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Slab Reinforcement Design Calc. By: O.B.O

1 28/08/2020 Rev: 1 Checked By:

Tank Slab Reinforcement Design

d/h = Slab Effective/Total Depths (d=h-cover)
g/q = Dead/Live Loads (not factored)
L1 = Width of the Slab Along the Strip Direction
L2 = Width of the Slab Perpendicular to the Strip Direction
C = Moment Coefficient M=C p / L^2
M-span = Ultimate Span Moment
M-sup = Ultimate Support Moment
Mc = Balanced Support Moment
As = Steel Area (Required/Supplied)

Slab Strip: X10 -- Storey: 7 (FE Strip)

Materials: C25/30 / Grade 460 (Type 2)

Type g L1 As
Slab d/h q L2 M-sup M-span Req/Sup S T E E L B A R S
(mm) (kN/m2) (mm) (kN.m) (kN.m) (mm2)

Support Mc = 9.7Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S79 6 6.625 2916.00 258.3/523.6

145/175 1.750 3500.00 9.0 13.5 StrBot: T10-150(B1)
Deflection Check: L/d = 20.11 < 40.0 *** Sufficient ***

Support Mc = 9.0Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

Slab Strip: X11 -- Storey: 7 (FE Strip)

Materials: C25/30 / Grade 460 (Type 2)

Type g L1 As
Slab d/h q L2 M-sup M-span Req/Sup S T E E L B A R S
(mm) (kN/m2) (mm) (kN.m) (kN.m) (mm2)

Support Mc = 10.9Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S79 6 6.625 4010.00 360.02/523.6

135/175 1.750 3500.00 15.5 18.5 StrBot: T10-150(B2)

Support Mc = 15.5Support As = 301.79/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

Slab Strip: X12 -- Storey: 7 (FE Strip)

Materials: C25/30 / Grade 460 (Type 2)

Type g L1 As
Slab d/h q L2 M-sup M-span Req/Sup S T E E L B A R S
(mm) (kN/m2) (mm) (kN.m) (kN.m) (mm2)

Support Mc = 14.7Support As = 286.19/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S80 5 6.625 3810.00 327.71/523.6

135/175 1.750 3440.00 15.6 16.8 StrBot: T10-150(B2)

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Slab Reinforcement Design Calc. By: O.B.O
1 28/08/2020 Rev: 1 Checked By:

Support Mc = 15.6Support As = 304.08/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

Slab Strip: X13 -- Storey: 7 (FE Strip)

Materials: C25/30 / Grade 460 (Type 2)

Type g L1 As
Slab d/h q L2 M-sup M-span Req/Sup S T E E L B A R S
(mm) (kN/m2) (mm) (kN.m) (kN.m) (mm2)

Support Mc = 3.4Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S81 6 6.625 3214.70 258.3/523.6

135/175 1.750 1000.00 2.3 3.3 StrBot: T10-150(B2)

Support Mc = 2.3Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

Slab Strip: X14 -- Storey: 7 (FE Strip)

Materials: C25/30 / Grade 460 (Type 2)

Type g L1 As
Slab d/h q L2 M-sup M-span Req/Sup S T E E L B A R S
(mm) (kN/m2) (mm) (kN.m) (kN.m) (mm2)

Support Mc = 5.9Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S82 8 6.625 3810.00 258.3/523.6

135/175 1.750 2050.00 11.2 7.1 StrBot: T10-150(B2)

Support Mc = 11.2Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S83 8 6.625 3810.00 258.3/523.6

135/175 1.750 2050.00 11.2 7.2 StrBot: T10-150(B2)

Support Mc = 6.8Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

Slab Strip: Y14 -- Storey: 7 (FE Strip)

Materials: C25/30 / Grade 460 (Type 2)

Type g L1 As
Slab d/h q L2 M-sup M-span Req/Sup S T E E L B A R S
(mm) (kN/m2) (mm) (kN.m) (kN.m) (mm2)

Support Mc = 4.1Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S79 6 6.625 2550.00 258.3/523.6

145/175 1.750 3810.00 11.1 9.1 StrBot: T10-150(B1)
Deflection Check: L/d = 17.59 < 52.0 *** Sufficient ***

Support Mc = 19.5Support As = 354.18/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S80 5 6.625 3440.00 321.78/523.6

145/175 1.750 3810.00 22.8 17.7 StrBot: T10-150(B1)
Deflection Check: L/d = 23.72 < 50.16 *** Sufficient ***

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Slab Reinforcement Design Calc. By: O.B.O
1 28/08/2020 Rev: 1 Checked By:

Support Mc = 13.0Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S81 6 6.625 403.40 258.3/523.6

145/175 1.750 3541.10 11.2 0.0 StrBot: T10-150(B1)
Deflection Check: L/d = 2.78 < 52.0 *** Sufficient ***

Support Mc = 7.2Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

Slab Strip: Y15 -- Storey: 7 (FE Strip)

Materials: C25/30 / Grade 460 (Type 2)

Type g L1 As
Slab d/h q L2 M-sup M-span Req/Sup S T E E L B A R S
(mm) (kN/m2) (mm) (kN.m) (kN.m) (mm2)

Support Mc = 14.9Support As = 270.24/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S79 6 6.625 3700.00 328.48/523.6

145/175 1.750 3810.00 22.8 18.1 StrBot: T10-150(B1)
Deflection Check: L/d = 25.52 < 49.32 *** Sufficient ***

Support Mc = 22.8Support As = 414.29/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S80 5 6.625 3440.00 321.78/523.6

145/175 1.750 3810.00 22.8 17.7 StrBot: T10-150(B1)
Deflection Check: L/d = 23.72 < 50.16 *** Sufficient ***

Support Mc = 13.0Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S81 6 6.625 1000.00 258.3/523.6

145/175 1.750 3214.76 13.0 0.2 StrBot: T10-150(B1)
Deflection Check: L/d = 6.9 < 52.0 *** Sufficient ***

Support Mc = 5.2Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

Slab Strip: Y16 -- Storey: 7 (FE Strip)

Materials: C25/30 / Grade 460 (Type 2)

Type g L1 As
Slab d/h q L2 M-sup M-span Req/Sup S T E E L B A R S
(mm) (kN/m2) (mm) (kN.m) (kN.m) (mm2)

Support Mc = 7.8Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S82 8 6.625 2050.00 258.3/523.6

145/175 1.750 3810.00 6.7 9.8 StrBot: T10-150(B1)
Deflection Check: L/d = 14.14 < 40.0 *** Sufficient ***

Support Mc = 6.7Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

Slab Strip: Y17 -- Storey: 7 (FE Strip)

Materials: C25/30 / Grade 460 (Type 2)

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Slab Reinforcement Design Calc. By: O.B.O
1 28/08/2020 Rev: 1 Checked By:

Type g L1 As
Slab d/h q L2 M-sup M-span Req/Sup S T E E L B A R S
(mm) (kN/m2) (mm) (kN.m) (kN.m) (mm2)

Support Mc = 7.4Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

7S83 8 6.625 2050.00 258.3/523.6

145/175 1.750 3810.00 6.2 9.5 StrBot: T10-150(B1)
Deflection Check: L/d = 14.14 < 40.0 *** Sufficient ***

Support Mc = 6.2Support As = 261.80/523.60 SupTop: T10-150(T1)

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