1993b; Malliani et al., 1991; Pagani et al., 1997). These simply secondary to changes in respiration (e.g. hyperventila-
techniques provide estimates of the relative contribution of the tion) and thus reflect changes mediated by the baroreceptor
parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the autonomic reflex as the breathing pattern changes. Few studies have
nervous system by assessing changes in heart rate variability examined specifically the effect of other emotions on HRV.
(HRV). A continuous tachogram can be derived from the ECG Exceptions include a study suggesting that the increase in heart
by calculating the successive intervals between R-waves. From rate during anger reflects mainly a sympathetic activation
the resulting RR-tachogram, one can extract several indices of characterized by a relative increase in the low frequency range
HRV based on linear calculations (time-domain measures such of HRV, while positive emotions may be associated with a shift
as the standard-deviation of RR intervals for a given epoch and towards the high frequency range (McCraty et al., 1995).
the mean absolute difference between successive RR intervals). In the present study, we tested the contribution of
The RR-tachogram can also be analysed using Fast-Fourier cardiorespiratory activity to the production of distinct somatic
Transform (FFT) methods to derive indices of HRV in specific states associated with the feeling of different emotions in
frequency bands (frequency-domain measures such as the normal human volunteers. We hypothesized that (1) cardiore-
spectral power in the high frequency range). spiratory activity associated with emotions can be characterized
Parasympathetic regulation is mediated by the vagus nerve along the dimensions of sympathetic and parasympathetic
and by the release of acetylcholine (Ach) at the neuro-muscular influences, and that the latter factor can be further sub-divided
P. Rainville et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 61 (2006) 5 – 18 7

into respiration-coupled and respiration-uncoupled compo- experimenter then stopped further cueing and the physiological
nents; and that (2) specific basic emotions can be predicted recording was time-stamped for off-line analysis. Subjects were
from the observed pattern of cardiorespiratory activity. In order told that they could stop experiencing the emotion after 90 s
to facilitate the observation of robust and sustained emotions, and the physiological recording was time-stamped again and
we relied on a self-induction paradigm in which subjects the data saved. Subjects provided subjective ratings and
vividly recalled an autobiographical episode that elicited a immediately performed a second trial in the same emotion
strong emotion and we analyzed cardiac and respiratory condition. Different experimental conditions were separated by
activity recorded immediately after the subjects indicated at least five minutes during which the subjects was invited to
starting to feel the emotion. This paradigm has demonstrated relax. Each subjects completed one (n = 24) or two (n = 19)
its effectiveness in producing robust and partly segregate emotion conditions and the control neutral condition. The study
patterns of brain activity associated with fear, anger, sadness was designed to include more than one emotion per subject, if
and happiness (Damasio et al., 2000). We extracted several subjects could vividly recall other recent episodes in which
measures of heart rate, respiratory period and relative they had experienced another strong emotion. Ideally, we had
respiratory amplitude, as well as indices of variability in both planned to gather sufficient data to perform within-subject pair-
heart rate and respiration. Since many of those measures were wise contrasts for all pairs of emotions (possibly with different
expected to be partly redundant, we applied an exploratory subset of subjects contributing to the different contrasts).
principal component analysis (PCA) to reduce the number of However, since only some subjects could vividly recall two
dependent variables and extract possible orthogonal factors. strong emotional episodes, this was not possible and all
This analysis should be considered exploratory in view of the emotion data was treated as between-subject observation.
small sample size on which it is applied. The independent Physiological data were irrecoverable due to equipment failure
factors extracted form the PCA were used in discriminant in two trials and cardiac physiological data were discarded due
analyses to test the possibility that the emotion experienced can to abnormal ECG activity in one subject (sustained bradycar-
be predicted by changes along those distinct dimensions of dia). The final data set consisted in 15 subjects in the anger
cardiorespiratory activity. condition, 15 in fear, 15 in happiness, and 17 in sadness.

2. Methods 2.3. Self-report

2.1. Subjects After each trial, subjects provided Likert-scale ratings (0 –4)
of the emotion(s) felt during the trial. The strongest emotion
Forty-three healthy volunteers were recruited from the reported was always the target emotion. Non-target emotional
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and the University feelings were occasionally reported mainly in the neutral
of Iowa students and staff. Subjects were first contacted by condition (e.g. happy or anxious) but these secondary emotions
phone and were scheduled to participate in the experiment if were always of a lesser magnitude than the target emotion.
they could vividly remember one or two autobiographical
episodes where they experienced a strong emotion of fear, 2.4. Physiological measures
anger, sadness, or happiness. All procedures were approved by
the Internal Review Board of the Human Subjects Office of the Physiological activity was monitored continuously using
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Grass amplifiers and data was digitized (200 Hz), recorded and
processed using the MP100 system and AcqKnowledge
2.2. Experimental procedure software (Biopac Systems Inc.). Respiration was indexed by
relative changes in thoracic-abdominal expansion monitored
Upon arrival to the psychophysiological laboratory, subjects using a tension transducer attached to a strain-gage belt placed
gave informed consent, and the physiological monitoring over the lower floating rib and adjusted individually to produce
equipment was installed. Subjects described the personal the maximal deflection during normal breathing in the pre-
emotional episode they indicated upon recruitment in as much experimental set up phase. ECG was recorded using a standard
detail as possible. Then, the physiological recording started and 3 leads montage (Einthoven lead 2 configuration). In addition
the subject was instructed to close his/her eyes and relive the to those target physiological channels, we recorded palmar skin
target emotion as vividly as possible while remembering the conductance (SC) of both hands. Facial EMG activity was
autobiographical episode, and to try to maximize the target recorded over the left zygomatic, masseter, and currogator
emotion until the experimenter asked them to stop. The muscles in a subset of subjects. These measures are not des-
experimenter provided verbal cues to guide mental evocation cribed further in this report, which focuses on cardiorespiratory
based on the subject’s prior description of the events and variables.
emphasized the events that precipitated the target emotion.
Subjects indicated by a slight movement of the hand when they 2.5. Physiological signal processing
started to feel the emotion or when they were in the imagined
neutral situation (e.g. getting ready that morning, coming to the All physiological recordings were continuously monitored
laboratory; the last time they did the laundry. . .). The during the experiment and visually inspected off-line. Record-
8 P. Rainville et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 61 (2006) 5 – 18

