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Summer Internship Project Report

(A study of Employee satisfaction in Deepshikha Industries)

A report submitted

As a partial fulfillment of Full time

Bachelor of Business Administration



Supervised By: Submitted by:

Ranjeet Kaur ARYAN RAJ

(Assistant Professor) UID:17BBA1386


I, the undersigned solemnly declare that the project report titled “(A study of

Employee satisfaction in Deepshikha Industries)”is based on my own work

carried out during the course of my summer internship. The work contained in the

report is original and has been done by me under the supervision of my supervisor.

The work has not been submitted to any other Institution / University for any other

degree/diploma/certificate or by any other candidate in this institution. I have

followed the guidelines provided by the institution in writing the report. Wherever

I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from other sources, I

have given due credit to them in the text of the report and given their details in the



Aryan Raj



This to certify that the report of the project submitted is the outcome of the project
work entitled on Employee Satisfaction of Deepshikha Industries carried out by
Aryan Raj UID 17BBA1386 under my guidance and supervision for the award of
Degree in Bachelor of Business Administration of Chandigarh University
To the best of the my knowledge the report
i) Embodies the work of the candidate him/herself,

ii) Has duly been completed,

iii) Fulfills the requirement of the ordinance relating to the BBA degree of the
University and

iv) Is up to the desired standard for the purpose of which is submitted.

(Signature of the Supervisor)
Ranjeet Kaur
Assistant Professor
University school of business
Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali


I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Deepak

Chander SINGH the Owner of DEEPSHIKHA INDUSTRIES , Baddi.
Who guided me and provided me with the necessary information and also for
the support extended out to me in the Completion of this report and his
valuable suggestion and comments On bringing out this report in the best way
I would like to thanks Production manager, Mr. RAM who helped me in giving
knowledge regarding working of various machines in Production Department.
I would like to extend my special thanks to all the executives of Deepshikha
Industries Pvt. Ltd. Associates who have helped me directly or indirectly to
complete this project work

I am sincerely thankful to my family specially my father to guide me and

give suggestion during my project work which inspired me to put in best my
efforts in the work.


Serial no. Topic Page no.

1. Title page

2. Certificate from Company and certificate from guide

3. Declaration

4. Acknowledgement

5. Introduction 6-20

6. Company Profile 21-29

7. Literature Review 30-33

8. Objectives and Research Methodology 34-38

9. Data analysis and Interpretation 39-57

10. Conclusion And Suggestion 58-60

11. Questionnaire 61-63

12. Bibliography 64

Chapter 1



EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION: Employee Satisfaction is measure

contentedness with their job whether they are liking the job or not or individual
aspects or facets of job such as nature of work or supervision. Job satisfaction
cognitive, affective, and behavioral components.

‘People are our greatest asset’ is a mantra that companies have been chanting for
years. But only few companies have started putting Human Resources Management
(HRM) systems in place that support this philosophy. There are a number of challenges in
the Indian industry which require the serious attention of HR managers to ‘find the
right candidate ’and build a ‘conducive work environment’ which will be
beneficial for the employees, as well as the organization. The industry is already under
stress on account of persistent problems such as attrition, confidentiality, and loyalty. Other
problems are managing people, motivation to adopt new technology changes, recruitment
and training, performance management, development, and compensation management.
Managing People
In view of the industry dynamics, in the current times, there is a greater demand for
knowledge workers. Resumes abound, yet companies still fervently search for the people
who can make a difference to the business. Often talented professionals enjoy high
bargaining power due to their knowledge and skills in hand. The attitude is different for those
whoare taking up responsibilities at a lesser age and experience. These factors have
resulted in the clear shift in approach to individualized career management from
organization career commitment.

 Motivating the Workforce

As the competition is growing rapidly in the global market, a technological edge supported by
a talent pool has become a crucial factor for survival in the market. Naturally, as a result every
organization gives top priority to technology advancement programs. HR managers are now
performing the role of motivators for their knowledge workers to adopt new
 Competency Development
Human capital is the real asset for any organization, and this makes the HR role important in
recruiting, managing, and retaining the best. The HR department has a clear role in this
process and determines the success of any organization. An urgent priority for most of
the organizations is to have an innovative and competent HR pool; sound in HR management
practices with strong business knowledge.
 Recruitment and Training
Recruitment has become a major function from an imperative sub system in HR, particularly
in the industry. HR managers play a vital role in creating assets for the organization in
the form of quality manpower.Attracting new talent also is a top priority for software
companies, but less for smaller companies. Another challenge for HR managers is to put
systems in place to make the people a perfect fit for the job. Skill redundancy is fast
in the industry. To overcome this problem, organizations give the utmost priority to
training and skill enhancement programs on a continuous basis. Many companies are
providing technical training to tthe employees on a quarterly which are quite useful also in
terms of providing security to the employees.

 The Trust Factor
Low levels of trust inhibit tacit knowledge sharing in the knowledge based industry. It is
essential that Our Company takes more initiatives to improve the security levels of the
 Work life Balance Factor
Another dimension to the challenges faced by our company is the growing pace of talent
acquisition. This aspect creates with it the challenge of a smoother assimilation and
the cultural binding of the new comers into the organization fold. The pressure of delivering
the best of quality services in a reduced time frame calls for ensuring that employees maintain
a work life balance
 Attrition/Retention of the Talent Pool
One of the toughest challenges for the HR managers in the industry is to deal with the
prevalent high attrition levels. Though there is an adequate supply of qualified staff at entry
level, there are huge gaps in the middle and senior level management in the industry. Further,
the salary growth plan for each employee is not well defined. This situation has resulted in
increased levels of poaching and attrition between organizations.

