G10 EMM531 OHS Book 1

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Learning outcomes ‘After completing this unit you shoul: 1 2 3 4 Understand the key features of health and safety legsation and regulations know how to idently and contol hazards the workplace bbe able to carry outa risk assessment, identifVing contol messures Understand the methods usad when reporting and recording accidents and incidents To achieve a pass grad evidence must show that you are able to: © o~Pain the key eotures of relevant regulators on health and safety = applied to 4 woking envonmert in two selected ae given engineering organisations ‘Assessment activity 1.1 page 17 escrbe the rls an © esponsbiries under curent heath and sale legislaton end ‘eoulatons, of those mvahed ‘Assessment sctvity 1.1 page 17 deseroe the methods vedo ‘sentfyhazars m3 working ‘Asvorement activity 1.2 page 30 doscrbs how hazards which © come risks canbe controled ‘Asserement activity 1.2 page 30 <2" out 9 tk sessment ona ‘ypicltamvaree of the working ‘Assessment activity 1.2 page 30, suggest suitable cone messures © Shreve rakesvesont has boon Carried out andstate the reasons wy they are sible ‘Assessment activity 1.2 page 30 explain the pi © reporting na diner ‘Assessment activity 1.3 page 34 Lescrive the procedures usec © torecord and report accidents ‘Aasestment activity 1.3 pa 4 CTC On EU Rea aE) Lie eeccescnn San and where you can find activities in this book to help you produce the required evide "To achiave a merit grade the ‘evidence must show that, @ ebin the cons rmanagament not legislation and roguitions and caryng cut their roles and responsbiites in a guen health peek atetae| ‘Assessment activity 1.1 page 17 Hh) bin the importance ofeanyng ‘utall parts ofa isk assessment in {2 suable manner ‘Assessmont activity 1.2 page 30 gf) e8in how control measures are Used to prevent accidents ‘Assessment activity 1.2 page 30 Eonee aceon merit or distinction grade, 8 Jussly the methods used to deal ‘th hazards in secordence workplace pales and legal ‘Assossment zetivity 1.2 page 30 determine the cost of an accident in the workplace from given data ‘Assessment zctvity 1.3 page 34 How you will be assessed ee eee te eee ee ee ec by the tutors at your centre. Assignments are designed to allow you to eee ae eects eee reel ee Bere eres en at The type of evidence you will need to present when you carry out an a Par enn e Srey + tutor ebservations of your practice in the workshop cane o S$ ‘This unit helped me to understand the ezponsibitis that ae \ elaced on people when they are stork twas interesting to eae . that everyone has eeponsbitis forhealth and salty Lesjoyed learning about health and safety law. learned about the hazards and the risks that sie in everyday work It surpriaed me that even 8 computor or cleaning material can be hazardous if they re not sed correctly. just {ook this for granted before, Itwes important to realise how everybody relies on other people to have the training and experience to do thas jabs safely and cocrectly ‘The practical tasks, such as carying out a workplace inspection, helped me to identity ‘common hazards This helped me to conduct a risk assessment to chow the ek factors. {also now understand why itis important to report and record all health and safety incidents to prevent the same accidents happering time and again. Allths will help me if achieve my goal to progress into manegement "BTEC, 1.1 Understand the key features of health and safety legislation and regulations f a ‘Why does ‘health and safety’ matter? Thirk about the possible hazards in an engineering workshop. In this environment ‘you could be: + working with heavy tools + operating machinery + coming into contact with hazardous substances + working alongside noisy machinery List ton hazards within 9 typical engineering workshop. Choose a workshop with ‘which you are familar. For each hazard, consider + ts possible effects on you + the vaining required by people inthe workshop to minimise the skit poses + any psychological factors Discuss your findings in small groups. Compare the hazards youhave identified and consider any common issues or problems that you uncovered. An engineering workplace can contain many hazards ‘snd pose rick to the heath and wellbeing of anyone in the envionment, Hazerd and ek ae key concepts in health and safety, and iis important that you understand these terms. Ahazard ie something thet has the potential to cause harm to you orto someone else. For example, a substance such as acd isa hazard, twill couse injury fii handled by someone ‘who is not wearing the correct personal protective equipment. risk s the lkeinood that harm will occu snd a measure of the severity ofthe harm that the hazard poses. Safe working & about identifying hazards and ‘minimising isk, There are three good reasons why safe working is important in an engineering workplace: te + cost ~ accidents can be expensive for employers How many head can you spo + morality ~emp|oyers should look ate tha’ staff * the law ~ theres 2 legal duty on everyone to work safely. ‘The cost of accidents at work can be very high Employers can face the cots of