ing artifacts were identified and corrected by interpolation or performed on 214 samples (81.92 s) of the continuous
else discarded. Instantaneous R– R intervals were calculated tachogram and the smoothed respiratory data. Because of
from the ECG using a template-matching autocorrelation the relatively short duration of the recording, valid estimates
function (template centered on the R-wave) and a peak of HRV could be obtained only in the high frequency range
detection algorithm to obtain a continuous RR tachogram. (0.15 –0.40 Hz), sensitive to changes in parasympathetic
Careful examination of the ECG and the tachogram insured activity.
that the automatic R-wave detection procedure had been
performed correctly. The respiratory signal was smoothed 2.6. Data analysis
using the mean of a 1-s moving window and transformed to
obtain instantaneous (cycle-by-cycle) measurements of period Physiological measures were averaged within subject and
and amplitude. condition and univariate statistics were computed on each
Dependent variables reported in Table 1 were extracted dependent variable as an exploratory measure to examine the
from 90-s epochs of recording starting at the point when effect of the emotions compared to the neutral condition
subjects indicated feeling the target emotion. Multiple linear (within-subject T-tests). A uniform log transformation of the
(time-domain) and spectral (frequency-domain) indices of ratio of each emotion over the neutral condition was then
HRV were computed following the recommendation of the applied to account for individual differences in baseline
Task force of the European Society of Cardiology and the physiological activity in the control condition. This transfor-
North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology mation was chosen because it effectively reduced the skewness
(1996) and Malliani et al. (1991). Various RR interval in the distribution of most dependent variables. The distribu-
measurements were further extracted for each respiratory tion of each variable was further examined after the transfor-
cycle to document the variability between cycles (i.e. slow mation to identify possible remaining outliers (mean T 3SD).
changes) and within cycle (i.e. fast changes). RR variability Based on this criterion, 6% of all measurements were excluded
within respiratory cycle reflects the RSA and was calculated from the group analysis. The transformed scores were then
using the difference between the maximum and minimum RR compared across emotions using between-subjects ANOVAs
interval within each respiratory cycle based on the peak-to- and effect sizes were calculated between pairs of emotions to
valley method of Grossman et al. (1990). In addition to the control for type 2 error (Cohen, 1988).
variables listed, minimum and maximum RR intervals were Because this study included several measurements sensitive
systematically extracted from each recording as a quality at least in part to common physiological mechanisms, an
control measure to insure that no extra beat had been included exploratory principal component analysis (PCA) was performed
and that no beat had been missed (Berntson and Stowell, to reduce the number of dependent variables and account for the
1998). Exact Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis was inherent structure of cardiorespiratory activity (Rotation Meth-

Table 1
Dependent variablesa
Domain Variable Description
Respiration (linear) RespPeriod-mean Mean respiratory period
RespPeriod-median Median respiratory period
RespPeriod-sd Standard deviation of the respiratory period
RespAmp-mean Mean relative respiratory amplitude
RespAmp-median Median of the relative respiratory amplitude
RespAmp-sd Standard deviation of the relative respiratory amplitude
RR changes per respiratory RRmean/RespCycle-mean Mean of the averaged RR within each respiratory cycle
cycle RRmean/RespCycle-sd Standard deviation of the averaged RR across respiratory cycles (slow RR changes between
respiratory cycles)
RRsd/RespCycle-mean Mean of the standard deviation of RR calculated within each respiratory cycle (fast RR changes
within respiratory cycles; respiratory sinus arrhythmia)
RRsd/RespCycle-sd Standard deviation of the standard deviation of RR calculated within each respiratory cycle (fast RR
changes within respiratory cycles; respiratory sinus arrhythmia)
RRmax-min/RespCycle Mean of the maximum excursion of the RR interval (RR max RR min) within each respiratory
cycle (fast RR changes within respiratory cycles; respiratory sinus arrhythmia)
RR interval (linear) RR-mean Mean RR interval
RR-sd Standard deviation of the RR interval (overall variation in RR)
DeltaRR-mean Mean difference between successive RR intervals (RRi+1 RRi ; fast beat-by-beat RR changes)
DeltaRR-sd Standard deviation of the difference between successive RR intervals (fast RR changes)
DeltaRR-rms Square root of the mean of the sum of square of differences between successive R – R intervals
(fast RR changes)
RR interval (spectral) RR-HighFreq High frequency spectral power (FFT) of the continuous tachogram (0.15 – 0.40 Hz; fast RR changes)
Respiration (spectral) Resp-HighFreq High frequency power (FFT) of the respiratory signal (0.15 – 0.40 Hz)
Linear and spectral indices of RR variability are taken from Malliani et al. (1991) and from the Task force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North
American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1996).
P. Rainville et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 61 (2006) 5 – 18 9