 Bridging the Demand Supply Gap

HR managers have to bridge the gap between the demand and supply of professionals. They
have to maintain consistency in performance and have to keep the motivation levels of
employees high. The same also leads to recurring training costs. Inconsistent performance
directly affects revenues. Employee satisfaction surveys deal with workplace issues, such
as benefits, commitment to diversity, and effective communications. These kinds of
surveys are particularly useful after a company has undergone some sort of change,
such as a layoff, an acquisition, or anew department head. They also help employers isolate
the root causes of persistent problems, such as low productivity or high expenses. Employee

satisfaction surveys help employers measure and understand their employees' attitude,
opinions, motivation, and general satisfaction with their work environment.
Employee satisfaction surveys provide valuable data that save company money. Our
employee satisfaction surveys can:

➢ Measure employee satisfaction levels.

➢Track changes in employee satisfaction over time.

➢Improve overall satisfaction and retention.

 What does the term satisfaction imply to an Employee?
It implies nothing else than the feeling of either being contended or non-
contended on using a product

 Employee Satisfaction is a prerequisite for the customer satisfaction

 Enhanced employee satisfaction leads to higher level of employee


 A stable and committed workforce ensures successful

Knowledge transfer, sharing, and creation --- a key to continuous
improvement, innovation, and knowledge-based total customer satisfaction.
 When companies are committed with providing high quality products and
services; when companies set high work standards for their employees; and
when employees are empowered through training and development, provided with
knowledge and information, permitted to make mistakes without punishment,
and trusted; they will experience an increase in their level of satisfaction at

 This level of satisfaction can be enhanced further if teamwork and

visionary leadership are introduced.

 Continuous improvement comes from the efforts of the

empowered employees motivated by visionary leadership. This is supported by
the findings that empowerment and visionary leadership both have significant
correlation with employee satisfaction. Teamwork is also supported by the findings. In
addition, the study found significant correlation between employee satisfaction and
employee’s intention to leave.

 The success of a corporation depends very much on customer

satisfaction. A high level of customer service leads to customer retention, thus
offering growth and profit opportunities to the organization. There is a strong
relationship between customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction.

Satisfied employees are more likely to stay with company become committed and have more
likely to be motivated to provide high level of customer service, by doing so will also further
enhance the employee’s satisfaction through feeling of achievement. Enhanced employee
satisfaction leads to improved employee retention; and employee stability ensures the
successful implementation of continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Customer
satisfaction will no doubt lead to corporate success and greater job security. These
will further enhance employee satisfaction. Therefore, employee satisfaction is a prerequisite
for customer satisfaction.Employee satisfaction is closely related to Job satisfaction. In the
next few paragraphs, I am going to discuss Job satisfaction at length.

 It describes how content an individual is with his or her job. It is a
relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a
particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of that person’s
 There are a variety of factors that can influence a person’s level of job
satisfaction. Some of these factors include the level of pay and benefits, the perceived
fairness of the promotion system within a company, the quality of the working
conditions, leadership and social relationships, the job itself (the variety of tasks
involved, the interest and challenge the job generates, and the clarity of the job
 The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be.
Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job
design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance methods include job
rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment.
 Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and culture,
employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous workgroups. Job
satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by
organizations. The most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales
where employees report their reactions to their jobs.
 Questions relate to relate of pay, work responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional
opportunities the work itself and co-workers. Some questioners ask yes or no
questions while others ask to rate satisfaction on 1 – 5 scale where 1represents
“not at all satisfied” and 5 represents “extremely satisfied”)  
 Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting
from the appraisal of one’s job; an affective reaction to one’s job; and an attitude
towards one’s job. Weiss (2007) has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude
but points out that researchers should clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive
evaluation which are affect (emotion), beliefs and behaviors. This definition
suggests that we from attitudes towards our jobs by taking into account our feelings,
our beliefs, and our behaviors.


 Affect Theory
Edwin A. Lockes Range of Affect Theory (1976) is arguably the most famous job
satisfaction model. The main premises of this theory is that satisfaction is determined by a
discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has in a job. Further, the theory
states that how much one values a given facet of work (e.g. the degree of autonomy in a
position) moderates how satisfied/dissatisfied one becomes when expectations are/are not
met. When a person values a particular facet of a job, his satisfaction is more greatly
impacted both positively (when expectations are met) and negatively (when
expectations are not met), compared to one who does not value that facet. To
illustrate, if Employee A values autonomy in the workplace and Employee B is
indifferent about autonomy, then Employee A would be more satisfied in a position that
offers a high degree of autonomy compared to Employee B this theory also states that too
much of a particular facet will produces stronger feelings of dissatisfaction the
more a worker values that facet.

 Dispositional Theory

Another well-known job satisfaction theory is the Dispositional Theory. This
approach became a notable explanation of job satisfaction in light evidence that job
satisfaction tends to be stable over time and across careers and jobs. Research also
indicates that identical twins have similar levels of job satisfaction. A significant model that
narrowed the scope of the Dispositional Theory was the core Self-Evaluations Model,
proposed by Ti morthy. There are four Core Self-evaluations that determine one’s disposition
towards job satisfaction: self-esteem, general self-efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism.
This model states that higher levels of self-esteem (the value one places on his self) and
general self-efficacy (the belief in one’s own competence) lead to higher work
satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control (believing one has control overher/his own
life, as opposed to outside forces having control) leads to higher job satisfaction. Finally,
lower levels of neuroticism lead to higher job satisfaction

 Two – Factor Theory (Motivation – Hygiene Theory)

