Enforce Contributions From Its Subjects To

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Define taxation.

Enumerate and explain the inherent powers of the

- The process and means of the sovereign
through its law-making body (legislature) to - 1. Taxation power – power of the state to
impose burdens upon the people/ subjects enforce contributions from its subjects to
within their jurisdiction for the purpose of sustain itself. To defray necessary expenses
raising revenues to carry out government of the govt. (national gov’t lang ang may
projects. inherent power, local gov’t wala, must
- As a state power- inherent power of the abide with the constitution)
state to enforce proportionate - 2. Police power – to provide for safety and
contributions for public purpose to legislate for the protection, health,
- As a process - act of levying welfare, and morals of the community
(collecting/demanding) of tax; raises - 3. Eminent power – power of the sovereign
income to defray (provide money) for the state to take public property for public
necessary expenses of the government purpose without just compensation (paying
- As a mode of cost distribution – burden to for the owner of the property)
those subjects but is also benefited from
Distinguish the three powers of the State and
this, (since taxes are used by the govt for
enumerate their similarities.
public purpose)
- All are necessary attributes of the
Distinguish the theory and the basis of taxation
- Theory of taxation; a necessary burden. - All inherent to state
Since the government offers a wide array of - Legislative in nature
services to its subjects, and the society - All ways in which the state interferes to
cannot function soundly without the help of rights and properties
the government (the govt is indispensable, -
an absolute necessity in a society). Hence,
Describe the scope of the power of taxation.
the theory of taxation is for the sole
purpose of the government’s funding in - Most absolute power of the govt,
order for them to exist. - Broadest scope of all powers
- Basis of taxation is about the mutual - Regarded as:
support between the govt and its subjects. o Comprehensive – wide scope of
Wherein the state collects taxes in order to coverage (persons, business
perform their duties, while its subjects pays activities, professions, rights and
taxes to enjoy and benefit from living in an privileges)
organized society. o Plenary – unlimited area of
application, and only restricted by
Discuss the Lifeblood doctrine.
inherent/constitutional limitation
- The government will not exist without o Unlimited – highest degree,
taxation, hence it is the lifeblood of the unlimited in the absences of law
govt. o Supreme – selection of the subject
- The government cannot continue to of taxation
perform its functions in serving its people
without the means to pay for its expenses.
Which institutions are exempt from real property - Marshall doctrine says taxation is the power
tax in the Constitution? to destroy, because it can be used as an
instrument of police power. Destroy in a
- Religious, charitable, educational
means to discourage/prohibit wrong
institutions are exempt as long as non-
activities/occupations. Unless it is for raising
profit. (Used actually, directly, and
- Holme’s doctrine say taxation is power to
Explain the stages of the exercise of taxation build, not destroy while the court sits. Build
power. as means to encourage activities/industries
that may benefit the grant of tax incentives.
1. Levying or imposition of the tax – act of the
legislative body to choose the persons, Explain double taxation, its elements and its types.
properties, rights/privileges to be subjected
- Taxing twice by the same:
to taxation.
1. Authority
2. Assessment and collection – act of
2. Same property/subject matter
executing the law through the
3. Purpose
administrative body of the govt.
4. Jurisdiction
3. Payment of the tax – act of the taxpayer
5. Taxing period
settling his tax obligations; response of
6. Kind of/character of tax
2 types:
Explain the concept of situs. 1. Direct double taxation – all elements exist
for both impositions, legally objectionable
- literally the place of taxation.
for being oppressive because it violates
- has the jurisdiction to impose a particular
equal protection, uniformity, and
- general rule: can’t go beyond its jurisdiction
2. Indirect double taxation – not prohibited by
(territorial limits)
the constitution, something not favored,
- basic rule: the state where the subject to be
should be avoided and prevented.
taxed has a situs to rightfully levy/collect tax
Example: What are the categories of escapes from taxation?
1. Business tax – depends on where the
grant of tax immunity to a particular class of
place of the business is done
persons or property. Can be through the
(transactions that took place)
constitution, law, or contract. Can be revoked only
2. Income tax – all residents and domestic
if granted by law
corps. are subject to tax within/without
the Ph. Alien/foreign only taxable if a. Result to loss of government revenue
sourced from the Ph 1. Tax evasion – illegally reducing or
3. Property tax – if the property is in PH, outright not paying taxes, punishable by
taxable law
4. Personal tax – if you stay in the PH, 2. Tax avoidance – tries to minimize only
regardless if resident ka, taxable pa rin. or totally escape taxes, in any
permissible means (shows legit tax
Distinguish the Marshall doctrine from the Holme’s
deductions, etc.), not punishable by law
3. Tax exemption – privilege, freedom
from a financial burden.
b. Do not result to loss of government 8. Exemption of religious or charitable entities,
1. Shifting- process of transeferring tax non-profit cemeteries, churches and mosque from
burden to other taxpayers. (Forward property taxes
and backward. onward)
9. Non-appropriation of proceeds of taxation for
2. Capitalization - when the tax rate of a
the use, benefit, or support of any church, sector
company increases/decreases, the value
system of religion
of an asset in the company also moves
(negative relation) 10. Exemption from taxes of the revenues and
3. Transformation – assets of non-stock, non-profit educational
manufacturer/producer pays tax and institutions
strives to recover such expense to lower
Income tax is a type of tax that governments
production costs impose on income generated by businesses and
individuals within their jurisdiction
Distinguish tax amnesty from tax condonation.
- Tax amnesty is the absolute forgiveness
given by the government to not impose any
penalties to persons guilty of
evasion/violation of tax law. This is to give a
second chance for tax evaders, including
criminal acts.
- Tax condonation, forgiveness under
justifiable grounds.
Inherent limitations
1. Limitation of territorial jurisdiction
2. International comity
3. Purpose must be public in nature
4. Exemption of government entities,
agencies and instrumentalities
5. Prohibition against delegation of the
taxing power

Constitutional limitations
1. Due process of law
2. Equal protection of laws
3. Rule of uniformity in taxation
4. Progressive system of taxation
5. Non-imprisonment for non-payment of poll tax
6. Non-impairment of obligation of contracts
7. Free-worship rule

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