acident investigation, machinery ‘epats and pessibly ost production, and compensation paymentsto injured persons, legal costs and increased cost of insurance People lives and wellbeing can be put at sk at work. Evenbody has a moral obligation not to cause harm to others. tis not eoceptable to subject people ‘to unnecessary isk through poor health and safety systems Training is essential - untrained workers are ‘often not aware ofthe dangers in carying out work or ‘the sick ther action can pose to others To reinforce these moral sbligations, the law makes health and safety inthe workplace a legal responsibilty Health and safety legislation places osponsiblitee ‘on all persons involved ir engineering activities. The legislation sets dutias and roles for employers and employees, Preanees ‘You can got nfrmation bout heath and aety legeleson onthe tena Pu the wade ‘Uhaalth tr enfoy legion inte a each engine. Make sure Yyeuscny ans site hatcover requrements unser ‘tl ways checthat he lormation eu fo 1.1.1 Key features of legislation and regulations For this unt you require an understanding ofthe roles and responsibities of eveyone involved in ‘engineering. We will consider these later in the unit (G00 page 14), but let's strt by looking atthe relevant legislation and, in partiar, statute law “Twore have been laws onthe statute books governing wotking conditions for over 200 years, The stn 1802, was designed to prevent the exploitation of ld workers in textile factories, Subsequently, Factories ‘Acts were passed that exended the lan to other industries and placed ressoasibilties on employers to maintain healh and safety in the workplace. The main legal instrument for ensuring sfe workplaces today is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1978 Unie Heath and safety inthe engineering workplace The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Tha Health and Safety at Work ct (HASAWA) is United Kingdom Act of Parliament. This means thatit has progressed through the parliamentary system. Any person who does not comply with the ati breaking the law. Anyone suspected of breaking the lw can be taken before the courts and, if found guilty, aces being fined or even sent to prison. ‘The Health and Safty at Work Act clearly outlines the health and safety responsibilities of everybody within an engineering business. Section 2 of HASAWA formalises the legal responsibilities of empoyersin respect oftheir employees. Ths means that if you are an employee ofan engineering business, you are ented to: + safe machinery and systems of work such as machine guord andl safe procedures for operating machines so that you wll note injured + a safe and healthy workplace ~ you should be provided wih good welfare facilities, adequate lighting, appropriate temperatuces and washing facilities at work + safe place of work you wil receive instruction on ‘good housekeeping to ensure tha all emergency ‘ts ae kept clear + safe methods of storing, transporting, handing, Using and dlsposing of substances and materia all ‘emoloyees shouldbe instructed in manual handing, the use of ok and greases, and disposing of wast, and this helps to ensure that you are not injured at work or sffer i heath + competent and properly tained colleagues and supervisors starting a new job ne srenge environment isa challenge, but understanding the hazards that you can face isan even greater challenge, and supervisors and coleagues help you through these challenges. ther obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Aetinckice that employers should have 9 witten health and safety policy a wel as imposing spectic responsibilities on employees. These are set out Iatrin this unit (se section 1.12.0n the roles and responsibilties of those involved, on page 14), Employes also have more general legal responsibilties towards their employees. Employment Act (EA) 2002 “This legislation sets out an employer's duties and ‘the rights of employees in respect of pay issues and _ganera terms of employment such as Sunday working. “The Employment Act also deals with raterity rights, and the procedaes that have tobe folowed for ‘the termination of employment, and toflers some ‘protection against unfair iamissal. Under this Act employees hve the ight to be paid even i the employer has no work for them =t0 aly, employees only have to have been in work fr one month. ‘You need to know your rights when employment. The Employment Act sets out + your right to belong to a ade union + your right o be allowed reasonable paid timo of ‘work to look for enother job if you are being made redundent + your ight tbe paid for up 10.26 weeks ifyou ee Unfortunate tobe suspended fram work on medical grounds + your ight w be given a minimum paiod of notice bboted on you length of service if you are being fixed ~ however if you have been wib your employer for les than to year, this only entiles you to-one weeks notes of tamination of employment. ‘Other employment rights are set out aw. The Employment Equalty (Age) Regulations (EAR) protect employees of any age from age discrimination, including contract workers and aryone in vocational training All aspects of employment ara