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UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN JAIPUR SYLLABUS M. A. HISTORY (Annual Scheme) Previous Examination -2020 Final Examination - 2021 Pj 1 Silabes: MA. History ‘ ‘SCHEME OF EXAMINATION (Anninal Scheme) Each Theory Paper 3 bes. duration 100 Marks Dinsertation/ Thesis/ Survey Repoct/ Feed Woek, if any. 100 Marks 2. The mumber of papezs anu the mansion masks fos each aper/peacizal shall be shown in the syllabus for the subject concemed.-{t willbe necessary for'a candicigie to (PASS fn the theory” past ing well asin the practical part (etesever presebei) ofa bjt paper separately. 3. A candidate for a past at eich of the Previous and the Final Examinations shall be iegisint to obtain (atleast 36%, eamination and (i) atleast 36% marks in practical) ‘wherever prescribed atthe examination, provided that if a Examinations taken together, at noted below : Fit Divison GP% ofthe agzrgate marks taken gether Second Division 48%4 of the Previous and the Final Examinations. All the rest will be declared to have passed the examination. 4. acandidate deazs amy papers{s)/ Practical) / Dissestation prescribed at the Previous and/ pr Final Examination after a Continuous period of ce years then for the purpose of working ont his division the minimuan pass marks only viz. 25% (36% in the case of practical) chall be taken into account in respect of such Paper(s)/ Practica(s}/ Dissertation, Te efeared alter the expiry of the aforesaid period of three rgeGemspvided that in case where a candidate requires QO WSs LnioeotajofRajasthe mow ‘than 25% marks in order to each the minimum aggregate as many marks out of those and actitally secured by him will be: taken into account as would ¢#able him to make up the deficiency in the requisite minimum aggregate—. The Thesis/ Dissertation/ Survey Report/ Field Work shall be type-written and submitted in triplicate so as to reach the office of the Registrar atleast 3 weeks before the commencement of the theory examinations. Only such candidates shall be permitted to offer Disserfation/ Field Work/ Survey Report/ Thesis (if provided in the scheme of examination) in lieu of a paper as have secured atleast 55% marks in the aggregate of all the papers prescribed for the previous examination in the case of annual scheme irrespective of the number of papers in which a candidate ictually appeared at the examination — Non-collegiate candidates are not eligible to offer dissertation as per provisions of O. 170-A. @ py | Syllaines MA, History M.A. HISTORY - "MA PREVIOUS ‘There shall be fous papers, each of three hours dusation and carrying 100 marks each. * Paper: Theories, Meibbs and Visions of History Peper +) Main Cemeits of Moder World History upto © (B) History of Modem Earope (1789-1913 A.D) © GH) History of USA. (17761550 AD) (0 Gv) History of China and Japan (1839-105 A.D ) 0 (o) History of Russia (1860-1945 AD.) (99) History of d (18151919 AD) Raper IIT : Twentieth’ Century Wild (1900-2000 AD) A PapecIV + Group A () Ancient indian History (Earbiest times to © 20 BC) « Sepe ® (Matra iden History (¢ AD. 750- (or Group C (ii) Modern Indian History (A.D. 1756-1905) MA. FINAL ‘There shall be five papers, three from any one of the follwing ‘S.alternative groups of Indian History corresponding to the IV paper of MLA. Previous, and one frou the. various options in the fourth paper, and the filth paper stall be compulsory for all. Group A’: Ancient India PAPERI : Ancient Indian History (c. 200 BC. to 750 A.D.) “ PAPER : @ Social and Economic.Life in Ancient India Or (@ Politica, Administrative and Legal Ideas and Instinitions of Ancient India Or (Gi Social and Cultural History of South India upto the end of the Cholas “PAPER IMT: () Ancient Indian Art and Architecture Or () Epigraphy and Numismatics PAPER I PAPER H PAPER II : PAPER I PAPERTE : PAPER TD : PAPERIV : PAPER V University of Rajasthan Or (iii) Indian Archaeology Or - (iv) Religions of Angient India ~” Group B : Medieval India Medieval Indian Histpry (1526-1761 A.D.) :_ Social and Economic Life in Medieval India Medieval Indian Cultare Group C : Modern India Modem Indian History (1905-1990 A.D) Social and Economic Life in Modem India Gandhian Thought : PAPER IV & V (Common for All Three Groups) @ History of Indian Thought Or (i) Women in Indian History : Or (ii) Historical Tourism in India with special reference to Rajasthan Or (iv) History of Indian Ecology and Environment Or {v) Indian National Movement and Thought (Compulsory for All Three Groups) Main Trends in the History and Cultureof Rajasthan pq (S_—— aon ® Shes, duration 109 Syllabus: M.A. History M.A, HISTORY PREVIOUS Paper 1: Theories, Methods and Visions of History [Note:The paper will contain wine questions having thre que in each section. Candiates. ore. selecting atleast one question from eack section. ‘Major Philosophies and Meta historical Visions of History and Cuttare = Westen Hiegel, Mare. Spengler, Toynbee. Major Philosophies and Metahistoriall Visions of Historg-and Culture; Indian- Aurolfitdo, Govind Chandra Bandeand Yash Dev Shalya Recostmcadedl Readlags : LVS. Agrawala :Itthasa Darshana (jn Hindi} Varanasi 2 Buddha Prakash’: Itihasa Darshana (in Hindi), Lucknow, 1962 3. GC. Pande (ed) : Itihasa - Swarupa evam Siddhanta (ih Hindi), Jaipyr 4. EH, Carr: What is Histroy, London, 1962. (Akzo in Hii) 5. RG Collingwood : The Idea of History, Oxford, 1961 6 MC Lenton Philosophy of History (A Guide for Students) 7 E Sreathra A Tetbook of Hiseiognphy (001 w AD. 2000}, Orient Longman, New Pao} Hamilton : Historicism William Dray . Perspectives on History 2m yes University of Rajastiagd™4 10. C. Behan McCullah : The Truth of History 11. Satish K. Bajaj: Recent Trends in Historiography, - New Delhi, 1988 12 Raviajit Guha-(ed.) > Subaltern Studies, Vols. 1, 2, 3 & 4, Oxford University Press. New-Delhi_.. : 1982. 13. V.S. Pathak : Ancient Historians of India, Gorakhpur, 1984 14. UN. Ghoshal: Studies in Indian History and Culture, : . Bombay, 1965 35-Mohibbal Hasan: Historians of Medieval India, Meerut, 1968 . 