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Annika Sofia C.

Queyquep August 21, 2020

Grade 11- Samuel Summary
“Three Chapters from Dhammapada”

1.) Chapter 12 : The Self

This chapter emphasizes that self-control is really important if a person wants to
protect themselves from worldly influences, and that one must be accountable for the
virtue he holds. It means that we should also apply the virtues we teach others, not just
telling it for the sake of recognition. We make sure to set a good example. Verse 160
explains that there is no one better to depend to than your own self. This is achieved
through proper discipline. In the same way, it is also easy to corrupt ourselves if we
succumb to evil doings. The act of evil is even compared to a diamond because it is that
powerful to break the unwise man. Another example is that of a creeper which strangles
the tree, and this is like the destiny of a man when they let evil destroy them. It only
proves that bad things are very easy to do, but the good deeds require us more effort.
People must hold the teachings and values of nobles, who conduct their lives
righteously. We are held responsible for every action that we do, and must equally face
the consequences. Discipline of the self and having awareness of one’s spiritual state is
a very important foundation, and we should not neglect our own progress.
2.) Chapter 20: The Path
One of the core teachings of Buddhism is the eight-fold path and four noble
truths, and this chapter states that these are the best instructions to follow in leading a
good life and keeping away the “Mara”, or the demonic spirit. In terms of enlightenment,
Buddha is the best. This path is leading to end suffering, and the liberation from
samsara, or rebirth. However, this path is to be taken alone and one must strive to obey
what it says. A person should also realize that every material thing and desires this world
offers will eventually perish, and by having this mindset, one will be able to detach
themselves from suffering. Furthermore, it is discussed that these things will never really
satisfy. Those who are ignorant and lazy will surely not find the path to wisdom. All are
encouraged to purify the thoughts, words, and deeds. Meditation is really important to
achieve more wisdom, and to empty the thoughts. Our desires and attachment should be
plucked out like a lily. Finally, the last few verses talk about a foolish man’s destiny when
death arrives. He will not realize it, and no one will save him from it. If a person wants to
avoid this happening, then he must observe the path carefully.
3.) Chapter 24: Craving
Our cravings are a manifestation of our desire, that we always want to have
more. As we try to satisfy it, the more that we want to increase it. In this world, a lot of
effort must be put in to overcome the strong urge of craving. Buddhism also proposes
that our craving is the root of suffering, that attachment is stronger than chains as lust is
like setting one’s own trap. The only solution is to let go of the past, present, future, and
set the mind free. If this is not done, then the person will undergo painful cycles of
rebirth. To reach nirvana is to have pure enlightenment, and that the process of purifying
the mind will bring you greater reward and satisfaction apart from anything else.

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