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Coca-Cola (also called Coke) is a trademark of freshwater is registered in the U.S.

in 1893. It was born in 1886; Coca-Cola’s father is a pharmacist. The way the American

people understand that time Coke (Coca Cola) is an oral medication. Later, when Asa

Candler – talented businessman bought Coca-Cola, whose marketing tactics led Coke’s

dominance on the world market in freshwater during the 20th century was thinking of

the transformation America’s image of Coca Cola. He says consumers understand their

first “medicine” Coke is a beverage and delicious fresh.

The name Coca-Cola name comes from coca leaves and cola fruit, two

components of the Coca-Cola drinks. This has to do with Coca Cola period because

people tend island has referred to Asa Candler is the man’s drug world. Currently Coca-

Cola soft drink company became world famous with many diverse products such as

Coca-Cola Light (Diet Coke, or Diet Coke), Coca-Cola Cherry … Coca-Cola is sold in

shops, restaurants, vending machines in over 200 countries worldwide. Products serve

more than 705 million times a day, thirst needs of consumers in over 195 countries in all

climates. Today, you can find Coca-Cola at most parts of the world.

Operations management in Coca Cola:

Operations management is the management of an organization’s productive

resources or its production system, deals with the design and management of products,

processes, services and supply chains. It considers the acquisition, development, and

utilization of resources that firms need to deliver the goods and services their clients

want. Purvey of Operations management ranges from strategic to tactical and

operational levels. Representative strategic issues include determining the size and
location of manufacturing plants, deciding the structure of service or

telecommunications networks, and designing technology supply chains.

Tactical issues include plant layout and structure, project management methods,

and equipment selection and replacement.

Operational issues include production scheduling and control, inventory

management, quality control and inspection, traffic and materials handling, and

equipment maintenance policies. Build a management operation, launched the product

line of coca cola company.

Operations management focuses on carefully managing the processes to

produce and distribute products and services. Usually, small businesses don’t talk about

“operations management”, but they carry out the activities that management schools

typically associate with the phrase “operations management.” Major, overall activities

often include product creation, development, production and distribution.

Coca Cola Manufacturing:

Coca-Cola has production system and bottling facilities all around the world. This

plays an important part in their business since they are one of the top of the soft drink

industry. Outsourcing comes at the expense of improving in-house skills, which will

eventually lead to reduced costs.

Coca Cola Company and its production systems

Primary inputs: chemicals, vanilla beans, kola nuts, sweeteners, supplies, cans,

cartons, personal, utilities, machines, manufacturing, retailer, store, etc

Conversion subsystem: Transforms raw materials into soft drink and packages.
Outputs: Satisfied customers and soft drink products.

Transforming resources

This illustration shows how manufacturing operations convert inputs into finished

outputs. Coca-Cola’s bottlers and canners are concerned with a range of processes

involved in transforming resources into the bottles and cans of drink that we are familiar


There is a difference between transforming resources and transformed resources:

 The transforming resources are the managers, employees, machinery and

equipment used by The Coca-Cola Company and its franchisees.

 The transformed resources are the materials (the cans, bottles, liquids, etc.)

and the information which are processed to create the finished product.

Manufacturing of the soft drink: At first the component required for making the soft

drink are vanilla beans, flavor oils, kola nuts and sweeteners. Specially, these items are

required the best quality and the water used in it are distilled and free of all impureness

Primarily, Coca-Cola is manufactured by franchisees who are the world’s leading

bottling and canning companies. This franchise business is strictly controlled by The

Coca-Cola Company.

Soft drinks manufacture is a competitive business. Manufacturing techniques are

continually improved. This helps meet the highest quality standards for its products

using the most cost effective production techniques. For example, very small changes in

the shape of the can could save a canning factory millions of dollars in production costs.
The production of Coca-Cola involves two major operations:

 creating the packaging material

 bottling and canning the finished drink

Packaging: After the soft drink is made up, it is taken to the packaging centers in cans.

Specially, in transferring of the Coca-cola to the packaging house, it must be protect so

that the soft drink cannot mix with another chemicals. At packaging stage, the cartons,

caps and the carbon dioxide used to carbonate soft drinks is in the expected quantity.

Coca Cola is the number one brand in the world and its shape was first registered

as Coca Cola bottle. Packaging is considering least expensive type of advertising and

every package is five second commercial, we can think package as a silent sales man.

Package tends to draw attention of the customer, break through the competitor

untidiness, and justify the price and value for the customer. The company use varies

packaging technique to target the customers one such mechanism is show in the

diagram below.

Packaging must insure that the product has best quality and the beverage or the

soft drink remains fresh at the time of consumption. Uniformity and reliability in the

product are critical to achieve for a company (Coca-Cola, 2010). Coca Cola should have

highest standard of quality and safety of the product.

Guaranteeing the quality of the product

The manufacture of Coca-Cola is carried out by a set of processes called

continuous flow production. On a production line, a process is continually repeated and

identical products go through the same sequence of operations. Continuous flow

production takes this one step further by using computer-controlled automatic

equipment to produce goods 24 hours a day.

The Company and its franchisees use Total Quality Management procedures that

encourage everyone in the plant to think about quality in everything they do. Every

employee sets out to satisfy customers and places them at the heart of the production

process. By continually seeking to improve every aspect of production, employees are

able to eliminate problems.

Throughout the production process, quality control personnel monitor the

product and take test samples. To guarantee that there are no errors, quality control

inspectors take statistically selected samples at the end of the production line.

Using chemical analysis, these inspectors can guarantee that the product meets

the exact specifications; they also check that there are no faults in the packaging. A ‘fill

height detector’ uses an electronic eye to ensure that the cans are filled to the right

quantity. Cans that are not properly filled are rejected.

