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8.1.1 Objectives
(a) The scheme aims to modernize and remove obsolescence in the Laboratories /
Workshops / Computing facilities (Libraries are excluded), so as to enhance the
functional efficiency of Technical Institutions for Teaching, Training and Research
(b) It also supports new innovations in Class Room and Laboratory / Teaching Technology,
development of Lab Instructional Material and appropriate Technology to ensure that
the practical work and project work to be carried out by students is contemporary and
suited to the needs of the Industry.
(c) The equipment financed under the scheme could be ideally used for up-gradation of
equipment in existing laboratories, enhancement of performance parameter
specification of existing equipment, incorporation of latest development in the field and
replacement of old depreciated equipment by modern equipment.
In addition to above major objectives, the equipment installed through MODROBS
can be used for indirect benefit to Faculty / Students through Continuing Education
programmes, Training programmes for local industry and consultancy work.
8.1.2 Eligibility
1.1.2(a), (b) and (c) can be added from initiative for Academic Networks
(a) AICTE approved Technical Institutions / University Departments with at least 10 years of
(b) For self financing/Institutes:
Maximum 3 proposals per institute per year including sanctioned earlier but not
completed would be considered.
(c) For Govt. /Govt. aided Institutes:
Maximum 10 proposals per institute per year including sanctioned earlier but not
completed would be considered.
8.1.3 Duration of the Project
(a) Duration of project will be two years from the date of receipt of funds in the institute’s
8.1.4 Limit of Funding
(a) Total funding of Rs.20 Lakh.
8.1.5 Disbursement of the Funds
(a) 100% grant of sanctioned amount will be released to Govt. /Govt. aided Institutes.
(b) To private institutions, grants will be sanctioned in the form of 80% of the sanctioned
amount as advance followed by 20% as reimbursement on submission of the Utilization
certificate and other supporting documents as specified in terms and conditions of
8.1.6 Processing Methodology:
(a) The proposal shall be assessed by an expert committee constituted as follows:
(b) Three member expert committee not below the rank of Associate Professor.
At least two members among the experts shall be from the concerned stream.
8.1.7 Terms and Conditions
(a) In MODROBS scheme, the Head of the Department (HOD) submitting the proposal is
always the Project Coordinator. To enable subject specific knowledge to be utilized, a Co-
Coordinator can also be proposed. The HOD should critically analyze the requirements of
the laboratory / laboratories of the Department for preparation of the
project proposal, which should relate to the future development of the academic
strength of the Department.
(b) It may be noted that the concerned Head of the department shall be responsible for
execution and completion of the sanctioned project, followed by submission of all
related documents including the project report.
(c) In case, the Coordinator i.e. the concerned Head of the department of MODROBS
programme joins another Institution, transfer of the project along with him is not
allowed. If the HOD changes by rotation or leaves the Institution or retires, or goes on a
long leave, the successor Head of the Department shall become the Project Coordinator
of the project, and this fact should be intimated to the Council immediately.
(d) Any expenditure incurred prior to the issuance of the approval letter is not allowed to
be adjusted in the grant. The grant shall be utilized strictly for the purpose as specified
in the approval letter.
(e) The grant shall be utilized strictly for the purpose as specified in the sanction letter and
procurement of equipment authorized by AICTE. Re-appropriation of funds from one
head to another is strictly not permitted viz. Recurring and Non-Recurring heads are
15% and 85% of the total grant, unless otherwise recommended by AICTE experts.
(f) Once the project is sanctioned, the Council shall not consider any request for additional
(g) Separate institutional overhead expenses shall not be provided by AICTE.
The assets acquired out of the grant shall be the property of the Institution and should
always reflect in its book of accounts including the assets register. They should be
certified by the concerned Principal Coordinator. No assets acquired out of the grant
shall be disposed off without the prior permission of the Council.
(h) Interest earned on the project fund, if any, should be reported to AICTE. The interest so
earned will be treated as a part of the grant.
(i) Grant released under this programme is for the specific period and should be properly
utilized within the time stipulated in the project proposal.
(j) The council shall not provide any maintenance grant after the expiry of the project.
(k) Whenever the Institution / Laboratory / Department receives a grant for modernization
of a laboratory under the schemes MODROBS, it is imperative that assistance obtained
from AICTE for modernization of the Laboratory/Department is acknowledged duly by
putting up a plaque at the main entrance of the Lab/Department, which has been
modernized using the grant. All the equipment procured/developed through this
project should be super scribed with AICTE project file number.
Proforma Cum Evaluation Sheet
Application Id < Value to be generated by E-GOV>

8.2.1 Institute Details

(a) Institute Permanent ID No. : <Data base of E-Gov>
(b) Name of the Institute <Data base of E-Gov>
(c) Contact details <Data base of E-Gov>
(d) Email <Data base of E-Gov>
(e) FAX <Data base of E-Gov>
(f) Telephone <Data base of E-Gov>
(g) Reference of Extension of Approval letter for the Letter No: Date:
current year <Data base of E- <Data base of E-Gov>
(h) Is the institute ten years old from its year of Yes /No
Establishment as on date? <Data base of E-Gov>
If 8.2.1 (h) is Yes Proceed to next level Else display message
“Sorry Your Institute is less than 10 years old”

8.2.2 Details of the Project Coordinator

(a) Faculty ID <Data base of E-Gov>
(b) Name of the Coordinator <Data base of E-Gov>
(c) Department <Input by Institute>
(d) Appointment Type Regular Temporary Adhoc
<Data base of E-Gov> <Data base of E- <Data base of E-Gov>
(e) Contact details Cell no Email
<Input by Institute> <Input by

As per 8.2.2 (d), If appointment is regular proceed to next level Else display the message
“Sorry only regular faculty can be a coordinator”

8.2.3 Details of the lab to be funded under MODROBS proposal

(a) Title of the Project proposal <Input by Institute>

(b) Name of the Lab to be funded <Input by Institute>

(c) Department under which the lab is established <Input by Institute>

(d) AICTE approved Course of the department <Data base of E-Gov>

If 8.2.2 (c) =8.2.3 (c) proceed to next level Else display the message
“Sorry the coordinator must be from the same department under which lab is established ”

Academic credentials of Coordinator


Parameter/ Criteria Input by Input by Institute Max. Marks Awarded by the Marks
Institute Marks System Awarded
<Value to be generated by the
by E-GOV> Experts
(a) PG Select <Input by Institute 1 Yes = 1 mark
Yes/No Provide space for area No=0 mark
of specialization>
(b) Ph. D Select <Input by Institute 3 Yes = 3 mark
Yes/No Provide space for area No=0 mark
of specialization>
(c ) Teaching Experience in Enter <Input by Institute> 2 1 to 5 years= 1 mark
years Years
More than 5 years=2
(d) Research & Industrial Enter <Provide space for 2 1 to 3 years= 1 mark
Experience in years Years details of Industrial
experience> More than 3 years=2
(e) Number of Publications Enter <Input by Institute> 2 1 to 3 publications= 1
in last 3 years (National / Number <Provide space for list mark
International journals) of publications details
> More than 3
publications=2 marks

