English 4 Module (Repaired)

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Formerly: Kalinga Christian Learning Center

Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800


Hello! I am here to help you work with this module about the parts of simple
paragraph. I have exercises on identifying, writing and supplying the topic sentence, middle and
ending sentences of a paragraph. I hope you can understand and find no difficulty working with
this lesson.
1. Identify the parts of a simple paragraph
2. Give a beginning/ topic sentence for a paragraph
3. Apply the mechanics of paragraph writing
4. Write and copy sentences in paragraph form correctly
* For you to do this activity, you are expected to do the following:
 Read and understand the directions carefully
 Do each activity carefully.
 There are answers at the end page for exercises a, & b, you can compare your
answers with them.
 Be honest in answering your activity
 A paragraph is a group of related sentence. It has only 1 topic. All the
sentences begin with a capital letters and end with a punctuation mark. The
first line is indented about an inch.
 A paragraph has 3 parts
a. the beginning sentence
b. the middle or supporting sentences
c. the ending or concluding sentence
 A good beginning sentence states the main idea, attracts attention and arouses
 The middle or supporting sentences explain or develop the main idea by giving
specific information or details, and follow a logical order.
 A good ending sentence gives the last details, tells the summary or conclusion,
restate the topic sentence in new words
IV. Discussion: Here is an example of a paragraph.
Let us read and study the paragraph below:

Spiders are tiny animals that spin silk to

Beginning or topic sentence
catch. Some spiders spin silk web to trap food.
Such webs are sticky that when an insects flies
into one, it cannot escape. Some spiders leap Middle sentences
into the air, catch their prey, and fly to the
ground on a dragline or silk thread. Some Ending sentence
spiders use sheets of silk to wrap their prey
like mummies.
Did you read the paragraph? I guess you did.

1. What is being talked about in the paragraph?

 The beginning sentence in the paragraph that you read tells us that the
paragraph is about spiders.
2. Which sentences give details or support the topic?
 The middle sentences or the 2nd and 3rd sentences tell you more about the
3. Which sentence tells about the topic being discussed?
 The ending sentence develops the thought expressed in the first sentence. It
tells the last detail , sums up the writer’s discussion about the topic.

Based from the examples you read, what is a paragraph ?

 A paragraph is a group of related sentences discussing one topic. The first

sentence is always indented.
It has 3 basic parts:
1. The topic sentence
> the beginning sentence is usually the topic sentence of a paragraph. It states the
main idea.
However, the beginning sentence may also attract attention or arouse curiosity.
2. The middle or supporting details
> the body contains the details that support the topic sentence. The give specific
information or detail related to the topic, and they should be arranged in logical
order to achieved a smooth flow of ideas.
3. Ending sentence – in a concluding sentence, you may give the last details and let the
readers know that the paragraph is finished. You may repeat what you say in the
topic sentence or state a conclusion about the main topic
Here is another example:
I would like you to read the paragraph carefully and find the 3 basic parts of the paragraph.
Underline the beginning sentence with green crayon. Underline the middle or supporting
sentences using a red crayon. Underline the ending sentence with an blue crayon.

Our family spends time together every weekend. Sometimes we go to the beach or
stay in the farm. We usually prepare everything that we need the night before the trip.
Before we travel, we hear the mass first.

Last week we visited grandfather in Batangas. We spent the day fishing in the
lake. In the afternoon, we harvested some ripe mangoes and brought them home. Those
mangoes were really sweet. Everyone in the family enjoyed the time together that weekend
and it would remain always in our hearts.

1. What is being talked about in the paragraph?

2. Which sentences give details or support the topic?
3. Which sentence tells about the topic being discussed?
Read the paragraph carefully. Underline the topic sentence. Box the middle sentences,
and encircle the ending sentence.
Jenny loves summer. She visits the beach every weekend
with her cousins and friends. They like to hop from one island to
the next. She also goes scuba diving with her aunt and uncle.
She is truly glad of her experiences during this season.
You may now check your answers against mine below.
Exercise A. key answers

Indent Topic sentence

Our family spends time together every weekend. Sometimes we
go to the beach or stay in the farm. We usually prepare everything that
we need the night before the trip. Before we travel, we hear the mass middle sentences
Last week we visited grandfather in Batangas. We spent the day
fishing in the lake. In the afternoon, we harvested some ripe mangoes
and brought them home. Those mangoes were really sweet. Everyone
in the family enjoyed the time together that weekend and it would Ending sentence
remain always in our hearts.

