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Criminal Law – I
Semester III, BA. LLB(Hons.), Academic Year 2020-21

Sl. No. Roll No. Name Topic

1 2101 AANCHAL SRIVASTAVA Critical Analysis of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013
2 2102 ABHAY ANAND Extent and Scope of Application of the IPC
3 2103 ABHILASHA Right of Private Defence under IPC
4 2104 ABHISHEK TIWARI Theories of Punishment
5 2106 AKSHITA THAPA Essential Elements of Crime
6 2108 ALOK KUMAR Infancy and Criminal Liability
7 2109 ALPESH KUMAR Grave and Sudden Provocation
8 2110 AMEYA PRIYA Constitutionality of Section 303
9 2111 AMRITA CHOUDHARY Culpable Homicide and Murder
10 2112 ANKIT NATH JHA Child Prostitution under IPC
11 2113 ASAD ANWER Joseph Shine v Union of India : A case analysis
12 2114 ASHUTOSH KUMAR Negligence as a Degree of Men Rea
13 2115 AYUSH KUMAR Possible Parties to Crime
14 2116 CHITRAGUPTA SHARAN Consent and Compulsion as a General Exception under IPC
15 2117 DAKSHITA DUBEY Attempt under the IPC
16 2118 DIKSHA RAJ Offence of Cheating under the IPC
17 2119 DIVYA RAUNAK Criminal Misappropriation of Property and Criminal Breach of Trust
18 2120 HARSHITA SHUKLA Wrongful Restraint and Wrongful Confinement under IPC
19 2121 KINJAL KEYA Robbery under the IPC
20 2122 KUMAR SANJEEV Impact of illegality of Bigamous Marriage
21 2123 KUMAR UTSAV Role of Motive and Intention in ascertaining Criminal Liability
22 2124 MANI RAJ Legality of the Offence of Attempt to Commit Suicide
23 2125 MANOJ KUMAR Critical Analysis of Decriminalisation of Homosexuality
24 2126 MD JUNAID IMAM Negligence: A Criminal Mental Element
25 2128 NAMAN PRAKASH Abetment of Suicide: Quantification of Guilt
26 2129 NAVYA SHIKHA Criminal Intimidation under IPC
27 2130 NIHAL SWARAJ PAL Preparation and Attempt : The Dividing Line
28 2131 NIKHIL BHARTI Stages of a Crime
29 2132 NIKITA MUKESH Joint and Constructive Criminal Liability
30 2133 OM PRAKASH SINGH Constitutionality of Mercy Killing
31 2135 PANKAJ KUMAR White Collar Crimes
32 2137 PRIYA SINGH Actus Non Facit Reum Nisi Mens Sit Rea
33 2138 PURVI Corporate Criminal Liability
34 2139 RADHIKA PRASAD Abetment : An Inchoate Offence
35 2140 RAJNISH PRAKASH Criminal Conspiracy as a Preliminary Offence
36 2141 RAJU KUMAR Criminal Trespass
37 2142 RIDHI RANJAN Criminal Force and Assault
38 2143 RISHAV RAJ Rape under IPC: A Gender- Baised offence
39 2144 RUDRAKSH KUMAR PANDEY Stalking: An Offence against Women under IPC
40 2145 SACHIN KUMAR Constitutional Validity of Death Penalty in India
41 2146 SADAF YAHYA Defamation: An Encroachment on the Freedom of Speech and Expression.
42 2147 SAGAR SANJAY Punishments under IPC
43 2148 SAHIL VERMA Kidnapping and Abduction
44 2149 SAJAL SANATAN Independent Thought v Union of India: A Case Study
45 2153 SATYAM KUMAR OJHA Role of Consent in Marital Sexual Relationships
46 2154 SATYAM SRIVASTAVA Sexual Harrassment against Women in the Light of #metoo Movement
47 2155 SAURAV KUMAR Penalising Cruelty against Married Women : A Weapon or a Measure of Safeguard?
48 2156 SHADMAN SHAMIM Psychology and Crime: Are some people more prone to break the law than others?
49 2157 SHALINI BHATT Intoxication as a General Exception under IPC
50 2158 SHASHI BHUSHAN Insanity as a General Exception under IPC
51 2159 SHASHWAT MISHRA Accident as a General Exception under IPC
52 2160 SHAURYA SHUKLA Decriminalisation of Adultery: Pros and Cons
53 2161 SHIKHA SHARMA Knowledge as a Degree of Mens Rea
54 2162 SHIVANGI SINHA Rape Laws in India: Post Nirbhaya Rape Case Scenario
55 2163 SHREYA ROUSHAN Unsoundness of Mind as a Defence
56 2164 SHRUTI Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013- Special Reference to Laws relating to Women
57 2165 SHUBH GAUTAM Justice for Psychopaths: Punishment or therapy
58 2166 SIMRAN PARMAR Commutation of Death Sentence
59 2167 SUBHANGI ANAND SINGH Extortion as an Offence under the IPC
60 2168 SUPRIYA GUPTA R v Dudley and Stephens: A Case Analysis
61 2169 TANUSHKA SHUKLA Navtej Singh Johar and Othrs. v UOI : A Critical Analysis
62 2170 TANUSHREE Voyeurism under the IPC
63 2173 YASH RAJ Dacoity as an Offence against Property
64 211910 ADYA SHARMA Mock Marriage: An Offence under the IPC
65 211987 YUG NIRMAN "Necessity knows no Law": Extent of application under the IPC
66 211904 ABHIJEET KUMAR CHAUDHARY Custodial Rape

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