Hydraulic Fluids

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Hydraulic fluids

The single most important material in a hydraulic system is the working

fluid itself. Hydraulic fluid characteristics have a crucial effect on
equipment performance and life.

It is important to use a clean, high-quality fluid in order to achieve efficient

y system
y operation.

Most modern hydraulic fluids are complex compounds that have been
carefully prepared to meet their demanding tasks. In addition to having a
base fluid, hydraulic fluids contain special additives to provide desired

A hydraulic
h d li fluid
fl id has
h the
h following
f ll i four
f primary
i f
ƒTransmit power
ƒLubricate moving parts
ƒSeal clearances between mating parts
ƒDissipate heat 12
Properties of hydraulic fluids
To accomplish properly the four primary functions and be practical
from a safety and cost point of view, a hydraulic fluid should have
the following properties:
1. Good lubricity
2. Ideal (appropriate) viscosity
3. Chemical stabilityy
4. Compatibility with system materials
5. High degree of incompressibility
6. Fire resistance
7. Good heat-transfer capability
8. Low density
9. Foam resistance
10. Non-toxicity
11. Low volatility
In addition a hydraulic fluid must be inexpensive and readily
Properties of hydraulic fluids

No single hydraulic fluid possesses all of the desirable characteristics. The

fluid power system designer must select the fluid that closely meets the
requirements for a particular application.

Hydraulic fluids must also be changed periodically, the frequency

depending not only on the fluid but also on the operating conditions.

Laboratory analysis is the best method for determining when a fluid should
be changed.

Generally a fluid should be changed when its viscosity and acidity increase
due to fluid breakdown or contamination.

Preferably, the fluid should be changed while the system is at operating

temperature. In this way, most of the impurities are in suspension and will
b drained
be d i d off.ff
Properties of hydraulic fluids

In the past, used hydraulic fluid was usually discarded as it was more
expensive to test the fluid than to replace it. This situation has
h d as the
h needd to conserve hydraulic
h d li fluids
fl id has
h developed.
d l d

Nowadays, hydraulic fluid test kit is available that provides a quick,

easy method to test hydraulic system contamination. Even small
hydraulic systems may be checked. The test kit may be used on the
spot to determine whether fluid quality permits continued use.

Three key quality indicators can be evaluated: viscosity, water

content, and foreign particle contamination level.

Chemical properties dealing with maintenance of the quality of the

y fluids include rate of oxidation, fire-resistance, foam-
resistance, acidity, etc. These properties will discussed afterwards.
Fluids: Liquids and Gases
Liquids are considered to be incompressible so that their volume
does not change with pressure changes. This is not exactly true, but
the change in volume due to pressure changes is so small that it is
ignored for most engineering applications.

Gases, on the other hand, are fluids that are readily compressible. In
addition their volume will vary to fill the vessel containing them.
addition, them
Gases are greatly influenced by the pressure to which they are
subjected. An increase in pressure causes the volume of the gas to
decrease, andd vice
i versa.

Air is the only gas commonly used in fluid power systems because it
i inexpensive
is i i andd readily
dil available.
il bl Air
Ai also
l has
h the
h following
f ll i
desirable features as a power fluid:
1. It is fire resistant.
2. It is clean and not messy.
3. It can be exhausted back into the atmosphere. 16
Fluids: Liquids and Gases

The disadvantages of using air versus using hydraulic oil are:

1 D
1. Due to
t its
it compressibility,
ibilit air i cannott be
b usedd in
i an application
li ti
where accurate positioning or rigid holding is required.
2. Because air is compressible, it tends to be sluggish.
3 Air
3. Ai can be
b corrosive,
i since
i i contains
it i oxygen andd water.
4. A lubricant must be added to air to lubricate valves and
5. Air pressures of greater than 250 psi are typically not used due
to the explosion dangers involved if components such as air
tanks should rupture. This is because air (due to its
compressibility) can store a large amount of energy as it is
compressed in a manner similar to that of a mechanical spring.

Viscosity y is pprobablyy the single
g most important
p property
p p y of a hydraulic
fluid. It is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow.

When the viscosity is low, the fluid flows easily and is thin in appearance. A
fluid that flows with difficulty has high viscosity and is thick in appearance.

In reality, the ideal viscosity for a given hydraulic system is a compromise.

T high
Too hi h a viscosity
i it results
lt in
1. High resistance to flow, which causes sluggish operation.
2. Increased power consumption due to frictional losses.
3 Increased pressure drop through valves and lines.
3. lines
4. High temperatures caused by friction.

On the other hand, if the viscosity is too low, the result is

l. Increased oil leakage past seals.
2. Excessive wear due to breakdown of the oil film between mating
movingg pparts. These moving g pparts mayy be internal components
p of a
pump or a sliding spool inside a valve.
The CGS physical unit for viscosity or dynamic viscosity is the
poise (P), named after Jean Leonard Marie Poiseuille. It is more
commonly expressed, as centipoise (cP). Water at 20 °C has a
iscosit of 1.0020
1 0020 cP.

1 P = 0.1 Pa·s, 1 cP = 1 mPa·s = 0.001 Pa·s = 0.001 N·s/m2.

Kinematic Viscosity
It has become useful and customary to use kinematic viscosity
d fi d as absolute
defined b l or dynamic
d i divided
i viscosity
i di id d by
b density.
d i

ν = µ/ρ

Where the units of ν are m2/s (ft2/sec). Note that for a gas, the
kinematic viscosity will also depend on the pressure since the
density is pressure sensitive.
The SI unit of kinematic viscosity is m2/s. The CGS physical
it for
f kinematic
ki ti viscosity
i it is
i the
th stokes
t k (St),
(St) namedd after
George Gabriel Stokes. It is sometimes expressed in terms of
centistokes (cSt).