Fredrick Herzberg’s two factor theory (also known as Motivation and Hygiene
Theory) attempts to explain satisfaction and motivation in theworkplace. This theory
states that satisfaction and dissatisfaction aredriven by different factors motivation
and hygiene factors, respectively.Motivating factors are those aspects of the job
that make people want open form, and provide people with satisfaction. These
motivating factorsare considered to be intrinsic to the job, or the work carried out.
Motivating factors include aspects of the working environment such as pay,
company policies, supervisory practices, and other working conditions.
While Herzberg’s model has stimulated much research, researchers have been unable to
reliably empirically prove the model, with Hackman & Oldham suggesting that Herzberg’s
original formulation of the model may have been a methodological artifact. Furthermore, the
theory does not consider individual differences, conversely predicting all employees
will react in an identical manner to changes in motivating/hygiene factors. Finally, the model

has been criticized in that it does not specify how motivating/hygiene factors are to be

 Measuring Job Satisfaction

There are many methods for measuring job satisfaction. By far, the most common
method for collecting data regarding job satisfaction is the Likert scale (named after Rensis
Likert). Other less common methods of for gauging job satisfaction include: Yes/No
questions, True/False questions, point systems, checklist, forced choice answers. The
Job Descriptive Index (JDI), created by smith, Kendall, &Hulin (1969), job
satisfaction that has been widely used.
It measures one’s satisfaction in five facets:
 Pay
 Promotions and opportunities,
 Coworkers,
 Supervision, and
 Work itself. The scale is simple, participants answer either yes, no, or decide in response
to whether given statements accurately describe one job.
The Job in General Index is an overall measurement of job satisfaction. It was an
improvement to the job Descriptive Index because the JDI focused too much on
individual facets and not enough on work satisfaction in general.

Manufacturing Industry: Manufacturing is the production of products for use or

sale using labour and machines, tools, chemical and biological processing, or
formulation, and is the essence of secondary industry. The term may refer to a
range of human activity, from handicraft to high tech, but is most commonly
applied to industrial design, in which raw materials from primary industry are
transformed into finished goods on a large scale. Such finished goods may be sold
to other manufacturers for the production of other more complex products (such
as aircraft, household appliances, furniture, sports equipment or automobiles), or
distributed via the tertiary industry to end-users and consumers (usually
through wholesalers, who in turn sell to retailers, who then sell them to individual
. In this period, the industry by and large, depended on domestic resources for materials as
well as machinery. This was due to various restrictions on imports. Around the mid 90’s,
SELF ADESIVE TAPE: -The packaging industry in India, which started on low ebb in the
1950’s, has grown slowly and steadily in both quality and quantity. The 70’s and 80’s
witnessed a
remarkable change in materials as well as machinery. This has not only given a face-lift to the
industry but also opened it up for innovationsliberalization opened the industry further and it
began to reflect in the changes in consumers’ consumption pattern.
The global market of adhesive tape is growing at about rate of DP with significant
variations between the regions.historically,the industry dominated by few
Industrialized countries. Now a significant portion of demand is being generated
by emerging countries such as India, China.
The largest global market is North America,Western Europe and far East. These
were the regions for 85% of global demand volume and78% of total global value.

The three regions major forces that are driving the market are globalization, the
strengthen of new trade blocs, industrial consolidation and technological evolution.
The World Market of adhesive Tape is projected to expanded at an annual pace of
over 6% through the year to almost 25 billion square meter valued at$20.5 billion.
Adhesive tape will continue to account for over2/3 of aggregate sale.
Tape will be further in roads at the expense of competitive cartoon selling media
such as glues and mechanical fasters.
Water based adhesives tape dominated the global market, account infor over
46%of total market. Water adhesive tape are expected to completely replace
solvent based adhesive in u.s and European market over the next decade.
BOPP Packaging tapes are commonly used adhesive tapes that are used in
sealing medium to heavy duty carton sealing, shipping, in logistics industries
and also for inventory management. The molecular structure and the resin
steadiness of polypropylene offers excellent and mechanical features, which
are used in different type of applications. The material BOPP Packaging
Tapes is made from BOPP (biaxial oriented polypropylene) film.
Polypropylene is a thermos softening plastic material that becomes moldable
above a definite temperature and solidifies after cooling. BOPP packaging
tape’s high tensile strength and rugged structure, makes it an ideal material
for packaging and labelling. These materials are also resistant to abrasion,
and various chemical solvents. It is easy to print, coat and easily laminated,
which makes it perfect for manufacturer of packaging tape. BOPP material
offers negligible elongation around 150% on average, which is burst resistant
and easy in opening. Most BOPP materials are non-hazardous and therefore
safe to use in packaging.
The BOPP packaging tapes market is expected to witness a healthy growth
over the forecast period. The features associated with these tapes like high
clarity and glossy texture, flawless dimensional stability, wrinkle proof and
shrink proof, nontoxic and recyclable factor, heat and moisture resistant
features are the main factors that are driving the growth in the BOPP
packaging tapes market. Further, the demand for BOPP packaging tapes is
continuously rising among the leading FMCG manufacturers as these tapes
are also been considered as a new marketing tool and is practiced as one of
the distinctive ways of advertising. Packaging companies are now offering
BOPP packaging tapes with customization option for its consumers and logo
printed on the same. Hence, the global BOPP Packaging Tapes market is
anticipated to witness sustainable growth during the forecast period.
However, availability of alternate adhesives at low cost can act as a
restraining factor in the BOPP packaging tapes market.
CURENT MARKET CONDITION: adds the adhesive tapes
market is projected to grow from USD 51.25 billion in 2017 to USD 69.42
billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 6.26% between 2017 and 2022. The rising demand
for adhesive tapes across various applications, such as packaging, healthcare,
electrical & electronics, building & construction, white goods, and paper &
printing is expected to drive the growth of the adhesive tapes market.