protected from age discrimination, including fecritment, employment ‘terms and conditions, promotion, transfer to other postions, dismisal and training, There is no statutory upper age limit onthe ight to receive redundancy payments or to make a claim against an employer for unfair sisal This legislation - and other legislation designed to prevent discrimination at work -needs to be taken into accountin a health and safety cortex. Inge employers cannot bar people from paticuer jobs because of their age or gender, but they may need to take additional health and safety measures for particular grcups of employees. For example, special considerations have tobe made for ary activty that may adversely affect any female employee who is pregnant, such as activitis that invelve manual handling, the use of lead, or radiography. Now let return to specific health and safety legisation Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (RRFSO) “This order pases a city on employrs to cary out frovek ssessments, The ordar ako places duves on employees if you work nan engineering business, you teed to know what todo f there isa fre, Your utesin the event ofa feo” other emergency re ‘to know the emergency routes and exts oa place of elety you will rnd of thse routes Ging the induction period when you fst tare work «to tun your back onthe fre and wal away, informing others nthe vicesty + to sound the alarm = this uvaly involves breaking the gas ata fre point tthe po of ext fom te building + tomake your way othe designated assembly pont. ‘The Regulatory Refot (Fie Safty) Order (abbreviated RRFSO) requires workplaces to have fie detection and fefghting equipment. Detectors should be placed in ‘each work area to check continuously forthe presence ‘of smoke or ames. The detectors are linked o an lan system which is activated when smoke oF lanes ace detected Youwill aotice these detectors, usually fixed tothe ceiling. They are white and sometimes display 9 small fashing red light Firefighting equipment includes extinguishers re hoses, fre blankets, sprinkle systems and inert gas systems, You can find these in various areas in a workplace, generally placed on emergency ext routes. Employees should not use this equioment unloss trained to do so. Alldetection and firefighting equipment must be maintained, You should be able to find evidence of maintenance on fixe extinguishers. Ask permission to look closely at one or two extinguishers, and examine the label that keeps a record ofthe maintenance. ‘When you are in an engineering workplace, check that you know the location ofall frefighting equipment. Companies must provide information about what to do in the event ofa fre or other emergency to employees ‘and ta any visitors to thelr premises. Employees car expect t receive training on their duties in an ernargoncy situation, Thi raining wil start onthe Fist dy at work or during induction taining Other health and safety legislation There are many cagulation tha impose obligations on employers in respect of health and safety. Regulations are derived from European directives. The United Kingdom has been a member of the European Union since 1973 and, a it ea member state, European directives have to be implemented into UK law. This is to eneure harmonisation across all EU mamber states, Regulations ae seconday to the Health and Safety at Work Act, However, regulations form part of UK legisiation, so any persor or company not cornpying with them i breaking thelaw, They can then be prosecuted under UK criminal law. ‘There is some guidance for employers to help them ‘operate within the lam. Approved Codes of Practice (ACOPs) provide a recognised interpretation of how an ‘employer may comply with wagulations, For exaiple, Regulation 3of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations =the section that dea with rk assessments - can be cifcult to understand due to the legal terminology. The approved codes of practice intorprt the regulation in laymans terms. This makes the regulation more understandable and easier for ‘employers to implementin the workolace. Employers Unie + Health and safety inthe engineering workplace ‘must sither meet the requirements set outin ACOPs, ‘or show that they have complied wth an equal or better standard “The Health and Safety Executive (HSE also issues ‘guidance notes that give advice on how to comply with health and safety legislation. These have no legal standing, You will come across many HSE guidance notes in engineering. Thay contain mare practical ‘advice than that provided in ACOPS. For example, the HSE’ guidance on the Manual Handling Regulations ‘gives the -ecommended maximurn weights that men ‘and women respectively can safely hold andl cary, The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 ‘The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSW) apply to ll workplace, not just those carying out engineering activities. These regulations state that the employer has the major responsibilty for health and safety in te workplace, but futher recognise thatthe employees also have resporsibities. Regulation 3 requires that employers cary out ‘suitable and sufficient” rik