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Module Title: Academic Writing

Your full name: Trần Đại Kim (kimmese)
Technological developments and industrialization have caused massive
pollution of the atmosphere. There are many reasons that led to air pollution.
It’s caused mainly due to the utilization of electricity - which is used for the
industries and residential - by burning fossil excrete lots of carbon dioxide.
Industries are another major contributor to air pollution. Industrial processes
discharge pollutants such as nitrous oxide and hydrofluorocarbons into the air.
Moreover, fumigating homes, crop dusting, fertilizer dust, all of these emit
harmful chemicals into the air and lead to pollution. Furthermore, when
people think of pollution, they almost always blame other guys. Don’t forget
that the Earth is one of the biggest polluters itself, though. Volcanoes, forest
fires, and dust storms are nature-born events that deposit huge volumes of
smog into the environment. As a result, the constant pollution of the air has
very negative effects on nature like global warming, which is one of the most
worrying effects for scientists and environmentalists. Further, climate change is
another consequence of global warming, and this is leading to flooding and the
rising of sea levels. Additionally, the gases emitted by industries, power plants,
and transport are very toxic. When those substances accumulate in the
atmosphere and react with water, that would lead to acid rain. That directly
affects agriculture, changing crop cycles, and the composition of the food we
all eat. More serious, it is probably one of the most obvious and worrying
effects on human beings. Pollutants can cause respiratory illnesses and
allergies ranging from coughs to asthma, cancer, or emphysema. Inhalation of
toxic agents directly affects the lungs and other organs that make up the
respiratory system. Also, poor oxygenation can lead to cardiovascular
problems. Last but not least, many of the chemical intolerances directly affect
people’s skin. However, one of the worst damages is skin cancer. That disease
in many cases develops from the direct incidence of ultraviolet light rays on
the skin. In summary, there are plenty of reasons that led to air pollution such
as industrialization or harmful chemicals, and it is an impact on not only the
environment but also human health.

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