Browse 162 Market Data Tables and 50 Figures spread through 173 Pages and in-
depth TOC on "Adhesive Tapes Market by Resin Type (Acrylic, rubber, silicone),
Technology (Solvent, Water and Hot-Melt-Based), Substrate (PP, Paper, PVC),
Application (Packaging, Healthcare, Electrical & Electronics, Automotive), and
Region-Global Forecast to 2022"


Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is a thermoplastic made from

the monomer ethylene. It was the first grade of polyethylene, produced in 1933
by I

mperial Chemical Industries (ICI) using a high pressure process via free radical

polymerization.[1] Its manufacture employs the same method today.

The EPAestimates 5.7% of LDPE (recycling number 4) is recycled.[2] Despite
competition from more modern polymers, LDPE continues to be an important
plastic grade. In 2013 the worldwide LDPE market reached a volume of about
US$33 billion.

LDPE is defined by a density range of 0.917–0.930 g/cm3.It is not reactive at room

temperatures, except by strong oxidizing agents, and some solvents cause swelling.
It can withstand temperatures of 80 °C continuously and 90 °C (194 °F) for a short
time. Made in translucent or opaque variations, it is quite flexible and tough.

LDPE has more branching (on about 2% of the carbon atoms) than HDPE, so

its intermolecular forces (instantaneous-dipole induced-dipole attraction) are
weaker, its tensile strength is lower, and its resilience is higher. Also, because its
molecules are less tightly packed and less crystalline due to the side branches,
its density is lower.

When exposed to ambient solar radiation the plastic produces two greenhouse

gases, methane and ethylene. Due to its low density properties (branching) it
breaks down more easily over time, leading to higher surface areas. The production
of these trace gases from virgin LDPE increase with surface area/time, with rates at
the end of a 212-day incubation of 5.8 nmol g-1 d-1 of methane, 14.5 nmol g-1 d-1
of ethylene, 3.9 nmol g-1 d-1 of ethane and 9.7 nmol g-1 d-1 of propylene. When
incubated in air, LDPE emits gases at rates ~2 times and ~76 times higher in
comparison to water for methane and ethylene, respectively.

Chemical resistance

 Excellent resistance (no attack/no chemical reaction) to dilute and

concentrated acids, alcohols, bases and esters

 Good resistance (minor attack/very low chemical reactivity)
to aldehydes, ketones and vegetable oils
 Limited resistance (moderate attack/significant chemical reaction, suitable
(for short- term use only) to aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons , minerals
oils and oxidizing agents.

Company Profile


Deepshikha industry is packaging manufacturing company which is started on
2005 by Deepak Chandra Singh. It is proprietorship firm.
The company manufactures various thing like BOPP TAPE, Self-Adhesive Tape,
Strapping Role, L.L.D.P Polybag, Shring sheet. All these products are designed
in accordance with international quality standards & norms, using superior
quality raw material to ensure durability and reliability. In addition to this,
we are also capable of rendering excellent printing solutions, printing
services in two different modes, viz. color and plain to meet the specific
requirements of our clients.
It consists of three companies namely
 Deepshikha Polymers,
 Deepshikha Packaging and
 Deepshikha Industries.
The state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is well-equipped and helps us in
maintaining a rapid rate of production. Further, our team of experts utilizes
all machines and technology installed at our unit for producing a quality
range of products. Our team uses quality raw material for rendering these
printing services according to the specifications provided by the clients. To
attain utmost client satisfaction, we accept payment through various made
like cash, cheque & DD.
The company produces low density propylene. The has good reputation and
Goodwill in market. The company is lead by single proprietor. nder the able and
efficient guidance of our mentor, “Mr. D.C. Singh”, who has more than 15
years of experience in this domain, we have carved a niche for ourselves in
the market. His business acumen, transparent dealings and strategies have
enabled us to muster a huge clientele across the market.

Basic Information

Nature of

Company CEO Deepak Chandra Singh

 Adani Group, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh

 Indoco Remedies, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh
 Sahara Textiles, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh
 Birla Textile
 Tvs
Key Customers  Colgate
 Vipro
 Cipla

Industry Tape,Plastic and plastic products

Total Number of
11 to 25 People

Year of

Legal Status of
Sole Proprietorship (Individual)


Location Type INDUSTRIAL


Space Around Front porch

Company USP

Measures / Yes
Testing Facilities

Statutory Profile


Packaging/Payment and Shipment Details

Customized No


 D/A
Payment Terms  D/P
 T/T (Wire Transfer)

 Cash
Payment Mode  Cheque
 DD

 By Cargo
Shipment Mode
 By Road

Infrastructure and Machines:

We have developed state-of-the-art infrastructure, which spread over a vast area.

This is internally segregated into various departments such as designing,
manufacturing, testing, warehousing and packaging. Our team of expert
professionals uses all machines, equipment, tools and technology that are installed
at our units for producing a comprehensive range of molding machine, poly bags
and tapes &rolls. It also uses latest machines and tools for providing our clients
with excellent printing services to fulfill their needs. Moreover, we upgrade our
technology and machinery on a particular time to keep the units up-to dated.
Some hi-tech machines installed at our unit are as follows:

 Cutting machine
 Drilling machine
 Grinders
 Rollers
 Printing machine
 Special purpose machine