assessments fr all activities, To lessen the risk, precautions have to put into place 0 that employees are not injured. The aim of isk assessments isto identify hazards so that action can bbe taken to eliminate, reduce or contol them, thereby bheping to prevent accidents Regulation 4 requires that employers integrate health and safety nto the management system ofthe ‘engineering companies. This ensures that emoloyeos 240 protected by precautionary measures that are properly planned and organised Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998 ‘Working in engineering involves the extensive use of machinery. The Provision and Use of Woik Equipment Regulations deine work equipment as any machinory, appliance, hand tool, powered tool or assembly of “To protect everybody who uses equipment at work, the regulations require employers to ensure that: «all machinery i suitable and fit for purpose + work equipment is maintained * work equipment i inspected on a regular basis * taining and instruction is given to anyone who needs ‘to use the equipment + dangerous pans of work equipment are quarded as far ae,roasonably practicable + controls on machinery are clearly marked ‘+ machinery can be isolated ftom the electrical supply + warming signs are fixed ether on or dere to machinery Key terms Hazard somthing wth he pont! couse harm, sch 35 ‘machine being ved by anuntained person. Rik the combination oth kenood thatthe azar wil ‘aes damage or hrm athe zevarty af th resulting iy. “This means businesses mut select and purchase work equipment wth care, paying atenton tose, {ltabty for we ad safety equremens Engineers should check that the equipments ft for purpose, This cuipment must be proper mirsined, ensuring tht operatives donot hut themes and that machinery wots eficerty Al wok equipment must be inspected ona regular bis. you need to sea tool or cary ot work on aimachne, give ita check before you start wok Sobofore you ise share, cary out aprere inspection Check that the wooden shat snot pit arth tiling face snot damaged, Before you use 2 grinding machine, eck that re sbrasve wheels not cracked arbroken and thet the ards rein aaco. Before ung any work equipment. you must ao have recaived adequte training and nstucbon ts wrong to sk someone to ure work equipment without the appropriate tering. you ae not sure how ose tr opaate any piace of wrk equipment, ten ask Someone who knows Allnachinery should have estar to edie the ‘ek ofr. Al dangerous pars of work equipment Imurtbe garded hi procisbl, This ensures that when the machine is used correctly, itis safe. ‘The contol on machinery shoul be ceoy marked ‘The start contol green andrecesred 20 youhave to push your ngerinto etch the machine on. The Stop conlis ed, mushroom shaped and sande proud for easy access most be posable to late ty machinery rom the eacical pp Think ofa Ket ts usualy snitched of when tinue bit not woated,T oat the Het, the plo must be ‘emoved fom the socket Ths led bn 8 oP Most machinery ha warning signe fxed ether on for cows tothe mache tempor hs you are fear with these signe and undrstandwha they ran. The signs canbe reterenced rom the Health ar Salty (Safety Signe and Signals Regulasions. Supply of Machinery (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 ‘ou wil find that engineering machinery, tools and cher work equipments mated or stamped with 2 CE mark. This mark denotes that he equipment tests European Union standards for safety. Known ts harmonised standards, these are applied o wide forge afindustal equipment used in agrcukue engineering, constuction, textiles and other cst ‘Atechricl fe hast be insu withthe equipment Thsis ually» comprehenche instruction manual vbich ndudes + eeawings ofthe machine and crt grams + technical specications + essential heath and safety requirments + rathods tobe adoptedby the user to eliminate tard when equipments operated, These ensure that when you operate work equipment, you are protected fom aris afr as posse, Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998 Encineering organisations use canes, hoists snd liting equipment fre wide range of fing operations. You cansee tower cranes being used on conection sites nfo rks being ured in many workplaces. The Lifting Operations and iting Equpment Regulations LOLER are notindustry specie and opp to mest. iting operations. They place des an employers and al peeons using the equipment Unie +Health and safety in the engineering workplace Allporsons operating iting equipment must be authorised to do so. This means that thoy will have received appropriate training and instruction so that they can operate ling equipment competently. This ‘ensures safe operation, and reduces the rk for anyone working close to the iting activity The liting equipment must have the strength and stably for the planned liting operation, Cranes, ling accessories, forklift rucks and lory mounted iting equipment are used for iting goods, material ‘end equipment but not people). A these lfang vices are marked with safe working load (SW, and are fied wah overlead protection. This sounds an alam ifthe load s overweight, and the equipment should not work All