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1) Which of the folllowing TTL can be used for wire AND connecction [ ]

A) Totem pole B) High Speed C) Open collector D) All of the above

2) In SR Latch Q and Q Bar =----------when S=R=0 [ ]

A) 1 and 0 B) 0 and 1 C) No change in states D) Undefined

3)  Which is the fastest ADC? [ ]

A) Counter type converter B) Parallel comparator C) Servo converter D) R-2Rladder

4) Which is seven segment decoder? [ ]

A) IC-7447 B) 74X138 C) IC-7458 D) 74X149

5)  In which circuits the outputs at any instant of time depend upon the inputs present at
that instant of time. [ ]
A) Combinational B) Sequential C) Both A and B D) None
6) Which of the following logic families is well suited for high speed operation
7) ------------ are called as universal Gates
8) A Flip Flop is ------------- storage element?
A) Four B) Eight C) Two D) one
9) Time required to erase date in EEPROM is ----------
A) 2 Mins B) 8 Mins C) 10 ms D) 20 ms
10) Differential Linearity of an ADC Measures deviation from---------- [ ]
A) Ideal Line B) +_ 1/2 LSB refernce line C) LSB D) MSB

11) How many select lines will a 32:1 Multiplexer will have?
12)   -------------------- is a binary counter that is designed to count to 10 10 , or 1010 2 .

13) Conversion time of successive approximation ADC for n-bit is ----------

14) The amount of time that the output of a logic circuit takes to change from one state to
another is called as --------------------------
16) _____________ means many inputs and one output.
 17) An Encoder is a digital circuit that performs the _______operations of a decoder.

18) The Race around condition problem exists in ------------Flip Flop.

19) CMOS Stands for--------------------------------
20)A---------is a circuit that adds two BCD digits and produces a sum digit also in BCD
1 a) Design 16x1 multiplexer using 4x1 multiplexer?
b) Find the state diagram and state table of binary coded decimal to excess-3
2. a) Design a synchronous Decade counter using 74XX IC’s and explain Its
working with neat timing wave forms?
d) Explain the operation of the static and dynamic RAM with neat diagrams?
3 a) Draw the basic DTL gate and explain its operation?
b) Draw the resistive model of CMOS inverter and explain its behaviour for high
4 a) With a neat sketch explain the operation of Successive Approximation ADC ?
b) Analyse the required conditions and explain the operation of R-2R Ladder



1) C
2) C
3) B
4) A
5) A
6) B
7) C
8) D
9) C
10) B
11) 5
12) Decade Counter
13) Tc = T (n+1)
14) Resolution
15) Data
16) Multiplexer
17) Reverse
18) J&k
19) Complementary Metal-Oxide semiconductor
20) BCD Adder

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