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Automatic Water Level Control and Monitoring

System using GSM Module

Alok Kumar
MCA VIT University
Chennai, India

electrical water pump. Water supplies to most part of the inns

Abstract— New deficiency of water supply is general are drawn from the tanks by method for gravity. At the point
episode especially in colossal populace like in inn. Water when there is power disappointment, no water is pumped up to
supply at the understudy's lodging is for the most part fill the tanks. Thus the
suffocate from tank at the rooftop top of the building. Right
now there is no early cautioning framework to screen the
tank water level when it has achieved water basic level. The
circumstance compounded when there is no legitimate water level in the tank decreases progressively. The
expert in control to-do support around then. It turns out to circumstance turns out to be more terrible particularly at the
be most exceedingly terrible particularly at the weekends weekends and open occasions when the vast majority of the
and open occasions. Understudies need to sit tight couples lodging living arrangements are in. The water level of the tank
of days for water supply to continue. In this paper lessens radically and inside brief timeframe the water runs out.
introduces the water level control and checking and its Sudden water lack occurs at whatever time if the tank is not
sends a ready SMS to the regarded individual. It will legitimately checked. Thus, an observing framework to screen
automatically starts and stops the motor when the water the tank water level must be produced and in the end ready to
reached the critical level. All the more particularly, we alarm the individual in-control or professional on the
research the microcontroller based water level detecting momentum status of the tank. The framework comprises of
and controlling in a wired and remote environment. Water water level identifier hardware incorporated with GSM module.
Level administration approach would help in lessening the After achieving the basic water level in the tank, a SMS is sent
home power utilization and also water flood. From the through GSM module to the professional in control for further
clients point of view it is required to reuse such profitable activity.
asset in a versatile application. The model was tried and
worked appropriately as an intend to decrease the danger II. Ease of Use
of startling deficiency of water supply. Proposed System-

In this system will be implementing this using ultrasonic

Keywords— Arduino UNO Microcontroller, GSM Module, sensors, GSM module, Tank, Arduino UNO microcontroller.
To implement the Automatic water level control and
Tank, Assembly language, water pump, ultrasonic
sensor. monitoring system using GSM Module to use the water in
properly manner. It will sends the alert SMS to the responsible
I. INTRODUCTION person time to time using GSM module. In this project
ultrasonic sensors will be used on top to check the water
Manageability of accessible water asset in numerous reason of presence in the tank or not which will informs by alert message
the word is currently an overwhelming issue. This issue is every time. Whenever water reached at critical level bottom
discreetly identified with poor water portion, wasteful utilize, sensor sends the alert to microcontroller and motor will be start
and absence of satisfactory and incorporated water and when water reached at the top of tank than top sensor sends
administration. Water is normally utilized for horticulture, the alert to microcontroller and it will automatically stops the
industry, and local utilization. In this manner, effective utilize motor.
and water observing are potential limitation for home or office
water administration framework. Most recent couple of decades
a few checking framework incorporated with water level
location have gotten to be acknowledged. Measuring water
level is a key errand for government and living arrangement
viewpoint. Along these lines, it is conceivable to track the real A. Compatibility-
execution of such activities with coordination of different
In spite of the fact that the quantity of brilliant sensors in
controlling exercises. Accordingly, water controlling
buildings that keep on rising, various purchasers still remain a
framework execution makes potential essentialness in home
touch reluctant in shelling out gobs of cash to computerize their
applications. Understudies' lodgings are typically given water buildings. Rather, numerous Makers have as of now contrived
tanks and put at the rooftop top of inn structures. Water from associated in-house devices utilizing simple to-utilize stages
fundamental channel is pumped up to the tanks utilizing like Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
B. Complexity- and monitor the water using GSM and microcontroller Arduino
or Raspberry Pi based system can reduce the wastage of water.
Complicated applications code can be difficult to understand. There is unless an undeniable risk when utilizing mains power,
This makes it buggy and hard to test, purification, fix, including hazard of electric shock and peril of electrical flames
maintain, and develop. A common part of this problem is one if the segments are not appraised effectively. This plan much
of the significance that make Arduino so easy to use for simple decreases any hazard by turning away the mains power by
programs: the functions setup () and loop (). utilizing industrially accessible remote control attachments or
For the most part compose a project by beginning basic. Strip light fittings. Specifically the attachments needn't bother with
what we need to the unclad substance, and after that compose a any work to be done on the house electrical framework, the light
small code to do it. At that point augment it, including more. fittings do and should be introduced by an able grown-up or
Include a gadget: add a small code to setup and circle to capable circuit tester.
command it. Need inquire network: include much code. Need Imagine if an ignoble programmer changes your solution. On
to empower and debilitate the gadget: include much code. Need the other hand if a store naturally marching you an equal item
the gadget to cooperate with different gadgets: include much that you are hypersensitive to, or a flavor that you do not care
code. Include another gadget: rehash. Really soon, setup and for, or an item that is now fallen. Accordingly, security is at last
circle are a labyrinth of twisty entries all similar. in the hands of the purchaser to check any mechanization.