(f) Number of Patents Enter <Provide space for list 2 1 or more patent=2
Registered Number of patents > marks

Zero patent=0 mark

(g) Relevant experience of Select <Input by Institute> 3 1 Program=1 marks

conducting / Yes/No <Provide space for list 2 Program=2 marks
coordinating similar And enter of programmes More than 3
programmes from AICTE Numbers conducted> programs= 3marks
and other funding
agencies in past three
Sub Total 15 <Automated Total>

8.2.5 Credential of Institution / Department

Parameter/ Criteria Input by Input by Max. Marks Awarded by the Marks

Institute Institute Marks System Awarded by
<Value to be generated by E- the Experts
(a) Type of Institute: (Whether Entrer <Input by Yes= 5 marks
selected under TEQIP) Yes/no Institute, 5 No= 0 Marks
attach proof>
(b) Number of Years existence Number <Data base 10 to 15 years= 5 marks
of E-Gov> 16 to 20 years= 7 marks
More than 20 years= 10
(c) Number of courses Enter <Input by <1 = 5 marks>
Accredited in the Institute. Number Institute> 10 <2 = 7 marks>
<more than 3 = 10 marks>
(d) Whether the course under Enter <Input by <if yes= 10 marks
which the proposal is Yes/No Institute> No= 0 marks>
submitted, is accredited by
Sub Total 35 <Automated Total>
8.2.6 Justification of the project:

(a) Major equipment available in the lab <Input by Institute>

S.No. Name of equipment Make and model Cost in Rs. Year purchased

Parameter / Criteria Input by Institute Max. Marks Awarded by

Marks Experts

(b) Objectives <Input by Institute

Current lab utilization maximum 300 words> 10
Strength & Weakness of lab
(c) Relevance/Improvements in the scope of old <Input by Institute
experiments conducted. maximum 200 words>
(d) Technical novelty and utility <Input by Institute
maximum 150 words>
(e) Benefits to students and staff Please refer the attachment
named “Supporting 10
Documents” for this
Sub Total 50

Grand Total 100

Budget estimate - Non- Recurring

Sr. Proposed Equipment/s Technical Qty Estimated Cost in
No. specifications Rs.
1 Electronics Technology section As given in the 1 453,458
2 Mechanical Technology section As given in the 1 106,431
3 Tools & Instruments Section & Lab As given in the 1 153,522
accessories annexure
4 Pneumatics Technology section As given in the 1 152,290
5 Robot study platforms As given in the 1 435,414
6 Miniature Industrial Production System As given in the 1 500,296
(MIPS) annexure
Total 1,801,411

Budget estimate-Recurring
Estimate for Year 1
Consumables & Contingencies 180,141
Other 0
Total 180,141

Payment disbursement schedule

Advance instalment Total
1,801,411 180,141 1,981,553

Total in words: Rs. Nineteen lakh eighty one thousand five hundred and
fifty three only

8.2.8 Recurring Budget = Yes/ No

This is optional
Requested for Recurring Budget: <Input by Institute> YES
If Recurring = No, then no need of generating this table
If recurring = yes,
Maximum Recurring Permissible PQR = <Rs. ABC divided by 85 and multiplied by 15> ( to be calculated by the
8.2.9 Total Recommended Amount = <Rs.ABC + Rs.PQR>

I/We solemnly confirm and verify that the information uploaded on the portal in respect of this proposal for seeking grant
from AICTE under AQIS is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. In case, at any point of time it is found
that information provided in this proposal is false or incorrect, AICTE will be at liberty to withdraw the grant given to us
and we shall be liable to refund the entire amount of the grant with interest thereon and also liable for any other action
that AICTE may deem fit. We also understand that AICTE may not consider our future proposal in this circumstance.

The applicant will put a tick in a box provided... unless this is ticked the application should not be submitted... also
display confirmation message that I have read the declaration and I/we confirm the same.
List of material:

Sr. Proposed Equipment/s Technical specifications Qty


Electronics Technology
A Controller Section
1 Atmega 128 IC board This board has a Atmega 128 Microcontroller: 2
- 64 Pin (TQFP type), 53 GPIO and 128 KB IC
- Standard Male berg strip to make connections easy
on the Atmega 128 Development board
- One way fit
2 Atmega 128 Development A development board designed in a way to implement 8
board with IC multiple projects on a single platform using an
Atmega 128 microcontroller IC:
- Input Voltage: 7V – 12V DC
- 53 GPIO and 128KB of Flash Memory
- 7 Ports(A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
- Supports 10 external DC motor drivers
- 8 ADC channels
- Standard FRC and Relimated connectors compatible
with motor drivers and other interfacing modules
3 Atmega 16 - AVR Microcontroller 5
Microcontroller IC - Memory: 16 KB
- 40 Pin IC
- Package: DIP
4 Atmega 16 Development A development board designed in a way to implement 10
board with IC multiple projects on a single platform using an
Atmega 16 microcontroller IC:
- Input Voltage: 7V – 12V DC
- Standard FRC and Relimated connectors
- Size of board = 80 mm x 70 mm
- 32 GPIO and 16KB of Flash Memory.
- 4 Ports(A, B,C,D)
- Supports 6 external DC motor driver circuits
- 6 ADC channels
5 Atmega 8 Microcontroller - AVR Microcontroller 4
IC - Memory: 8 KB
- 28 Pin IC
- Package: DIP
6 Atmega 8 Development A development board designed in a way to implement 8
board with IC multiple projects on a single platform using an
Atmega 8 microcontroller IC:
- Input Voltage: 7V – 12V DC
- Standard FRC and Relimated connectors
- 23 GPIO and 8KB of Flash Memory.
- 3 Ports (B, C and D)
- Supports 6 external DC motor driver circuits
- 6 ADC channels
7 USBASP Programmer Kit - USBasp Programmer 22
- Compaitible with the atmgea 8/16/128 development
- Size = 30 mm x 55 mm
- USB B type connector
- Facility to turn the power supply on and off using a
- With USB Cable (A-B type)
- 10 pin FRC