Exercise B.

Jenny loves summer. She visits the beach every weekend

with her cousins and friends. They like to hop from one island
to the next. She also goes scuba diving with her aunt and uncle.
She is truly glad of her experiences during this season.

How did you fare? I hope you got a good score. If not, you can always go back reread and

FOCUS A. Identify the topic sentence, middle sentence and end paragraphs in the following
selections. Write topic, middle and end in the blanks.

1. _________ The telephone has developed dramatically since then and nowadays we
communicate from one end of the world to the other via satellites which
orbit the earth.
2. _________ One hundred years ago it took three months for a letter to reach Japan
from Europe.
3. _________ Methods of communication began to improve rapidly around the middle of
the last century. Samuel Morse was one of the first inventors to develop the
electric telegraph.

FOCUS B. The beginning sentence of each paragraph has been removed. The sentences are
listed in the box. Match them with the correct paragraphs. Write the sentence on the line.

a. There are may bees in a hive

b. Cats are lazy animals
c. The queen bee is the most important member of the hive.
1. ______________________________________________________
They like to lie around all day. They walk slowly. They don’t want to do anything. That is
why some of them get fat.
2. ______________________________________________________
She is the ruler of the colony. Her job is to lay eggs. There are thousands of other bees
in the hive.

FOCUS C. In this paragraph, the first and last sentences are written and placed correctly.
Rewrite the middle sentences in logical order to form a paragraph. Observe the rules for
spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Write the paragraph correctly on the lines provided.

Before you start, read the reminders.

1. Indent the first line of the paragraph about an inch from the left
hand margin.
2. Write neatly and legibly

___1____ Once there was a man who liked to tramp through the park every day.
_______ They were not afraid of him.
_______ He would call the animals in his soft, low voice, and they would scamper to him
_______ One day, he set a dog’s broken leg.
___5___ This man was very gentle.


VI. REFLECTION: Check your progress. Write always, sometimes, or never.

Tell me how you performed in the lesson.
_____________ 1. I can identify the topic sentence in a paragraph.
_____________ 2. I can identify the beginning, middle, and ending sentences of a
_____________ 3. I observe proper mechanics in paragraph writing.
_____________ 4. I can write and copy sentences in a paragraph correctly.
_____________ 5. I practice punctuality in doing my work at all times.
 Gonzales, Wilma P., Corsino, Cecilia B. (2018). English This Way 4 (4th ed.)
Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing house
 Fungo, Eric F., Buensuceso, Annabelle L.( 2014). English for Global
Communication Makati City: Don Bosco Press
 Lagera,Erlinda J., Mendoza, Rebecca C., et.al. (2015). Soaring to New Heights in
Language. Quezon City: ABIVA Publishing House, Inc.


Formerly: Kalinga Christian Learning Center
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800

SY 2020-2021
First Quarter
Module 1- week 1

Name ________________________________________________________

Grade & Sec. _________________________________________________

Subject teacher: Mrs. Evalinda M. Balawing

1. Submit only the answer sheet ( Evaluation part of the module)

Before you start answering the given activities in this module, be sure to do the following:
1. Use pencil, black or blue ink only.
2. Read and understand the directions carefully before you answer
3. Do each activity carefully
4. Be sure to answer all the activities
5. Maintain the neatness of your worksheet
6. Be honest in answering your activity
7. Contact me thru messenger/ text if you have any question
8. Submit only the answer sheet ( Evaluation part of the module)

Prepared By:


Formerly: Kalinga Christian Learning Center
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800


I. TOPIC : Using resources such as dictionary

to find the meaning of words

Hello! I’m teacher Eva. I am here to help you locate
information from a dictionary and online sources to find
the meaning of words. You will surely find these activities
interesting. Directions given are clear and can easily
be followed. I hope you will enjoy working with the module.

Learn how to get / match/ identify and use the meaning of the words
using the dictionary /online resources

For you to do this activity, you are expected to do the following:

 Read and understand the directions carefully
 Do each activity carefully.
 Be honest in answering your activity.
A dictionary is made of entry words listed in alphabetical order. Each entry states
how a word is pronounced and what the word means.

Now I’ll help you locate information from a dictionary.

Let’s read a dialog. Hi I’m Dan.

Hello I’m Ana.

We will find out how Danny help her sister with her assignment.

