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POLICY DISCUSSION PAPER For hospitals and LGUs, register and maintain daily

August 5, 2020 telemed contact with individuals as they go through

their disease journey. Keep a daily database of
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FiXING UP HEALTH CARE AND infectees status. Ensure logis cal readiness of hospitals
THE ECONOMY UNDER MECQ for tes ng and treatment if symptoms turn moderate
to severe.
By J. Xavier B. Gonzales
Chairman, The Medical City
Create more ICU Beds

Here is what we know now that makes us able to act Severe and cri cal covid cases con nue to rise. They
more efficiently in dealing with this virus and now represent 1.5% of total ac ve cases. These cases
pandemic: need ICU beds.

Covid is typically a 14-day disease. Days 1-3 you are There are 525 ICU beds (@ 77% occupancy August 3) in
asymptoma c or presymptoma c and most infec ous. NCR out of 1400 na onally. We need to build the beds
You start showing symptoms day 3, and infec ousness now. As an example, it cost P40 million at our hospital
peaks day 5. Star ng day 8, as your body is beginning to ou it a 32-room wing for nega ve pressure ICU
to produce an bodies, you con nue to shed the virus, capacity. Time to construct was one month. Total cost
but cannot infect others, unless you are older or for 525 more beds - P656 million.
immunocompromised, in which case you need to wait
for day 10 before you are infec ous-free. A more efficient alterna ve might be to designate
certain public hospitals as stand-alone Covid. Pasig
So here’s what you need to keep in mind: tried to do this early on by conver ng its Child of Hope
Hospital. However, they were unable to handle
● If you are mildly symptoma c, without fever moderate to severe pa ents. East Avenue Hospital in
for 24 hours and under no medica on, you can QC is currently under considera on.
end your quaran ning within 10 days of
symptom onset. At the end of the day, these ICU beds need to be
● If you are moderately symptoma c (ie staffed properly, with intensivists and specialized
exhibi ng difficulty of breathing), and/or if nurses which con nue to be in short supply.
your oxygen satura on is below 92 (you can
check this out with an oximeter), check into a
hospital for be er care. Empty Non-urgent Covid Beds
● If you have been exposed to a covid-infected
person, quaran ne for 10 days a er PCR test Pa ents can be sent home faster.
shows posi ve results, or for 14 days from
exposure. The average stay for a covid pa ent at our hospital had
been 20 days. This can be cut in half for the recovering
Given that we are into a two-week reprieve at NCR, covid pa ents by day 10, when they are not infec ous
here are whole-of-na on sugges ons that can simplify anymore. We had an asymptoma c 96-year old lady by
a response to all this Covid clu er: exposure who went through two swabs by day 14, with
a request that she be kept longer un l PCR-nega ve. At
that point, she was clearly s ll shedding virus but
Stay Home noninfec ous. Fortunately, the pa ent’s family
cooperated in bringing her home.
If you feel mild symptoms that are covid-similar, do not
immediately rush outside to take a PCR test. Call the Doctors have to cooperate in this nudge. LGU s and
hospital or an MD for advice to start the monitoring communi es need to change their return acceptance
process. Quaran ne yourself and start the monitoring policy to not include a swab test but just a doctor’s
process through telemedicine. if you turn moderately cer ficate.
symptoma c, check into a hospital.
Timeout on Tes ng
Tests take too long - pa ents can be cured by the me
results come out. The rapid an body tests also miss pa ents, it will ease current triaging and
posi ve Covids that haven’t started developing decision-making challenges in admission and bed
an bodies yet. assignments.