Group Companies

Deepshikha is reputed organization engaged in manufacturing and supplying of a

wide range of moulding machine, blow moulding machine, injection moulding
machine, poly bags, packaging poly bags, H. M. poly bags, HU poly bags, tapes
and rolls, BOPP tapes, stripping rolls, jar bottles, plastic bottles, plastic bottle cap,
bottle cap closures, pet preforms. In addition to this, the expert professionals help
in rendering excellent printing solutions, printing services as per clients' needs and
requirements. All the products are designed in compliance with international
quality standards and norms, using premium quality raw material, which is
procured from the reliable vendors of the market. To provide all these products, the
group consists of three companies that are mentioned below:
Deepshikha Industries
 Established in the year: 2005
 Product range: BOPP Tapes, Stripping Rolls
Deepshikha Polymers
 Established in the year 2010
 Product range: Injection Moulds and Below Moulds
 Services: Printing (Plain & Printing)
Deepshikha Packaging

 Established in the year: 2010
 Product range: LD Polybags, HM Polybags and Polybags

Product Portfolio

We are one of the leading organizations engaged in manufacturing and supplying

of a comprehensive range of moulding machine, blow moulding machine, injection
moulding machine, poly bags, packaging poly bags, H. M. poly bags, HU poly
bags, tapes and rolls, BOPP tapes, stripping rolls, jar bottles, plastic bottles, plastic
bottle cap, bottle cap closures, pet preforms. We use quality raw material for
manufacturing these products, which conform to industry norms and standards.
This material is procured from the certified and authorizes vendors of the market.
All the products are widely
used in various industries especially in printing and packaging industry and bottle
Cello Tape Preform
Plastic Bottles

Bottle Caps

Salient features of our moulds are as follows:

 Dimensionally accurate
 Sturdy construction Poly Bags
 Corrosion resistance
 Durable
 Reliability
 Easy to handle

Salient features of our polybags & tapes and rolls are as follows:
 High tensile strength
 Durability
 Lightweight
 Available in different colors, designs, patterns and lengths & thicknesses
Apart from this, we also provide BOPP Tapes as per the requirements of our
esteemed clients.

Printing Services
Plastic Bottles
We also render excellent printing solutions and printing services to cater to the
variegated requirements of our esteemed clients. We provide these services in both
color and plain types as per the needs and specifications detailed by our clients.
Generally, we undertake these printing services for corporates, offices, NGOs,
Government organizations, homes, commercial complexes and residential
Salient features of our printing services are as follows:
 Cost-effective
 Timely executed
 Clear print
 Rendered using quality ink

Human Resource:
Company has hired a team of young, qualified and trained professionals, which has

years of experience in this domain. Our team uses all machines, tools and
technology for manufacturing our range of moulding machine, blow moulding
machine, injection moulding machine, poly bags, packaging poly bags, H. M. poly
bags, HU poly bags, tapes and rolls, BOPP tapes, stripping rolls, jar bottles, plastic
bottles, plastic bottle cap, bottle cap closures, pet preforms. Apart from this, we
also render excellent printing solutions, printing services as per the requirements of
our clients. All professionals work in close coordination with each other that
enables us in satisfying all the needs and requirements of our clients. Moreover, we
arrange training sessions on a regular basis to enhance skills & knowledge of our
team and keep it updated with latest market trends.
 The team comprises:

 Mechanical engineers
 Technicians
 Quality controllers
 Sales & Marketing Executives
 Production personnel
 Skilled & semi-skilled

Words from the Owner:

Owing to the extensive industry experience, we are capable to offer our clients with a

wide assortment of moulding machine, poly bags and tapes & rolls. In addition, we
also offer printing services to our clients as per their needs. Our in-depth industry
knowledge and ethical business practices have enabled us to muster a huge clientele
across the market. Some factors that help us in staying ahead over our competitors are
as follows:

 Transparent dealings
 Quality products
 Team of experts
 Large production capacity
 State-of-the-art manufacturing unit
 Client centric approach
 Customization
 Market leading prices
 Timely delivery

Chapter -3

Literature Review

While going through the various literature surveys the following points could be
highlighted. Employers that are untrustworthy are a burden to their employees and
may cause stress.

Branham, 2005, Distrust can result from a variety of situations Harassment, in any
form, may cause a new level of stress for the employee. It becomes increasingly
difficult to do a respectable job at work when one is consistently faced with an
uncomfortable working environment

This anxiety is caused by trying to avoid troublesome confrontations and

situations. Workers may agonize about the consequences they would face if the
harassment were to be reported, as well as the repercussions of not reporting it.
Dissatisfaction with the job may come from sources other than stress
Dissatisfaction may also arise, with the same result in turnover, when the work
environment fails to have any flexibility or any source of amusement for the
employees; the tone of the business will become stressful or tedious (Kaye &
Jordan Evans, 1999). Lack of communication in the workforce is a major
contributor to dissatisfaction. This is usually the result of managerial staff that is
isolated and does not know how to relate to their employees on a personal or
professional level (Branham, 2005).
Often companies become more focused on production and revenues,
rather than with their own employees, or even their customers. In the case of
employees, the employees may rarely be praised for the quality of their

performance. If a company does performance appraisals, the results may be given
in such a harsh tone that, rather than motivating an employee, it intimidates and an
employee may feel uncomfortable in the workplace, rather than encouraged to
achieve more. It may be common for upper management in some workplaces, to
take the ideas of lower level employees lightly, which leaves these employees
feeling neglected and worthless. It becomes difficult for workers to see a bright
future while working for the company. Those employees who do work well to
support the company may not be compensated for their efforts.
(Timpe 1986) Employers that choose to under - compensate know that these
employees will work hard for minimal pay, and these employers will compensate
accordingly. At the same time, the same employers will pay more to other
employees who are not willing to work for minimal compensation. This
compensation disparity leads to dissatisfaction because eventually the hard worker
will notice that he or she is not being compensated fairly for the amount of work
they are doing, and will begin searching for another company that will appreciate
his or her labor.