goode-lifting equipment must have @ thorough examination by a competent engineer every yer Lis and hoists used for transporting persons are also covered by these regulations. Next time you aren 8 lit, look fora sign inclicating the number of persons ‘and the weight that can be caried. This i tity ‘controlled by an overload protection device. the Its overloaded, an alarm wil ing andthe lift wil ot move. Lis ae subject toa siemonth y thorough ‘examination by a competent engineer, working on bbohalf of an insurance company. "prec Eaton Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHO) 1992 About a third ofall ported injuries at wok ar the ‘sul of people sing incorrect manual handling ‘methods Most engineering acts invoke some ‘orm of manual nding Werking in enginvering, you swe instructed and tained in te conectmethods of ‘anual handling. Tiss uvaly cared outin the ist "week as part ofyourinduction programme. Eployers should ensure that thei staff avid manual handing any tems such way that coule cause ‘hem injury. manval handling cannot be voided, thena ik szosament must be cared out This iin four parte, and involves consisorng ie anh ev that res bn aria out + the capacity of the individual doing the work + he load tobe moved + the working enizonment ‘A description ofhow to cary out a manval handling tek assessment i gen ater inthis uni ee page 27. Key terms Mani! hoding te proces of weapon or upping ‘Need ncudag ng ping do, puting Plng, apna orm) oy hrd ory body fe Indicon programm sess and ing ot ‘Seprordedtamploeein We tt fow pct ange resis of wk Control of Noiseat Work Regulations 2005, Everjbody working in an engineering environment wil be exposed to note. the rexponsitity ofthe employer to conto noise to acceptable levels. The love of note must be a low reasonably prociable Anyone subjected to excessive noise may uri heath inching temporary oF permonent hearing ss, tints, headaches or fatigue “The Contol of Noise at Work Regulations require ersployers to elinste or reduce noise levels. For ‘Sfborne noize, this can be achieved by inzaling {ound absorbing shel, enclosures or eveings ifyou can lock under the bonnet of x ear, ten the sound abeoring material immediately uncer the bonnet and against the bulkhead. Thismateral looks like quiting andi is placed there to sbsorb the sound ofthe car engine. It is possible to use siilar ‘material to suppress the noise fom machinery used in engineering Engineering organisations can take other steps to suppress noise. In particular, rogular maintenance of work equipment and machinery helps to reduce noise. ‘You would be surprised how a small arount of olor ‘greats appliod tothe right places can reduce noise When employees are exposed to excessive noise thay should be allowed to recover in a quieter area, ‘Any employee exposed to 80 dB — this nose levels known asthe lower exposure action value ~must be supplied with hearing protection. Hyou are likely to bbe exposed to this noise level, then your employer ‘must provide you with the appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE). You must be trained in its use, storage, cleaning and replacement. At this ‘elee ave, itis your choice whether or not to weer the protective equipment. At noises levels of 85 cB and above ~ 85 dB i known asthe upper exposure ‘action value - employees must wear the supplied hearing protection, The work area must be designated ‘shearing protection zone and the corect signs shoul bbe dsphyed. Gite cares ‘The er senses sound a presi waves aveing ‘rough the ae The esha thee parts th outer ‘er bch chanel pressure wares tthe ere ‘the mid ar, nhc eam ato are ‘rare rough thee small bones 9 he coches nde ner ear the coches, which lad wt) {arly hare that respond tothe snd and ‘wanerit sgl ia seoutlenaresto the an. Sound is measured in decibels (8), a unit of sound pressure divided by intensity based on the threshold of hearing 0 dB, Table 1.2 shows some typical nose levels for diffrent sound sourees. Table 1.2 Typical eaelevels Threshold ofhesing 0 bray >30 “elvtion theme S50 > > 100-105 Night > 105-115, Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be supplied by an employer to protect workers. For example, if you ‘ate asked to sharpen a chtel on a grinding machine, then you must be provided with (ane must wea) safety losses or goggles to aveid ey injures The choice of personal protective equipments based fn the tye of hazard thatthe activity poses. t must be produced from approrriate material For example, a welder wears a boier suit made from fameproof material “The equipment must the person itis supplied to, and it should be comfortable to wear. A welder must be issued with aflameproof boiler suit that i neither to0 small nor too large, ards made fom breathable ‘material All PPE must be supplied free of charge and must be cleaned, repaiced or replaced when not fit for use, ‘Asan employee, youhave the right under the regulations to have a say inthe choice ofthe PPE and be tained in its correct us, Electri 1989 Elactricity is used to power machinery, lighting and work equipment in enginesring Flacticty foe through iret, which are easly controlled by switches ity at Work