Table 2 median, RespAmp-median, RRmax-min/RespCycle, and Del-

P-values for the contrasts between each Emotion conditions and the Neutral taRR-mean, respectively). From the remaining variables, indices
control conditiona
of RR variability entered the PCA if they showed some effect of
Dependent Emotion vs. Neutralb
the emotion compared to the neutral condition, based on paired
Variable Anger Fear Happiness Sadness t-tests ( p = 0.05, uncorrected for multiple comparisons; see
RespPeriod-mean Ns ,0.0009 ,0.0007 Ns Table 2). Other variables may be considered emotion-insensitive
RespPeriod-median ,0.02 ,0.0006 ,0.001 Ns in the context of the present experiment. It should be noted that
RespPeriod-sd Ns Ns Ns j0.01
this permissive selection of putative emotion-sensitive variables
RespAmp-sd j0.003 j0.04 Ns Ns
RRmean/RespCycle-mean ,0.0006 ,0.00001 ,0.0001 ,0.0005 for the PCA has no incidence a priori on the hypothesis that
RRsd/RespCycle-mean Ns ,0.0006 ,0.002 Ns cardiorespiratory activity is organized along several dimensions
RRmax-min/RespCycle Ns ,0.0005 ,0.004 Ns expected to be captured by the PCA and on the hypothesis that
RR-mean ,0.0001 ,0.00004 ,0.0004 ,0.03 basic emotions can be discriminated based on the extracted
DeltaRR-mean Ns ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01
factors. Two additional variables describing respiratory activity
DeltaRR-sd Ns ,0.04 ,0.04 ,0.04
DeltaRR-rms Ns ,0.02 ,0.02 ,0.015 (RespAmp-median and Resp-HighF) did not meet this criterion
RR-HighFreq Ns ,0.006 ,0.02 Ns but were included in the PCA to improve the characterization of
Dependent variables are described in Table 1. Only variables from Table 1 cardiorespiratory space. The minimum Eigenvalue (0.5) was
for which at least one contrast is significant (paired T-test, p-uncorrected < .05) selected based on the inspection of the factor loading to insure
are included in Table 2. that we included at least one factor that captured respiratory
j: Emotion > Neutral; ,: Emotion < Neutral; Ns: not significant ( p > 0.05). variability.
A multivariate analysis of variance performed on the Factors
od, Varimax with Kaiser Normalization; SPSS v. 11.0). The extracted from the exploratory PCA tested for the main effect of
correlation matrix was first examined and confirmed the the emotion (MANOVA, using Pillai’s Trace). Post hoc
expected redundancy in measurements. Some of the variables univariate tests and contrasts were further computed on the
listed in Table 1 were excluded from the PCA (i.e. RespPeriod- factors and effect sizes were calculated between pairs of
mean, RespAmp-mean, RRsd/RespCycle-mean, and DeltaRR- emotions to control for type 2 error (Cohen, 1988). The
rms) because more then 90% of their variance (R 2  0.90) was possibility to categorize the four emotions based on the factors
accounted for by another dependent variable (i.e. RespPeriod- extracted from the PCA was further tested statistically in a series

Table 3
Univariate comparisons of the effect of the four emotions
Dependent variable F (df a) P P-valuesb for pair-wise comparisons (effect size)
A vs. F A vs. H A vs. S F vs. H F vs. S H vs. S
RespPeriod-mean 5.01 0.004 0.02 Ns Ns LSD 0.003 Ns
(3, 56) (1.07) (0.60) ( 0.02) ( 0.75) ( 0.93) ( 0.42)
RespPeriod-median 3.63 0.018 Ns Ns Ns LSD 0.01 Ns
(3, 57) (0.65) ( 0.10) ( 0.27) ( 0.84) ( 0.89) ( 0.24)
RespPeriod-sd 4.10 0.01 Ns LSD Ns Ns 0.04 0.02
(3, 58) (0.73) (0.70) ( 0.27) (0.10) ( 0.96) ( 0.92)
RespAmp-sd 1.66 0.2 Ns LSD Ns Ns Ns Ns
(3, 57) (0.75) (0.99) (0.52) (0.40) ( 0.13) ( 0.43)
RRmean/RespCycle-mean 7.30 0.0003 0.02 Ns Ns 0.001 0.0006 Ns
(3, 54) (1.04) ( 0.43) ( 0.38) ( 1.48) ( 1.35) (0.00)
RRsd/RespCycle-mean 6.33 0.0009 0.002 LSD Ns Ns 0.004 Ns
(3, 55) (1.25) (0.79) (0.16) ( 0.65) ( 1.26) ( 0.73)
RRmax-min/RespCycle 7.16 0.0004 0.001 LSD Ns Ns 0.001 Ns
(3, 54) (1.37) (0.82) (0.09) ( 0.70) ( 1.34) ( 0.76)
RR-mean 5.38 0.003 0.03 Ns Ns 0.009 0.004 Ns
(3, 53) (1.00) ( 0.27) ( 0.25) ( 1.19) ( 1.04) ( 0.07)
DeltaRR-mean 1.33 0.3 Ns Ns Ns Ns Ns Ns
(3, 54) (0.50) (0.14) (0.05) ( 0.48) ( 0.60) ( 0.16)
DeltaRR-sd 1.96 0.13 LSD Ns Ns Ns Ns Ns
(3, 54) (0.65) (0.40) (0.24) ( 0.41) ( 0.61) ( 0,32)
DeltaRR-rms 1.69 0.18 LSD Ns Ns Ns Ns Ns
(3, 54) (0.60) (0.31) (0.19) ( 0.43) ( 0.59) ( 0.23)
RR-HighFreq 5.34 0.003 0.002 LSD Ns Ns LSD Ns
(3, 50) (1.40) (1.15) (0.58) ( 0.45) ( 0.83) ( 0.46)
Note that df error varies because of missing data for some dependent variables.
A: Anger, F: Fear, H: Happiness, S: Sadness; p-values are given for significant contrasts based on Tukey HSD; LSD: p-uncorrected < .05 using the more lenient
least-square difference method; Ns: not significant; effect sizes are considered moderate to large (in bold) for standardized differences >0.50 and >0.80, respectively
(standardized effect size calculated using Hedges’ bias correction; Cohen, 1988).
10 P. Rainville et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 61 (2006) 5 – 18

of stepwise discriminant analyses (SPSS v 11.0; see Friedman, 3. Results

1989 and Duda et al., 2001, for the method and applications of
discriminant analyses). This approach allows characterizing 3.1. Self-reports of emotions
small samples in high-dimensional space. Correct classification
rates were obtained using a standard and a cross-validation Subjects reported experiencing the target emotion more
procedure in which each case is classified successively by the intensely than any other emotion in all trials. The mean (sd)
functions (decision tree) derived from all other cases (leave-one- Likert-scale rating of the target emotion was 2.29 (0.64) for fear,
out classification or U-method). This method leads to more 3.03 (0.86) for anger, 3.25 (0.70) for sadness, and 3.00 (0.67)
conservative estimates of the correct classification rate. A for happiness. The target emotion was always felt more intensely
comparable performance between the standard and the cross- than any emotion reported in the neutral condition for which the
validation procedure generally attests of the stability of the pooled mean rating of all the emotions reported was 0.40 (0.71)
classification model. Correct classification rates were evaluated with a median and a mode of 0 (paired t-tests comparing each
using Chi-square tests. emotion with neutral: all p’s < .000001). Unpaired t-test



-0.20 -0.25

-0.60 0.40
0.20 0.20
0.00 0.00
-0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 RespAmp-sd -0.20 -0.20
RespPeriod-mean RespPeriod-median