1 St = 1 cm2·s−1 = 10−4 m2·s−1. 1 cSt = 1 mm2·s−1 = 10−6 m2·s−1.

Water at 20 °C has a kinematic viscosity of about 1 cSt.


Express 0.00165 Ns/m2 viscocity in cP and cSt.

Ans: 1 cP = 1 mPa·s = 1cSt

0.00165 Ns/m2 = 1.65 mPa·s = 1.65 cP = 1.65 cSt 20

Saybolt viscometer

The viscosity of a fluid may be

measured by Saybolt viscometer.

This device consists of an inner

chamber containing the sample of
the oil to be tested.

A separate outer compartment,

which completely surrounds the
inner chamber, contains a quantity
of oil whose temperature is
controlled by an electrical
t t and
d heater.
h t

A standard orifice is located at the

bottom of the center oil chamber.
When the oil sample is at the desired temperature, the time it takes to fill a
60 cc container through the metering orifice is then recorded.

The time (t), measured in seconds is the viscosity of the oil in Saybolt
Universal Seconds ((SUS)) as p per ASTM 445. Since a thick liquid q flows
slowly, its SUS viscosity value will be higher than that for a thin liquid.

ASTM D 2161 gives several empirical relationships between the viscosity

in SUS and cSt.

The following empirical equations provide approximate conversion of

i viscosity
i i ini SUS to cSt.

ν (cSt) = 0.226t – 195/t, t ≤ 100 SUS

ν (cSt) = 0.220t
0 220t – 135/t,
135/t t > 100 SUS

where the symbol ν represents the viscosity in cSt and t is the viscosity as
measure in SUS or simply seconds.
Capillary tube Viscometer

A quick method for determining the kinematic viscosity of fluids in cSt and
absolute viscosity in cP is shown in the figure.

This test measures the time it takes for a given amount of fluid to flow
through a capillary tube under the force of gravity. The time in seconds is
then multiplied by the calibration constant for the viscometer to obtain the
kinematic viscosity of the sample fluid in centistokes.

Viscosityy ggrade

Viscosity grades classify lubricating oils according to viscosity for different


Grades are based solely on viscosity, no other property is considered. It does

not represent the quality of an oil.

SAE grades of Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) are based on 100oC

viscosity and apply to engine and gear oils.

AGMA grades of the American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA)

apply to gear oils.

ISO grades of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are

based on 40oC viscosity and apply to industrial oils. This grading is also
p byy ASTM,, DIN,, etc.

Table 5: Viscosity grade comparison

•The general ISO

viscosity grade may be
determined from the
ASTM D2422.

•Table 5 ggives a
comparison of SAE, ISO
and AGMA grades
along with kinematic
viscosity and SUS

Viscosity Index

Oil becomes thicker as the temperature decreases and thins when heated.
Hence, the viscosity of a given oil must be expressed at a specified

For most hydraulic applications, the viscosity normally equals about 150
SUS at 100ºF. It is in general rule of thumb that the viscosity should never
fall below 50 SUS or rise above 4000 SUS regardless of the temperature.

Where extreme temperature changes are encountered, the fluid should have
a high viscosity index.

Viscosity index (VI) is a relative measure of an oil's viscosity change with

respect to temperature change.

An oil having a low VI is one that exhibits a large change in viscosity with
p change.
g A high-VI
g oil is one that has a relativelyy stable
viscosity, which does not change appreciably with temperature change.
The original VI scale ranged from 0 to 100, representing the poorest to best
VI characteristics
h t i ti known
k att that
th t time.
ti T d
Today, with
ith improved
i d refining
fi i
techniques and chemical additives oils exist with VI values well above 100.

A high-VI oil is a good all-weather-type oil for use with outdoor machines
operating in extreme temperature swings. This is where viscosity index is
especially significant.

For a hydraulic system where the oil temperature does not change
appreciably, the viscosity index of the fluid is not as critical.

The VI of any hydraulic oil can be found by using

The VI of an unknown-VI oil is determined from tests [ASTM D 2270]. A
f oil
il off 0 VI and
d a reference
f oil
il off 100 VI are selected,
l d each
h off
which has uniquely the same viscosity at 210ºF as the unknown-VI oil.

The viscosities of the three oils are then measured at 100

F to give values for
L, U, and H.

The change
Th h i viscosity
in i it
of an oil as a function of
temp. is represented by a
straight line on an
American Society for
Testing and Materials
(ASTM D 341) standard
viscosity temperature

Pour Point

Another characteristic relating to viscosity is called the pour point, which is

the lowest temperature at which a fluid will flow. It is a very important
parameter to specify for hydraulic systems that will be exposed to extremely
low temperatures.

As a rule of thumb, the pour point should be at least 20ºF below the lowest
temperature to be experienced by the hydraulic system.

Other properties of interest

Flash point (ASTM D92 / ASTM D 93) -storage/ transportation

Air release behavior (ASTM D 3427) -reaction in presence of air
Foaming g characteristics ( ASTM D 892)) -do
Hydrolytic stability (ASTM D 2619) -reaction in contact of water
Water content (ASTM D 95/ ASTM D 1744)-do
Evaporation loss (ASTM D 5800) -do
Total Acid Number (ASTM D 664) -acidity/alkalinity
Corrosion test (ASTM D 130/ ASTM D665/ ASTM D1748) 29

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