Regulations (EAWR) Unit # Health and safety in the engineering workpince and other electrical apparatus to ensure thet machinery and lighting works eficintly and safely. However, ‘loctrcity can create a hazard. Fes con be caused bby sparking or acing through faulty or overloaded cloctrical equipment Direct contact with lectiical conductors can result in {an electical shock This can cause injury, and severe shocks can be feta. The victim can suffer electrical burns at point of contact with the electricity and poit of ext, usually the hand or arm, through the body to the fet. itis therefore important to ensure that nobody touches 3 lve bare wire Electricity cannot be seen or smelt soit vital to isolate any electrical equipment before working ont Think ofan elec kettle in kitchen. leit switched off forisolated? Switched off means that ether the sitéh fon the kettle is off or the switch i off tthe socket on ‘the wall. Isolated means thatthe plug is pulled out ofthe socket In engineering terms, thse caled an air gap Electricity cannot flow through the air gap. Make sure that you know wich is safer: switched off isolated? “The Electricity at Work Regulations EAWR) require employers to maintain all elocwical systems and iris, Inspections must be cariad out regularly to look for hazards, broken sockets, loose connections, crushed cables and wires, etc. You are required torepor any defects when you notice ther, All Citeuits are required to.be thoraughy inspacted by a competent elecician every five years. itis important to assess the strength and capability ‘of circuits, a8 well as the insulation, Fuses are used ‘as protection devices. Fuses or cuit breakers must be installed to withstand the efects of overioads or faults to earth Fuses are oten referred to as the weak ink in cout. Carefully inspect the lead and plug ofan electrical appliance. You wil find thatthe plastic covering acts asthe insulator, so that nobody can come into contact with the copper wives ancl connections inside. The copper wires inside cables and wires are highly conductive to electrical flow. Confined Spaces Regulations (CSR) 1997 ‘confined spaces enyencoted pace where thee 2 soecfed rk of serous injury. Some enclosed spaces are eat dently, suchas deep excnation, erage tanks and poorly ventilated rooms. Other confines r. g-15-{e) BTEC’s own resources spaces might be less obvious, such as silos, furnace combustion chambers and vats Risks from working in confined spaces aise fom both haards present in the confined snace and those that ‘may flow into the confined space, and they can include lost of consciousnass due to asphyation. Ent into confined spaces is hazardous. Work in confined spaces stetly controlled by rk _ssessments, safe systems of work and permits to work. permit to work detais the werk to be done land the safety precautions to be taken. itis ony valid fora fixed period of time, usually eight hours Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 “The Werkolace (Healt, Safety and Welfare) Regulations (WHSWR) are concerned with gonoral safety and welfare in engineering workplaces. They ensure that you can enter and exit rom any part of the workplace ina safe manner The regulations also require that: «+ alfitures and fittings se meintsined and kept dean + the workplace atmosphere ishealhy, receiving on adequate supply of fresh ac “temperatures are maintained at @rinimum of 1°C for normal work and 13°C for energetic work + lighting isthe correct level for work being cried ‘uA, and tere emergency lighting for evacuations all work ron ere kept clean hiss known as housekeeping) + measures are taken to proven alls from height, wich are likely to cause injury to employees + ralfic management syste in work areas segregate vehicles ad pedestions + wefare fects are provided, including toilets and facies to wash ond dry hands + fash cinking wateris provided when required Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 COSHH regulations are designed to ensure the safe use and handling of hazardous chemicals in engineering. Ths reduces the likehood of anyone Key terms Perm wo works document nado conto eno ‘rnedspces These a ual te byasance ‘rorcr sane scvtyo a competent eng ho ‘aa ost te wore Fatures and tings er Ike sacral wing ihn, ors, vention stems, wrdows, corps ete EEmargeny lghting ilrinsted green and whte sens incesting emergency evacuation utes, Fira restr for presen life and miimane onmaguance of yy or ess tl medal help aves end ‘weston for mn injuries that dono require professors) Inecieal toto, sulerng ill health or injury from coring into contact with any chemicals Somme chemicals, such as petrol and ols, canbe ‘dbsorbed into the body through your skin andeyes. (Others ean eater your body through cuts and grazes. (Chemicals can alo enter your body by accidental oF deliberate injection, such as from contaminated needles, Chemicals can also be swallowed. Tas an occur if you eat or drink while handing or using hazardous chemicals. ‘Airborne chemicals, suchas gases, dusts and fumes, ‘canibe breathed in and enter yout bloodstream ‘through your lungs. There can also be microscopic ‘particle in some environments, such