B Electronic Actuator
Control Section
1 L293D Motor Driver - It can drive 2 DC motors supplying 600mA to each 6
Board motor
- Input Voltage: 12V
- Facility for speed control
- Extra ports for 5V output
2 L298 Motor Driver Board - Input Voltage: 12V DC 12
- It can drive 2 DC motors supplying 2A to each
- Standard FRC, Phoenix and Relimated connectors
for reliable connections
- Size: 52 mm x 52 mm
3 Relay Motor Driver Board - Input Voltage: 12V DC 30
- It can drive 1 DC motor on both directions and can
supply up to 10A of current
- Standard FRC, Phoenix and Relimated connectors
for reliable connections
- Reverse polarity protection (Short Circuit
4 High Current Motor - Input Voltage: 12V-36V DC 8
Driver Board - It can drive 1 DC motor on both directions with
variable speed and can supply up to 30A of current
- Standard FRC, Phoenix and Relimated connectors
for reliable connections
- Operating PWM frequency range up to 20 KHz
- Current sensing output
- Reverse Polarity protection (Short Circuit
- Size: 50 mm x 40 mm
5 Servo Motor Driver Board - Input Voltage: 7V – 12V DC 6
- It can drive 4 Servo motors of each 6V
- Maximum output current up to 16A
- Compatible with all development boards
6 Pneumatics Actuator - Input Voltage: 7V – 12V DC 8
Control Board - It can drive one Pneumatic actuator of 12V
- Maximum output current up to 1A
- Compatible with all Development boards

C Battery Section
1 Lipo battery, 11.1V, 1300 - Lithium Polymer battery 6
mAh - Capacity: 1300 mah
- Voltage: 11.1V (3 cell)
- Continuous Discharge Rate: 20C
2 Lipo battery, 11.1V, 2200 - Lithium Polymer battery 4
mAh - Capacity: 2200 mah
- Voltage: 11.1V (3 cell)
- Continuous Discharge Rate: 20C
3 Lipo battery, 11.1V, 4200 - Lithium Polymer battery 2
mAh - Capacity: 4200 mah
- Voltage: 11.1V (3 cell)
- Continuous Discharge Rate: 20C
4 Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) - 12V Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) Battery 2
Battery, 12V, 7000 mAh - 7000 mAh
5 Balanced Lipo Battery - Lipo Balanced battery 2
Charger - 2S and 3S batteries
- Type: Universal (B6AC)
6 Battery checker with - 1-8S Lipo Battery Tester and Voltmeter 12
buzzer - Low Voltage Alarm Indicator
7 Balanced Lipo Battery - Lipo battery charger 3
Charger (Small) - 2S and 3S batteries
- Type: Small (B3AC)
8 Lipo Safe bag - High Quality Lipo Safe Bag 6
- Size: (XL)

D Sensor Section
1 Ultrasonic sensor - Resolution: up to 1-inch 1
- Range: 6 inches to 125 inches (10 Feet)
- Proximity detection from 1 mm to 1 feet
- Free run operation that continually measures and
outputs proximity information
- Filtered range output allows ranging and multi-
sensor operation.
2 Ping sensor HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Sensor 2
3 GP2 sensor (10-80 cm) - Range of distances measured from 4 cm to 30 cm 2
Infrared Proximity Sensor
- Analog output inversely proportional to distance
4 Diffused scan Proximity - Diameter = approximate 18 mm 9
sensor (Industrial Grade) - Sensing distance = up to 500 mm (adjustable)
- Supply voltage = 10 – 30 V DC
- Logic output: NPN/NO
- Current: up to 100 mA
5 Inductive Proximity sensor - Diameter = approximate 18 mm 9
(Industrial Grade) - Sensing distance = up to 8mm
- Supply voltage = 10 – 30 V DC
- Logic output: NPN/NO
- Current: up to 300 mA
6 Capacitive Proximity - Diameter = approximate 18 mm 5
sensor(Industrial Grade) - Sensing distance = up to 8mm
- Supply voltage = 10 – 30 V DC
- Logic output: NPN/NO
- Current: up to 300 mA
7 Hall-effect Rotary encoder - Incremental Rotary Encoder 4
- 3 Channel
- 360 Pulses
- 5000rpm
- 5 VDC
- Totem Pole Output
8 3-Axis Analog - Analog Accelerometer 3
Accelerometer - Type of output = Analog
- No. of axis = 3
9 Encoder Sensor Module - Optical encoder with IR LED and photo diode to 6
detect the
presence and absence of the slits.
- Ideal for counting.
- TTL output
10 3 sensor line following - 3 sesnor array 6
array - TCRT 500 sensor with Analog outputs
11 Microwave Doppler Radar - Max. frequency: 10.53 GHz 2
Motion Detector Sensor - Max. Current Consumption: 40mA
- Max. Supply Voltage: 5.25V DC
- Operating Temperature: 55° celcius
12 PIR sensor module - Pyroelectric Infrared Pir Motion Sensor Detector 2
13 Temperature sensor The temperature sensor is a NTC thermistor 2
Module Multi-point temperature measurement Measures
temperatures: -55°C / +125°C
Accuracy: + / - 0.5°C
Dimensions: 30mm x 15mm x 6mm
Weight : 2g
14 TSOP sensor Module The module consist of a IR emitter and TSOP 10
receiver pair
Typical Maximum Range :20cm
Calibration preset for range adjustment.
Indicator LED with 3 pin easy interface connector
15 Force Sensor Dimensions: 4
- Overall length: 2.375'
- Overall width: 0.75'
- Sensing diameter: 0.5'
16 Flex Sensor - Angle Displacement Measurement 3
- Bends and Flexes physically with motion device
- Simple Construction - Low Profile
- Flat Resistance: 25K Ohms
- Resistance Tolerance: ±30%
- Temperature Range: -35°C to +80°C
- Bend Resistance Range: 45K to 125K Ohms
- Power Rating : 0.50 Watts continuous. 1 Watt Peak
17 Gas Sensor (LPG) - MQ-2 Flammable Gas & Smoke Detection Sensor 2
- Model: MQ-2
- Type: Analog
- Detecting Type: LPG, Butane, Propane, Methane,
Ethanol, Hydrogen, Smoke
- Rated Voltage: DC 5V
- Detecting Range: 300-10000ppm
- Pin Quantity: 4
- Pin Definition : AO - Analog Output, DO - Digital
Output, GND - Ground, - VCC - Voltage To Current
18 Sound Detection Sensor Sound Detection Sensor Module with Sensitivity 3
Module Control Potentiometer
Main Chip: LM393, Electric Condenser Microphone
Working Voltage: DC 3.3 to 5V
Single channel signal output.
19 Piezo Sensor - Diameter: 27 mm approximately. 3
20 IR LED + Photodiode - IR LED + PD sensor module 6
Sensor Module
21 RFID reader - tags RC522 RFID Card Reader Module + 10 Tags 1

