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HEC PRESS Publisher of the

Healthy Eating Club website &
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Volume 16 (2007)
Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr (1997) 6(2): 80-83
Issue 1

Issue 2 Glycaemic response to selected Kerala breakfast

Issue 3
items in people with diabetes
Issue 4 Latha Vijayan MSc and S Sumathi PhD
Supplement 1
Department of Foods and Nutrition, Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, India
Supplement 2

Volume 15 (2006) The glycaemic response (index) to four commonly consumed breakfast items of Kerala, namely puttu, idiappam, appam and tapioca was
studied in six non-insulin dependent diabetic Malayalee men. All the breakfast items were isoenergetic and had almost similar nutrient
Issue 1 composition. The glycaemic response to breakfast items as compared to that of glucose was determined by comparing the areas under the
2 hour glucose response curves.
Issue 2
The mean peak rise over fasting levels was significantly lower (P<0.05) only after puttu consumption whereas the mean area under curve
was significantly lower (P<0.05) after consumption of puttu, idiappam and tapioca when compared to the oral glucose tolerance test. The
Issue 3 mean glycaemic response to puttu was found to be the lowest (0.79) of the breakfast items tested, followed by that of idiappam and appam.
Tapioca elicited a glycaemic response almost similar to that of glucose load. The differences observed in the glycaemic response to
Issue 4 different breakfast items may be due to differences in carbohydrate chemistry or physical form of food (particle size) and also dependant on
method of processing.
Nutrition Society of
Key words: Diabetes, non-insulin dependent, carbohydrate foods, glycaemic response, glycaemic index, Kerala, India,
puttu, idiappam, appam, tapioca, breakfast
Volume 14 (2005)

Issue 1
Supplement on CD
proceedings Diabetes mellitus - a complex metabolic disorder- is a common disease affecting 2-4% of the Indian population, and a
Issue 2 majority of them (90%) are diagnosed as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)1. In the management of
NIDDM, diet has been recognised as a cornerstone of therapy.
Issue 3
During the past few decades, dietary modification in the treatment of diabetes mellitus has advanced from alterations in
Issue 4
nutrient constituents (mainly carbohydrate, CHO) of a meal to alterations in the whole meal itself. Recent studies2,3 have
Supplement suggested that not only should the carbohydrates ingested be considered when planning a diet for those with diabetes,
Nutrition Society of but also the biological equivalents (that is, quantities of food yielding the same effect on blood glucose) or the glycaemic
response (index) of a food. For an effective dietary management of diabetes, it is better to modify the diet appropriate to
CURRENT YEAR ISSUES the individual lifestyle, taking into consideration traditional eating patterns for better and longer compliance. The
subscribers only glycaemic responses of common Indian breakfast items have been studied4-6, but there is a paucity 1000 of data on the
glycaemic responses of the typical cereal (rice) based preparations of Kerala. Hence, this study assessed the glycaemic
View full papers (free) response of some breakfast items commonly consumed by Keralites in non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects.
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NUTRITION SOCIETY OF Materials and methods

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Six non-insulin dependent Malayalee men with diabetes aged between 40-51 years taking oral hypoglycaemic drugs and
free from any other major complications participated in the study. Internationally accepted ethical practices in the conduct
of human research have been adhered to during the experimental period. The four breakfast items tested namely puttu,
Search our site idiappam, appam and tapioca were isoenergetic (~390 Kcal) and had similar nutrient contents. The first three breakfast
items are rice based with a difference only in the method of preparation and the fourth one is a root vegetable. The
  preparative methods are in Table 1. All the rice-based breakfast items were served with bengal gram curry. A cup of tea
was served with the breakfast items. Nutrient composition of breakfast items computed on the basis of Nutritive Value of
Indian Foods7 is given in Table 2.

Table 1. Breakfast items - ingredients and preparation.

Item Ingredients Raw weight (g) Preparation Cooked weight (g)
Puttu Rice flour 75 Moisten flour, steam over boiling water 150
Tender coconut 25
Idiappam Rice flour 75 Make dough with warm water, extrude & 200
Tender coconut 25 steam
Appam Rice flour 75 Make a thin batter, ferment, cook in a 180
Tender coconut 25 frying pan
Curry Bengal gram (whole) 20 Cook gram, saute onions and add 100
Onions 10 seasonings
Oil 5
Boiled Tapioca 190 Cut into small cylindrical pieces and 190
tapioca Oil (for seasoning) 10 cook, season
Tea Skim milk 50 - -
Tea 50

Table 2. Nutritive value of breakfast items.

