Second Partial B

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I. VOCABULARY (20 marks)
1. internship: ____ a) a qualification given for completing a university course
2. disease: ____ b) to suggest or think of an idea or plan
3. fad: ____ c) something to aim for; something you intend to achieve
4. on purpose: ____ d) planned or likely to happen to
5. conference: ____ e) say that someone or something did something wrong
6. endlessly: ____ f) an illness caused by an infection or by a failure of health
7. epidemic: ____ g) a period of training spent in a hospital by a young doctor
8. blame: ____ h) in contrast or comparison with the fact that
9. somehow: ____ i) the appearance of a disease in a large number of people
10. degree: ____ j) a country or area controlled politically by a more powerful country
11. ground-breaking: ____ k) intentionally, not by accident
12. target: ____ l) in a way or by some means that is not known or is not stated
13. naive: ____ m) a formal meeting, often lasting a few days,
14. pragmatic: ____ n) continuing for a long time and never finishing,
15. whereas: ____ o) to tolerate, to bear patiently
16. came up with: ____ p) practical; making decisions based on facts rather than ideas
17. in store for: ____ q) state or assert that something is the case
18. colony: ____ r) lacking experience or knowledge
19. put up with: ____ s) a style, or interest that is very popular for a short period of time
20. claim: ____ t) very new and a big change from other things of its type

II. LISTENING (10 marks)

Amazing facts Write the word or number to fill the gaps.
1. Only one tenth of the cells in your body are really you. The rest are _______________.
2. An experiment found that animals that didn’t have bacteria _________or had to have a
special diet.
3. There are ______ octillion cells in the human body.
4. Most of the atoms in the human body are just empty _______________.
5. Without the empty space, you could fit your body inside a box measuring ___ of a cm. either
6. You would be much too small to _______________.
7. Mites are really small creatures, like _______________.
8. They live in eyelashes and _______________.
9. Only about ______ per cent of people have mites.
10. Mites eat dead ____________________.
III. GRAMMAR (15 marks)
(1) Circle the correct time expression to complete each sentence. (_____/6)

1. After / Until I traveled overseas, I hadn’t known much about different cultures.

2. After / Before I got a full-time job, I had to live on a very limited budget.

3. By the time / Once I finished high school, I had already taken three college courses.

4. As soon as / Before I left for college, my mother turned my room into her office.

5. Once / Until I left home, I realized how much my family meant to me.
6. By the time / The moment you have a child, you feel totally responsible for him or her.

(2) Make the future perfect positive: by 10 pm tonight … (5 marks)

1. I ___ (finish) this report. _____________________________________________________
2. We ___ (have) dinner. ______________________________________________________
3. She ___ (leave) Paris. ______________________________________________________
4. John ___ (meet) Lucy. ______________________________________________________
5. They ___ (take) the exam. ___________________________________________________

(3) Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences. (5 marks)

1. You ____ your medicines promptly, and you ____ sick.

A) used to take / ought not to have gotten B) must have taken / shouldn't have gotten
C) would have taken / hadn't better gotten D) would rather take / must have gotten
E) should have taken / wouldn't have gotten
2. I can't find my house keys, I____ them at the office.
A) should have left B) have to leave C) could leave D) must have left ,
E) used to leave
3. Last time he paid for food, so now I ____ for it.
A) have had to pay B) will have to pay C) should have paid D) would be paying
E) was paying
4. The horrific tragedy ____ if the architect ____more careful with the way buildings were
A) ought to be avoided / was going to be B) must have avoided / used to be
C) may have avoided / has been D) will be avoided / will have been
E) could have been avoided / had been
5. I failed all my finals, I ____ the whole weekend instead of partying.
A) should have been studying B) could have be studying C) must have been studying
D) had been studying
Complete the table.

Base past Past gerund Base past Past gerund

simple part. simple part.
tread thrusting
bitten shine
Casting sought
swung lay
Tow bear
V. SPEAKING (15 marks)
Ss are to talk about a historic event they remember the most, they will interact with his/her
classmate for 3 minutes

VI. WRITING a letter (15 marks)

You recently had a short holiday organized by Travel Wise. The manager of the company sent you
a letter asking to state the problems which had occurred during your vacation. Write a letter to the
manager, explaining what the problems were and telling them what you want them to do.
Write your letter. Don’t include any postal addresses. Write your answer in 140- 190 words
in an appropriate style on the separate answer sheet


VII. READING. Read the article and choose the correct option. (5 marks)
The first year of life
A newborn baby can see, hear and feel. By the age of five, a child can talk and ride a bike. How
does this development happen? We don’t really understand the way language and thinking
develop in the brain. Now scientists are using new technology to help them in their studies. They
are discovering new information about the way a baby’s brain develops.

A study in 2010 showed that the experiences a child has in their first few years are important.
These experiences affect the development of the brain. The study showed when children receive
more attention, they often have higher IQs. Babies receive information when they see, hear and
feel things. This information makes connections between different parts of the brain. There are a
hundred trillion connections in the brain of a three-year-old child.

One experiment studied how newborn babies’ brains react to different sounds. The sounds were
in different patterns. For example, the sounds mu-ba-ba make the pattern ‘A-B-B’. And the
sounds mu-ba-ge make the pattern ‘A-B-C’. The results of the study showed that babies know the
two patterns are different. Patterns are important in language. The order of words is important to
grammar and meaning. For example, ‘John killed the bear’ doesn’t mean the same as ‘The bear
killed John.’ Both sentences have the same words, but they are in a different order. The
experiment shows that babies start to learn grammar rules from the beginning of their life.

Language is important for child development. Babies can hear language in various ways: listening
to television, audio books or the Internet and interacting with people. A scientist, Patricia Kuhl,
compared two groups of nine-month-old American babies. Both groups heard Mandarin Chinese
sounds. The first group watched videos. In the second group, people spoke the same sounds to
the babies. Then they tested the babies. The second group recognised the different sounds. The
first group learned nothing. Patricia Kuhl said this result was very surprising. It shows that social
interaction is important to successful brain development in babies.
1. The article ... 3. According to the first paragraph ...
a- compares the brains of adults and a- most five-year-olds ride bikes.
children. b-scientists understand child development
b-describes studies into brain development very well.
in babies. c-technology is useful in child development
c-explains how human brains work. studies.

2. According to the article, which statement 4. Why are early experiences important?
is true? a- They affect a baby’s relationships.
a- Different languages influence the brain b-They affect brain development.
in different ways. c-They affect how babies feel.
b-Interactive experiences are important in
brain development. 5. What information is given in the second
c-Babies can learn Mandarin Chinese paragraph?
easily. a- Attention and IQ are connected.
b-It’s difficult to change a baby’s IQ.
c-Some three-year-old children have a high

Cuernavaca, Morelos, a _____ de_______________ del 20___.


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