E Peripheral Boards
1 Proximity interfacing 9
2 Power Distribution board - Battery and DC power adapter supply options 22
- 4 phoenix and 4 2-pin-relimated ports for power
- Voltage rating: 0V – 50V
- Current rating: 30A
3 LCD with Interfacing - Input Voltage: 5V 4
Board - Standard FRC connection
- 16x2 LCD interface
- LCD Brightness control
4 Bluetooth interfacing - Input voltage: 3.3V to 5V 7
board - Voltage divider network for logic conversion
- ON/Off switch for easy programming
- Jumper for enabling AT command
F Soldering Section
1 Advanced Soldering 5
2 Heat Gun - Voltage: 230V 1
- Power: 1800 Watts
- Heat Settings: Variable
- Style: Pistol
- Temperature range: 500 – 600 °C
- Airflow: max 650 l/min
- Type: Professional Tools
3 Soldering Wire Reel (0.5 - 60/40 2
Kg) - 22 Guage Soldering Wire with Internal Flux
4 Wire Cutter/Stripper - Material type: Steel and Iron 5
- Crimping plier(stripper, Cutter)-Awg10-22
- Size: 229 mm/9 inch
5 Diaonal Cutting plier / - Length: 4inch 5
Wire Nipper - Induction hardened cutting edges
- Finger Guard for Better Control & Added Safety
- Bi-material Grip for comfort
6 Digital Multimeter Digital Multimeter, 600V 5
Display: LCD 6000 counts, updates 3/sec
Maximum current rating- 10A
7 3rd Hand with magnifying - 3rd Hand with LED light and magifying glass 1
8 Anti-static Mat - Size: 2 x 4 feet 5
- Thickness: 2mm
- 1 grounding chords
- 1 wrist strap

G Motor Section
1 22 RPM DC geared motor 2
2 60 RPM DC geared motor - 60 RPM 2
- Dimensions: Length - 90mm
- Motor Diameter - 27.5mm
- Shaft diameter - 6mm
- Weight - 250 gms
- Operating Voltage - 12 V
- No load current - 100mA
- Full load current - 1.9 A
- Stall torque: 35Kg-cm at maximum limited stall
current of 4 Amp.
3 100 RPM DC geared - 100 RPM 10
motor - Dimensions: Length - 90mm
- Motor Diameter - 27.5mm
- Shaft diameter - 6mm
- Weight - 250 gms
- Operating Voltage - 12V
- Voltage 12v; no load current - 100mA
- Full load current - 1.9 A
- Stall torque: 22Kg-cm at maximum limited stall
current of 4 Amp.
4 200 RPM DC geared - 200 RPM 4
motor - Dimensions: Length - 90mm
- Motor Diameter - 27.5mm
- Shaft diameter - 6mm
- Weight - 250 gms
- Operating Voltage - 12 V
- No load current - 100mA
- Full load current - 1.9 A
- Stall torque: 11Kg-cm at maximum limited stall
current of 4 Amp
5 300 RPM DC geared - 300 RPM 2
motor - Dimensions: Length - 90mm
- Motor Diameter - 27.5mm
- Shaft diameter - 6mm
- Weight - 250 gms
- Operating Voltage - 12 V
- No load current - 100mA
- Full load current - 1.9 A
- Stall torque: 8Kg-cm at maximum limited stall
current of 4 Amp.
6 10 RPM Centre-Shaft - Dimensions: Length - 46mm ; Diameter - 37mm ; 2
Motor Shaft diameter - 6mm
- Weight - 125 gms
- Stall Torque - 5 kg/cm
- Operating Voltage - 12V
- No-load current - 60 mA(Max), Load current - 300
7 50 RPM Centre-Shaft - Dimensions: Length - 46mm ; Diameter - 37mm ; 2
Motor Shaft diameter - 6mm
- Weight - 125 gms
- Stall Torque - 5 kg/cm
- Operating Voltage - 12V
- No-load current - 60 mA(Max), Load current - 300
8 100 RPM Centre-Shaft - Dimensions: Length - 46mm ; Diameter - 37mm ; 8
Motor Shaft diameter - 6mm
- Weight - 125 gms
- Stall Torque - 5 kg/cm
- Operating Voltage - 12V
- No-load current - 60 mA(Max), Load current - 300
9 60 RPM High Torque Generic Motor with Gear Box 2
Motor • 60 rpm Motor
• Operating Voltage - 12v
• Continuous torque - 60kgcm, load current - 10A,
Stall torque: 150 Kg-cm at stall current of 25A
All steel gears and shafts rotate in robust sintered
bushings. Bearings are permanently lubricated and
therefore require no maintenance.
10 300 RPM High Torque Generic Motor with Gear Box 4
Motor • 300 rpm Motor
• Operating Voltage - 12v
• Continuous torque - 60kgcm, load current - 10A,
Stall torque: 150 Kg-cm at stall current of 25A
All steel gears and shafts rotate in robust sintered
bushings. Bearings are permanently lubricated and
therefore require no maintenance.
11 Servo motor, plastic - Torque - 4.8V: 8 kg-cm, 6v: 11 kg-cm, 4
geared - Speed – 4.8V: 0.17 sec/ 60°, 6.0v: 0.14 sec/ 60°
12 Servo motor, metal geared - Weight: 55g 4
- Dimension: 40.7×19.7×42.9mm
- Stall torque: 9.4kg/cm (4.8v); 11kg/cm (6.0v)
- Operating speed: 0.19sec/60° (4.8v); 0.15sec/60°
- Operating voltage: 4.8~ 6.6v
- Gear Type: Metal gear servo wire length: 32cm
13 Servo motor, metal geared - Torque: 2.20 kg-cm (4.8v) 4
(small) - Speed: 0.11 sec/60°
- Weight: 14g
- Gear Type: Metal
- Rotational Range: 180°
14 100 RPM I type Bo-Motor - Operating Voltage – 3 to 12V 6
- Current (without loading) , 40-180mA, 20-180 rpm
- Output Torque – 0.8-5kgcm
- Weight – 30g
15 150 RPM Centre-Shaft - Dimensions: Length - 46mm ; Diameter - 37mm ; 4
Motor Shaft diameter - 6mm
- Weight - 125 gms
- Stall Torque - 5 kg/cm
- Operating Voltage - 12V
- No-load current - 60 mA(Max), Load current - 300

H Communication Modules
1 Wireless camera 1
2 TV tuner module iBall LCD TV Box Claro TV - Tuner / FM / AV - 1
CTV27 TV Tuner Card
3 Zigbee Wireless XbeePro Module S2C XBP24CZWIT-004 4
Communication Module
4 Zigbee transmitter board Xbee ZigBee Adapter Board with USB Interface 3
5 Zigbee receiver board - Input voltage: 6V to 12V 3
- Easy mounting provision for Zigbee Receiver
6 Bluetooth module HC-05 Serial Port/TTL Bluetooth Module 7
7 Audio to Digital Convertor - DTMF bosrd used for decoding of the Dual Tone 2
(DTMF) board Multiple Frequency signals
- On board crystal
- 3.5 mm Audio jack
- Facility to connect speaker (12V,8 ohm)
- Tuning facility available

I Consumable Electronics Set of consumables 1


Mechanical Technology
A Wheels & accessories
1 Plastic omniwheel (dia- Wheel Diameter – 100mm, Dual rim 4
100 mm)
2 Coupling for omniwheel - Total Length: 52mm 4
- Bore diameter: 6mm
- Bore depth: 18mm
- Coupling weight: 37gms
3 Aluminium wheel Wheel Diameter – 100mm, Wheel Width – 25mm 4
4 Flange for High Torque Material aluminium, Hole Dia 12mm 2