a5 asbesos, ‘which when breathed in can stay inthe lungs end caute severe disease "When using or working with chemical: «+ appreciate that some chemicals are more hazardous that others + understand shat some wll harm faster than others «+ always wash your hands before eating or inking ‘+ always use the coreet type of personal protection ‘equipment PPE} Gerercucus ‘oinvesignte chemical haze, formation can ke ‘ined om the tenet nd om te label on ‘heme conanes You car seo atin nloraton from the reevrtmatora sft datasets SOS) there contom nformotion onal the sey especs related toa material inducing the stand soy Phases Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 Employers havea legal requirement to prove fst Aid inthe workplace. Evay employer must provide _adequate fist aid equipment. When you workin ‘engineering, you must be aware ofthe location of fest. aid boxes and know who ae the fs-aiders working in ‘Anybody who works away from the main site muste supplied with fst-sid box. The law requires that first aid boxes must be kept in deliver loris and vans, and a waveling salesperson must have one in the ca. First id boxes must be maintained. This means that the contents have to be topped up on 9 regular basis ~ you can check this a it of content is supplied with the box Ficst-iders must have a catiicate of qualification, ‘obtained by completing 2 four-day vaining course run by St John Ambulance orother recognised trainers The certificate is valid forthree years, after which rst iders must attend a elesher course, First-tiders can ‘ive treatment and help untlaijured person can receive professional medial help, but they ae allowed to give any form of medicine. You wil find that mary people are proud of achieving a fst-aid qualification. Festaiders nthe workplace are often recognised by the wearing ofa badge, and they generally ceceive a small increase in py for ther first id duties, Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995 Allacidets,incidants rear misses) and dengerous cecuences inthe worepbee must be reported. The ‘eportng procedie shoudl be explained to new employees in thei fst few days at work ‘An employer has alegs uty to report certain types of injures, dseass, dangerous occurences and ga, releases. The reports ore sed by the Heath and Safety Executive (HSE) to analyse heath and safety tends and to compile statistics en the nubers of diferent types of ecient responsible person, utualy a manager, has to report serious acidents and incidents ae s00n 98 posstole tothe HSE, ether by telephone or online, This same Unie +Health and safety in the engineering workplace person has to complete RIDDOR form F2508, ond send itto the HSE within 10 days ‘An accident must be noted when a person cies or suffers a serious injury at work. Serious injuries include * the fracture of any bone, except alinger or toe + amputation of any part ofthe body + dislocation ofa shoulder, hip, knee or spine + permanent or temporary loss of sight + loss of consciousness resulting from an electrical shock + any injury requiring @ stayin hospital of move than 24 hours + acueillness or loss of consciousness due to inhalation, ingestion or absorption trough the skin of any chemical + any other injury leading to hypethermia or a heat: related illess If someone suffers an injury that causes them to remain ‘off work for more than tree days, then this is notable tothe HSE (Occupational diseases must aso be notified. Diseases that are notiable if contracted at work include + anthrax, which can be caught from animals + hepatitis, caught from another person's body fuide + lagionellosis, caught for sprayed droplets of contaminated water * leptospirosis, caught from contact with at's urine + totanus, caught from contaminated silo animals + occupational dermatitis, caught from contact with coment dust oi, waste materials Dangerous occurrences that must be noted include * the fallure of any crane, it, holst or derrick * the failure ofa pressurised container, such asa tank on acomprestor * the turning over ofa forklift truck Working Time Regulations 1998 People make mistakes when they ae tired, and working excessive hours can pose safety rks. Under the Working Time Regulations all employees are emtited to regular rest breaks and days of. In most industries there are exceptions forthe armed forees, ‘those who work st sea and some other occupations), no employee can be forced to work more than ie) BTEC's own resources -A¢ hours a week on average. Anyone under 18 years of _2g¢, should net normally work more than eight hours 2 day or hours a week Employees can choose to work longe: hours. However, ‘tocomaly withthe law, there should be a written agreement between the employer and the employee ‘sting that both parties agrea to opt out of the [provision setting a 48-hour limit onthe working wok “Tha Hoith ancl Salty Executive is responsible for enforcing the maxienum wacky working time lit alto monitors the provisions in regulations in espect of right work — work that takes place between 1pm and em, ‘iis a production engineerin a small tengineering company that makes racking for ttrehauses. This moves rolling, pier ond ting steeto length and then spray panting the suiting steel strips Ali has been asked to.cny out on analy of heath anc safety legislation and regulations to ensure thatthe company is complying wth al lavant legislative requirements ‘+ How would you cary out the analysis? ‘Which legislation and regulations would you expect tobe applicable to Alis company? 