Employers should prepare for the interview by doing a job assessment to see what
skills are necessary for the position, then testing applicants to see if they have the
ability to be trained to the position and have the skills and knowledge that
correspond with the job description (Kaye & Jordan-Evans, 1999).
It is critical that during this phase, the employer give an accurate description of the
job to candidates so they can prepare for the challenges ahead.

Paul E. Spector (1997) summarizes the findings concerning how people feel
towards work, including: cultural and gender differences in job satisfaction and
personal and organizational causes; and potential consequences of job satisfaction
and dissatisfaction. He provides with a pithy overview of the application,
assessment, causes and consequences of job satisfaction.

Sophie Rowan (2008) reveals how to create a happier work life, without changing
career. She provides practical and realistic guidance on how one can achieve
optimal job satisfaction and overcome the obstacles that make so many of us
unhappy at work

Robert M.. Hochheiser (1998) reassessed the meaning of the workplace and
proposed a simple formula for success- Forget the idea that hard work alone leads
to success and instead focus on building good relationships. He asserts that the best
way to win at work is to understand what is needed to support the egos of bosses,
peers, and subordinates. Accurate assessment of those needs can then be indirectly
associated with one's own personal goals and exploited to make substantive
workplace gains. Methods of determining needs are given for a variety of
situations, and strategies are offered to help make some of the worst work
situations at least marginally
better through networking and personal development.

C. J. Cranny, Patricia Cain Smith, Eugène F. Stone (1992) reveals perceiving

future opportunity can actually be more motivating than actually receiving a raise,
getting promoted, or being given additional responsibilities.

Jane Boucher (2004) offers practical advice for improving both your attitude
about your job and the job itself. She shows workers how to cope with keeping
their jobs in this difficult economy. Chris Stride, Toby D. Wall, Nick Catley (2008)
presented widely used measurement scales of Job Satisfaction, Mental Health, Job-
related Well-being and Organizational Commitment, along with benchmarking
data for comparison. The benchmarking data is based on a sample of almost 60,000
respondents from 115 different organizations across a wide spectrum of industries

Joanna Penn (2008) teaches how to improve your position in your current
employment, gaining more from your job, discovering more about yourself and
what it is you would be happy doing, stress management and people management

Evren Esen (2007) examined in terms of industry and staff size as well as
employee age and gender more than 20 indicators of job satisfaction including
career-advancement opportunities, benefits, the flexibility to balance life and work,
and compensation.

Elwood Chapman (1993) helps to determine employee level of satisfaction and

then assists in making positive changes to increase both satisfaction level and
quality of work
Patricia Buhler, Jason Scott (2009) present an academic argument for building
an employee-centered culture. They also examined a real-world case study of a
company that has experienced the economic benefits .




According to Clifford Woddy, Research is defined as
“The process which includes defining and redefining problems,
formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing
and evaluating data, making educations and reaching conclusions and
at last carefully testing the Conclusions to determine whether they
fit the formulating Hypothesis.”

Why Research?
As healthcare professionals cannot afford to take risks, research is needed.
For clinical trials, this is even a legal requirement in that pharmaceutical
companies cannot obtain marketing authorization (i.e. permission to sell their new
drugs) until they have proved to the relevant authorities that the drug is safe and
effective. They do this by performing a series of clinical trials.

Statement of the Problem

One can act according to one’s own decision. No one can expect the same type of
behavior from anyone at all circumstances. Human behavior is highly influenced by the
environment. Support, comfort, advice and assistance to the individual workers. A
good work group makes the job more enjoyable, and the performance of
the group will be very high. This will automatically lead to the attainment of the
individual as well as die organizational goals. As a result, every one of the
organization will have a high job satisfaction and will have a peaceful life.
If there is Dissatisfaction with the job it will make the workers become restless
which may be reflected in the form of low production, high wastage of materials,
accidents, conflicts among workers, absenteeism, high employee turnover, strike
and lockouts etc. Therefore, it is more important to study the job satisfaction of
workers as it one of deciding factors which will determine the whole operation of

The scope of the study is as under:

(a) Conduct the study in premises of Deepshikha industry Limited, Baddi (H.P).
(b) Include 30 Employees.
(c) Seek Individual Response from Questionnaires.
(d) Collect data from participant.

Objectives of the Study:

The objectives of the study are as follows:
 Evaluate the Level of Job Satisfaction of Selected Employees.
 To assess the Attitude of Employees Towards Company’s Performance.
 To assess the level of Commitment Towards Company and its Facilities.
 To Identifies some Measures to enhance the level of Satisfaction of Employee.

Data Collection
Following are the sources for the collection of data:

Primary Research has been selected for the collection of Data as it contains
minimum Errors and Maximum Accuracy and Reliability.
The Data interpretation through Primary Research helps in Interpretation of Data
according to the need of researcher. The recent Data is always better than the past
collected data.

 Data Collection Methods

 There are four main methods of data collection:
(b) Experimentation
(d)Direct interview method
I have selected survey method of data collection which is one of the very
common and widely used methods for collection of primary data. We can gather
wide range of valuable information about the behavior of the employee’s viz. attitude,
motive and options etc.

1. Primary Data
This method consisted of preparing detailed questions covering the
Employee satisfaction standards in the Company.
Thereafter it was distributed amongst a total of 30 personnel of the Company
(respondents) who were selected.
Further, no names were sought from those filling in this Questionnaire so as to
obtain their free and frank opinion as also to protect their privacy. The format
of the Questionnaire is attached as to this report.

2. Secondary Data
Secondary Data is a data which has been collected for other purposes, the
requirement of this type of data with respect to this report was obtained from the
company website. The questionnaire is based on the past performance of the employees
collected from Register maintained by the accountant.

