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I-DEAS Sound Quality Engineering™

for obtaining desirable product sound characteristics

Enhancing Perceptions of
Product Quality
Studies have established that consumers
identify sound as a major criteria in helping
them to develop their impressions of the
overall quality of a product. Sound quality
has been an important issue in the automo-
tive industry for decades, but is now also a
growing concern for manufacturers of
consumer appliances, office equipment,
power tools, marine equipment, off-high-
way construction vehicles, farm equipment,
and other products. Achieving good sound
quality is a much more sophisticated pro-
cess than simply determining that a mea-
sured sound is “too loud.” This process
goes beyond basic sound level reduction to
also include engineering the product to
eliminate specific, objectionable sounds and
yet retain appropriate, desirable sounds.
I-DEAS Sound Quality Engineering™ soft-
ware enables you to measure and thor-
oughly analyze the audio “signatures” in a
real-world mode. Once the unacceptable
features of these sounds have been identi- I-DEAS Sound Quality Engineering software enables you to measure and
fied, by employing quantitative metrics or thoroughly analyze the audio “signatures” of your products.
qualitative jury listening studies, you can
then set specific targets for a more desirable
sound. Other I-DEAS products complement
I-DEAS Sound Quality Engineering by
enabling the engineer to use both simula-
display, editing, math operations, and other • Internal DAT drive: all two-channel
tion models and test data to develop modi-
utilities. It provides CD-quality digital audio DATs conforming to DAT recording
fications to improve the overall sound
recordings of sound data from the built-in standards.
quality and to achieve the ultimate objective
analog or digital inputs of the workstation • Read and write support is provided for
of designing the desired sound characteris-
or from its internal DAT drive. The Re- AIFF, AIFF-C, WAV, AU, I-DEAS ADF, and
tics into the product.
corder/Editor features include: universal files.
The I-DEAS Sound Quality Engineering • Multiple sounds of any length can be • Input and output calibrations ensure that
software is comprised of five modules efficiently processed. sounds are replayed at their correctly
containing tools to diagnose sound prob- • Sound data may be recorded/transferred recorded levels. Internal digital equalization
lems and produce desirable design targets. using any of the following of the output signals provides true repro-
workstation facilities: duction of binaurally recorded signals.
Recorder/Editor • Unlimited files may be open simulta-
• Analog inputs: 2 sound channels plus
The Recorder/Editor module delivers the neously in separate windows and data may
two tachometer channels.
core functionality, providing a windows- • Digital inputs: AES/EBU, SP-DIF be cut, copied, and pasted between them.
style user interface for recording, playback, standards.

Application Product: Test 1

• Comprehensive graphical editing and Flexible and comprehensive cursor func- Performer
math functions include mix, fade, envelope, tions allow simultaneous display of ampli- The Performer module provides sophisti-
and draw. tude, frequency, order, RPM and time cated capabilities for the rapid comparison
• 2D real-time display and spectral process- information. of individual or various combinations of
ing synchronized with audio playback • A comparative display facility enables two sounds.
includes the following features: sounds to be compared with display types • Synchronization can be based on either
• Frequency Axis Modes: of average spectrum and band, total, mul- time or RPM.
Linear, Log, Order. tiple orders, or metrics. • Up to 12 sounds can be grouped into a
• Band Types: Narrow Band, 1/n Octave. • Play list allows a number of files and single preset file and played either individu-
• Amplitude Weighting: Lin, A,B,C,D. silences to be sequenced into an audio ally or simultaneously. The function keys,
• Display types: Wire, Plates, Shaded presentation. This can be used for jury F1-F12, can be used for playback of sounds.
Plates, Differenced (bars for octave). evaluations or recorded to DAT for remote • Selected sound can be synchronized to
• FFT block sizes: 512 to 32,678 in playing. retain relative phasing.
powers of 2. • The advanced looping capability provides
• Windows: Hanning, Random and Transient Applications
for glitch-free playback of even the shortest
Sine, Flattop. Transient data can be analyzed using a
• Real-time display with no missing data. signal processing toolkit including Wavelet
• Off-line calculation with and Vold-Kalman filter methods. Designer
unlimited overlap. The Designer module is a sound modifica-
Real-Time Filter
• 3D Waterfall display features include: tion and synthesis capability consisting of
• Surface plot. The Real-time Filter module allows you to
many tools used to understand and modify
• Duplication of 2D displays in 3D apply an unlimited number of stereo digital
the complex structures in recorded sound.
waterfall format. ‘Z’-axis units in time, filters per sound and to modify the filter
• Time Domain Averaging tools allow the
samples or RPM. parameters while the sound is playing.
extraction of harmonic components from
• Rectilinear 3D planes. • Low, high, and band cut/boost in infinite
the total sound and editing of individual
• 3-axis rotation and plane zoom, for the impulse response (IIR) format can be
harmonics. Harmonics can be separated
rectilinear display, under mouse control placed at any frequency simply by dragging
into groups such as odd, even, and half
and perspective option. the appropriate icon onto the display panel.
• 2 modes of 3D display are supported: • Finite impulse response (FIR) filters of
• Spectral editing of the averaged wave
Real-time display: Spectra flow down the arbitrary shape can be defined by drawing
form is accomplished by mouse clicking
plane and disappear at the front. with the mouse or importing from I-DEAS
and dragging the harmonics in the spectral
• Off-line display: Static 3D display of all ADF, universal or spreadsheet text files.
or part of the sound file data controlled • Filters can be nominally fixed frequency
by a Z-axis pan/zoom control. During or locked to a rotational order. The cut/ Metrics
playback a cursor box moves over the boost of the order tracked filters can be The Metrics module contains quantitative
data and the spectra at the current play constant or profiled to simulate the removal tools for ranking sounds according to
cursor position changes color. of a resonance. perception-based criteria.
• Spectrograms, also known as color • Additional features for fixed frequency • In addition to supplying the most com-
sonograms, provide a wealth of information applications include the use of high-order monly used metrics, open architecture
in a single display. Amplitude is presented filters, critical band wide filters, band-pass features are also available to allow users to
as color with the Y axis showing frequency filters, and off-line filtering for more com- develop and include their own metric
and the X-axis RPM or time. The graph can plex filter shapes. algorithms in C.
be rotated and viewed from any position. • Tracked and fixed filters can be used • The following standard metrics are
The stacked display format places the simultaneously. IIR filters can be profiled for included:
spectrogram above the time history display amplitude control vs. RPM or Time either by • Loudness (ISO 532B) in Phons
of the sound data. drawing or tabular entry. and Sones
• Sound Pressure Level

Application Product: Test 2

• Speech Interference Level
• Spectrum Balance
• Composite Rating of Preference
• Intelligibility (Articulation Index)
• Sharpness
• Tonality
• Pitch strength
• Kurtosis
• Roughness
• Fluctuation Strength
• Time Varying
• Loudness N10
(percentile loudness statistic)
• Specific Loudness
• Metric results can be displayed as 2D
graphics and written to both ASCII and
I-DEAS Test ADF files.


I-DEAS Sound Quality Engineering, I-DEAS, and I-DEAS Master Series are trademarks, and SDRC is a registered trademark of
Structural Dynamics Research Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks belong to their respective holders.
For more information, contact your local SDRC representative, call 1-800-848-7372, or visit our website at: Application Product: Test 3

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