C. Privacy/Security- III. System Architecture

We found this gadget can be used to solve many issues. These Below the diagram show the Arduino model. We have use
are the some usual issues which I have faced in the past: many things in this model Tank, Arduino UNO, Water liquid
1. This venture demonstrates the significance of water in sensor, GSM Module, electronic pump, Bread Board, and
our everyday life and ought not to squander water. buzzer all the things are connected to Arduino board and bread
2. The Automatic water level controller guarantees no board.
floods or dry running of pump there by spares power Arduino UNO was preferred because of its great specialized
and water.
3. Fully programmed, spares labor. details, great execution for information handling and is
4. Consume next to no vitality, perfect for ceaseless reasonable than other single board PCs accessible in the market.
operation. The Arduino Uno is accustomed to playing out the simple flag
5. Automatic water level controller gives you the from sensor and send messages utilizing the GSM Module. The
adaptability to choose for yourself the water levels for GSM Module is used to send the message to technician or other
operations of pump set. responsible person when the sensor explore any irregularity in
6. Never put water down the drain when there may be the tank than it will sends the alert to microcontroller and it will
another use for it such as watering a plant or garden, or start and stop the electronic pump accordingly.

My gadget usage a Water liquid sensor to explore the water

safety and this notice is deliver without wire by using a RF
transmitter-receiver module to give some kind of alert. We pick
a RF module for wireless movement because collate to the
current wireless systems like XBee or Wi-Fi, it is user friendly
and very inexpensive. You could utilize sensor, but that has a
finite limit and can only work within a line of sight of the
receiver. But using the inexpensive RF module we can
communicate within the limit of throughout 100m.
At the end we will give you some beck to decrease the power
We will part the general venture into 3 principle parts;

1. TRANSMITTER: To detect the human pace and

handover the information to collector.
2. RECEIVER: Receive the information from transmitter
and activate ready framework, begin and stop the
engine appropriately.
3. SOFTWARE: That serve the general equipment
utilized as a part of this venture.
D. Safety-
Water safety is a necessary task because in the upcoming days
water level went down we will not get enough water so control

A. Arduino UNO R3
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board in perspective of
the ATmega328P. It has 14 electronic data pins, 6
straightforward sources of info or yield, a 16 MHz quartz jewel,
a USB affiliation, a drive jack, an ICSP header and a reset get.
It contains everything anticipated that would reinforce the
microcontroller; basically interface it to a PC with a USB
connection or power it with an AC-to-DC connector or battery
to start.. You can tinker with your UNO without focusing on a
great deal over fulfilling something inaccurately, most critical
result possible you can exchange the chip for two or three
dollars and start at the end of the day yet again.

D. Water Tank
The water level locator is activated when it touches the water
level at determined level.

B. Ultrasonic sensor

Audio well ultrasonic sensor items incorporate open sort, water-

verification sort and gathered sensors. Ultrasonic sensors were
broadly utilized as a part of assortment of programmed control
gadgets and supplies, for example, stopping colleague
framework, rangefinder, fluid level meter, and so on.

