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Classroom Connection 



Miss Alexandra White 
Second Grade 
Fort Mill Elementary 
Our classroom will be managed by the rules that you will find in the 
classroom connection booklet. ​PLEASE KEEP THIS BOOKLET FOR A 
REFERENCE​. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, 
or concerns you may have either by telephone at Fort Mill Elementary 
(803-547-7546) or by email at I appreciate 
you taking the time to read and discuss the policies with your child. Thank 
you for all of your help and support! 
Students are expected to follow all of the classroom rules. Please discuss the following 
rules and consequences with your child. 
1. Follow directions. 
2. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. 
3. Be kind to other children and adults in the classroom. Show 
4. Take good care of class materials and clean up things when 
you are finished with them. 
5. Always walk in the hallways and classroom. 
6. Raise your hand when you need to share something with the 
7. Use a soft voice in the classroom, save your big voice for 
Discipline Policy 
I use logical consequences when a class rule is broken. Examples of logical 
consequences may include: 
● Time away from the class for class disruptions or bothering other 
● Cleaning or repairing damaged property 
● Written or verbal apologies for unkind behavior toward others 
● Walking back to the starting point and walking (instead of running) in 
the building 
● Teachers Choice ( 5 minutes of lost recess, silent lunch) 
My aim is for the consequence to be related to the misbehavior and act as a 
solution to the problem. If classroom rules are severely or persistently 
broken, parents will be contacted with a note, phone call, or conference. A 
child may be referred to the principal when the behavior prevents the rest 
of the class from working in a safe and positive learning environment.   
Homework assignments will be written by your child in his agenda.  
Homework will mainly consist of math, nightly reading, spelling, and studying 
for tests. 
Graded assignments will be sent home on Wednesdays. Any other work may 
be sent home daily. Please empty your child’s Take Home Folder on a daily 
basis. We do some papers as a class. Your child will bring these papers home 
without being formally checked. Math workbook pages will be checked for 
completion and understanding. I will not grade this material due to it being 
an introduction to new material; I also guide them through these exercises. 
Homework will not be given a grade, but will be checked for completion. Your 
child’s work will be graded using the following scale: 
A, 90-100  
B, 80-89  
C, 70-79 
D, 60-69  
D, 0-59 
I = Incomplete 
All grades will be posted within 14 days of the assignment. Grades and 
attendance records may be accessed via “Parent Portal.” A link can be found 
on the district’s web page, or via browser​.  
Morning Hallway Time 
Students who arrive at school between 7:05 a.m. and 7:35 a.m. will come 
straight to the classroom. Students will not sit in the hallway. Your child will 
not be able to order breakfast after 7:35. The school day will begin at 7:40. 
Please pay online for everything, using the “Pay Fees” tab on Fort Mill 
Elementary School’s website.  
Lunch Time  
Our class will eat lunch in the classroom from 11:10-11:35. Family members 
can no longer eat lunch with students. Outside food is not allowed for 
birthday celebrations. Please use this Google Form if you want to purchase a 
Celebration Basket:
We will have an afternoon snack every day in class. Please send a snack to 
school with your child.  
Afternoon transportation will NOT be changed without an e-mail to me and 
the office. This is a school policy and one that I strongly adhere to because 
of concerns for student safety. It is not a policy to inconvenience parents, 
but to keep your child safe. 
Related Arts 
Our scheduled related arts time is 9:50-10:30. Here is the schedule for our 
six day color rotation: 
*Red: Art 
*Orange: Music 
*Yellow: PE 1 
*Green: Library  
*Blue: PE 2 
*Appropriate clothing should be worn when we have P.E. Please make sure 
your child wears tennis shoes and comfortable pants or shorts. PE will be 
outside if weather permits. 
*Books should be returned to the library when we have media. 
Thank you for taking the time to read our Classroom Connection booklet. If 
there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact 

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