16. CH. Philips (ed): “Historians of India, Pakistan and Ceylon, London, 1961 17. SP. Sen (ed) : Historians and . Historiography in Modem India, Calcutta, 1976 18. Keith Jenkins (ed) : The Postmodern History Reader, Landon, 1997 19. G.C. Pande : Meaning and Process of Cultare : £, Value, Consciousness and Cultuze : (ed) Itthasa-Swaroop evam Siddhanta 20. Yash Dev Shalya : Samskriti-Manav Kartritva Ki- ‘ Vyakhya Paper II : : The Logic of History (Putting Postmodernism in Perspective) : Samaj-Ek Darshanik Parishilan : Tattva Chintan (i) Main Currents of Modern World History upto 1900 A.D. 3.hrs. duration . Note: The paper will contain nine questions having three question.in cach section. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each section. 100 Marks Section - I Renaissance - its meaning, nature and impact. Reformation and its impact. Counter Reformation. Industrial Revolution. Causes, stages and impact. Debate on transition from {eudalism, to capitalism. py. ® P qe ool Syllaing: MA. tistory 5 Section - It American War of Independence : causes, nature and. ‘The French-Revolution and its impact. Rise and Fall of Na ‘Bonaparte. Growth of Nationalism - Unification of Germany and tity. ‘Seetion - 111 Growth of Imperialism and Colonialism - exploitation of New World. Nature of European Imperialism in China. Modernization of Japan in the 19th Cesitary., Recommended Readings : i Hensy S. Lucas + : Renaissance and the Reformation, Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York Si Harrison Thousson~ 7 “Europe fa Renaissance and Reformatign, Prentice Hall, New Jessey, 1972 : John NIL Becker- : A History of Geographical Discovery and ‘Voyage, New York, 1963 Thomas. Ashion The Industrial Revolution (1760-1630), ‘New York James Thomson: Napolean Bonaparte : His Rise and Fall, Oxdord Univ. Press, New York, 1952, LAR Marriott 2 Evolution of Modern Europe (1453-1939). ‘The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol V to XI (celevant portions), George Ride +: Revolutionary Europe (1723-1815). Leo Gerhay, 2 The French Reyolution’and Napoleon David Thomson _—_:._Earope since Napoleon. Ase 1 Reaction and Revolntion (1814-1892), ‘JM Claphane + The Economic Development of France and : Genmany, 1815-1914 {relevant portions). Go Pathes 2 The United States of America, Harold M. Vinacks- : "A History of the Far Eastin Modern Times, Indian Reprint Ludhiana (Also in Hindi) KS Latourette “History of Japan (Also in Hindi) G. Beasley +The Modem History of Japan Richard M. Bre © : The Making of the Modem World, New ‘York, 1955, a . 3 University of Rajas ; | Paler I: (ii) History of Modern Europe (1789-1913 A.D.) ” 9 brs. doration 100 Marks ! Note: The paper will contain nine question having three question in » ‘ead section. Candidates are required to ‘attempt five questions in all i seeting at lest one question from eacs section. Section - I The “French Revolution (1789}—Causes, phases (1789-99) an and -—- consequences. Napoleonic era and its impact. Congress of Vienna (1815). Mettemich era - forces of conservatism and restoration of old hierarchies. Revolutionary movements of 1830 and — in Europe. Section - il Growth of Nationalism - Unification of Italy and Germany. Domestic and Foreign Policies of Bisriark. Agricultutal dnd Industrial Revolutions in England,. France and Germany. Hstablishment of ‘Third Republic in France and its problems. i Section - TI \ Liberalism and Democracy in Britain. Growth of Imperialism \ and Colonialism - Exploitation of the New World. Rise of New ~ theories “and mechanisms. The Eastern Question. - ‘Crimean War (1854-56), Congress of Berlin (1878) and Locus Wars of 1912-13.. Repommended Readings : George Rude : Revolutionary Europe (1783-1815). Lee Gershoy : The French Revolution and Napoleon. J. Holland Rose : France ki Rajya Kranti aur Napoleon : (indi) David Thomson : Europe since Napoleon. JS. Schapiro : Modern and Contemporary European : . History (1815-1952). J.A.R: Marriot : The Eastern Question. Southgate : Economic History of England. F, Lee Benns : Europe since 1870. $.B.Fay : Origins of the World War. ‘G P. Gooch : History of Modern Europe (also in Hintgi) 4). Taylor : Struggle for the Mastery of Europe- fich Brandenburg —:_ From Bismarck to World War-1 Serhia tinety Robertson 2 Bismarck Giant &cTemperely Europe it the 19th & 20th Cesitury. LH Calpham + The Economic Development of France & Germany : oR Paper I: (Hf) History of U.S.A. (1776-1950 A.D.) 100 Marks in wine quéstion having three question it 15 oat foe quis na Backesound + ind and Indigenous people. Colorisation by Ensopesss, Alvetican Revolition and War o/ Independence- its nature Senidicgfce and Interpretations, Making o fie Gost, Bs ‘f Apperican Deinocracy - Federaliss | ‘Rise of PoUtial Parties (1640; ‘paoy Bote of ladidury, Meroe boctne and Tamers thats of parson of rote, Litins ofthe Ameria Democratic syste Blacks and Women. Section - 1 Gil Warand i Fepcipmic Revelution and Populist Movement. Amercian and Theodore Roooevel) Spanish-American Wat. US. and Latin Américan Policy. ‘Open Door Policy. The Word Wir ahd its aftermath- Neutrality, _ Arian erty ito Wir, Wilson Paris Pos Sete. Section - I ‘America between the two World Wars : Hoover and Economic Fianklin D. Roosevelt- the New Deal Roosevelt's Foreign Poli’ including the Latin American Policy. Black and Women’s movements. American entry into the Second World War and its Consexpiences. American Diplomacy upto 1950 - Truman Doctrine and Cold War. Recommended Readings + GB. Parkes + The United States of Ameizca Mortisonand Cooimager, The Growth of the American Republic. L). Halle : Civilization and Foreign Policy. Harvey Wish - Unidersity of Raf sc Max Lermer : American as a Civilization |. Turner : Frontier in American History " Bailyn Bernard : The Great Republic mS thilyn Bernard : The Ideologiéal Origins of the American uh Revolution & “" Banarsi Prasad America Ka Mithas > -~ —Bee Bron An