Breakfast items Energy (Kcal) CHO (g) Protein (g) Fat (g) Fibre (g)
Puttu Curry 269.0 60.2 5.3 0.7 0.2
122.0 13.3 3.4 6.1 0.8
391.0 73.5 8.8 6.8 1.0
Idiappam Curry 269.0 60.2 5.3 0.7 0.2
122.0 13.3 3.4 6.1 0.8
391.0 73.5 1000 8.8 6.8 1.0
Appam Curry 267.9 58.9 5.2 0.7 0.2
122.0 13.3 3.4 6.1 0.8
389.9 72.2 8.6 6.8 1.0
Boiled tapioca (seasoned) 388.3 72.2 1.3 10.4 1.1
Tea* 15 2.3 1.2 - -

* Served with each breakfast

The subjects were requested to avoid taking drugs 24 hours prior to the test. An interval of at least two days was given
between two successive test preparations. The breakfast items were prepared independently for each subject after
weighing the required ingredients. The time taken for consumption of the entire breakfast item was 10 minutes. On the
first visit, an oral glucose tolerance test was conducted using 75g glucose load as recommended by the WHO Expert
Committee8. Fasting and post-prandial blood samples at half-hourly intervals for 2 hours were drawn intravenously after
consumption of each breakfast item/glucose. The blood samples (3 ml) were collected into test tubes containing 50 mg
of NaF, centrifuged immediately for separation of plasma and stored at 4°C. Plasma glucose was estimated by glucose-
oxidase-peroxidase method using Boehringer Mannheim kit.

The area under the 2-hour glucose stimulation curve (AUC) was calculated for each subject by summing up the four
glucose values obtained after stimulation and similarly for each test meal5. Glycaemic response of each food item was
calculated as follows 5.

Glycaemic response (GR) =

AUC of breakfast item
AUC of glucose

Statistical analysis used the paired t-test. This differs from the "glycaemic index (GI)" of foods where respo 1000 nse to
the same amount of carbohydrate from a reference food is used to calculate the index, although, in reality, breakfasts
contained 72-74g CHO, compared to 75g glucose load on reference.

The mean plasma glucose responses of the subjects fed different breakfast items are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Mean plasma glucose values of the subjects in response to the different breakfast items. Mean± S.D

Plasma glucose (mg/dl)

Items tested Fasting 1/2hr 1hr 1 1/2hr 2 hrs Mean peakrise over fasting Glycaemic response
(n = 6) blood glucose levels (mg/dl)
Glucose 186±37 319±92 358±96 386±109 338±72 210.18a±71.27 1.00
Puttu 163±42 233±66 327±84 302±91 260±99 164.2b±47.77 0.79±0.11
Idiappam 182±57 262±64 357±119 324±109 284±99 174.53a±75.95 0.86±0.10
Appam 189±47 252±53 362±105 337±61 308±55 191.7a±56.1 0.90±0.11
Tapioca 193±53 277±62 377±86 339±74 321±76 183.57a±52.96 0.93±0.04

Values with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05). All values are compared with glucose.

The mean plasma glucose values at each time point following the intake of puttu were not significantly different (P>0.05)
compared to glucose. However, for the two breakfast items, idiappam and appam, 1000 the values at almost all the time
points except at 1 hour (when peak was observed) were lower. The glycaemic response of tapioca was very similar to that
of glucose.

The mean total AUC or the overall glycaemic stimulus was significantly lower (P<0.05) following the stimulation of only
puttu and idiappam compared to glucose and is represented in Figure 1. Also, the mean peak rise over fasting was
significantly lower after administration of puttu when compared to that of glucose (Table 3). The values obtained after
consumption of other breakfast items were, however, not significantly lower (P>0.05) than that of glucose.

The glycaemic response of puttu was found to be the lowest (0.79± 0.11) of the four breakfast items tested followed by
idiappam (0.86± 0.10). The glycaemic responses of appam and tapioca were found to be the highest and almost similar to
that of glucose. No significant difference (P>0.05) was found in the glycaemic responses among the different breakfast
items themselves.

Figure 1. Comparative areas under 2-hour glucose response curve (AUC) for food items.