 Sample Size and technique Sampling

Technique of Sampling adopted was Simple Random Sampling because all

employees have relatively different levels of satisfaction.It is the basic sampling
technique where we select a group of subjects (a sample) for study from a larger
group (a population). Each member of the Employees has an equal Probability of
being included in the sample. Thus, a sample size of 30 was considered to be

 Tools Used:

(i) Percentage Analysis.

(ii) Bar Diagram.

(iii) Pie Chart

Chapter -5


The analysis and the Interpretation of the Questionnaire to the Participants are enumerated in
succeeding paragraphs

Q-1) Are you clear about the results expected from you in your job?
Table no.1
Response Number Percentage
Yes 28 93.3
No 2 6.7
Can’t say 0 0

Interpretation:The responses showed that majority Employees of the company are

aware of the management’s expectations from them of the employees were clear about
their job.

Graph no.1
50 Nos
30 %age
Yes No Can't say

Q-2 Are you clear about the company goals?

This question is framed to know whether the Employees are known about the goals
towards which their skills are directed.

Table no.2

Response No’s %age

Yes 27 90

No 3 10

Can’t say 0 0

Interpretation:Employees of the company are quite clear of the goals of the organization

Graph no.2

Yes No Can't say

Q-3 Are you satisfied with your given job assignment?

This question is framed to know whether Job Assignment or task given to the employees
satisfy them or not.

Table no.3

Response No’s %age

Yes 19 63.3

No 5 16.6

Can’t say 6 20

Interpretations: While a large proportion of the employees are happy and satisfied with their
work assignment, a fairly large proportion do not appear to be happy and satisfied.
Graph no.3



30 %age



Yes No Can't say

Q-4) Does your job make usage of your skills and abilities?

This question is framed to analyze whether the employees skills are suitable for
the present job or not.
Table no.4

Response No’s %age

Yes 21 70

No 3 10

Can’t say 6 20

Interpretation: Skills and abilities of employees are being utilized by the company.However,
these skills and abilities are not being optimally utilized.
Graph no.4




40 No's



Yes No Can't say

Q-5 Do you get feeling of accomplishment from your work? 

This question is framed to know whether the employees have the feeling of
achievement while performing their work or not.
Table no.5
Response No’s %age

Yes 17 56.6

No 5 16.6

Can’t say 8 26.6

Interpretation: Higher order needs of a large number of employees need more attention.
Majority of employees appear to be getting a sense of accomplishment in their respective
Graph no.5



30 No's


Yes No Can't say

Q-6 Would you like continuity in your current area of work?

This question is framed to know whether the employees want to continue in their current job.
Table no.6
Response No’s %age

Yes 26 86.6

No 2 6.6

Can’t say 2 6.6

Interpretation:Attitude of Employees towards their current job is reasonably satisfactory.

Graph no.6



30 %age



Yes No Can't say

Q-7) Does your job provide opportunities for learning and growth? 
This question was framed to known whether job Provide them opportunities to

polish their talent and learn new things.
Table no.7

Response No’s %age

Yes 18 60

No 4 13.3

Can’t say 8 26.6

Interpretation: More attention needs to be given to individual growth of employees of the

company. A fair proportion of the respondents seemed to be unsure of learning and growth
prospects in the company.
Graph no.7



30 %age



Yes No Can't say

Q-8 Is the working condition safe, clean, healthy and hygienic?

This question was framed to know whether the company provides safe working
conditions to perform their task.

Table no.8
Response No’s %age

Yes 28 93.3

No 0 0

Can’t say 2 6.67

Interpretation: The condition of the work place is neat, clean, tidy and hygienic.
Graph no.8
50 No's
40 %age

Yes No Can't say

Q-9) Does your job leave you with sufficient time for your personal cum social life?
This question was framed to know whether the job provide personal space to

Table no.9
Response No’s

Yes 29 97

No 1 0

Total 30 100

Interpretation:Majority of employees are satisfied with availability of personal time,

however, a fair proportion is not satisfied with the same.
Graph no.9



60 No's


Yes No Can't say

Q 10) Are your Boss fair and equitable in their dealings with employees?
This question was framed to know whether the superior treat all the employees equally.

Response No’s %age

Yes 27 90

No 2 6.66

Can’tsay 1 3.33

Interpretation: The resposesReveals, healthy inter personal relations between

management and employees of the company.
Graph no.10
50 No's
Yes No Can't say

Q-11 Have your performance appraisals been fair?

This question was framed to know whether the employee’s performance is evaluated,
reviewed, developed Timely.
Table no.11

Response No’s %age

Yes 20 66.7

No 5 16.7

Can’t say 5 16.7

Interpretation: The responses Reveals, a fair proportion of employees are not satisfied with
their appraisal.
Graph no.11
40 No's
Yes No Can't say

Q -12)The Criteria for giving rewards are clear?

This question was framed to know whether the rewards are given in a proper way
to employees.
Table no.12

Response No’s % age
Yes 26 86.67
No 3 10
Can’t Say 1 3.33

Interpretation: The reponses Reflects a healthy system of rewards in the

Graph no.12
50 No's
Yes No Can't say

Q -13)Do you get appreciation for well-done performance ?

This question was framed to know whether the employees are praised for their
Table no.13

Response N0’s %age

Yes 26 86..6

No 3 10

Can’t say 1 3.33

Interpretation :The responses Reveals the fact that while most of the time, good
work is being appreciated, however more emphasis is required to ensure that good work
does not go unrecognized.
Graph no.13
50 No's
40 %age

Yes No Can’t say

Q -14) How satisfied are you with your total remuneration package considering your duties
and responsibilities? 

This question was framed to know whether the employees are getting
compensation exchange for work performed.