Indian History of the American World Eric Foner : America’s Black Past. John Hope Franklin ; From Slavery to Freedom John D. Hicks : The Federal Union - A History of USA | since 1865 | Wi Pratt + A History of the United States Foreign Policy. James Randall, etal :.. The Civil War and Reconstruction ' Dirijendra Tripathi": ‘Themes arid Perspectives in American . i and S.C. Tiwari . : History ' OR ~ Pagjer I: (iv) History of China and Japan (1839-1945 A.D.) 3 brs. dgration a) 100 Marks Note : The paper will contain nine question having three question in each section, Candidates are, required to attempt five questions in all selecting wt least one question from each section. Section - I The opening of China. The Opium War. Tai ping Rebellion. Scramble for China. Rise of Nationalism in China. The Chinese Revolution of 1911. Role of Sun-Yat-Sen. His ideas, Chiang Kai- Shek’s leadership. Split in Kuomin-tang Party. Chiang’s Anti Communist Policy and his failure. Japanese Invasion of Manchuria. Section - IT Rise of Communism in China. Conimunist Programme. Long March. Consolidation of Communists ii North-West China and World War-II Civil War in China. Victory of Communists and establishment ,of the People’s Republic of China. Mao-Tse-Tung’s ideas and role. Japan's contact with the West. Wester intervention, Revolution of 1867. Abolition of Shogunate and Meiji Restoration. f),, | Political Awakening, Modernisatjon-pf Japan. Emergence of Japan as a World Power. Bt "ic Word War parrand Wa “ Imperialist Japan and the World War I. Manchurian Cristi Acfeat and surrender in 1945. ’ Recommended Readings = Reisnex & Falsbonk —: East Asia, Vol. No. If HLF. Mac Nair and: Modern Far Easier Intemational DF tach |. Relations. PHLCiyde 2 The Far East (Also in Hind) 2 Abistory of the Far Eastin Modern Times (Alco ir Hindiy Chitoshi Yanaga Japan Since Perry. KS Latourette + A Short History of the Far East WG. Beaslery 1 The Modem History of Japan George Beckmann: Modernization of China and Japsin Jean Chesneau et al : China from Opium War to 1911 Revolution, Jean Chesneaux et al ; China from the 1911 Revolution to Liberation Nathaniel Peffet The Fa East: A’ Modem History. Kenneth B.Pylee .: The Making of Modern Japan Hoban K Faia etal: eet Modern Transformation Paper It: ebay a hans HOLE AD) 3 bri, Duration 100 Marks Note: The paper wil contain nine question having Bina ests cack section. Candidates or rapatrad (0 attempt five questions in alt selecting ot ast one question from each section, * "Section -1 Reforms of Tsat Alexander Il- Abolition of Sesidomy, its results and effect on industrial development of Russia. Reform of Local Government, Judiciary and Education. Domestic Policy of Tsar Alexander Ill and Nitholhs IL. The revolutionary democratic ideas of Herzen, Chernyshevsky and Dobroliuvoy. The Norodnikes and their contribution to the Revolutionary Movement : Causes oftheir fallur. ie Uae sau ~ i zg The rise of Social Democratic Party and Emergenceof Marxist ™* ideology in Russia. Pickhanov and Lenin’s contribution to the Revolutionary Movement. The split between the Bolsheviks at the - London Party ‘Congress of the RSDLP in 1903, Section - I failure Of Representative Government in Russia. _ Foreign Policy of Tsarist Russia, Russia's interest jn the Balkans and the Near East. The Berlin Congress. Relations with Gentnany, the Franco-Russian Alliance. Expansion of Tsarist Russia in Central Asia (1864-1885). Policy towards Iran and Afghanistan. Rivalty with Britain—canses and effects. The Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907. Séction - I Rassia in the Far ast Rndso Japanese War. usin diplomacy in the Balkans on the eve of the First World War. The development of Art, Literature, and Music in the later half of the 19” century. Russia during the first World War. The February and October Revolution, 1917. Lenin, Role and Ideas. Lenin’s New Economic Policy. Stalin and his Policies. New Constitution of Soviet Union (1950), Soviet Foreign Policy and World War-I. Recommended Readings : Sammoner : Survey of Russian History Vernadsky : . History of Russia (also in Hindi) Nicholas V. Riasanovasky: A History of Russia Christopher Hill : Lenin and The Russian Revolution B. Paree : History of Russia G. V. Rauch : A History of Soviet Russia Sidney Harcave : Russia - A History. OR Paper I: (0) History of England (15-1919 AD.) 3 hrs. duration 100 Marks Note : The paper will contain nine question having three question in each section, Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each section. “GE Section - I wie England in 1815, Social unrest, Growth of Democracy. Acts of Ca Sigllebus: MLA. History 1884. Wornea Sallcage Moxeinent, open saat cette Pony: bf Peel and Giitteginds Growih Of Edeaioic ‘Trade Union Movement and Birth of Labour Patty. ‘Section = 0 Policy towards the Empire. Durham Report. British Ameria Act tod Foty of figh Chabetie Sed the Wl Movement. ‘Twentieth Century England upto 1919: Giving up the policy of Splendid Isolation. Edwatllan| England's Policy towards Germany, France and Russia. England and World Wart and Paris Peace Settlement. Recommended Readings : EL Woodword RCK Ersor : FAR Mariott 2 England since Waterloo (also in Hindi) JAR Marriott + Modern England (1885-105) (also in Pauline Greig tA Social and Ecopomic History of Britain (1760-1950) RW Seton Watson =: ge History of British Policy, Vols. Tati Sane nee creed 914) GM Trevelyan British History in the 19th Century and Aes. Ramsay Muir 2 AShort History of Baitish Commoswealih, VoL Pal Koaptand + The Beitish Empire (1815-1837) Paper III: Twentieth Century Weid (1500-2000 A.D) hex. ducation 100 Mark, ‘Note: The paper wil coin nine qucstion having Ure gestion ix Centary. el | Relations Between thé two World Wars, 15) eta, (1929. * Origins of the Secong World Wa, : Modem Times The Soviet System, ~ TOM Crisis ty Collapse © Gorbachey, Phenomenon Gay un w Pay 12 — Re! {rat Kaling Wit did its. consequences. Ashoka and Buddhism. * a Dhatsuip—its’ nature, characteristics