-0.40 0.00

-0.60 G
-0.50 -0.50
-0.25 0.00 0.25
-0.03 0.00
RespPeriod-mean -0.05 -0.10
0.00 -0.08 RespPeriod-mean -0.25 -0.05 -0.08
0.25 -0.10 RRmean/RespCycle-mean -0.50 0.00 -0.03

0.40 Emotion

0.20 Fear
0.00 Sadness

0.00 -0.45
RespPeriod-mean -0.15

Fig. 1. Separation of pairs of emotions in the multidimensional space defined by subsets of dependent variables (defined in Table 1). Each point represents one
observation connected by a line to the subgroup centroı̈d. Contrasts are shown for (A) anger, fear and happiness, (B) anger and sadness, (C) fear and happiness, (D)
fear and sadness, and (E) happiness and sadness. Note that all variables are transformed using the Log(Emotion/Neutral) so that the origin of each axis corresponds to
the physiological activity measured in the neutral control condition.
P. Rainville et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 61 (2006) 5 – 18 11

Table 4 cycle (RRmax-min/RespCycle), and in the high frequency range

Rotated component matrix of the exploratory principal component analysisa (RR-HighFreq), were robust in fear and significant but weaker in
Dependent Factor (% variance explained) happiness. Additional decreases in HRV were suggested by the
Variable 1 (34%) 2 (21%) 3 (17%) 4 (11%) 5 (8%) beat-by-beat changes in RR intervals in sadness (DeltaRR-mean
RespPeriod-median 0.06 0.94 0.14 0.04 0.16 and DeltaRR-sd). There was no indication of changes in HRV in
RespPeriod-sd 0.10 0.49 0.02 0.10 0.79 anger. These change observed during emotions compared to the
RespAmp-median 0.06 0.64 0.11 0.69 0.09 neutral condition confirmed the efficacy of the self-induction
RespAmp-sd 0.26 0.02 0.13 0.40 0.81
method to evoke robust physiological activity associated with
RRmean/RespCycle-mean 0.10 0.15 0.96 0.06 0.03
RRmax-min/RespCycle 0.58 0.69 0.08 0.04 0.27 the experience of emotion. The observed patterns were also
RR-mean 0.11 0.02 0.97 0.05 0.10 suggestive of some distinctive features between the four
DeltaRR-mean 0.93 0.09 0.17 0.02 0.07 emotions tested.
DeltaRR-sd 0.93 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.02 Contrasts between the four emotions were performed
RR-HighFreq 0.84 0.07 0.02 0.18 0.24
using log transformed dependent variables (see Methods).
Resp-HighFreq 0.10 0.02 0.04 0.94 0.19
Table 3 summarizes the results of the univariate tests
Loading > .75 are indicated in bold and values > .50 in bold and italic.
contrasting the four emotions on each dependent variable.
indicated that fear was felt as less intense that the other emotions Several dependent variables were sensitive to emotion-related
( p’s < .001) and all other pair-wise comparison between effects. Notably, indices of HRV (linear and spectral), and
emotions did not reach significance (all p’s > .20). These results respiratory activity showed highly significant effects of
indicated that subjects were successful at evoking and emotions. Pair-wise comparison between emotions revealed
experiencing the target emotions. significant effects with moderate to large effect sizes.
Exploration of those effects across several dependent vari-
3.2. Effects of emotion on physiological responses ables suggested some patterns of activity associated with the
(univariate tests) different emotions.
The possibility to discriminate the four emotions was further
Each emotion was first contrasted to the neutral condition examined using graphical representations contrasting pairs of
separately for each dependent variable as an exploratory emotions as shown in Fig. 1. Anger was clearly separated from
measure to describe the data set and identify variables of both fear and happiness based on the combination of
interest. As listed in Table 2, highly significant effects of RespPeriod-mean and RR-HighFreq (Fig. 1A). The contrast
emotion were observed in a number of dependent variables. between anger and fear confirmed the significant univariate
Respiratory period (RespPeriod-median) decreased in fear and effects for both dependent variables (Table 3). However, it is
happiness and less consistently in anger, while the variability in noteworthy that happiness did not differ significantly from
respiratory period (RespPeriod-sd) increased in sadness. In anger on either RespPeriod-mean or RR-HighFreq (Table 3),
contrast, no significant changes were observed in central yet the scatterplot shown in Fig. 1A clearly demonstrates the
tendency measures of respiratory amplitude (RespAmp-median) separation between anger and happiness when considering this
but robust increases in respiratory variability (RespAmp-sd) bi-dimensional space. This illustrates the limits of univariate
were noted in anger and, to a lesser extent, in fear. Linear RR approaches. Graphical exploration of the other pair-wise
indices (RR-mean and RRmean/RespCycle-mean) confirmed contrasts using subsets of 3-dependent variables led to similar
the robust decreases in the RR interval expected in all emotions conclusions. In those representations, anger, fear and happiness
(increase in heart rate). Decreases in HRV within respiratory were easily discriminated from each other (Fig. 1A and C)

Table 5
Effect of emotions (MANOVA) on the factors extracted from the exploratory PCA
Factor Physiological Interpretation Fa P P-valuesb for pair-wise comparisons (effect size)
A vs. F A vs. H A vs. S F vs. H F vs. S H vs. S
1 HRV (parasympathetic, respiration-uncoupled) 3.41 0.025 0.02 LSD Ns Ns Ns Ns
(0.95) (1.15) (0.80) ( 0.22) ( 0.41) ( 0.32)
2 RSA and respiratory period (parasympathetic, respiration-coupled) 2.99 0.04 LSD Ns Ns LSD 0.04 Ns
(0.84) ( 0.09) ( 0.20) ( 0.99) ( 0.89) ( 0.16)
3 RR mean (sympathetic) 4.14 0.01 Ns Ns Ns 0.02 0.02 Ns
(0.70) ( 0.58) ( 0.47) ( 1.21) ( 1.07) (0.02)
4 Respiration amplitude 0.05 0.98 Ns Ns Ns Ns Ns Ns
(0.05) (0.08) (0.12) (0.03) ( 0.08) ( 0.07)
5 Respiration variability 2.92 0.04 Ns 0.04 Ns Ns Ns LSD
(0.59) (1.03) (0.16) (0.81) (0.40) ( 0.87)
df = 3, 45.
A: Anger, F: Fear, H: Happiness, S: Sadness; p-values are given for significant contrasts based on Tukey HSD; LSD: p-uncorrected < .05 using the more lenient
least-square difference method; Ns: not significant; effect sizes are considered moderate to large (in bold) for standardized differences >0.50 and >0.80, respectively
(standardized effect size calculated using Hedges’ bias correction; Cohen, 1988).
12 P. Rainville et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 61 (2006) 5 – 18



