كتاب الانفصال الحبيبي

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‫التاريخ‪18/5/2020 :‬‬

‫الرقم‪96/2020 :‬‬

‫السادة‪ *********** :‬المحترمين‬

‫الموضوع‪ :‬التقرير الفني لحالة االنفصال الحبيبي – مشروع ابو فراس النجار ‪ -‬الخليل‬

‫تحية طيبة وبعد‪،،،‬‬

‫بناءا على الزيارة الميدانية للمشروع والتي قمنا بها للمشروع بتاريخ ‪ 17/5/2020‬بطلب شفوي من كل من السادة‬
‫شركة باطون الجراشي والسادة شركة أبو فراس النجار‪ ،‬للكشف على بعض األعمدة والجدران التي ظهر عليها عالمات‬
‫انفصال حبيبي في مشروع النجار الذي ينفذ في منطقة وادي الهرية بالخليل‪ ،‬فقد لوحظ أن‪:‬‬

‫"هناك بالفعل عمودين وبعض المناطق في جدران اآلبار يظهر على سطحها انفصال حبيبي"‪.‬‬

‫كانت الزيارة والمالحظة البصرية كافية للتحقق من حدوث هذه الظاهرة في أجزاء معينة من المشروع وعلى‬
‫ارتفاعات مختلفة‪.‬‬
‫القرار لمعرفة مدى تأثير هذه الظاهرة على قوة الخرسانة‪ ،‬يتكون من بندين‪:‬‬
‫األول انتظار نتائج كسر العينات‪،‬‬
‫والثاني أخذ عينات لبية في مناطق أخذ العينات ومعرفة مدى تغلغل االنفصال الحبيبي‬
‫داخل هذه العناصر الخرسانية‪.‬‬
‫التوصية‪ :‬اخذ عينات لبية (كورات) في مناطق االنفصال الحبيبي من أجل دراسة مدى تأثر قدرة‬
‫العناصر الخرسانية بهذه الظاهرة‪.‬‬

‫في ضوء نتائج الكسر ونتائج فحص العينات اللبية تتم دراسة فيما اذا كان الوضع يتطلب اي اجراءات أم ال‪.‬‬

‫واقبلو فائق االحترام‬

‫أشكال أو أنواع االنفصال الحبيبي‪:‬‬

‫انفصال الحبيبات الخشنة من الخلطة الخرسانية‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫انفصال العجينة االسمنتية من الخرسانة في المراحل االولى من الصب‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫انفصال الماء من الخلطة الخرسانية (النضح)‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫أسباب حدوث ظاهرة االنفصال الحبيبي‪:‬‬
‫هناك أسباب عدة تؤدي الى حدوث هذه الظاهرة وهي كما يلي‪:‬‬
‫أسباب ذات عالقة بطبيعة مكونات الخرسانة‪:‬‬
‫اختالف الوزن النوعي بين مكونات الخلطة الخرسانية‪.‬‬
‫أسباب أخرى لها عالقة بصناعة وصب الخرسانة‪:‬‬
‫النقل لمسافات طويلة‬
‫ضعف في الخلطة التصميمية بحيث أنها ال تحوي نسب صحيحة كافية من المكونات تسمح بالتداخل التام‬
‫بين المكونات‬
‫استخدام ركام بتدرج رديء‬
‫عدم الخلط الكافي للخلطة الخرسانية‬
‫عدم الخلط الكافي مع وجود كمية ماء عالية يسرع االنفصال الحبيبي‬
‫تآكل الشفرات داخل الخالطة‬
‫اذا كانت الخرسانة بقيمة هبوط عالي‪ ،‬فان عدم الحذر أثناء الدمك يؤدي الى انفصال حبيبي‬
‫كذلك يحصل االنفصال الحبيبي اذا كانت العناصر التي يتم صبها مكتظة بحديد التسليح‬
‫يحصل االنفصال الحبيبي اذا تم رج الطوبار من الخارج‬
‫يحصل االنفصال الحبيبي اذا كان هناك فراغات في الطوبار‬
‫صب الخرسانة من ارتفاع أكثر من ‪ 1.5‬الى ‪ 2‬متر‬
‫عدم الرج الكافي‬
‫الرج لفترة اطول مما ينبغي‪.‬‬

‫اختالف الوزن النوعي بين مكونات الخلطة الخرسانية‪.‬‬

‫‪Segregation of Concrete: Types‬‬

‫‪and Causes‬‬
Feb 07, 2019


A workable concrete is a concrete which will not easily segregate. More

specifically, concrete segregation means separation of concrete ingredients
from each other resulting in the non-uniform mix, leading to weak and porous

The segregation of concrete is primarily caused due to the differences in the

size of particles and in the specific gravity of the mix constituents. But it can
be controlled by doing the grading of concrete and by handling the concrete in
proper way.

Addition of higher water in dry concrete mix leads to downward movement of

the heavier aggregates which also results into segregation in concrete.

Also Read: Importance of Water-Cement Ratio in Concrete

Generally, segregation occurs when we don’t mix concrete ingredients in
correct proportion or do not take care while handling, transporting, or placing
of concrete. Segregation creates porous concrete which reduces the strength
of the concrete. It also leads to the voids in concrete, which causes leakage in
house and accelerate the process of corrosion. Sometimes, it can become the
reasons of building failure due to corrosion.

If you are constructing your own house, you have to understand segregation
in concrete.