B Power transmission
1 Lead Screw-Length 500 3 D printer T8 Lead Screw-Length 500 mm with 1
mm with mounted ball mounted ball bearing and shaft coupling
bearing and shaft coupling
2 Spur gear material plastic, Module1.5m, Hole dia 6mm, OD 40 15
mm, Yellow in colour
3 Worm gear material plastic, Hole dia 6mm 5
4 Timing Belt GT2 Timing Belt for RepRap, 3D Printer, CNC, 5
Robotics and Automations. Belt Type: GT2, Width:
6mm, Color: Black, Pitch: 2mm, Length:1m;
Material: Rubber,
5 Timing pulley GT2 Timing Pulley for RepRap, 3D Printer, CNC, 16
Robotics and Automations. Pulley Type: GT2, Pitch
2mm, Bore dia: 5 mm, Belt Width : 6mm
6 Rack Metal composite, Module 1m, length - 12cm 10
7 Pinion Aluminium sleeve, Teeth - 60 , Module 1m, PCD 5
60mm, Auminium Sleeve Dia - 6mm
8 Bevel Gear Material plastic with aluminium insert, Module-1.25, 6
Number of teeth-23, bore dia-6 mm, boss dia-17.3
mm,boss length-7.5 mm

C Bearings Section
1 Round linear bearing Linear motion bearing ID13mm, round flange type 5
2 Collared Ball bearing Set ID 4mm-10, ID 6mm-10 1

D Structural material
Acrylic etc.)
1 Aluminium Section Set 1
2 Acrylic sheet set Set 1

E Gripper Section
1 Parallel link Gripper - Gripping size: 40mm 2
- Worm gear arrangement to give continuous gripping
- Actuator: High torque center shaft DC motor
- Operating voltage: 12V
- Material: Acrylic
- Weight: 200g
2 Angular Gripper Material Acrylic 2

F Display Boards
1 Mechanism Display Board Display board for showing the working of prominent 1
mechanisms and drives used in Robotics and

Tools & Instruments Division

A Tools and Instruments
1 Mechanical Tool Kit - No-load speed : 0 to 2600 rpm 2
- Drilling diameter: 10 millimeters for concrete and
masonry; 8 millimeters for steel; 20 millimeters for
- Material: MS and Plastic
- Chuck capacity : 1 to 10 millimeters
- Impact rate : 0 to 41600 bpm
- 1/2 inch drill spindle connecting thread
- Power: 500 watts (Input) and 250 watts (Output)
2 Cordless Drill Machine - 24 torque clutch for perfect screw driving into a 1
variety of materials with different screws sizes
- Spring loaded slide pack battery system for quick
and easy battery change and a more secure fit
- Reverse switch for added versatility
- Variable speed for ultimate finger tip control for all
drilling applications
- Voltage: 220 volts, Capacity: Wood-25mm, steel-
3 Jigsaw cutter - Pendulum action for a faster cutting action 1
- Variable speed for better control in different
- Sightline channel allows the user to follow the line
of cut more easily
4 Miniature File Set Metal Needle file set 1
5 Riveter Riveter: 3 nozzle 1
6 Angle Finder 4inch angle finder 1
7 Meter Tape (3m) Meter tape - 3 meter 2
8 Bench Vice 50mm gripping length 2
9 C-Clamp C clamp used for mouting and holding material on the 2
flat surfaces
10 Stainless steel rule Steel Ruler 30cm 4
12inch / 30cm
11 Stainless steel rule Steel Ruler 60cm 2
24inch / 60cm
12 File set 8" Files 1
13 Bench Grinder - Spindle Lock No 1
- Motor Speed 2800 rpm
- Disc Diameter = 6 inches
- Power Source = Corded
- Power Consumption = 246 watts
- Voltage = 230 V
- Other Features = Excellent Smooth and Minimum
Vibration Machine
14 Hot glue gun + glue sticks Glue gun + 10 Glue Sticks 2
15 Hacksaw - small frame 6inch junior hacksaw + 10 Hacksaw blades 2
16 Hacksaw - big frame Hacksaw + 10 Hacksaw blades 2
17 Tapping Tools & Holder 3mm tap tool (set of 3)+4mm tap tool (set of 3)+5mm 1
set tap tool (set of 3)+3mm to 5mm tap range/holder
18 Screw driver set (High Power Screw Driver with Bits(2)+Star(Pan 1
grade) philip_plus) screw driver 3mm*50mm(5)+Star(Pan
philip_plus) screw driver 3mm*50mm(5)+Star(Pan
philip_plus) screw driver
5mm*100mm(3)+Med_minus screw driver 4mm
length-100 mm(3)+Ratchet screw driver set(1)+blue
round screw driver set (gripp)(2)
19 Long nose pliers Nose plier 2
20 Combination pliers Combination plier 2
21 Spanner set Spanner Set(1)+M4 Spanner(5)+Adjustable 1
22 Plastic pulley Plastic pulley pair big and small 10
23 Nylon rope rope diameter 4mm, length 1m, 5 Rs/m 20
24 Adhesives set feviquick bottle 2 +araldite 2 bottle + Acrylic 1
Adhesive 1 Bottle
25 Bo-motor wheel(dia- Wheel Diameter – 70mm, Wheel Width – 10mm 6
70mm, width-10mm)
26 Plastic wheel (dia-70mm, Wheel Diameter – 70mm, Wheel Width – 20mm 12
27 Plastic wheel (dia-70 mm, Wheel Diameter – 70mm, Wheel Width – 40mm 14
width-40 mm)
28 Plastic wheel (dia-100 Wheel Diameter – 100mm, Wheel Width – 40mm 4
mm, width-40 mm)
29 Polycarbonate (PC) sheet Size 8ft x 4ft 1
30 Allen key set Allen key set 2
31 Drill bits Set Drill bit 3mm (pack of 10)+Drill bit 4mm (pack of 1
10)+Drill bit 5mm (pack of 2)+Drill bit 6mm (pack of
2)+25 pcs set
32 Acrylic drum - Provision for rope attachment 10
- Reel dia: 33mm ; Shaft Dia-6mm
- End plate dia: 60mm
33 Ball castor small Size small dia12mm 16
34 Soft face hammer 35mm diameter soft face hammer 1
35 Snap off cutter Snap off cutter with blades (18mm) 2
36 Rubber mallet Rubber mallet 1
37 Aluminium flange Material aluminium, Hole Dia 6mm 24
38 Flexible Spiral coupling Material aluminium, Dia 6mm to 6mm, spiral 2
39 Scissor small Pair of scissors 2
40 Scissor big Pair of scissors 2
41 Drill Stand Heavy Duty Cast Iron Base Drill Stand 2
42 Ear Muff Adjustable Ear Muff 4
43 Safety Gloves Cut Resistant Gloves 10
44 Safety Goggles Safety Glasses (Clear) 35
45 Servo motor Tester - Input: DC 4.8 to 6.0V 3
- Output signal: 1.5ms±0.5ms
- Size: 16.5×32×0.98mm.
- Weight: 3.8g (0.14 oz)
- Adjustment methods: manual, neutral, automatic
46 Slider Set 8 inch-4, 12 inch-6, 16 inch-4 1
47 Brass hinge Material Brass ; Size: 1inch x 1inch 10
48 Fasterner Set 1 Set of Fastners, nuts, bolts, etc. 1
49 Component Organiser 25 compartment Component Organiser 1
50 Sticker for Pneumatic A3 size sticker 1