and significance. ire’ Maneyen ate ana its Administrative organisation. Decline Doventall of the Mauryan Empire: Mauryan Society and Economy. art and architecture: Significance of Mauryan empire in finbisiory. ~Rbcommended Readings: HED. Sankalia : Prehistory and Protohistory of India and i . Pakistan, Poona, 1974 EAD. Sankalia : ” Stone Age Tools - Their Techniques, Names and Provable functions, Deceap College, . Poona, Ist ed., 1962. Vidula Jayaswal :- Bharatiya Itihasa ke Adicharana Ki . Rooprekha (Puraprastara Kala), (in Hindi), _ Delhi 1987, Vidula Jayaswal : Bharatiya Itihasa ka Madhya-Prastara . Kala, Defhi, 1989, Videla Jayaswal 1 Bharatiya Itihasa ka Nava-prastara yuga, Dethi, 1987. Gregory Possehl(ed.) : Harappan Civilisation, Delhi, 1982, BB. Lal : India 1947-1997 : New Light on the Indus d Civilisation, New Delhi, 1998. Navratisa S. Rajaram & = David Frawley © : Vedic Aryans and the Origins of Civilisation, New Delhi, 1997. Vibha Tripathi : The Painted Grey Ware and Iron Age - Cultures of Northern India, Delhi, 1976. Rhys Davids : Buddhist India, Delhi, 1987. Madan Mohan Singh’: Buddha Kalina Samaja aur Dharma, Bihar Hindi Granth Academy, Patna, 1972 KAN.Sastri(ed.) : Comprehensive History of India, Vol. IL RC. Majumdar and: The History and Culture of the Indian", | op A.D, Pusalkar (ed.) People. : : Vol. The Vedic Age x Vol. 11: The-Age of Imperial Unity. ..°' 3 z ‘The Age of Nanda and Mauryas (ls. as Hindi) VC Pandey * —: Prachin Bharat’ Ka Rajnitika Tathe- ‘Sanskaitik Itihais; Vol. 1 (in Hindi) DRBhandarker ©: Ashoka (tho in Hindi) + --RK Mankeqi__. _: Ashoka fakoin Hind) 9 Romila Thapar + Ashoka and the Dediine ofthe Matiryas. Vachaspati Gairola + Arthashadtra: . ‘MeGrindle 1 Anciesit India as described by Magastbenes and Aman: RShumashastry(ed) : ArthashastraofKantilya. OR Paper IV: Group B (ii) Medieval Indian History (c. A.D. 750-1526) ‘Stes. duration . 190 Marks sca tear re usin nh section. Cndidties re retina to east a repli wen ficial eg Sexic-t:! Sources for the history of early inedievalindis/c 7502204.) ‘Political Developments: majn activities of the Pratihyras, Palas and, ‘Rashtrakutas. Tripartite Struggle Rise and expansion of Rajput paces Raipt poly, society and eatare, Tin Kmper! Cols, their Administration. Ghaznavidand Gh6rid invasions - natureand actA brief surypy of social and economic changes developments in languages and literature artand architecture and philosophy, | ~ Gang ie peiodc OLA ATS ‘Section -H Sourees for the history of Delhi Sultanate. Establishment and Revolution. Khali imperialism and its resistance - expansion of the Saltanate under Alauddin Khalji His market control system, land revenue and military reforms. Muhammand bin Tughlaq’s major Ane | eo, © Sg University of Rajasthan ou religious policy. Firuz tugtilag’s administrative policy and nsequences, Land revenue system under the Tughlags. as \ Section - I on cca authority and the:rise of provincial jujarat, Bahamani and Vijayanagar Kingd igoverelgnty. Achievements of Sikandar Lodi The . lam of the Delhi: Sultans.‘Fhe Mongol Invasions.’ --- ‘Administrative structure of the Delhi Sultanate, ett, Developments in languages and literature;, Ca : UD "ABM. KS..Lal : RIC. Majumdar (ed.) RP Tripathi ; dj BN. Pari 2 History of the Gugjara » P Vishuddhanand Pathak : Uttar BharatRaRajnitik 2 OR ; Paper IV: Group C (iti) Modern Indian History (17880£903.A,D,) 3 hrs. Duration . 100-Marks Note : The paper will contain nine questions having.thras questions in each section. Candidates are required to attempt five questions tn all selecting at least one question from each section. Section I Understanding Modern India - sources and interpretations, Establishment of British rule in Bengal 1757-1772. Maratha affairs and the role of Mahadaji and Nana Phadnis. Failure of thie Marathas. Anglo-Mysore Relations - Hyder Ali and Tipu. Rise of Sikhs in the later half of the 18th Century. Ranjit Singh’s Achievements. Sikh wars and annexation of Punjab. * Section II . qa British policy towards ‘the Indian States - various state ee | ef Annexation of Awadh and Growth of Paramountcy. ay (ia) Syl: MAfstory 7 Resistince to Colonial Rule : Prel8S7 - Peasant, tibal Beard + Bondage and Freeda Vol. 1, 1757-1858 GS. Sesdesai + Maia cumeats of Macatha History fh paper hal be compalory for al py [Ste — er . University of Rajas aw c 4 “Group A: Ancient India PAPER I: ANCIENT INDIAN HISTORY & 200 B.C. TO 730 AD) thre. duration 100 Marks Note : The paper will contain. nine questions having three questions ivf each section. Candidates are required to attempt froe-questioris in alf gilecting at least one question from each section. Section I A survey of the sources for ancient Indian history from c. 200 B.C. to 750 A.D. Political and Cultural history of the Sungas: The nature and impact of Indo-Greek rule. King Kharavela of Kalinga and his achievements. Origin and early history of the Satavahanas upto Satkarni | Revival of Satavahana power under Gautamhiputra Satkarni- his achievements. Rise of the’ Kushanas. Kanishka: date, political and cultural achievements, Barly history éf the Sakas in India. Western Kshatrapas - Nahapana and Rudradaman 1 and their achievements. Economic condition of India from 200 B.C. to 360 A.D. with special reference to Trade and Commerce. A study of the social, religious life and developments in art and‘architecture, literature and education during the period c. 200 B.C, - 300 A.D. Section II Rise of the Imperial Guptas - Origin and early history. Expansion and consolidation of Gupta empire under Samudragupta and Chandragupta IL Nature of Gupta state and administrative organisation. Huna invasion and its impact. Decline of the Gupta empirc. Survey of social and religious life during the Gupta age. Economic conditions of the Gupta period - Land grants, agriculture, crafts, coinage and currency. Developments in art and architecture, literature and sciences during the Gupta age. Section 11 Harshavardhana - his conquests, administration and cultural . achievements. Emergence of Feudalism. Accounts of Fahien Ct Yuan-Chwang. Political and cultural achievements of Pallavas . wa Chalukyas upto 750 A.D. : : Recommended Readings : : i AK. Narain : The Indo-Greeks, New mL Rls e ry Sudhakar Chattopadhyaya : Sakas in Ancient India. | t 1 Balaram Shuivastava Sasi KAN: + The History and Culture of the Indian People: Vol I: The Age of imperial Unity Vol UL : The Classical Age, ¥: The Age of imperial Kanauj, + The Gupta Empire + The History of the impesial Guptas. + Prachin Bharat Ka Rajnitik Itthas (in ‘Hindi, Past IL 2 The Vakataka Gupta Age (also in Hindi) + Haceha : A Political Stady + Gupta Sasnzat va Unka Kala (in Hindi) + Harsha Vs + History of Poe Gupta Empire (also in Hind) + Booriomic Life in Norther India in the Gapta period, Varanasi, 1970. : Gupta Kalina Kala evam Vasta (in indi, Varanasi, 1994, : Harshaand His Times, Varanasi, 1970. + SE¥u-Ki of Buddhist Records of the ‘Western Wotld, Delhi, 1969. + The Pallavas + PallavaItdiasa aur uski Adhar Samagri _ (6 Find Debi 186, 1A History of Sout agnor (a0 Hindi) Ge) 2 \ — ee ees) University’ PAPER If: (i) SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC LIFE IN ANCTENT INDIA ' duration ‘100 Marks Note : The paper will contain nine questions having three questions section. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all stn tet so fo ho ——-— Section T- - — ; Concept of Dharma as the basis of Indian Society. Concept, axifis ent Lote” cultural study of Varna and Jati. Ashramas, Purusharthas and Sanskaras - Objective, types and significance. Copcept and prevalence of asceticism in ancient India. Institution of apy and Morioge Section II a 4 A survey ofthe position of Women in ancient Injlia, Education- fear ee cian Ve, Be ea Sen sions of __ Ancient Indian economic thought : meanirig and significance of Economic systems and institutions : Land ownership; Land and other forms of taxation; Feudalism -a brief survey of the Shao dann ar sn ‘Credit and Banking Sjpitemssyskavery and labour. Section IT Stages in ancient Indian economy : Chalcolithic village economy. economy. Vedic agriculture. Urban and Industrial economy ( ‘the age of Mahajanapadas. Mauryan Imperial Economy. Trade \ ahd Commerce during the period ¢. 200 B.C. to 300 A.D. Economic | progress in the Gupta period. South Indian temple economy. | 1 1 | Recommended Readings : Jai Shankar Mishra“ : Prachin: Bharat Ka Samajik Itihasa (in i Hindi) M. Jauhari : Prachina Bharata mein Varnashrama (in \ Hindi) i N.K Dutta : Origin and Growth of Caste in India GS/Ghurye :- Caste and Class in India P.V. Kane : A History of Dharmasastras (Vol. 2) : Also in Hindi) "pa ie — PN, Prabha + Hindy-Social Organization S50? 2% Balram Srivgstava RC Majumdar 3 Trade and Trade Route fa Ancient Ingle + Trade and Commerce in Ancient India + Cotporate Life in Ancient India (Alo in Hind) ea, Kes meee pave (BF : Guilds in Ancient India : Temple Economy under the Cholas i. of : i 1: (i) POLITICAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL | 2] IREAS AND INSTITUTIONS OF Ai)81ENT INDIA 100_Marks _ three questions questions in ol) atleast one question from each section, 3 Section I : Sources. A brief survey of political thought in Ancient India with Spécial-reference to Kantilya’s Arthasastra. | The State - origin, nature, scope, aims and functions. Saptanga State and Indivichis, Monarchy : king’s role, functions, conceptiof dignity, absolutism, qmmechanisass of control over monarchy. i Democratic elements in ancient Indian polity : functioning of weégublican states, local selfgovernment - Section IL * Fiscal administration - Principles of Taxation. Military tion and ethics of war. Inter-state relations - Mandal : A general survey.of administration in ancient India : Vedic polity, Mauryan administration, Gupta. administration, Harshavardhana’s administration, Rashtrakuta and Chola Jininistrati Section II Sources of Hindu law. Origin and development of Hindu law. ‘La of succession and inheritance. Law of ownership. Marital law- Stzidhan. Law of sonship and adoption. Law of Slavery. Judiciary and judicial procedure. Law of evidence, Law of Torts and Crimes. Punishment. Rerommended Readings: ‘ AS. Altekar : State and Government in Ancient India (also in Hindi) Saletore : Ancient Indian Political Thought and- Institutions. QA) pg ioe N.C Bandhopadhyaya : Development of Hindu polity and poliial theories. i S. Shastri 1 Arthasastra of Kautilya . ig RS Sharma + Political Ideas and Institutions in Ancien_*€* India Mjeahat” ~~: Prachina Bharata mein Rajya aur Stashana Vyavastha (in Hindi) S Vidyalankar : Praching Bharata mein Rajya aur ‘Nyayapalila (in Hindi) LP. Shanna + Republicé in Ancient india (also in Hindi) DD. Shukla + Prachin Bharata mein Janatantra (Hindi) S.Makbesjee 2 The Republican Trends in Ancient India EDM.Dankt =~: Hinda Eaw, past ane present HIN. Tripathi Bee es Hardatta Vedalankar : Hindu Parivar Mimansa (in Hindi) oR PAFER I : (ill) SOCLAL AND CULTURAL HISTORY OF SOUTH INDIA UPTO-THE END OF THE CHOLAS ‘Shee, duration 100 Marks ‘Note : The paper will contain nine questions having three questions in each section. Candidates are reguired to attempt five questions in all selecting at least ome question fram each section. G Seition I ‘Sangam Age - Literary and Cultural developments. Chalukyas. and their patronage to literature and art - Chalukya architecture. cay : Section HI : ; Age: of the Pallavas - Society, Literature and Art - Pallavg BY ples. Age of the Cholas - Society, Administration, Development of itprature and Art | “ Seétion II and Philosophy - Bhakti Movement-Nay: - Kumarila Bhatt and Prabhakara. Vedanta phers - Sankara and .Ramanuja. Saiva Siddhant. Readings : & Kaishna Swami Aiyanagar : Contribution of South’ India to | Indian Culture. ‘ESL Mabiliegam + South India Polity. at Singh Rao + Corporate Life in the South R : : The Pallavas a : Pallava, Ithiasa aur uski Adhar | Samagri (in Hindi) A. Nifictnte Shastri : History of South India. : A. Nikanta Shastri : The Cholas : Stidies in Chola : History and Administration. Ii: (i) ANCIENT INDIAN ART:AND ARCHITECTURE uration . 