Types of Segregation in Concrete

There are two forms of segregation in concrete:

01. Segregation due to the Separation of Aggregates

The coarser and the heavier particles tend to separate out or setting down
from the rest of the matrix because they tend to travel faster along a slope or
settle more than finer materials. This type of segregation may occur if the
concrete mix is too dry. i.e. addition of water in concrete dry-mix is lower than
that is specified in concrete mix design.

02. Segregation due to the Separation of Cement

Cement slurry (water+cement) separating out from the rest of the material
because of lowest specific gravity. This type of segregation may occur if the
concrete mix is too wet. i.e. Addition of water in concrete dry-mix is higher
than that is specified in concrete mix design.

Workability is a very important virtue of fresh concrete and water content of

mix is a prominent factor which majorly affects the workability. Good
workability of fresh concrete always results into the durable concrete and
ultimately leads to higher service life of house.

Know more about the Workability of Concrete.

Causes of Segregation in Concrete

A well-designed and workable concrete does not segregate, if proper care is
taken during the pouring of concrete. You can prevent segregation by knowing
the exact cause of segregation in concrete. Hence,know the causes of
segregation in concrete.

01. Uneven Proportion of Concrete Ingredients

To make the durable concrete, first, the proportion of concrete ingredients are
decided by doing the concrete mix design. Concrete mix design specifies the
exact quantity of waterand  weight of the concrete ingredients like aggregates,
cement, etc. which are required to make concrete. At the time of concrete
mixing, if the ingredients of concrete are not mixed in proportion specified in
concrete mix design, then it results into the poor workability of concrete. Poor
workability of concrete may be the cause of segregation.

Hence, to avoid segregation, it is advisable to use the batching machine and

carry out weigh or volumetric batching of concrete to get the proportion which
is specified in predesigned mix.

02. Insufficient Mixing Time of Concrete

During the mixing of concrete at site, many times concrete workers do not mix
the ingredients in a proper manner. Sometime the concrete is mixed for the
lower duration or for longer duration. In both the cases, the aggregates may
separate from the mix and it may be the reason of the segregation.

In case of drum mixture, dry concrete should be mixed for at least one minute
and then the ingredients should be mixed one more minute after mixing the
water in drum mixture. Hence, consider mixing time of at least two or two and
half minutes to make the one batch of concrete.

When you are mixing ingredients manually, first mix dry ingredients properly
and later add water to the dry mixture. Mix the ingredients for a duration at
which it become homogeneous.

If you buy RMC (ready mix concrete), Consider the time of transportation, it

should be as minimum as possible. Higher the time of transportation it will
increase the chances of segregation of concrete.

Know how to order RMC (Readymade concrete).

03. Handling of Concrete Mix

Once the concrete is mixed, the concrete has to be handled properly and it is
to be poured on site. Sometimes poor handling of concrete while pouring also
leads to the segregation in concrete. Make sure the concrete is transferred
directly from the skip or bucket to the final position in the form.
Sometimes the poring of concrete is done manually and it is to be transferred
through longer distance. In such cases, the heavierparticles are set at the
bottom of ghamela and ultimately segregation happens.

04. Placing of Concrete Mix

It is observed that the bad construction practices followed during the placing
of concrete mostly result into the segregation.

 Concrete always segregates, if it falls from height more than one mater
at the place of casting. When concrete falls from more than one meter, the large
aggregates separate from the mixture which results in segregation of
concrete. Sometime  pouring of concrete through the chute also creates the
problem of segregation.
 If you use non-graded aggregates to make concrete, there may be
chances of segregation in concrete. Testing of aggregates is an important
activity. If aggregates are not tested frequently during the construction, it may
lead to improper proportion of concrete which may also cause segregation in
Sometimes ghamelas are used to batch the concrete ingredients. This type of
batching is just like volumetric batching of concrete. But the measurement of
concrete ingredients by ghamelas increases the chances of error in batching
of concrete.

Also Read:
Weigh Batching of Concrete
Use of Ghamela in concrete
 Every important activity and construction machineries requires skilled
person or operator to complete the work in suitable quality. Sometime unskilled
worker operates machines like drum mixture, vibrator, etc. In most of the case,
unskilled worker cannot operate the machineries like drum mixture and vibrators
properly, which may cause the segregation of concrete. Sometimes, the poor
performance of construction machineries i.e. faulty vibrator, miller, drum
mixture, etc. may also be the cause of segregation of concrete.
Concrete should be compacted well at the time of placing. Over vibration or
poor vibration also cause segregation in concrete.

Also Read: Methods of compaction and types of vibrator

 Sometimes the poor quality of shuttering material is used to form the
concrete members. Generally, cement slurry gets out from the hole of formwork
or broken corner/side of formwork, which will result into the honeycombing of
concrete. Honeycombing of concrete is the result of segregated concrete.
 Sometime concrete admixtures are added to improve the workability of
concrete, but extra use of admixture may lead to the segregation in concrete.
Nowadays most of the houses are made from the concrete. Concrete is a
material which provides long service life to house. But, the segregation of
concrete results into the porous or honeycombed structure. It leads to the
other problems like leakages, cracks, corrosion in concrete. It ultimately leads
to early repair of the house. By knowing the causes of segregation, you can
easily avoid the segregation of concrete, and increase the life of your house.

‫واقبلو فائق االحترام‬

‫المـــــديـــــر العـــــأم‬
‫عبــــــداللــــه عقــــل‬.‫م‬

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