Factor value
0 Fear
-0.4 Sadness


Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5

Fig. 2. Mean T SEM of each emotion on the five PCA Factors. Each emotion is associated with a specific pattern of response across the Factors 1 – 3 and 5 (see
Table 5). Note that 0 on the y-axis corresponds to the mean of all observations and that effects relative to the neutral condition should be interpreted based on Table 2.

while sadness could be separated most clearly from fear (RespPeriod-sd). Factor 2 also captured the variance in HRV
(Fig. 1D) but only partially from anger (Fig. 1B) and happiness measured within the respiratory cycle (RRmax-min/
(Fig. 1E). RespCycle) and left out from Factor 1. Taken together, Factor
2 appeared to capture most of the variance in HRV coupled
3.3. Multivariate exploratory approach with respiration. Factor 3 specifically and almost exclusively
captured the variance in the mean RR level (RRmean/
The exploratory PCA, applied to reduce the dimensionality RespCycle-mean and RR-mean) independent of HRV and
of the dependent variables, converged after five iterations onto respiration. Factor 4 explained the variance in the frequency
a five factors structure that explained 91% of the overall index of respiration variability (Resp-HighFreq) and some of
variance (Table 4). Factor 1 explained most of the variance in the remaining variance in respiratory amplitude (RespAmp-
linear and spectral measures of HRV (DeltaRR-mean, Del- median). No noticeable variance in HRV was captured by this
taRR-sd, RR-HighFreq) and only a smaller part of the variance Factor. Finally, Factor 5 reflected the remaining variance in the
in HRV measured within respiratory cycles (RRmax-min/ variability of the respiration period (RespPeriod-sd) and
RespCycle). No respiratory variable loaded noticeably on amplitude (RespAmp-sd). It is also noteworthy to mention
Factor 1. This suggests that Factor 1 captured mainly HRV that the inclusion of skin conductance indices in the PCA
independent of respiration. In contrast, Factor 2 mainly produced additional factors with minimal overlap with the
reflected variance in respiratory period (RespPeriod-median), cardiorespiratory variables suggesting that only a negligible
part of the variance respiratory amplitude (RespAmp-median), amount of variance was shared between electrodermal and
and some variance in the variability of respiratory period cardiorespiratory variables.

8 Predicted
Absolute frequency

7 Emotion

6 Anger
Anger Fear Happiness Sadness
Target Emotion
Fig. 3. Distribution of the observations in the four categories derived from the discriminant analysis (color bars) as a function of the target emotion experienced by
the subject (x-axis). The horizontal broken lines represent chance levels. The overall correct prediction rate (65.3%) was significantly higher than chance (v 2(9) = 48.2,
p < .001).
P. Rainville et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 61 (2006) 5 – 18 13

The emotions were further contrasted using a multivariate Table 6

analysis of variance applied on the five factors extracted from Pair-wise correct classification rates based on the stepwise discriminant
the exploratory PCA. The analysis indicated an overall
Correct classification Fear Happiness Sadness
significant effect of the emotion (MANOVA — Pillai’s Trace,
ratea (cross-validated
F (15, 129) = 2.78, p < 0.001) that was further examined using rate; factors
univariate tests (Table 5). Significant main effects and pair- includedb)
wise contrasts were confirmed on Factors 1– 3 and 5, and Anger 79.2% - 83.3%- 77.8%-
moderate to large effect sizes (Cohen, 1988) were observed, (79.2%-; 1, 2, 5) (83.3%-; 1, 5) (74,1%.; 1, 2, 3)
indicating that the four emotions could be distinguished from Fear 81.8%- 76.0%-
each others based on the factors extracted from the PCA. This (81.8%-; 3, 2, 5) (76.0%; 3, 2)
Happiness 72.0%c
differentiation is illustrated in Fig. 2 by the unique pattern of
(60% ns; 5)
response of each emotion in the multi-dimensional space a
Assessment of significance is based on Chi-square tests with df = 1; pair-
defined by those factors. Anger differed from the other three
wise chance rate = 50%.
emotions mainly on Factor 1. This indicated that the experience b
PCA factors contributing to the discriminant classification model.
of anger was not associated with a decrease in HRV relative to c
p < .05; .p < .01; -p < .005; ns: not significant ( p > .05).
the neutral condition, contrary to fear, happiness and sadness
(see Table 2 for direction of changes relative to the neutral
condition). Fear was clearly distinguished from the other extracted from the PCA (Table 6). The more conservative
emotions on Factors 2 and 3 (Fig. 2), indicating the strongest cross-validation procedure led to identical correct classifica-
decrease in respiratory period and HRV within respiratory tion rates for most pair-wise contrasts, attesting of the
cycles and the largest decrease in RR. Happiness was stability of the classification models. Only the contrasts
associated with less variability in respiration (period and between sadness and anger, and between sadness and
amplitude) than the other emotions as indicated by the happiness, showed some decrease following the cross-
moderate to large effect sizes observed on Factor 5. Happiness validation procedure. This is consistent with the lower level
also distinguished itself from anger on Factor 1, and from fear of specificity observed for sadness and with the less
on Factors 2 and 3. Finally, sadness distinguished itself on a consistent contrasts obtained between sadness and both
combination of factors. It was associated with less HRV than happiness and anger in the MANOVA (Table 5).
anger (Factor 1), a longer respiratory period, larger respira-
tory sinus arrhythmia, and a smaller RR decrease than fear 4. Discussion
(Factors 2 and 3), and more respiratory variability than
happiness (Factor 5). The inclusion of electrodermal indices This study provides some evidence that basic emotions are
in the PCA and of the corresponding factors in subsequent associated with distinctive patterns of cardiorespiratory activ-
analyses did not reveal additional differences between the ity. Different emotions were distinguished from the neutral
emotions (not shown). control condition based on different subsets of dependent
variables and multi-dimensional exploration of the data
3.4. Discriminant analysis revealed complex patterns of activity that characterized each
emotion. The exploratory PCA suggested that the variance in
The possibility to categorize the four emotions was cardiorespiratory activity varied along five dimensions and
further tested in a series of stepwise discriminant analyses discriminative analyses based on those factors allowed for a
using all five factors extracted in the PCA. The output of the prediction of the emotion felt at a rate significantly higher than
analysis indicated that the four emotions could be adequately chance. The functional significance of the specific patterns of
classified using Factors 1, 2, 3 and 5, as shown in Fig. 3. activity observed is discussed in relation to the previous reports
Factor 4 did not contribute to the discriminant solution, indicating a distinct contribution of parasympathetic and
consistent with the results of the MANOVA (see Table 5 and sympathetic regulatory processes to emotions. The methodo-
Fig. 2). The overall successful classification rate of 65.3% logical limitations of the study to demonstrate the distinctive
was significantly superior than chance (chance = 25%; Chi- patterns of physiological activity are discussed and future
square(df=9) = 48.2, p < 0.001). The sensitivity (hit rate) of the research directions are identified.
classification results ranged from 61.5% (anger) to 72.7%
(fear) while specificity (correct rejection rate) ranged from 4.1. Physiological dimensions of cardiorespiratory activity
74.3% (sadness) to 94.7% (happiness). The result of the
more conservative cross-validation procedure (leave-one-out The variance in the multiple chronometric indices of
or U-method) led to a correct classification rate of 49.0%, a cardiorespiratory processes was structured along five physio-
level that remained significantly higher than chance (Chi- logically meaningful dimensions. The multivariate approach
square(df=9) = 27.4, p = 0.001) and attested of the stability of allowed us to separate the relative contribution of high
the classification. Pair-wise discriminant analyses further frequency HRV associated with vagal outflow to the heart
confirmed that the emotions could be distinguished from (Factors 1 and 2) from changes in heart rate independent of
each other based on different combinations of factors HRV and possibly reflecting sympathetic activity (Factor 3).
14 P. Rainville et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 61 (2006) 5 – 18