100 Marks Note : The paper will contain nine questions having three questions section, Candidates are required to attenept five questions in all ing at least one question from cack spetign. { The students shall be expected to.do field/ practical work/ excursions ta shes of architectural and artistic significance. 1 Section I ‘ Characteristics of Indian Art Prehistoric Rock Art. Indus- Saraswati civilization : town planning and architecture, sculptures andi seals, Mauryan Art: Pillars and Folk Art (Yaksha sculptures). A study of art and architecture of Stipas at Bharhut, Sanchi and Amaravati. Section Mathura School of Art. Gandhara School of Art Origin of Budifha image. Gupta art - a study of scylptures, Ajanta aintings, . eee ee a ee Dy un! a anaras and.—-----—-+: 7 1 VS. Agrawal : ‘an At Vo ho Vannl 1 AK. Coomarswamy : ‘Am Introduction to-Indiam Art Lona one *Tesophiieal Publishing Howse, 1 AK Coomarswisny : A Hisioty of Heian and Indonesian At, [Doves Pub{icaliios, New York, 1965, B. Rowland : Ast acd Architecture of India, The Att 3 ‘wi. P.Brown + Taian Archifectnre (Buddhist and Hinds), ‘VoL I; Bombay, 3972. J: Fergusshar zl flagellin sed Tae choniar, ‘VoL del, Munshiram Ménokartal, Delhi, ‘and Architecture f the Indian i, Lomdon, 1 and PostMaiuya Art (Also in Delhi, 1971. Budplhist Art of India, New Delhi, 1972. ASarvey of Indian Sculpture, Delhi, 1975; Indian Sculpture, Dethi, 1961. Indian Paintings, Delhi, 2nd ed., 1996. Indian Sculptuse, Calcutta, 1933, A Guide to Sanchi, Calcutta, 1955, ‘Gupta Art, Varanasi, 1977. Gupta Kalina Kala evam Vastu (Hindi), Varanasi, 1994. + Prachina Bharatiya Murti Vijnana (Hindi) rn > Mathura Kala (Hindi) pS — “Ree rar 18! cree ee : The Buddhist Art of Gandhara, New. Delhi, 1980. : Buddhist Movements, Calcutta, 1971. : Asharavati- Sculptures in the Madras Government Museum. _: Hindu Temples, Vol. I & H, Calcutta, 1946. :° An Encyclopaedia of Indian Temple Architecture (relevant volumes and chapters), New Delhi, 1983 to 1988. : Temaples of India, 2 Vols, Delhi, 1994. $ Temples of North India (Also in Hindi), . New Delhi, 1969. : Teniples of South India (Also in Hindi), New Delhi. : Elements. of Indian Art OR i PAPER IIL: (ii) EPIGRAPHY AND NUMISMATICS - duration 100 Marks Note.: The paper will contain nine questions having three questions it] each section. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all Slecting atleast one question front each section. ‘The students shall be expected to attend excursions to museums, iments and sites for the first hand experience of original epigraphs and original coins and to learn the technique of raising impressions, preparing (aoe | Section I {Origin and Antiquity of writing in India. Origin and flevelopmental stages of the Brahmi script. Inscriptions. prescribed for study: | “Ashoka’s Rock Edicts : I, XI, and XII, Minor Rock Edicts, ‘'Bhabru Edict. Hathigumpha Inscription of King Kharavela of Kalinga. |Nasik Cave Inscription of Vasisthiputra Pulumavi of Re ~al year 19. ee ‘of . + Bauddha Dharma ke Vikasa.ka Ttthas (in Hindi) ' rene then ) = hi | Group B: Mdieal Jodie i PAYER I: MEDIEVAL INDIAN CY (1526-176.A.D.) } ‘3 hrs duration ‘100 Marks Note’: The paper-will contain nine questions heving three questions iin each section. Gants ee reine wo abiept fe questions ine! seketng test one question fot ech ‘an A survey of the sources of medieval Indian History (1521-1761), Political condition of India in 1526. Nature of Babar’s achievements in india, Importance of Babamama asa source of history. Humayun's ~Career - His difficulties “and achievements. Process of politcal {integration under Sher Shab Suri and his administrative achievements. ‘Section I Expansion of Mughal empire under Akbar. His administrative measures: Centraland provincial administration, land revenue system, ‘Jpgirand mansab systems. Akbat‘s relations with Rajputs. His Deccan Policy, Relationswith Ceptral Asian Powers, Akbar’s Religious Policy. Ge £4 J r y Regis a id Rajput policies. Shah Jahan’s Dec West frontier policies. War of Sticcession. . } Section III ‘ Mughal: dale t Aurangzeb. His relation with Rajputs. , zéb ‘5 Ditccan po , Rise of the Marathas, Shivaji’s relations pice Malm, copes snr Feo Hal Sn ee Maghal - Rajput relations; role of Sawai Jai Singh. Rise of New ipalities - Ax pea pean eee 6 conesstneacks. Factors responsible for the declineand downfall Moga! Exapist. The Third'Battle of Panipat, 1761. \ it “An EmpineBuilder ofthe Siteepth Century : Humayun (Hindi}* i , + Lifeand Times of Humayun. : Shes Shah and his Times (revised) (Also in Hindi) i Akbartthe Great, 3 Vols. History of Jahangir History..of-Shahjahan of Delhi: (also in Hindi) + Religions Policy of the Mughal Emperors (also in Hindi) : Central Structure of the Mughal Empire and its practical working upto the year ' .1657: JN. Sarkar “: Mughal Administration (also in Hindi) ' Pi Saran. “: Prowincial Government under the Mughals ! i (Also in Hindi), | RP. Tripathi : Somie Aspects.of Muslim Administration. i Abdul Aziz : Mansabadari System and Mughal Amy. "+ N.A. Siddiqi : Land Reyenue System of the Mughal. Ee RP. Tripathi : Rise'ahd Fall of the Mughal Empire fAlsp. : ; inv Hindi) | par Elliot & Dowson : History of India as told its own je Bh) Py ee D than unive yer are rianiiry Maphal Exige nda (ao in Hin 2 AHistory of Aurangzeb {also in Hindi) + Fallof the Mughal Empire, Vol. LIV Shivaji and hig Times. + Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court “PAFEI I: SOCIAL: AND,SCNOMIC LIFEIN MEDIEVAL i ‘Show stewation . 100 Marke Nae Te pope pi inc tin hig ens a nee ee | selecting at logst ome question from gach section. ection. ace rece eto develop of caste Ae. Soci classes : Ulema, nobility, zasmiodars. pewantry, artisans, agricultural labour and slayes. Bunctoning of institutions - and mawtiage. Position 4 Hear pean and eae "section if . Agzicaltural production, irrigation, system, — > siete et SE he, amindaand arPeens Monday often crecy tod banking 1] wt , een ® uns Ae MMLVEI DEBY Uy arnymorrenee :, Life and conditions of thie people of Hindustan (also in Hindi). 