Ultrasonic sensors take a shot at a rule like radar or sonar which

assess traits of an objective by translating the echoes from radio
or sound waves separately. Ultrasonic sensors create high
recurrence sound waves and assess the river berate which is
gotten back by the sensors. Sensors figure the time interim
between sending the flag and getting the resound to decide the The two levels are called as abnormal state, L1 and basic level
separation to a question. L2. A flag is sent to every locator circuit and sent notice to
microcontroller when it doesn't identify any water. From the
C. GSM Module microcontroller, the flag is sent to GSM and to individual in-
control in a type of SMS. There are two groupings of SMS sent
The GSM Module controller connected is SIM900 and it was to the individual in-control to alarm the level of the water tank.
engaged to the Arduino Uno. Its work is to send message to the
Fire technician or a particular number. The SIM900 GSM
Module has low power consumption. It has its own GSM V. Related Work
correspondence module and processor which is modified
utilizing JAVA. It can be utilized to send and get SMS, voice Khaled Reza el al., (2010) presented the thought of water level
calling and get information parcel. The AT charges is utilized observing and administration inside the setting of electrical
to empower the GSM module to send the SMS (Message) to the conductivity of the water. The creators spurred by the
beneficiary. innovative affordances of cell phones and the trust that water
level administration approach would help in diminishing the
home power utilization and additionally water flood; examined
the microcontroller based water level detecting and controlling //gsm
in a wired and remote environment. The exploration result was {
an adaptable, efficient and simple configurable framework while( count<timesTosend) //GSM module code begin
composed on a minimal effort Arduino microcontroller {
utilizing GSM module. delay(1500);
VI. Complete Implementation Serial.print(phone_no);
/* Ultasonic sensor while (!='>');
HC-SR04 Ping distance sensor: {
VCC to arduino 5v Serial.print("Tank is empty and Motor started"); //SMS body
GND to arduino GND delay(500);
Echo to Arduino pin 9 Serial.write(0x1A); // sends ctrl+z end of message
Trig to Arduino pin 8*/ Serial.write(0x0D); // Carriage Return in Hex
int echopin = 9; // echo pin Serial.write(0x0A); // Line feed in Hex
int trigpin =8; // Trigger pin
//The 0D0A pair of characters is the signal for the end of a line
int maximumRange = 25; and beginning of another.
long duration, distance; delay(5000);
//GSM count++; //Gsm module code end
int timesTosend=1; }
int count=0;
int count1=0; }
char phone_no[]="#"; //phone number }
else if (distance <=10) {
void setup() { digitalWrite (4,LOW);
Serial.begin (9600); digitalWrite (13,LOW);
pinMode (trigpin, OUTPUT); //delay(100);
pinMode (echopin, INPUT );
pinMode (4, OUTPUT);
pinMode (13,OUTPUT); //gsm
//GSM module while( count1<timesTosend) //GSM module code begin
delay(2000); {
Serial.println("AT+CMGF=1"); //set GSM to text mode delay(1500);
delay(200); Serial.print("AT+CMGS=\"");
} Serial.println("\"");
while (!='>');
void loop () {
{ Serial.print("Tank has been full and Motor stoped"); //SMS
{ body
digitalWrite(trigpin,LOW); delay(500);
delayMicroseconds(2); Serial.write(0x1A); // sends ctrl+z end of message
Serial.write(0x0D); // Carriage Return in Hex
digitalWrite(trigpin,HIGH); Serial.write(0x0A); // Line feed in Hex
//The 0D0A pair of characters is the signal for the end of a line
duration=pulseIn (echopin,HIGH); and beginning of another.
distance= duration/58.2; }
delay (50); count1++; //Gsm module code end
Serial.println(distance); }
if (distance >= 10){ }
digitalWrite (4,HIGH); }
digitalWrite (13,HIGH);
VII. FUTURE SCOPE AND CONCLUSION Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and
Computer Science, 2010 Vol I, WCECS 2010, October 20-22,
Within the near future the Internet and remote advances will 2010, San Francisco, USA.
join unmistakable wellsprings of information, for instance,
sensors, cell phones and cars in a perpetually firmly way. The [3]. Ejiofor Virginia Ebere (PhD)1, Oladipo Onaolapo
amount of devices which interface with the Internet is – Francisca (PhD)2 Lecturer, Department of Computer Science,
evidently exponentially – growing. These billions of portions Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria1, 2,
create eat up and handle information in different circumstances, “Microcontroller based Automatic Water level Control System
for instance, calculated applications, plants and plane terminals
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and
and also in the work and common existences of people.
Communication Engineering” (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified
Organization) Vol. 1, Issue 6, August 2013
The general public need new, versatile, good and secure
answers for both the administration of the perpetually wide,
unpredictably arranged Internet of Things, furthermore for the
backing of different plans of action.
The point of our Internet of Things Strategic Research Agenda
is both to make structure for study inside of the given field
furthermore to plainly characterize the focal exploration

The primary point of the exploration was is to give programmed

water system to the colossal populace regions with a framework
that works with less labor. This thus spares subsidizes and
water. The scientist customized the 8051 microcontroller as
giving the interfere with flag to the GSM, and this was utilized
to control the whole framework. Water fluid level module
sensor were associated with inward ports of the microcontroller
by means of a comparator, and at whatever point there is an
adjustment in the volume of water sensors detects the
adjustment in water and gives an interfere with flag to the
miniaturized scale controller it will sends the alarm to the expert
and in this way the engine is actuated as needs be.

[1]. Ayob Johari,Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, Nur SuryaniAbdul
Latif, M. Erdi Ayob, M. Izwan Ayob, M. Afif Ayob, Mohd
Norzali Haji Mohd “Tank Water Level Monitoring System
using GSM Network” Faculty of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400
Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor,MALAYSIA

[2]. S. M. Khaled Reza, Shah Ahsanuzzaman Md. Tariq, S.M.

Mohsin Reza, “Microcontroller Based Automated Water Level
Sensing and Controlling: Design and Implementation Issue”

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