One afternoon, Danny and Ana were busy doing their assignment
Sure, what it
Kuya Dan, will you is Ana?
please help me
with my
That’s easy a dictionary
Our teacher in English
Sure, what it will help us find the
gave us some words and
is Ana?
meaning of those
we have to give their
meaning. The words are words.
tiny, trick, treasure and

You have to remember this

How do we use a Ana, the words listed in the
dictionary? There are a dictionary are called entry
lot of word written in it. words. All the entry words are
listed in alphabetical order and
in dark print

In every page of the dictionary

you will find two words on top
But there are still
hundreds of words under to help you find the words
a letter. faster. These are called guide
words. Come, I’ll show you how
to do it.

Thank you so much

You’re welcome! brother. Now, I
know a dictionary
is a useful book.

Now it’s time to answer for some questions.

1. Why is Ana asking for some questions?
2. What helps you find the meaning of words?
3. How are the words arranged in a dictionary?
4. What words in the dictionary help us locate the words on a page faster?
5. What information do we get from a dictionary?

What can be found This is a dictionary.

in a dictionary?

This is a
sample page of
a dictionary.
What is the first entry
word in the dictionary? The answer is cell.
1. How many definitions are there in the word

2. What is the definition of epidermis?

3. What word means costly or high- priced?

Answers: 1. There are 3 definitions of clever. Skillful, quick

thinking & intelligent.
2.Epedermis is the outermost layer of skin
3. The answer is expensive.

A dictionary is made of entry words listed

in alphabetical order. Each entry states
how a word is pronounced and what the
word means. Since words are arranged
alphabetically, locating word is easy. Two
guide words are printed at the top of each
dictionary page. Guide words helps us find
words on the page faster. The guide word
printed on the left is the first word, while
the guide word on the right is the last
word on the page. They help you find the
words you are looking for.

Name: __________________________________ Grade ________ Score _______

Module 2
Now it’s your turn to answer!

Study a sample page of a dictionary and answer the questions that follow.

Your time start now.

1. What is the last entry word in the page? ____________

2. What is the definition of analyze? _________________
3. What word means to hold someone’s attention in a pleasant
way? _____________
4. What part of speech is analysis? ____________
5. What is the meaning of anatomy? ____________

FOCUS B. Match the meaning of the words from A to B. Use

your dictionary.
1. neglect a. to give the assistance or support
2. distress b. long and not wide
3. narrow c. to give consideration to circumstances
4. fuss d. to fail to take care of
5. nerd e. one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic
6. lend f. suffering that affects the min or body
7. allow g. to begin burning
8. spare h. excellent
9. fantastic i. needless bustle or excitement
10. ignite j. to choose not to punish or harm

FOCUS C. Read the poem” Dictionary”

List at least 3 words from the poem that you don’t understand. Opposite the
words, write their meanings. Then, use them in a sentence.
Often times I wonder why,
Words are so complicated. Oh, my!
They have the same spelling
But have different meanings.

But I have a very special friend

That can help me until the end.
A wonderful book that you should see
Please meet my friend, the Dictionary.

Write your answers here.

1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________

VII. REFLECTION/ Check your progress

Draw a star if your response to the statement is yes. Draw a triangle if your
response is sometimes, and draw a box if it is no.
_____ 1. I learn that dictionary is a useful book.
_____ 2. I can now use dictionary to get the meaning of words I can’t understand.
_____ 3. I show responsibility by doing my work well.

 Gonzales, W. P., Corsino, C. B. (2018). English This Way 4 (4th ed.) Quezon City:
Phoenix Publishing house
 Fungo, E. F., Buensuceso, A. L.( 2014). English for Global Communication Makati
City: Don Bosco Press
 Lagera,E. J., Mendoza, R.C., et.al. (2015). Soaring to New Heights in Language.
Quezon City: ABIVA Publishing House, Inc.

Prepared by: Ma’am Evalinda M. Balawing


Formerly: Kalinga Christian Learning Center
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800
SY 2020-2021
First Quarter
Module 2- week 2

Name ________________________________________________________

Grade & Sec. _________________________________________________

Subject teacher: Mrs. Evalinda M. Balawing

1. Submit only the answer sheet ( Evaluation part of the module)

Before you start answering the given activities in this module, be sure to do the following:
9. Use pencil, black or blue ink only.
10. Read and understand the directions carefully before you answer
11. Do each activity carefully
12. Be sure to answer all the activities
13. Maintain the neatness of your worksheet
14. Be honest in answering your activity
15. Contact me thru messenger/ text if you have any question
16. Submit only the answer sheet ( Evaluation part of the module)

Prepared By:


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