1 Cambridge Economic History of India, Vol I. ‘Perso-Arabic Sources of Information - Life , and-Conditions in the Sultnate-of Delfi: t Peasant State and Society in Medieval South India : The Agrarian System of Moslem India. : India at the Death of Akbar. : India from Akbar to Aurangzeb. Habib : The Agrarian System of Mughal India i Sarkar : Economic Life of Mughal India. i : Land Revenue Adntinistration under the Mughals (1700-1750) , HK. Nagi : Urbanisation and Urban Centres’ under the Great Mughals (1556-1760 A.D.) Bs Pandé:- : Society and Government in Medieval India & ‘ Moosvi : Economy of the Mughal Empire - A A! Statistical Study SShich Chandra : Medieval India : Society, the Jagirdari ¢ Crisis and the Village. in Qaiser : The Indian Response to European n Technology and Culture (1498 - 1707) JF. Richards (ed): The Imperial Monetary System of Mughal i India. PAPER III: MEDIEVAL INDIAN CULTURE 3 hrs, duration : 100 Marks Note: The paper will contain nine questions having three questions in each section. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each section. Section -I Salient features of Sarcenic, Hindu and Indo-Muslim style ot architecture. The Provincial style of architecture during the Sultanate - Syllabus: MA. istry - —— = period aesttag MeneCojant Jaunpur). The Maghal acchitecsare, Syriac i din sad Feninty opting Frain of he Mughal Paioding, Provincial and regional styles of painting, A S220 drama, dance {Section = Osigjas an Nptorcal backgroaid ofthe Phas Movement ‘Maja preachers Sent tradition, Kabir, Nanak, ‘Telsides and 7 Kgget pf the Bhaki! Movement. Sufism in India - concepts frets ed cr wort eros saety of he wen of Amie Ke eel Ab Riecateve. Regional Janganges md Bieratore, A ctedy of Nainot's Khiyet tise of Untatengeage. A survey of Hinks Moat calsral syothesis ad growth of commposiecultene. : Revommended Readings: ‘AL Sdwasteva —_: Medieval Indian Cultive (Also in Hindi) Yoloaf Hasain + Giiexpees of Medieval lodian Culture, PIR Chopea + Some Aspects of Society and Cukure dating the Mughal Age. KL Asheat +: Life and Condition of the People of ‘Hindustan (aiso in Syed Attar Adios Rizvi: History of Spficm, Vol. 1 ‘Chaslotie Vaudeville’ : Myths, Sent} of Legendsin Medieval kidia Percy Brown + Indian Archilectuse, Vol It * Fergusson 1 History of indian and Eastern Architecture SK Saraswati + Indoslamic Architecture, 2 Vols. Catherine Asher Architecture of Mughal India M.A. HISTORY. FINAL S| +. Group @: MODERN INDIA 1 PAPER I: MODERN: INDIAN’ ee (4905-1990 AD) duration “100 Marks Note: Th ype wil ini ein Hiree questions “andidates are required-10" ai ‘approaches ind ssbases National ° under Moderates- role of Gokhale: The Extremist phase of thelmovement- contribution of Tilak. Economic Nationalism, Swedeshi Er ee ee Government ot India Ack of 1919. | Section. | HNestenticn tinder CAE ‘Jeadership The‘ Non-cooperation. ; Civil Disobedience Movement arid (uit India’ Movement.’ of Terrorists. and ‘Revolutionaries with’ special reference to Shekhar and Bhagat Singh. Growth of separatism - Aligarh Muslim —- Hindu Makasabha,.The keft Movements: "{Sabhagh Chandra'Bose and the Indian National Army. The Act . of 1998. Communt Politics afid Partition, Indian Independence, A brief survey of thé progress oF pi6file of Independent India (2944-1990): Integration of statés, Agiirian Reforms. Industrialisation- , progress und problewis. India’s foreign policy : non-alignment, panchsheel, SAARC. Performarice: of Gongréss and Non-Congréss Govgmments atthe Cente: (uptp.1990). Recommended Readings; . : RC. Majumdar(ed.) .:_ The History and Culture of the Indian : : _ People : : + Vol IX- British Paramountry and Indian Renaissance, Part-I : VoL X'-- British Paramountry and Indiar “ Restaiasanee, Part . : Vol. X1- Straggle BdrFfpedom Bag 7 han Chg 1 Emergence of the Indian National Congress Andean: The Rice snd Giow's cf the Congress BL Grower * pele : aes + Gandhi ~ A Biography VP. Menoa + The Transfer of Fagpen in'ilndia” _. ‘Tarachand- + Histosy.of the Preedom Movement-3-vols, MR Pande 1 Source Material for History of the Freedom : Mowessest intndia, 2 Vols Bipan Chandra + Natdonalisox and Colonialism i: Modem Judith Beown, 2 Gandhi's riap.jo Power, 1915-22. Mobandas KGandhi.: The-Story, of My Experiments with Truth (én Anteteerrely) Peter Mardy 3. Moslimgipf Beth lndia ‘Munshiral Hasan (ed): India‘s:Hixstition John & McLane + Indian Natiodalism and. the. Early Comgrgat Paul Brass 2 ‘The Politics of India since Independence. KPuMishoa: + Readings ia Indian Foreign Policy Kanind Karan. +: India’ in. Watld Affairs (1947-1960) RP. Dutt 1+ India Today : Paper i SOCEAL AND ECONOMIC LIFE IN MOOERM INDIA. S 3H Duration ” 100. Marks Note : The piper will contain ine questions having thice questions in cach secon. Gndidats are medired t-ttiempt five questions in all sckecting at Last oe queso trom Seton. ne) * eo ~ a ee etic acer NO Section-I General features of Social life in the later half of the.18th century. ‘Ggtial and Religious Reform Movements : Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Udyanand Saraswati and Vivekanand, The Growth and Impact of tern Education. Bxhergence of Indian Middle Class Section-II classes movements and up! of Depressed ‘The Drain of wealth from India. mn of cottage ies, handicrafts and attempts at deinda: (lon. Section-IIL - The establishment of Railways and the beginning of n. Land Revenue administration-main features of the settlement, Mahalwari and Rayatwari systems. Peasants’ ani Workers’ Movements. Women in the National Movement. Readings : : The Industrial Evolution of India in Recent Times. : Social Background of Indian Nationalism. : Economic History of India The Indian Middle Classes. + Century of Social Reform in India : Modern Indian Social and Political Thought (in Hindi also). ' Bst. Mac Caull . : Education