Table no.14
Response No’s %age
Extremely 13 43.33
Satisfied 7 23.33
Neutral 4 13.33
Dissatisfied 4 13.33
Extremely 2 6.67

Interpretation: While compensation package of the company is by and large fair, there is
room for improvement.

Graph no.14










5 No's
Extremely Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Extremely
satisfied satisfied

Q- 15) Roles and responsibilities of people in the workplace are clearlydefined?

 This question was framed to know whether the roles and the responsibilities of the
employees are assigned clearly.
Table no.15
Response No’s %age
Strongly agree 17 56.67
Agree 5 16.67
Neutral 1 3.33
Disagree 4 13.33
Strongly Disagree 3 10

Interpretation: Roles and responsibilities in the company are well defined in most of the cases.
However, more needs to be done towards better division anddefinition of the same.
Graph no.15






strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
agree Disagree

Q -16 Superiors in the company welcome free and frank communicationfrom employees? 
This question was framed to know whether communication between the employees
and their superior are good i.e they understand each other’s point of view.
Table no.16
Response No’s %age
Strongly Agree 14 46.67

Agree 6 20

Neutral 2 6.67

Disagree 4 13.33

Stronly Disagree 4 13.33

Free and frank opinions from employees are welcome in the company, majority agree and
strongly agree that communications are good between the employees and their
Graph no.16





20 %age


Strongly Agre Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree


Conclusion and Learning Outcomes

 Majority(90%) of the employees were clear about their own role and the company
goals. Only 63% of the employees were satisfied with their job assignments.
 Only 70% of the employees feel that the company is utilizing their skills and abilities.
87% of the employees want to continue their job provided opportunities for learning
and growth.
 93% of the respondents felt that environment of workplace safe clean , healthy and
hygienic. 97% of respondents felt adequate private time for self and family was

 90% of the employees were of the opinion that their employees were fair and
equitable in their dealings with the people. Only 63% of employees thought that they
get appreciation for well done work.
 67% of the employees were satisfied their remuneration packages considering their
job and responsibilities.67% of the employees were satisfied with the freedom for free
and frank communication with superiors.

 In general, Level of employee satisfaction in the company is quiet high.
However as far as Satisfaction goes, sky is the limit and there is no end to
 System of reward and recognition may be improved. Though there is no
bias in rewards, employees have a feeling that their good work is not
appreciated on time.
 Remuneration to employees may be improved, if feasible. Communication
may be given more attention.
 Opportunities for personal learning, growth and personal development of the
employees deserves due attention. Investment in employees is indirectly
investment in the company.
 Job assignment needs to be reviewed periodically in order to avoid
monotony and boredom.

 What skills were learned during the internship?

 Communication skills: Being an Introvert , I do not open up easily
with people but during my Internship I am able to express and
communicate with the customers, my supervisor, employees. Hence
communication the foremost thing required in marketing field.

 Confidence: Internship in the company boosts my confidence. I am
able to Interact about the product to the clients again and again help in
building confidence. Attending initial customers was difficult but after
attending 4-5 customers, I became confident about the product.
 Persuasive skills: After interacting with so many customers every
week, I came to know that, I am able to influence people to buy a
product. People shower number of questions, and answering each with
confidence and a pinch of persuasive tone help in selling the 2
wheeler easily.
 Interpersonal skills: I am able maintain good relation with my
supervisor as well as my co-workers at TVS company. The most
important need of an employee is surviving in any situation. Hence
when people are around, we cannot refuse to talk or Interact .
 How did the BBA curriculum prepare you for the internship?
The curriculum helped me in dealing with the situations in the company in
following manner:
 Time management: The BBA classes at 9.15 in the morning also
help in reaching office on time. There was proper break time as
similar college, but we have to manage our breaks in such a manner
that we can take out time for our Tea breaks, preparing the data of
customers attended and learning during the day.
 Speaking skills: The personality Development classes in college
Improves my speaking skills which was helpful on Internship. I am
able to communicate and express my opinion in a presentable manner.
 Group discussions: The group discussion classes remove hesitation
and build confidence to interact with anyone at work place.

 Presentations: I felt burden while making ppts and giving
presentations, but it helped me a lot during my internship. The
presentation skills played an important role while giving demo of any
two wheelers.


Q1) Are you clear about the Results expected from you in your job?
 Yes
 No
 Can’t say
Q2) Are you clear about the company goals?
 Yes
 No
 Can’t say
Q3) Are you satisfied with the given job assignment?
 Yes
 No
 Can’t say
Q4) Does your job make usage of skills and abilities?
 Yes
 No

 Can’t say

Q5) Do you get feeling of accomplishment from your work?

 Yes
 No
 Can’t say

Q6) Would you like continuity in your current area of work?

 Yes
 No
 Can’t say
Q7) Does your job provide opportunities for learning and growth
 Yes
 No
 Can’t say
Q8) Is the working conditions safe, clean and hygienic?
 Yes
 No
 Can’t say
Q9) Does your job leave you with sufficient time for personal cum social life?
 Yes
 No
 Can’t say
Q10)Are your Superior fair and equitable in dealing with the
 Yes
 No
 Can’t say
Q11) Have your performance been fair?
 Yes
 No
 Can’t say
Q12) The Criteria for giving rewards are clear?
 Yes
 No
 Can’t say
Q13) Do you get appreciation for well-done performance?
 Yes
 No
 Can’t say
Q14) How satisfied are you with your total remuneration package considering your duties
and responsibilities? 
 Extremely satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neutral
 Extremely Dissatisfied
Q15) Roles and responsibilities of people in the workplace are clearly defined?
 Extremely satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neutral
 Extremely Dissatisfied

Q16) “Superiors in the company welcome free and frank communication from
 Extremely satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neutral
 Extremely Dissatisfied


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