This confirms that changes in HRV are not simply secondary to not contribute to the linear and spectral indices of high
changes in heart rate. Similar separation of sympathetic and frequency HRV. Factor 3 may therefore reflect the descending
parasympathetic influences has been performed using the excitatory influence of supra-spinal mechanisms on the
relative low and high frequency components of HRV extracted excitation of pre-ganglionic neurons of the intermediolateral
from spectral analyses applied to longer recording epochs column of the thoracic spinal cord (sympathetic output), the
(Task force of the European Society of Cardiology and the changes in circulating catecholamines affecting the heart, and/
North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology, or the (slow) tonic release in vagal tone. This activity is
1996), from the temporal coupling of RR changes with changes typically captured by the low frequency component of HRV
in blood pressure (Hughson et al., 1993), or from fractal that could not be assessed directly in the Fast Fourier
dimensionality measurements (Butler et al., 1993; Yeragani et Transform analysis performed here, due to the short duration
al., 1993; Toichi et al., 1997). The observed partial segregation of the recordings. Still, the multivariate method used here
of variance associated with sympathetic and parasympathetic allowed us to disentangle those various components of heart
influences is highly consistent with a multi-dimensional model rate regulation.
of autonomic regulation of the heart (Berntson et al., 1994). It is noteworthy that variations in skin conductance
The present results further indicate an additional separation activity did not overlap significantly with changes in
between HRV changes coupled with respiration (Factor 2: cardiorespiratory activity. Based on the pattern of cardiore-
respiratory sinus arrhythmia) and uncoupled with respiration spiratory activity, it might have been expected that Factor 3
(Factor 1). Respiration-related variables describing both the (global changes in heart rate) would also explain changes in
level and variability in period and amplitude also contributed skin conductance because it reflects, at least in part,
unique variance (Factors 4 – 5) independent of changes in heart sympathetic activity. However, consistent with the distinctive
rate or HRV. regulatory mechanisms involved in cardiac and skin sympa-
The physiological mechanisms underlying the changes thetic activity, those factors were segregated. Furthermore,
associated with each Factor extracted in the PCA can be the inclusion of skin conductance in the PCA and in the
inferred from the specific variable loading pattern reported in discriminant analysis did not improve the discrimination of
Table 3. The baroreceptor reflex mediates respiratory sinus emotions.
arrhythmia (Factor 2) and involves vagal afferents to the
solitary nucleus, which sends efferent projections to the 4.2. Characterization of emotions in a multidimensional
cardiomotor preganglionic neurons in the motor nucleus of cardiorespiratory space
the vagus and the nucleus ambiguus (Standish et al., 1994).
Those output nuclei are also under the influence of mesence- The patterns we report suggest that the robust increases in
phalic and diencephalic structures (e.g. periacqueductal grey heart rate observed in fear, anger, happiness, and sadness,
area, hypothalamus, amygdala) that contribute to the genera- relative to the neutral condition (see Table 2) reflect varied
tion and coordination of complex patterns of somato-visceral combinations of sympathetic and parasympathetic changes, the
responses that characterize emotion (Bandler and Shipley, latter of which may be coupled or uncoupled with respiration.
1994; Saper, 2002). Here, Factor 1 may best capture the top- The separation of the four emotions was evident along many
down regulatory control of vagal output by higher-order brain dimensions and no single factor could account for all pair-wise
structures independent of respiration, while Factor 2 reflects segregations. This finding is clearly not compatible with the
the changes in HRV driven by respiration and mediated by pervasive view that one single dimension, that of arousal,
the baroreceptor reflex and vagal output (cf. loading of linear suffices to characterize the somatic patterns of different
HRV index and respiration measures on Factor 2). This is emotions. Instead, the present results confirm the multi-
consistent with a hierarchical organisation of sympato-vagal dimensional nature of the somatic states which characterize
regulatory mechanisms previously proposed to characterize the basic emotions.
somatic expression of emotion (Porges, 1997). Importantly, Based on the results of the analyses of variance on the
Factors 1 and 2 accounted for 43% and 21% of the variance, PCA factors, the effect size estimates, and the discriminant
respectively. This underscores the contribution of top-down analyses, we propose a heuristic decision tree to distinguish
regulatory mechanisms and the critical importance of indexing the emotions based on cardiorespiratory criteria (Fig. 4). At
respiration-dependent and respiration-independent parasympa- the first node, anger is discriminated from the other emotions
thetic activity to describe the somatic states associated with by an increase in heart rate without noticeable changes in
emotions. high frequency HRV (see Tables 2, 3 and 5, and Fig. 2).
Global changes in heart rate generally reflect changes in This is consistent with the relative dominance of sympathetic
vagal and/or sympathetic influences. However, in the PCA activation previously reported in anger (McCraty et al.,
analysis, the variance in mean RR (RR-mean and RRmean/ 1995). Notably, the significant increase in heart rate in anger
RespCycle-mean) was almost exclusively explained by Factor occurred in the absence of changes in high frequency HRV.
3, and was almost completely segregated from changes in HRV By contrast, the increase in heart rate observed in fear,
associated with Factors 1 –2. This implies that the global happiness, and sadness was clearly associated with changes
changes in mean RR observed here reflect sympathetic in vagal activity indexed by high frequency HRV. Stemmler
mechanisms and/or slow changes in vagal activity, that do et al. (2001) reported similar effects in fear and anger where
P. Rainville et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 61 (2006) 5 – 18 15