Lab Accessories
1 Red permanent marker Red permanent marker 5
small tip
2 Blue permanent marker Blue permanent marker 5
small tip
3 Component Organiser 25 compartment Component Organiser 4
4 Component Display board Multy Display Board 4
5 Set of Flexes for the lab Robolab Technologies' special flesxes for the lab 1

Pneumatics Section
A Solenoid Valves
1 Single Solenoid Spring - Single acting Solenoid Spring Return Valve (1/8) - 5
Return Valve (1/8) - 5/2, 5/2
12V DC - 12V DC
2 Single Solenoid Spring - Single acting Solenoid Spring Return Valve (1/8) - 2
Return Valve (1/8) - 3/2 3/2 NC
NC, 12V - 12V DC
3 Solenoid Spring Center - Solenoid Spring type Center Valve (Blocked) (1/8) - 4
Valve (Blocked) (1/8) - 5/3
5/3, 12V DC - 12V DC
4 Single Solenoid Spring - Single acting Solenoid Spring type Return Valve 2
Return Valve (1/4) - 3/2 (1/4) - 3/2 NC
NC, 12V DC - 12V DC
5 Hand Lever Detent Valve Hand Lever Detent Valve (Blocked) (1/4) - 5/3 2
(Blocked) (1/4) - 5/3
6 Finger Lever Valve (M5) Finger Lever Valve (M5) 3/2 NC 2
3/2 NC

B Cylinders
1 Miniature Cylinder - Miniature Cylinder 3
ɸ12mm stroke 80mm, - Bore Diameter =12mm
double acting - Stroke length = 80mm
- Type = double acting
2 Miniature Cylinder - Miniature Cylinder 3
ɸ12mm stroke 50mm, - Bore Diameter = 12mm
double acting - Stroke length = 50mm
- Type = double acting
3 Miniature Cylinder - Miniature Cylinder 3
ɸ20mm stroke 100mm, - Bore diameter = ɸ20mm
double acting - Stroke length = 100mm
Type = double acting
4 Compact Cylinder ɸ16mm - Compact Cylinder 3
Stroke 25mm , double - Bore diameter = 16mm
acting (Magnetic Type) - Stroke length = 25mm
-Type = double acting (Magnetic Type)
5 Miniature Cylinder Single - Miniature Cylinder 3
Acting Spring Return - Type = Single Acting Spring Return
ɸ25mm stroke 50mm - Diameter = 25mm
Magnetic (G1/8) - stroke length = 50mm Magnetic (G1/8)
6 Angular gripper (ɸ16mm) - Angular gripper 2
- Diameter = 16mm

C Connectors
1 Union Straight - Dia 6mm - Union Straight connector 2
- Diameter = 6mm
2 Union Straight - Dia 4mm - Union Straight connector 2
- Diameter = 4mm
3 Union Straight Different - Union Straight connector 7
diameter - Dia 6mm to Dia - Different diameter - Dia 6mm to Dia 4mm
4 Union Elbow - Dia 6mm - Union Elbow connector 20
- Diameter = 6mm
5 Union Elbow - Dia 4mm - Union Elbow connector 4
- Diameter = 4mm
6 Union Tee - Dia 6mm - Union Tee connector 11
- Diameter = 6mm
7 Union Tee - Dia 4mm - Union Tee connector 4
- Diameter = 4mm
8 Union Cross - Dia 6mm - Union Cross connector 2
- Diameter = 6mm
9 Union Cross - Dia 4mm - Union Cross connector 2
- Diameter = 4mm
10 Union Y - Dia 6mm - Union Y connector 2
- Diameter = 6mm
11 Union Y - Dia 4mm - Union Y connector 2
- Diameter = 4mm
12 Male Connector(Push in) - Male Connector(Push in) 35
(1/8) - 6mm - R-Thread = 1/8
- Diameter = 6mm
13 Male Connector(Push in) - Male Connector(Push in) 20
(1/8) - 4mm - R-Thread1/8
- Diameter = 4mm
14 Push in Fitting M5 x 6mm Push in Fitting M5 x 6mm 17
15 Push in Fitting M5 x 4mm Push in Fitting M5 x 4mm 10
16 Male Connector(1/4) - - Male Connector(Push in)(1/4) 10
6mm - Diameter = 6mm
17 Female Branch Tee - Dia 6 Female Branch Tee - Dia 6 x 1/4 4
x 1/4
18 Multi Distributor Union - Multi Distributor Union - Dia 6mm x Dia 4mm 3
Dia 6mm x Dia 4mm
19 Plug - Dia 4mm Plug - Dia 4mm 3
20 Plug - Dia 6mm Plug - Dia 6mm 4
21 Silencer(hexagonal) (1/8) Silencer(hexagonal) (1/8) 25
22 Tube holder Dia 4mm Tube holder Dia 4mm 2
23 Tube holder - 6mm Tube holder - 6mm 5

D Airline Valves
1 Flow Control Valve M5 x - Flow Control Valve 2
ɸ4mm - M5 x ɸ4mm
2 Flow Control Valve M5 x - Flow Control Valve 3
ɸ6mm (Exhuast Control) - M5 x ɸ6mm (Exhuast Control)
3 Flow Control Valve R1/8 - Flow Control Valve 2
x ɸ4mm (supply control) - R1/8 x ɸ4mm (supply control)
4 Flow Control Valve R1/8 - Flow Control Valve 2
x ɸ6mm (supply control) - R1/8 x ɸ6mm (supply control)
5 Flow Control Valve Inline - Flow Control Valve 2
ɸ4mm - Inline ɸ4mm
6 Flow Control Valve Inline - Flow Control Valve 3
ɸ6mm - Inline ɸ6mm
7 Shut off valves knob type Shut off valves knob type (1/8) 4
8 Non return valve (1/8) Non return valve (1/8) 4
9 FRL Module (G1/4) FRL Module (G1/4) 2
10 Pressure gauge(0- - Pressure gauge(0-10bar) 5
10bar)R1/4,Dia 60(Panel - R1/4,Dia 60(Panel mounting)
11 Polyurethane Tubes - Polyurethane Tubes - 6mm- Length 1m 20
6mm- Length 1m
12 Polyurethane Tubes - Polyurethane Tubes - 4mm- Length 1m 10
4mm- Length 1m
13 Coiled Tube - 6mm (6 Coiled Tube - 6mm (6 meter) 2
14 Coiled Tube - 4mm (6 Coiled Tube - 4mm (6 meter) 1
15 Tube cutter Tube cutter 4
16 Air Compressor(50 Ltr) 50 Ltr tank, 1hp Motor, with auto shut-off, pressure 1
gauge, 6mm hose connector
17 Air Compressor(10 Ltr) 10 Ltr tank, 1HP Motor, with auto shut-off, pressure 1
gauge, 6mm hose connector
18 Reed switch with clamp Reed switch with clamp (Rodless cylinder 18mm) 2
19 Reed Switch type Reed Switch type Magnetic Sensor dia 20mm with 2
Magnetic Sensor dia clamp
20mm with clamp
20 Air Blow Gun With Air Blow Gun With Straight Tube 1
Straight Tube
21 Rod end bearing (dia- 6 Female thread M6, hole dia 6mm 7
22 Rod end bearing (dia- 8 Female thread M8, hole dia 8mm 5
23 Teflon Tape Teflon Tape 5