How We Operate

The Coca-Cola Company markets, manufactures and sells:

 beverage concentrates and syrups; and, 

 finished beverages (including sparkling soft drinks; water and sports drinks; juice,

dairy and plant based drinks; and tea and coffee).

In the concentrate operations, The Coca-Cola Company typically generates net

operating revenues by selling concentrates and syrups to authorized bottling partners.

Coca cola’s bottling partners combine the concentrates with still and/or sparkling

water, and/or sweeteners, depending on the product, to prepare, package, sell and

distribute finished beverages.

Coca cola’s finished product operations consist primarily of company-owned or

-controlled bottling, sales and distribution operations.


To produce the world’s best known product, The Coca-Cola Company has to

employ the highest quality processes and establish standards which guarantee the

production of a standardized product which meets consumers’ high expectations each

and every time they drink a bottle or can of Coca-Cola.

In order to guarantee these standards the Company has had to develop a close

relationship with its franchisees based on a mutual concern for quality. Total Quality

Management lies at the heart of this process involving a continuous emphasis on

getting quality standards right every time and on continually seeking new ways to

improve performance.
Corporate Business Function

Happiness doesn’t just happen. It takes a team of organized, driven, motivated

individuals with a desire to perform effectively. All across North America, Coca-Cola

Refreshments is looking for such people, offering a range of attractive incentives

including generous benefits, competitive salaries, Professional opportunities and, of

course, the esteem that comes with working for one of the world’s best brands. Coca

cola have career opportunities available in the ff. corporate business functions.

 Administration Human resources

 Finance and Procurement Information Technology

 General Management Legal

 Public Affairs and Communication

Customer Service Operation

Job opportunities for the customer service operations include:

 Quality Analyst
 Workforce Analyst
 Workforce Supervisor
 Replenishment Analyst
 Fountain Planner
 Senior Technician Advisor
 Customer Care Center Lead
 Targeted Sales Agent
 Customer Service Team Member

Manufacturing and Distribution

Job opportunities for manufacturing, warehouse and distribution professionals include:

 Checker
 Dispatch
 Distribution
 Fleet Operations
 Operations, Planning and Development
 Point-of-Sale Clerk
 Warehouse
 Machine Operator
 Production Worker

Marketing Strategy of Coca cola

Coca Cola is world’s leading soft drink maker and operates in more than 200 countries
around the world. It sells a variety of sparkling and still beverages. It generates 60% of
its revenue and about 80% of its operating profit from outside the United States. It has
strong brand recognition across the globe. According to business insider, approximately
94% of the world population is aware of the red & white logo of Coca Cola.

Segmentation, targeting, positioning of Coca Cola

Segmentation helps the brand to define the appropriate products for specific customer

group; Coca Cola doesn’t target a specific segment but adapts its marketing strategy by
developing new products.

Similarly it uses mix of undifferentiated & mass marketing strategies as well as niche

marketing for certain products in order to drive sales in the competitive market. Its Cola
is popular worldwide & is liked by people of all age group while the diet coke targets
niche segment for people who are more health conscious.

Coca Cola uses competitive positioning strategy to be way ahead of its competitors in

the Non-alcoholic beverages market.

Technologies Currently Used: 

     Coca-Cola recently added SharePoint Online, which is a virtual database that allows
for communication between employees around the world. “Through the use of
SharePoint Online, we’re able to educate our team so that they can find information and
establish interdependencies across the different projects. SharePoint allows us to code
and manage information so that we can get it very quickly” (Flowers, 2012). SharePoint
has collaboration and messaging tools that allow for instant communication around the
world. They also have "desk-less" workers portals. These are internet applications that
are installed on phones or Ipads to give employees’ access to SharePoint where ever
they are. (Frank, 2012)

How Coca-Cola Manages these Learning Technology Tools:

Coca-Cola manages its technologies by remaining current. The company has the
ability to“ continually harness new technology in a variety of ways to further the brand”
(Ireland, 2011 p.2). Coca-Cola maintains an active presence on social networking sites
such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others.  Coca-Cola’s use of campaigns, such as
the Facebook face recognition technology campaign launched in Israel is another
example of how effective this company is in its use of technology (Simply Zesty, 2011).
Coca-Cola’s management of innovative technology will further its position as a leader in
the area of branding.

Equipment and Machinery for Manufacturing

 Bottle preparation equipment

 Mixing Equipment
 Filling Machine
 Conveyor Machine

Distribution strategy in the marketing strategy of Coca-Cola

It uses several sales and distribution models depending on

market, geographic conditions and the customer’s profile:

(1) the pre-sale system, which separates the sales and delivery functions,
permitting trucks to be loaded with the mix of products that retailers have
previously ordered, thereby increasing both sales and distribution efficiency,

(2) the conventional truck route system, in which the person in charge of the
delivery makes immediate sales from inventory available on the truck,

(3) a hybrid distribution system, where the same truck

carries product available for immediate sale and product previously ordered
through the pre-sale system,

(4) the telemarketing system, which could be combined with pre-sales visits

(5) sales through third-party wholesalers of the products.

Upgrades and Changes that can lead to better technology integration:

      Mobile devices have become a great way for companies to keep their employees informed.

The Coca-Cola company must continue to integrate mobile learning into its other training and

development goals. Its decision to join forces with Kelley Executive Partners, as a way to help

employees understand how young consumers use Web 2.0 was an effective strategy in this

regard (Hollon, 2011). Coca-Cola needs to continually “connect employees to the knowledge

and expertise they need, when and where they need it” (p. 1). This is done through maintaining

active engagement about technological needs, and upgrading to the most current tools.

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