Heuristic Decision Tree

Increase in HR with Increase in HR

NO change in high and decrease in high
frequency (HF) HRV frequency (HF) HRV

Decrease in HF HRV Decrease in HF HRV

Un-coupled with Coupled with changes
changes in respiration in respiration (RSA)

Increase in respiration No change in respiration

variability variability


Fig. 4. Heuristic decision tree derived from the observations of distinct patterns of cardiorespiratory activity during basic emotions (see text).

both emotions were found to reduce the heart period but Decreases in HRV were also noted in happiness and to a
only fear was associated with decreases in heart period lesser extent in sadness (Table 2). However, the decrease in
variability. This is also consistent with the conclusions HRV noted in fear was mainly the result of reduced
reached by Ekman et al. (1983) and Levenson et al. respiratory sinus arrhythmia (Factor 2), while the effects
(1990) who derived a decision tree based on measures of observed in happiness and sadness were not coupled with
heart rate and skin temperature recorded during a directed respiration (Factor 1). This important reduction in vagal tone
facial action task and in a relived emotion task. Both tasks during fear is consistent with previous reports in patients
showed increases in heart rate in anger and fear but larger suffering from panic attacks (Yeragani et al., 1991; Friedman
increases were found in skin temperature in anger. Taken in and Thayer, 1998; Rao and Yeragani, 2001). This suggests
isolation, the increase in heart rate could be interpreted as a that the reduction in HRV in fear may be mainly mediated
stronger non-specific arousal response. However, the increase by the baroreceptor reflex and secondary to the decrease in
in skin temperature may relate to our findings that the heart respiratory period. We interpret the experimental studies
rate increase in anger reflects mainly sympathetic activation using lactate infusion and hyperventilation to imply that the
while the increase found in other emotions may also involve a modification of respiration and the reduction of vagal
decrease in parasympathetic activity (i.e. here a decrease in activity may be critical to the induction of fear states and
HF heart rate variability; see Fig. 4). This clearly demon- that these changes may precede the subjective experience of
strates that similar changes in heart rate induced by various fear.
emotions may reflect different combinations of sympathethic By contrast, the reduction in HRV we observed during
and parasympathetic changes, consistent with modern multi- happiness and also reported in the brief summary of another
dimensional conception of chronometric regulation of cardiac study (Lane et al., 2001), may reflect additional influences
function (Task force of the European Society of Cardiology from brain structures affecting pre-ganglionic vagal efferent
and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophys- neurons in the nucleus ambiguus or the vagal motor nucleus,
iology, 1996; Berntson et al., 1993a; Malliani et al., 1991; independent from changes in respiration. The function of this
Pagani et al., 1997). This is consistent with the notion that decrease in vagal tone during happiness remains to be
basic emotions are associated with distinct patterns of auto- elucidated. Finally, the larger variability in respiration
nomic activity. observed in sadness than in happiness provided the final
At the next node of the decision tree (Fig. 4), fear is criterion in the decision tree to discriminate the emotions.
distinguished from happiness and sadness by a robust Taken together, these results support the hypothesis that basic
decrease in high frequency HRV which is strongly coupled emotions are associated with distinct patterns of chronomet-
with respiration (see Tables 2, 3 and 5 and Fig. 2, Factor 2). ric cardiorespiratory activity.
16 P. Rainville et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 61 (2006) 5 – 18