PCR Tes ng
Repurpose the HCW Resource
● Given rapid disease cadence, it is useless to not
have results within 48 hours of PCR tes ng. ● Nurses should be able to handle daily telemed
The ideal period is 24 hours. Otherwise, don’t calls, monitoring pa ents through the disease
test. journey, with mass clinical oversight for this
● 24-hour results will enable be er triaging of mass disease.
emergency pa ents at hospital gates and/or
less pressure on room alloca on (ie Covid or ● Allied medical professionals, like medtechs and
Non-covid) as one enters the hospital through physical therapists, extending even to the
the Emergency Department. There will be non-boarded medical professionals, can handle
minimal need for transi on rooms un l results swabbing and contact tracing. In the US,
are available. people self-swab and submit their results
directly to the labs.
● 24-hour results availability will also make it
easier to minimize HCW cluster exposure risk ● Specialized training, par cularly for ICU nurses
and the mass quaran ning we are again seeing and intensivists, can be also systemically
today in some hospitals. incorporated in the hands-on One Hospital
group mandate, comprised of NCR public and
Rapid An body Tes ng private hospitals and led by Undersecretary Dr.
Vega, which meets daily at 730 am.
● All serological tes ng Ini a ves should be
discon nued, except under special
circumstances endorsed by doctors. Rapid Use Coopera ve Model for PPE Purchases
an body test kits are prolifera ng because
demand is up, and demand is up because ● At our hospital, cost is around P600-700/set.
businesses make this type of tes ng a This consists of N95 Mask, isola on gown,
condi on for employees returning to work. green gown, earloop mask, boo es, head cap,
face shield or goggles; nitrile gloves. On April
● These tests do not catch the virus, only the 1, the DOH announced the expected arrival of
an bodies, and an bodies emerge on day 8 of PPE sets procured for P1.8 billion, or
the disease, when those who have the virus are P1800/set. That’s 3x.
much less or not infec ous already. They also
miss at least 50% of those infected who do not ● The One Hospital Group, in the demand war
have an bodies yet but have the virus. This zone, also has be er apprecia on for
approach has enabled more corrup on in the purchasing economies for PPEs and equipment.
healthcare system, especially given the This can include even medicines with proven
inconsistency with which LGUs and efficacy like remdesivir (currently globally in
corpora ons have applied return-to-work rules. short supply) and dexamethasone. They
should be properly empowered to manage
Our hospital con nues to examine the possibility of supply requirements, pricing and logis cs, for
coming up with a research protocol to determine the the NCR hospital ecosystem.
probability of Covid infec on in a pa ent, to be
validated with PCR as the gold standard. If validated,
this could free the hospital from too much dependence
on PCR tes ng. By differen a ng covid from non-covid
Improve Covid Diagnos cs with Research Support
like one does the common cold - monitoring
From Day 5 onward, an bodies begin to a ack and symptoms via telemed clinically, unless and
destroy lung ssue infected by the Covid virus. Chest un l the situa on warrants hospital admission-
x-rays can document what may ul mately lead to a and not being necessarily dependent on a PCR
cytokine storm, the last recourse of which is intuba on test for having to validate the disease for the
taking over pa ent breathing. An interes ng perverse mildly symptoma c, or having to validate that
indicator is oxygen satura on (as measured by an someone has recovered. This can be a more
oximeter) dropping below 92, with the person s ll cost-effec ve LGU-anchored strategy.
appearing normal even as lung destruc on is
accelera ng. ● Refocus reimbursements on in-pa ent
support. Let the private sector fund its own
Our hospital has ini ated a randomised controlled tes ng, however wasteful the rapid an body
study of chest x-rays, as diagnosed by radiologists and test kit exercise was. As stated earlier, the cost
pulmonologists to verify covid infec on, for valida on of doubling NCR ICU capacity is (only) P656
by an AI algorithm. Once the ini al results are out, million. But it is a strategic element of what
predic ve accuracy can be increased with more data the lockdown was originally set to do - give the
points from other hospitals, and we have be er early health sector a reprieve to catch up,
warning signals to back pa ents off from the par cularly for the severe and cri cal
precipitous covid cliff. Maybe at the end of the day, immuno-compromised cases, which are
this may be a good enough solu on (almost) in lieu of causing the hospital shutdowns. If we miss out
tes ng - par cularly when affordability and access are on health capacity planning (once again), we
issues. shut down the economy (once more).

We have also used mesenchymal stem cell therapy ● Recapitalize Philhealth. By going overboard on
(MSC) from donated umbilical cords to reverse course tes ng, whether it be on PCR or rapid an body,
for pa ents about to be or already intubated. Case at the expense of treatment, we not only
studies are limited - but survival rates (6 out of 7) are underinvest in physical capacity, but also
high. Metrics of recovery appear drama c. MSC can threaten private hospitals’ financial viability.
be combined also with more established treatments Our hospital is already out-of-pocket over P500
like remdisivir and dexamethasone, to stem the million, awai ng Philheath reimbursement, and
dreaded cytokine storm. Compassionate use is the not just for Covid. There are other private
model when pa ent survival is direly at stake. hospitals in the same boat. Because collec ons
have floundered with businesses shu ng
For the range of data science methodologies, from down, OFWs given pay-in waivers, Philhealth
large volume clinical trials to individual case studies, finances need to be reset.
the DOST-DOH-Academic-Private Health communi es
can be er flag as one. Let us learn from the Filipino ● Let Philhealth allow balance billing. Since
test kit experience, and fully support transforma onal private hospitals, which comprise two-thirds of
scien fic research and innova on. the hospital sector, are not supported with
equipment and facility budgets by government
Funding research is not expensive. But it has significant and have to pay their own way, Philhealth
mul plier effects on health ecosystem sustainability. should allow balance billing for Covid cases.
Let us celebrate our wins here. Part of the problem here is that Philhealth case
reimbursement rates are based simply on
pneumonia, thereby understa ng the impact of
Properly Fund the Whole of Health Care Covid on other organ complica ons.

