Women and Benefit of Working

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Module Title: Academic Writing


Your full name: Trần Đại Kim (kimmese)
For the time being, there is no doubt that it would be better for women to
have a job than just stay in their house all day. Back to the olden day, women
were confined at home to be a full-time housewife and their spouses were the
single breadwinner for the family. Moreover, it was said that women should
not be allowed to work as their primary roles were to carry out the domestic
role and nurture their children. Society used to believe that only man could be
able to work. Times have changed, women now work to improve their position
in family life. Firstly, it is difficult for even an elementary family to make a living
by just one person's work nowadays. Furthermore, women who are dependent
on men financially couldn’t behold in high regard. For instance, even if some
non-working women exposed to domestic violence by their husbands, as they
don’t have the financial means to support themselves or their children, they
prefer enduring violence instead of divorcing. Additionally, working women
have a positive effect on the psychology and behaviors of children. Their
children start doing their own work by themselves from childhood as
compared to children of non-working mothers. To illustrate, if the children of
non-working women need a toy or a cloth, they will ask their mother to give
them that thing. As a result, they become fully dependent on their mother as
their mother is easily available to them. Finally, whereas non-working women
stay with their children for the whole day, working women pass half of the day
out. Thus, they might feel more attached to her children and husband. In
summary, working is necessary for every woman, and it comes with various
profits to all of them

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