Robotic Study Platforms

1 OMIBO- Omni Wheel Mechanism for locomotion: 1
operated Robot - Omni-directional wheels
- 4 wheel drive
- Motors : 4 metal geared 12V DC motor, 100rpm and
4kgcm torque
Electronic circuit:
- Atmel Atmega 16 controller IC
- Robolab Technologies’ Relay Motor drivers
- Power distribution board
- Bluetooth Module
- Onboard battery indicator and charging circuit
Mode of Control:
- Wireless communication through Robolab
Technologies’ Android App
- Controlled by Android mobile phone
- Operating terrain = -Flat smooth surface
- Maximum speed = 0.8 m/s
Electrical connections:
- Supply voltage = 11.1V DC (Lithium Polymer
- Supply current capacity = 2200mAh
- Protective shell = Acrylic
- Weight = 4.8kg (robot only)
- Body material = 500mmx 500 x 700 mm enclosure
2 MARSian- Mars Rover Mechanism for locomotion: 1
prototype - Rocker bogie mechanism
- 4 links (2 on each side) with 6 wheel drive
- Motors : 6 metal geared 12V DC motor, 100 rpm
and 4kgcm torque
- Length 200mm
- 1 DoF actuated by metal geared 12V DC motor, 30
rpm and 10kgcm torque
End effecter (Parallel link gripper):
- Jaw opening : 60mm
- Servo motor( 6V 4Kgcm torque)
Live video link (Wireless image and video
- Pan and tilt mechanism for camera
- 1/3” image sensor with 628 x 582pixels
- Frequency 1.2G,voltage Tx-9V Rx-12V,power
dissipation 640mW
- Linear link distance 50-100m
- 1800 rotational movement for wide area coverage
Electronic circuit:
- Atmel Atmega 16 controller IC development board
- Relay motor drivers
- Servo motor drivers
- Bluetooth module
Wireless communication:
- 2.4G frequency and 115.2kbps interface data rate
- 3.3V CMOS UART interface level
Mode of Control:
- Bluetooth communication through Robolab
Technologies’ Android App
- Controlled by Android mobile phone
- Line of sight operation = 50m video transmission,
90m indoor and 1.6km outdoor data exchange
- Operating terrain = Dry land with gravels
- Interaction object = Weight 50gm, maximum
volume 40x40x40 mm cube
Electrical connections:
- Supply voltage = 11.1V DC (Lithium Polymer
- Supply current capacity = 2200mAh
- AC adapter supply = 12V 0.5Ah for video receiver
- Wheel dimensions = Diameter 100mm x width
- Protective shell = 500 x 500 x 400 mm
- Weight = 5kg (robot only)
- Body material = Acrylic
3 FLEXO- The robotic hand Mechanism: 2
- Anthropomorphic mechanism resembling the
Human Hand
- 5 high torque, geared DC servo motors, 10kgcm
- Pulling action through high tension cables
- Spring loaded retrieval action of the fingers
Electronic circuit:
- TX Board with sensor interfacing
- Rx Board with high current rating servo motor
drivers (15 Amp continuous current)
- 5 Flex force sensor
- Wireless connection from Glove to circuitry
Supply voltage:
11.1V, Lipo battery with 2000mAH capacity
Body: Acrylic
4 Hex crawler robot Mechanism for locomotion 12
- 6-legged coordinated link based locomotion
- Motors: 2, metal geared 12V DC motor, 100 rpm
and 2 kgcm torque
Electronic circuit
- 2 DPDT (Double Pole Double Throw) switches
Mode of operation:
- Wired (2 meter)
- Remote with switches (robot is controlled using 2
DPDT switches)
- Operating terrain = Flat rough surface
- Maximum speed = 0.1 m/s
Electrical connections:
- Supply voltage = 11.1V, 3 Cell, DC (Lithium
Polymer battery)
- Supply current capacity = 1000mAh
- Weight = 0.5 kg (robot only)
- Body material = Acrylic
5 Roboman - 2 wheeled robot with a single board consisting of 12
the controller, driver and communication module
- Operated wirelessly using andriod based Robolab
Technologies's mobile application
- Reprogramable platform
- Easy to assembly
6 JCBian- Pneumatic back Mechanism for locomotion: 1
hoe loader - Track belt drive
- Chassis with rear motor drive
- Motors : 2 metal geared 12V DC motor, 100rpm and
6kgcm torque
- 3 rotational DoF(2 - horizontal axis, 1 – vertical
- Motor : One 12V DC motor, 30rpm and 12Kgcm
- Arm: 1 Pneumatic cylinders of bore diameter 20mm
and stroke 50mm
- Boom: 1 Pneumatic cylinders of bore diameter
12mm and stroke 80mm
- Length : Arm 300mm, Boom 250mm
End effecter (Scoop):
- Scoop motion: 0°– 80°
- Scoop: 1 pneumatic cylinder of bore diameter
12mm and stroke 50mm
Pneumatic valves:
- 3 pilot acting double solenoid direction control
valves 5/3way, G1/8 in configuration
- 3 flow control valves
- Max. operating pressure : 10bar
- Pilot pressure : 2bar
Electronic circuit
- Atmel Atmega 16 development board
- Relay motor drivers
- Pneumatic solenoid valve driver
Mode of Control
- Bluetooth communication through Robolab
Technologies’ Android App
- Controlled by Android mobile phone
- Operating pressure = 4 - 6 bar
- Operating speed = Surface 50mm/s, arm, boom and
swing 45° /sec
- Terrain = Ground with no gravel (outdoor)
- Interaction object = Sand and pebble
Electrical connections:
- Supply voltage = 11.1V DC (Lithium Polymer
- Supply current capacity = 2200mAh
- Track dimensions = Length 300mm (centre to
- Protective shell = 400 x 400x400 mm enclosure
- Weight = 5.8kg (robot only)
- Body material = Acrylic
Miniature Industrial
Production System
1 Miniature Industrial Detailed Specifications: 1
- Capacity of discs: 4 discs
- Magazine Height: 264mm
- Materials of construction: Aluminium, Stainless
steel, Acrylic plastic, Brass, Nitrile
- Proximity sensor 1: Capacitive 24V 500mA
- Pneumatic Cylinder 1 :-
- Working Pressure : 0.5-10 bar
- Force: 40N
- Stroke: 160mm
- Cylinder position sensors :-
- Operating voltage: DC/AC 5-240V
- Switching current: 100mA max
- Response time: on/off <1ms
- Materials of construction: Aluminium, Stainless
steel, Acrylic plastic, Brass, Nitrile
- Pneumatic cylinder 2 :-
- Working Pressure : 0.5-10 bar
- Force: 40N
- Stroke: 160mm
- Pneumatic cylinder 3 :-
- Working Pressure : 0.5-10 bar
- Force: 40N
- Stroke: 100mm
- Cylinder position sensors :-
- Operating voltage: DC/AC 5-240V
- Switching current: 100mA max
- Response time: on/off <1ms