Here are some tradeoff challenges: ● Incen vize Covid disclosures. Since this is a
two-week disease, why not announce a P3k
● Ra onalize tes ng. For 1.5 million PCR tests shelter subsidy for targeted high-infec on
alone, that’s a P7.5 billion (@P5000 per test) areas, based on symptom-based assessment by
bill. We suggest a more cost-effec ve a clinician, using other basic tools like a
approach anchored on approaching the disease temperature scan, oximeter, and chest xray,
maybe with a confirmatory PCR swab if results Pre-covid, there were 15 million passenger trips daily
are available in 24 hours (otherwise forget it). within NCR. Theore cally, there should be double the
This can ferret out the mildly symptoma c, number now, for social distancing purposes.
with an accompanying op on (doctor s Work-from-home and elderly/kids not going out/to
discre on) to community quaran ne if space school cuts trips by at least one-third. As part of a
isola on is an issue. Contact tracing for the hurry-up plan, the NCR bus fleet can also be increased
exposed will naturally follow suit (but without by 2.5x, to 12,000 units, and run on two shi s, also
the subsidy). saving jobs for displaced jeepney transport workers.

Since this whole disease began, there have Buses are 2x jeeps in passengers moved daily, and 15x
been over 100k covid cases. Flushing out cars. While we can raise transport fares and let the
another 100k in high-infec ous areas to market seek going-to-work equilibrium under the new
reduce cluster transmission risk through normal, there will be no crowding on public transport
disclosure incen ves costs but P300 million. and much less traffic.
This compares with the P1 trillion reduc on in
GDP and 5 million loss of jobs for 45 days’ In fact, if the na onal government changes its strategy
lockdown. to stagger work hours from 5 am to 9 pm, the private
sector will follow, with more service and public-sector
jobs created.
Open Schools to Community Quaran ning
Job crea on is a notch above direct transfers as a
Back in April, when Covid spread was gaining preferred economic s mulus tool.
momentum, I sat down with Rep. Kit Belmonte of the
2nd district QC, to try to determine what the
bo lenecks were to more effec ve disease Nudge versus Punch
management. He said he had been asking the DOE to
contribute its schools to the “heal as one” process, as Because the disease is evolving, and policies are
there was a lack of easily accessible community constantly in flux because of new learnings, there is a
quaran ning facili es. need for both simplifica on in policy, repe on in
communica on, and con nuing engagement of the
Up ll today, schools have not opened, and are focused Filipino public in execu on.
on opening digitally. Let us selec vely give ourselves
the op on to use our school infrastructure wisely. For example, for all the messaging about the
advantages of wearing masks, the latest revela on is
that masks can act like a vaccine, crea ng a barrier to
Reopen Public Transport on Two Shi s Covid viral exposure, so that at lower levels of
infec on, infectees are more likely mild or
A two-shi public transport system creates more space asymptoma c.
for social distancing - and jobs.
With muta on, the disease has become more
Distance between persons and dura on of exposure infec ous, but not necessarily more lethal. There are
are two elements cri cal to controlling Covid spread. second waves in Hong Kong, Japan and Vietnam, which
Already among the longest and hardest lockdowns in appeared to have the disease under control. Of course,
the world, NCR shut down its emergent public these breakouts are from very small bases, which have
transport system once again from August 4-18. Totally. not accelerated the way our case totals have over the
last two months.
Headlines about the infec ve aspect of public transport
however suggest that with proper management, public Which way to go to be more effec ve in husbanding
transport can remain open. “Is the Subway Risky? It both the economy and the disease - enforce or
May Be Safer than You Think” (New York Times, August persuade? Are we having too much of one or the
2). “Fear of Public Transit Got Ahead of the Evidence” other?
(The Atlan c, June 14). The key is to reduce crowding.

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