1.1.2 Roles and responsibilities Yeu should by now understand that evenbody within an engineering business ha some health and safety ‘eponablties. These ae clear outined nthe Heath and Safety at Werk Act 1974 and the various regulations that ne have considered in hunt. More ‘general, we all have common law rexponstbies to tach other The responsiblity based on a duty of ‘are owed to other persons Enployers Anemployer ones you dof are while you ae wert, Fyou hve an cider sd ried at ‘otk then you con seek compensation i you tink Your employer fa Act weve wl decide ‘Fe aceidont was the et ch ngigenc o the parc your employer proven onthe balance of probability, you would be entitled to compensation ‘The level of compensation is an amount that should restore your qualty of le fo that you enjoyed before the accident ‘You will find that ll engineering organisations have @ health and safety policy. Thisis a legal requirement. The policy should bein tee pars. 1 A statement of intent ~ one page that sets out the ‘organisation's heath and esfty aime and abjectives Ishow the managements commitment to safe working, and shouldbe signed and dated by the employer + Organisation ~» description of how health and safety ‘s organised by showing a structure of esponsibility {or all employees. This determines accountability and should indicate the ines of communication for heath sand safety issues. The allocation of responsbilties ‘or health and safety should be given to corspatent ‘employees. The whole systam requires the cO- ‘operation of all employees through consultation, + Acrangemants-the nuts and bolt ofthe policy This should include the procedures and systems for frt sid, risk assassments, wefare requirements and conzultation with employees, among others. These ae legal requiements, as et outin the various regulations and the Heath and Safety at Work Act. Employees Al patsone who workin enginesing have oles and espensbilte forheabh and safety. As engineers progress though their careers their level ‘responsi generally ineoatoe. The Health Key terms ‘Common aw sed on te udgemers made in pas cas, ‘coed recta Duty of care acing tomar ots n amane’ at 2 tease person woul cop ‘Compasation on cunt mona pit an ved person by an eye fo the epopersnarance ces Inter a the ser anata fom be aro rho Noglgence oo wrong cin, foe pen or crpiaton) agaet ober aan of probabil es obit sandal of proc thin in ‘Pra ow ee canes mstbe prombnyrd eaorae daub ‘Mustapha, a 17-year-old apprentice engincer,suffored yom accident at work while operating a ding, ‘machine. The lite finger on his left hand was dawn Ine the rotating chuck, causing severe lacerations and broken finger Asa consequence, Mustapha’ finger hd to be amputated close to his hand ‘Mustapha had recived no training onthe machine se was just tld to go ond dil the holes in a metal pte. Me was not supervised whia using the cling machine, and an investigation reveled thatthe machine was runing at to high a speed forthe size ‘ofthe del bitin the chuck and Safety at Work Act requires the involvement of ‘employees and sets out the par that they have to play. ‘Section 7 of the act frralises these responsible Employes must take reasonable care ofthe own heats and safety and that of others who maybe affected by their acts and omissions. This means, for example, that you must wear 3 hard hat when necessary, you must net obstruct a re ext, or operate ‘a machine uniess authorised, You must cooperate with your employer (and your tutors at your centre when "you mein the workshops) s0 thatthe oxganitation can comely with legal requirements. You should report any defects in machinery and attend waning sessions when instucted. “These two responsibilities to take reasonable care and 19 cooperate with an employer - ave reinforced in the other regulations that we considered in the fst ‘section ofthis unit. In general, however you should {olow these rules whenever you ae in an engineering ‘+ Be aware of your responsibilities under Section 7 of the Health and Safety a Work Act. ‘+ Be aware ofthe hazards and the risks from any engineering activity in which you will be engaged. ‘+ Be familiar with the risks atsatements that have been made, "+ Mate sure you know about ay relevant regulations I you don't know which regulations apply to your 03 of work, then ask somebody who knows. ' Mate sure that you know how to use any work equipment. This covers any hand tooo the most ‘complex piece of machinery, from screwdrivers to automated assembly equipment Unie # Heath and safety in the engineering workplace ‘The engineering company was prosecuted for breaches ofthe Heath and Safety at Work Act and Mustapha eventualy received compensation forthe loss of is finger 1 Explain why Mustapha’ company faced both

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