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Before online tourism, people who wish to visit places used to
make reservations themselves by standing in the queue for long
hours. They also need to search for available accommodation at
the visiting places. People hardly had some knowledge of some
places and their worth watching. Such procedure was time
consuming and energy wasting.

So, we came up with the ONLINE TOURISM


Our project's main aim is to make the life of visitors very easy
by saving both their time and energy.

User Requirements:-

This was to provide tourists i.e., with the interaction based on

virtual community concept of tourism and guides. The system
aims at bridging the gap between tourists and local guides at a
particular destination.

System Requirements:-

Online Tourism management system is a software project for

managing tour operating companies. We classified
requirements into two types, namely hardware and software

Hardware Requirements:-

Processor at least 2GHZ.


Software Requirements:-
Operating System:- windows.
Front end:- PHP,HTML,CSS,JS,Ajax.
Back end:- Mysql.
Editor tools:- Atom, Notepad++.
Other graphics tools:- Adobe photoshop.
Web browser:- google chorme, firefox update browser.

Programming Language and Markup Language:- JS, HTML.

Color script langge CSS.
Database Language MySQL.


Functional requirements show the operation and activities the

system must be able to perform. The functional requirements
are that
i)Tourists should be able to search through the database either
by name or state:-
If the user wants to visit any place, they just need to search in
web, our service in that particular location will be displayed.

1) The users should login/sign up with necessary details to

use the service provided by us:-
A registered user of can login to the system by providing his
employee ID and
password as set by him while registering orelse user can sign
up. After successful login, homepage will be displayed, where
user can use our service. Any user ID not registered with us
cannot use our service.
A login failure message would be shown to user, and the
login dialog would appear again.
This same thing happens when any registered user types in his
password wrong. However, if
incorrect password has been provided for three time
consecutively, the security question for the
user (specified while registering) with an input box to answer
it are also shown. If the user can
answer the security question correctly, a new password would
be sent to his email address. In
case the user fails to answer the security question correctly,
the user's account would be blocked.

2)It includes guide details:-

It includes the details of the guide, the local guide need to
login with his id and he will be handled with some tourists and
his details. It includes the live tracking service of the tourist, so
the guide can keep track of tourist.

Use case diagram is a platform that can provide a common

understanding for the end-users, developers
and the domain experts. It is used to capture the basic
functionality i.e. use cases, and the users of those
available functionality, i.e. actors, from a given problem

Case study:-

Online Tourism management system is an web application

where the customers can search the destination in the search bar
provided in our website.
1) It displays the guides and their details who are available there
to take care of them. It also shows the routes to reach he
destination if they wan to come in self or we do provide various
routes and modes to help them reach their destination.

2) From the given problem statement we can identify a list of

actors and use cases. We assign an identifier to each use case,
which we would be using to map from the software
requirements identified earlier.
3)It contains transport details(modes of transport):-
It includes the quality and modes of service our customer can
afford. The user can use our different modes of transport like
cab,train,bus,metro whose fare will be included in the tour
package or we even give details of the transportation if the user
wants to use this own transport.

4)It includes payment details:-

The customer can pay after the use of the service. They can
pay through online(paytm, googlepay,debit or credit cards)

5)Includes timings of that place:

It is about the timings of place that the user wants to see.

6)Includes Historic importance:

It is about the importance of place that user wants to see.

7)Includes nearby places to live:

It shows the near by places to live like hotels with their costs
and their distance from place.

8)Includes tour details:-

It includes the details like tour id, costs and the places that
user visits.

9)Tourists can be able to rate tourism places after using our

Customer can rate our service which helps the future users of
our service.
10)Tourists should be able to view the virtual tours of our
tourism management system. (when they are available)
Administrator can add, delete or modify tour schemes from
Tour Information System.

1)Interface(APP/WEB) should be developed to be simple and

efficient for the end users and also should be easy to understand.
2)Should provide feedback quickly.
3)Should be compatible to any hardware.

# Priority Requirement
R1 HIGH User registration
R2 HIGH User Login
R3 HIGH Guide details
R4 HIGH Customer location
R5 HIGH Timings of place
R6 HIGH Tour Details
R7 LOW Rating

Modeling UML use case diagram and Capturing use

case scenarios:-

Use case diagram is a platform that can provide a common

understanding for the end-users, developers
and the domain experts. It is used to capture the basic
functionality i.e. use cases, and the users of those
available functionality, i.e. actors, from a given problem

Online tourism management system is a web application. The

user can login and search for the desired location in the search
bar of our website. They will be showcased the respective
location and the guides there who are associated with our
company and their necessary details are displayed. It also shows
the route to people who prefer self transport until desired
location. We even provide all modes of services from distinct
locations of the country.


Administrator One who controls website.
System user One who takes care of
Guide One who takes care of
customer One who use our services.


Use case diagrams are valuable for visualizing the

functional requirements of a system that will translate
into design choices and development priorities.
They also help identify any internal or external factors
that may influence the system and should be taken into
They provide a good high level analysis from outside the
system. Use case diagrams specify how the system
interacts with actors without worrying about the details
of how that functionality is implemented.
UC1 Login Should give
credentials and login
to use service.
UC2 Logout Can logout after use.
UC3 Cust details It shows customer

UC4 Guide details It shows guide

UC5 Payment It shows mode of
UC6 Package It shows package
UC7 Tour Details It shows details of

Use Case:-

We draw the use cases using ovals. Label the ovals with
verbs that represent the system's functions. Here, in
are many use cases like id, login, logout, near by hotels,
package, transportation, guide details, payment, review,
manages application, manages user, manages guide, cust
details, place and tour details.