In the present study, the mean glycaemic response (GR) to puttu was found to be the lowest of the four breakfast items
tested. All the breakfast items were isoenergetic (~390 Kcal) and had similar CHO content. Thus, differences observed in
GR will be mainly due to type and form of CHO available from each food item and to the presence of non-CHO
constituents, that is, fats, proteins and non-digestible (non-glycaemic) CHOs. The breakfast items tested had relatively low
protein contents (less than 10g) and thus unlikely to impact on GR since it is protein at intakes greater than 25g that
seems to blunt the rate of increase in blood glucose9,10. The fat content of the breakfast items was low and unlikely to
have influenced GR . The dietary fibre content of the test items also seems to have had little effect on the rate of food
digestion and absorption, and hence on the GR, as all the breakfast items elicited mean peak glucose levels at the same
time point (1 hr); this is despite the presence of Bengal gram in the breakfasts based on puttu, iddiapam and appam. So, in
this study, the nature and form of CHO seems to have affected GR. Tapioca elicited a higher GR though it had a slightly low
CHO content (72g) than others (73.5g) probably due to the type of CHO in tapioca. Similarly, the high GR of appam among
the rice based breakfast items highlights the probable importance of physical form in the physiological response to a

The rice based breakfast items differed only in the processing method and the particle size of rice flour, with the
ingredients being almost the same (rice flour, coconut and bengal gram curry). Puttu, which elicited the lowest GR among
the breakfast items tested, is prepared by moistening the coarse rice flour and steaming over boiling water. Idiappam is
made from finer rice flour, which is worked into a soft dough. The extruded dough is then steamed. Appam, the breakfast
item that elicited a higher GR, is prepared by pan frying a fermented batter of rice, coconut milk and toddy (a naturally
fermented, non-alcoholic drink obtained from the palm or coconut palm tree).

The larger particle size of the moistened rice flour of puttu could have affected the degree of gelatinisation of starch while
cooking, with a relatively complete gelatinisation in idiappam, thus increasing the rate of digestion and absorption and
hence an increased GR. Similar results were reported by Susan et a 1000 l11, who found that glycaemic index correlates
positively with degree of gelatinisation and with the amount of starch digested. O’Donnell et al12 demonstrated the effect
of particle size on GR. They reported that bread made from coarse flour resulted in lower plasma glucose and insulin
concentration than that made from fine flour. It should be noted, however, that if gelatinised starch is cooled it becomes
more resistant to digestion ("resistant starch").

Idiappam is a preparation that is comparable to spaghetti because it undergoes similar processing. Jenkins et al13 have
reported that flour in the form of spaghetti raises blood glucose levels significantly less than when the same amount of
CHO is eaten as bread. Thus, idiappam may lower GR due to processing, for example, to resistant starch formation.

The relatively higher GR of appam could be attributed to the wet grinding and fermentation of rice prior to cooking, leading
to complete gelatinisation of starch and enhanced rate of starch digestion of the product. It has been reported that
fermentation of pearl millet sprouts, green gram and sorghum significantly increases protein and starch digestibility14,15.
Various other studies have also demonstrated that there is no significant difference in the metabolic responses to ground
brown rice (complex CHO) and glucose (simple CHO)16,17 In the present study too, the mean AUC of appam was not
significantly different from that of glucose.

Tapioca (a root vegetable) and appam (a rice product) elicited similar GRs. In the preparation of appam, the physical
process of breaking the rice starch into smaller particles seems to have eliminated the factors intrinsic to the whole food
which would have led to different glycaemic potencies in these two different sources of CHOs. Similar findings have been
reported by Crapo and Henry18, namely that differences in metabolic responses to two common starches (rice and potato)
could be eliminated by altering the physical form (blended to form a slurry). They suggested that differences in glycaemic
potencies of different starch containing foods are not due only to variations in the starch molecule per se, but rather to the
way it is presented to the gastro intestinal tract digestive and absorptive process. Blending leads to dispersion and
hydration of starch, which could be an important factor in absorption and hence, determination of GR.

These data thus provide information helpful in the design of diets for people with diabetes which contain unrefined CHO in
a form which is digested and absorbed slowly. However, food culture and preference would still need to be considered
despite the overall beneficial impact of the glycaemic response differences.

The differences observed in the glycaemic response to different breakfast items in subjects with NIDDM in the present
study may have been due to differences in CHO chemistry, physical form of food or the method by which it was processed.

Puttu had a comparatively lower GR (0.79) compared to glucose than did other breakfast items from Kerala and is
therefore more suitable for those with diabetes. Thus, even traditionally used cereal based food items may be chosen to
contribute to lower GR in diabetes.


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Glycaemic response to selected Kerala breakfast items in people with diabetes

Latha Vijayan and S Sumathi
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1997) Volume 6, Number 2: 80-83

Glycaemic response to selected Kerala breakfast items in people with diabetes

Latha Vijayan and S Sumathi
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1997) Volume 6, Number 2: 80-83

Copyright © 1997 [Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition]. All rights reserved.
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