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written by Kimmese

ESSAY OUTLINE #1 August 26, 2020


I. Introductory Paragraph
A. Opening Statement: Maybe you don’t know, in the US, about 1 in 5
students ages 12-18 has been bullied during the school year. Moreover,
approximately 160,000 teens have skipped school because of bullying. In
addition, more than half of bullying situations (57%) stop when a peer
intervenes on behalf of the student being bullied.
B. Thesis Statement: Bullying in the schools has negative effects on individual
students and on the school climate as a whole. Bullying can cause long-
term problems for both the victims of bullying and the bullies themselves.
II. Bullying in Schools
A. Most bullying occurs in schools
1. Happens in every grade
2. Most bullying occurs in elementary school
3. Takes place where there is little to no supervision
a. Playground
b. Bathroom
c. Hallway
d. School bus
4. Most incidents go unreported
a. Don’t want to worry parents
b. Don’t want to be labeled a snitch
c. Fear of retaliation
B. Studies
1. American Psychological Association
2. Journal Study
a. Questionnaire
b. Study how parents affect bullying
III. Reasons For Bullying
A. Bully wants to feel a sense of power
B. Bully believes victim won’t take up for him or herself
C. Victim looks or acts differently from what the stereotype of normal is
D. Most Given Reasons

essay no.1

written by Kimmese
ESSAY OUTLINE #1 August 26, 2020

1. Race/ethnicity
2. Disability
3. Overweight
4. Sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation
IV. Effects Of Bullying
A. Short-Term
1. Insomnia
2. Poor grades
3. Physical ailments
a. Headache
b. Nausea
4. Frequent school absences
B. Long-Term
1. Anxiety
2. Low self-esteem
3. Depression
4. Suicide
V. Concluding Paragraph
- Rewrite topic sentences
- Tips:
A. Victims
1. Report incidents
2. Stand up for yourself
3. Don’t show emotion
4. Walk away
B. Teachers
1. Report all bullying to school administration
2. Spend more time where most bullying takes place
3. Ensure students that telling is not tattling
4. Let student body know that bullying will not be tolerated and bullies
will be punished
C. Parents
1. Look for signs of child being bullied
2. Take it seriously
3. “Friend” your child on Facebook
4. Place computer where it can be monitored


essay no.1

written by Kimmese
ESSAY OUTLINE #1 August 26, 2020


essay no.1

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