4.3. Theoretical and methodological considerations The context of the emotional induction has also been shown
to influence the pattern of response and thereby limit the
The variety of the emotional situations and reactions that external validity of any paradigm. Stemmler et al. (2001) have
were recalled and relived in the laboratory is likely to have shown that the somato-visceral specificity of fear compared to
reduced our ability to discriminate the emotions. For example, anger interacts with the experimental context (real life vs.
we did not control for the potential effects of anger expression/ recalled and imagined situation). However, this study did find a
suppression, or for the different behavioral responses (e.g. decrease in HRV during fear but not anger in both contexts, in
fight, flight, or freeze) mentally evoked by the fear experienced support of our interpretation that some aspects of emotional
in the specific scenario recalled. The mental evocation of motor responses may consistently characterize specific emotional
activity has been shown to affect autonomic activity (Decety, states in different contexts.
1996) and this may have contributed to the variability within One possible way to increase our ability to discriminate
each emotion condition. Similarly, we relied on mental imagery between emotions would be to better control for individual
and reliving of an emotional episode, a paradigm that may differences in physiological activity. Here, individual subjects
reduce the ability to detect specific patterns across emotions were their own control as each emotion observation was
compared to real-life emotional episodes (Stemmler et al., normalized based on the neutral condition. However, subjects
2001). However, those effects would have worked against our did not contribute to all four emotion conditions and we relied
hypothesis that basic emotions are associated with distinct on a between subject design to contrast the four emotions. One
patterns of cardiorespiratory activity by introducing uncon- alternative would have been to use a full within-subject design
trolled variance in the data. Nevertheless, the specification of by asking all subjects to recall one autobiographical episode
those effects in emotion research will most certainly contribute for each of the four emotions. However, this approach could
to improve our ability to discriminate emotions based on reduce the strength of the emotion experienced if some
physiological activity. emotional episodes are not recalled as reliably and if the
Our method specifically capitalized on subjective emotional emotions are not relived as vividly. Here, we chose to recruit
feelings as indicators of emotional states and our results subjects based on their self-reported ability to relive at least
confirmed the association with a distinct somatic state. In spite one emotion based on autobiographical recall. This compro-
of differences in the specific situation and behavioural mise illustrates the challenge of emotion research in psycho-
response(s) remembered, the patterns of physiological activity physiology, constantly struggling to control adequately for
associated with the emotions converged into specific areas of the baseline physiological differences and to induce strong
multi-dimensional physiological space suggesting that the emotions reliably.
consensus on the emotion felt was associated with consistent Several other aspects of this study should be considered
patterns of physiological activity. This implies that the experi- with caution before a definite conclusion is reached. An
ence we associate with basic emotions have a distinct somato- important limitation concerns the small sample size. The
visceral correspondence in spite of the different scenarios and investigation of multi-dimensional physiological space requires
the potentially different behavioral responses evoked mentally. the assessment of several physiological responses. Here the
This does not negate the influence of specific behavioral number of dependent variables was very high relative to the
responses on somato-visceral activity, but rather suggests that number of observations but several variables were expected to
those responses may produce shifts in physiological activity be highly overlapping and an exploratory PCA was applied to
within the sub-space that characterizes a certain emotion. reduce the dimensionality of the data set. This analysis requires
It is plausible that the specific behavioural response a large number of independent observations to lead to
associated with the expression of those emotions and the interpretable and stable factors. Here we applied the PCA on
experimental context may explain part of the variability a small sample with partly dependent observations (i.e. some of
observed within the emotional conditions. For example, our subjects contributed to two emotion conditions). Never-
physiological activity characterizing anger varied along mea- theless, the output from the PCA was easily interpretable based
sures of respiratory period (Factor 2) and high frequency HRV on the known physiology of cardiorespiratory regulation, an
(RR-HighFreq; Factor 1). Changes along those dimensions observation that supports the validity of the factor structure
could relate to outward expression. A positive relation has been obtained. However, we must emphasize that the results of the
reported between the low frequency component of HRV and PCA should be considered preliminary in view of the important
anger expression (Ramaekers et al., 1998). It is therefore possible limitations and because the sample did not allow us to perform
that the suppression of anger expression may produce shifts a confirmatory analysis to test for the stability of the factors
towards relative increases in vagal tone paired with faster structure observed.
breathing, while the facilitation of anger expression may be The discriminant analysis may not suffer as much from such
associated with shifts towards decreases in vagal tone (relative limitation as it is better suited to characterize small sample
decreased RR-HighFreq) and slower breathing. According to sizes in high dimensional space (Friedman, 1989 and Duda et
our hypothesis, however, those shifts would be expected to al., 2001). Indeed, the leave-one-out method (U-method or
occur within the sector of the multi-dimensional physiological cross-validation) involves the repeated calculation of a
space that characterizes anger. A shift outside of that sector discriminant function based on a sample of n 1, as each
would be expected to produce a change in emotional experience. observation is successively left out in the successive reiteration
P. Rainville et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 61 (2006) 5 – 18 17

of the analysis (SPSS v 11.0). The overall cross-validation 5. Conclusion

performance is therefore based on the ability of the model to
correctly classify each observation based on a function derived The hypothesis that the feeling of basic emotions is
from all the other observations. The significant and relatively consistently associated with distinct patterns of somatic activity
high correct classification rate observed using this method is receiving increasing support from psychophysiological
suggests good internal stability of the results. External research. The implication of our findings validates the
validation of the discriminant function and of the heuristic recommendation of a growing number of independent inves-
algorithm proposed in Fig. 4 will be required to confirm the tigators, according to which a multidimensional assessment of
generalizability of the findings. physiological activity is necessary to describe somatic states
associated with basic emotions. Our results further indicate a
4.4. Future research directions contribution of dynamic changes in cardiorespiratory activity to
the production of distinct somatic states that normal individuals
The increased sensitivity and specificity of non-invasive experience as anger, fear, happiness, and sadness. The iden-
methods of measurement and analysis of autonomic activity in tification of distinctive physiological patterns characterizing
humans allow the concurrent evaluation of several regulatory emotional states will foster the development of automated
systems. Future assessment of patterns of peripheral activity systems for the recognition of emotions using real-time
during emotions should include refined measurements of both multivariate analysis procedures (Picard et al., 2001). In
cardiac and respiratory activity (e.g. Boiten et al., 1994; addition to the exciting but challenging possibility to imple-
Wientjes, 1992), as well as concurrent measurements of other ment such system in the design of emotionally competent
systems, including multiple autonomic and endocrine machines, these systems may contribute to the clinical
responses, in order to provide a more comprehensive assess- evaluation of affective disorders and to research in psychoso-
ment of somatic states. These studies must further consider the matic and affective neurosciences.
non-linear organization of physiological systems, their tempo-
ral dynamics, and the interactions among systems, all of which Acknowledgments
may contribute to the unique experience of emotions. The
distinctive changes associated with specific emotions might We thank Daniel Tranel for his advice on psychophysiolog-
explain the association between certain disorders of emotions ical methods and analysis, Anne Virasith and Martin Bilodeau
(e.g. anxiety disorders) and specific somatic symptoms or for their guidance in the application and interpretation of
diseases of the cardiovascular system (e.g. Grippo and discriminant analyses, and Don C. Fowles for his constructive
Johnson, 2002; Kubzansky et al., 1997; Sheps and Sheffield, comments on the manuscript. Supported in part by grants from
2001), although more research is required to establish the the Mathers Foundation and NIH (NINDS) Grant 5 PO 1
significance of this relation (Fleet et al., 2000). NS19632-23, by the Human Frontier Science Program (long-
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