- Rodless Pneumatic Cylinder 1
- Working Pressure : 0.5-10 bar
- Force: 100N
- Stroke: 400mm
- Cylinder position sensors :-
- Operating voltage: 10-30V DC
- Switching current: 100mA max
- Power rating: 3W max
- Lift: Stainless steel bent part
- Materials of construction: Aluminium, Stainless
steel, Acrylic plastic, Brass, Nitrile

- Rodless Pneumatic Cylinder 2
- Working Pressure : 0.5-10 bar
- Force: 100N
- Stroke: 500mm
- Cylinder position sensors :-
- Operating voltage: 10-30V DC
- Switching current: 100mA max
- Power rating: 3W max
- Slope of ramp module: 18 degrees (2 degree
- Proximity sensor 2: Capacitive 24V 500mA
- Materials of construction: Aluminium, Stainless
steel, Acrylic plastic, Brass, Nitrile

Pneumatic cylinder 4 :-
- Working Pressure : 0.5-10 bar
- Force: 40N
- Stroke: 160mm
Cylinder position sensors :-
- Operating voltage: DC/AC 5-240V
- Switching current: 100mA max
- Response time: on/off <1ms
- Indexing Rotation (motor 1)
- Voltage: 0-24V DC
- RPM: 30RPM
- Gear box: Metal sintered gears
- Proximity sensor 3: Inductive 24V 500mA
- Proximity sensor 4: Inductive 24V 500mA
- Materials of construction: Aluminium, Stainless
steel, Acrylic plastic, Brass, Nitrile

Ball screw:
- Axial load capacity: 250N
- Multi - start: 4 start
- Drill movement: 100mm
Ball screw (motor 2)
- Voltage: 0-24V DC
- RPM: 438RPM
- Ball screw (motor 3)
- Voltage: 0-24V DC
- RPM: 500RPM
- Proximity sensor 5: Diffused Scan 24V 500mA
- Proximity sensor 6: Diffused Scan 24V 500mA
- Materials of construction: Aluminium, Stainless
steel, Acrylic plastic, Brass, Nitrile


White light RBG Sensor:
- Input voltage: (2.7V to 5.5V)
- Interface: Digital TTL
- High-resolution conversion of light intensity to
- Programmable colour and full-scale output
- Working temperature: -40C to 85C
- Interface: 10 Pin FRC cable
- Proximity sensor 7: Capacitive 24V 500mA


- Degrees of freedom: 3 DOF
- Torque: 9.4 kg-cm (4.8v) per motor
- Arm Speed: 1 sec/60 deg max
- Weight: 950g
- Base bearing: 35 mm Metal ball bearing
- Vacuum Gripper : 11 mm diameter * 2
- Vacuum Suction: 0-16" Hg vacuum range
- Air flow (free) range 12 - 15 LPM
- In-out nozzle diameter: 1/4" barbs
- Tube diameter: 4mm
- Proximity sensor 8: Capacitive 24V 500mA

- Conveyor speed: 200mm/s
- Type: Flat belt
- Material: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Conveyor Distance: 1000mm
- Motor power: 25W max
- Conveyor Drum Size: 25mm diameter


- Sorter travel length: 750mm max
- Sorter speed: 200mm/s max
- Sorter load capacity: 50N max
- Adjustable Push angle: 0 - 120 degrees
- Drive mechanism: rack and pinion
- Motor power: 25W max
- Proximity sensor 9: Inductive 24V 500mA
- Proximity sensor 10: Inductive 24V 500mA


- Number of Compartments: 7
- Travel length: 750mm(5mm tolerance)
- Drop Slope: 30 degrees (2 degrees tolerance)
- Marking: Plastic / Metal labels with colours

12. MIPS Disc

- Disc Diameter: 76mm(1mm tolerance)
- Disc Height: 67mm(1mm tolerance)
- Plastic Disc weight: 94gm(5gm tolerance)
- Metal Disc weight: 140gm(5gm tolerance)
- Quantity : Plastic 4, Metal 3

13. MIPS Table

Table Dimensions
- Width: 2500mm
- Height: 770mm
- Depth: 800mm
- Material: Aluminium Profile
- Connectors and fittings: Cast Aluminium
- Table top: Stainless Steel (non corrosive)
- Casters: Rubber 3 Lockable, 3 free wheel

14. MIPS PLC panel

PLC make: Mitsubishi
- Model: GOC35
- HMI:
- 3.2Inch Graphic LCD Display, 128 x 64 pixels
- White characters on a blue background
- 10 keys for display navigation and data entry (User
configurable functionality for 5 keys)
- 8 (Keys with bicolor LEDs, Slide-in label)
- Digital inputs: 24 Pt. 24 VDC sink/source
- Digital Outputs: 14 Pt., 500mA per output, 220
- Communication: RS232 (module included)
- Optional: RS422/RS485, Ethernet (separate module)
- Power: 24 VDC , 400 mA, 9.6Watt.
Memory Size:
- Program: 192KBytes
- Source code and Comments: 1.5MBytes
- Data Memory (Including marker): 24 KBytes
Emergency Stop Switch:
- 24V 10A rating
- Push lock, turn reset


- Width: 550 mm max
- Height: 600 mm max
- Depth: 450 mm max
- Tinted / transparent cabinet door
- Relay Output: 16 nos
- Input Interface board parameters: 22 nos input
- Arduino sensing board: 1
- Arduino Output board: 1
- Single channel relay: 1
- Proximity sensor interface board: 1
- Power distribution board: 2
Solenoid Valves:
- DCV single solenoid 5/2 - 5nos with inlet flow
- DCV double solenoid 5/3 - 1nos with inlet flow
- Inbuilt Output : AC to DC 24V 15A power supply
AC to DC 12V 5A power supply
Input Supply:

16. PLC software

- GOC Toolkit (Includes CoDesys for programming
and other configuration tools)
Arduino IDE

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