7 Habits Nurse Students

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My name is Ragil januaristi

place of birth date in Bandung 20 January 2002

here I will read it

My 7 habits as a nursing student

Manage Your Time

as a student it is very important to manage time, I myself can manage time well because at my own
campus it has been implemented to manage time as well as possible
discipline is the most important because we as nursing students directly deal with the safety of others,
that's why I as a nursing student have an obligation to be able to manage time as well as possible

Study Smart

I still have many shortcomings to study smart, because sometimes when studying I lose focus, sometimes
I feel bored. but in the future I will try to be able to learn smarter and more enthusiastic in understanding
this nursing lesson

Ask for Help

this habit of asking for help is sometimes difficult for me to do, because there is always a sense of shame
and awkwardness when asking or asking other people for help but as a nursing student I must have the
courage to ask questions and ask others for help for that I will try to get rid of the shame and
awkwardness in myself and in the future can dare to ask for help from others


trying to focus on studying is also difficult, because when studying to focus I also like to be distracted
from my cellphone So what I do is sometimes study only when there are tests, but in the future I will be
even more active in studying and can focus on my book
Make Realistic Goals

I have realistic goals going forward to be successful as a nursing student I have a goal to get good grades
and have many achievements

Be Proactive

I can't do being proactive because I don't yet have the will to be proactive in the future I will try to be

Reward Yourself

I really appreciate whatever I have done because it is the result of my ability maybe there are times when
I feel not confident in what I do but I feel I have to throw that thought away as far as possible because
whatever results I do are from my own ability for that I really appreciate whatever the results I do

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