Actors are the users of a system. When one system is the

actor of another system, label the actor system with the
actor stereotype. The ONLINE TOURISM
administrator, user, system user and guide.
Entity relationship diagram displays the
relationships of entity set stored in a database. In
other words, we can say that ER diagrams help you
to explain the logical structure of databases.

At first look, an ER diagram looks very similar to

the flowchart. However, ER Diagram includes
many specialized symbols, and its meanings make
this model unique.

Here, the relation is with tourist. The entities are Login,

user, booking, guide, location and hotel. The attributes
are id, name, password, date, mode, location, deyails,
latitude, longitude, name, place, guide,place., date,
mobile number.

Class diagram is a static diagram. It represents the static

view of an application. Class diagram is not only used
for visualizing, describing, and documenting different
aspects of a system but also for constructing executable
code of the software application.
Class diagram describes the attributes and operations of
a class and also the constraints imposed on the system.
The class diagrams are widely used in the modeling of
object oriented systems because they are the only UML
diagrams, which can be mapped directly with object-
oriented languages.
Class diagram shows a collection of classes, interfaces,
associations, collaborations, and constraints. It is also
known as a structural diagram.
Permission class Hotel
+permission_id: int +hotel_id: int
+permission_description: string +hotel_name: string
+addPermission() +hotel_type: string
+editPermission() +hotel_rent: int
+deletePermission() +hotel_address: string
+viewPermission() +edithotel()
User +deletehotel()
+user_id: int
+user_name: string
+user_email: string
+editUser() +cust_id: int
+deleteUser() +cust_name: string
+searchUser() +cust_mobile: int
+cust_email: string
Booking +cust_address: string
Transportation +cust_pwd: string
+booking_id: int
+transportation_id: int +booking_type: string +addCustome()
+transportation_name: string +booking_date: string +editCustomer()
+transportation_description: string +booking_hotel_id: int +deleteCustomer()
+transportation_tour_id: int +booking_description: string +searchCustomer()

+addTransportation() +addBooking()
+editTransportation() +editBooking()
+deleteTransportation() +deleteBooking()
+searchTransportation() +searchBooking()
Permission class Hotel
+permission_id: int +hotel_id
+permission_description() +hotel_name
+addPermission() +hotel_type
+editPermission() +hotel_rent
+deletePermission() +hotel_address
+editPermission() +edithotel()
User +deletehotel()
+user_id: int
+user_name: string
+user_email: string
+editUser() +cust_id
+deleteUser() +cust_name
+searchUser() +cust_mobile
Booking +cust_address
Transportation +cust_pwd
+transportation_id +booking_type +addCustome()
+transportation_name +booking_date +editCustomer()
+transportation_description +booking_hotel_id +deleteCustomer()
+transportation_tour_id +booking_description +searchCustomer()

+addTransportation() +addBooking()
+editTransportation() +editBooking()
+deleteTransportation() +deleteBooking()
+searchTransportation() +searchBooking()
Effort Estimation:-

Effort Estimation :
Our project comes under intermediate cocomo model
Software project Ai Bi ci Di

Semi-detached 2.8 1.20 2.5 0.32

Effort = a * (KLOC)b PM
Tdev = 2.5 * (Effort)c Months

For semi-detached category of project the values of a, b, c and d

are 2.8, 1.20, 2.5, 0.32 respectively. So, the projected effort
required for this project becomes
Effort = 2.8 * (35)1.20 PM
= 3271.30 PM.

So, around 30 person-months are required to complete this

project. With this calculated value for effort we can also
approximate the development time required

Tdev = 2.5 * (3271.30)2.5 Months

= 18.50 Months (approx)

Effort Adjustment Factor (EAF)

EAF lies in the range of 0.9 – 1.4

Considering EAF value we refine our estimates from basic

COCOMO as shown below

Effort|corrected = Effort * EAF

= 3271.30 * 1
= 3271.30 PM.

Tdev|corrected = 2.5 * (Effort|corrected)c

= 2.5 * (3271.30 PM.)2.5
= 14 moths (Approx)   
People Required = E/D
= 3271.30/33.31
= 98.20.


An activity diagram portrays the control flow from a start

point to a finish point showing the various decision paths
that exist while the activity is being executed. We can
depict both sequential processing and concurrent
processing of activities using an activity diagram. They are
used in business and process modelling where their
primary use is to depict the dynamic aspects of a system.

Admin registered

Admin login id and pwd

invalid pwd

logged in into it

set user level and permission Access internal functionalities

Sequence Diagram:-

A sequence diagram simply depicts interaction between objects

in a sequential order i.e. the order in which these interactions
take place. We can also use the terms event diagrams or event
scenarios to refer to a sequence diagram. Sequence diagrams
describe how and in what order the objects in a system function.
These diagrams are widely used by businessmen and software
developers to document and understand requirements for new
and existing systems.

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