and the Origins of Indian | Nationalism. V.P.S.Raghuvanshi : Indian Society in the 18th Century. V.C. Joshi (ed.) : Rammohan Roy and the process of ' Modemization in India Bagchi : Private Investment in India, 1909-1930 |. Ganguli : Dadabhai Naoroji and the Drain Theory. Hl B. Sarda :, Life of Dayanand Saraswati. Elizabeth Whitcombe : Agrarian Condition in Northern India,. i 1860-1900. Daniel and Alice : Land and Labour in India. Bipan Chandra : Rise-& Growth of Economic Nationalism in India. ( ho 4 Introduction ‘of English Tegal aystem anit Wf impact. Social pa (Te aa ‘Note : The poper wil comin nine guéstions questions a ook sco Cine or opel coat fe pei ine seg at me tin fo ok ti, Be cera ee ete ‘National Mowement. eee enperre eo as code of conduct, Fis concept of Swaraiya. Sections til ‘Social.aod Economic Philosophy. Concept of Sarvodaya in Gandhism Ganuihinin philosophy and iss practicability. Recommended Readings = [Bandopadiryaya = Social gn Political Thought of Gandhi BN. Gangull + Gandbfs Sockal Puilosephy je + CiritDjobedience and After Jodith Brown, + Gandhi's Rise to Power Cond 2 Satyagaba ‘TK Mahadevan —-:_Truthof Nonviolence Erik H Erikson ©: Gandhi's Truth Joha Bondurant: The Conqoest of Violence. Paper - IV &e Vs (Common for All Three Groups) Paper - IV : () HISTORY OF INDIAN THOUGHT 3 Hrs, Duration 100 Marks Note : The paper will contain nine questions having three Guestions in eh sec, Candis ped to foe ution selecting t last one question from each section. a oS ss Vedic and Upanishadic Thought: Gita and:the Mahabharat and ix systems with special reference to Sankhaya, Yoga and Vedanta. juddhism, Jainisouand Lokayata. stign, -Pauranic Hf Movement - i jos renalssance and refomatin ttt and Contre (Rant Mohair Roy wo Gandhi} i | Readings : . 3 ions, of Indian Culture, VoL T& Vol. Ii ALL Srivastava ¢ ° Medieval Indian Culture (Also ‘it’ Hindi) V.C. Joshi (ed.)° Ram’ Mohan‘ and the Process ‘of’ - + Modernization ‘| a | Paper - IV : (ii) WOMEN IN INDIAN HISTORY 3 Hts. Duration a Peake + 100 Marks Note ; The paper will contain nine'questions having’ three questions in e&ch section. eer a ee eee selecting at least.one ution Sa eons A. ! 1 Septionl. ; [Natura and Scope of Women Studies ” Wamen in Ancient India : Squroes, - Shruti and Smriti Texts, othe! literature; archaeological sources- inscriptions, coins,,specimen of art and architecture etc. Status of Women ; Socio-economic status , Religion Vaishnavism, Salvisu Staktism. Women and Culiue : Literature, Arts - sculpture, painting, architecture, dance, drama, masic. Section-UL Woeren tn Metiea lain: Somos Literary sources - Sanskrit, propeity righis: Woubén aiid work, Womea’s Education. ~ Religios and Wome : Hinduism, Islam, Sufism, Bhakti Movement, Virashaivjsm. + Women and Cultnre : Literature, Aits - Sculpture, painting, architecture, dance, drama, music Sextlon-tit ‘Women in Modern India-: Sources, - Archival: material -- feremment Sle offi reports cerns fpr, darcy meno, ‘autobiographies etc. Other: Status of Wonten : Soe eee ee property rights. Women and Work. Woinei’s Education. ‘Comparison of position of women in India in the 18th century Worent and Culture : Literature, Arts - Sculpture, painting, architecture, dance, drama, ic Recommended AS. Altesar THY Position “of Women in Hindi Civilisation, we Bd. Delhi 1978, ee i @& aha univ i or Unversity of Ray : Woman Writings in India, Vol. I (600 8.6. To the Early Twentieth Century); Vol. U (The Twentieth Century), Feminist Press, New York, 1990 and 1991). : Women in Mughal India (1526-1748 A.D.) _¢, Women in Modern-India,-Munnbai, 1957. : Women in Colonial India : Essays on Survival; Work and the State, Delhi, 1989. : Indian. Women : From Purdah. to Modernity, Delhi, 1976. : Representing the Body : Gender Issues in Indian Art, Delhi, 1997. : oR- : “PAPER - IV: (GU) HISTORICAL TOURISM IN INDIA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RAJASTHAN . Daration 100 Marks Note : The paper will contain nine questions having three questions section. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all ing at least one question from each section. 24 The:stiadents will be expected to participate in an excursion or a visit .to.q tourist site of historical significance in order to have a first hand brience of historical tour { Section I j Historical Tourism - concept, practice and prospects. Nature and significance of Historical Tourism in.India. Characteristics of Indian history and culture as exhibited through historical tourism - unify, variety and diversity; spiritual bent of mind yet full involvement in vjvacities of life, etc. : ; | Asurvey of places of historical tourism in India : sites of Indian architecture, sculpture and painting forming the major areas of tourist attrgction'—study of Dholavira, Sanchi. stupa, Ajanta paintings, Khajuraho temples, Kailasha temple at Ellora, Brhadishwara CholA, temple. Section II {Places of historical tourism connected with medieval and modern Indian history: study of Red Fort at Delhi, Buland Darwaja at Fatehpur iki ti Ashram in Gujarat. ous sitefor historical: \C | si i, Sabarmati Ashram ijarat. Weridfam: it P| Ve | oe sare ad gu Tillis for old and navy identified places for historical tourism, Section I ca Readligs: ‘Chis Cooper and Fletcher : Tourtim - Principles and Practices ‘A. K. Bhatia : Tourism - Prinetples . SP. Gupta: Tourism, Museums and, Mlonaments ‘S.P. Gupta Krishna Lal, Maha Bhatfacharya: Cultural Tourism in Ipdia, DK Printworkd, New Delhi, 2002 BB, Lal: India 1947-1997 - New Lightton the Indus Civilisation, Dethi, 1998 eo V.S. Agrawala ; Indian Ast, Vol I (also jn Hindi) J. Marshal: A Guide to Sanchi ‘A. Ghosh : Ajanta Murals ‘S Kramuischs Hindus Temples, 2 vols Krishna Dev : Temples of North India (also in Hindi) XR Scinivasan : Temples of South India (alo in Hindi) Percy Brown: Indian Architectare, vol. If (Islamic period) R Nath : Mughal Architectre GN, Shanna: Glories of Mewar 2 GN Sharma (ot) : Rajasthan through the Ages, vol. AK Géomarswainy: Rajput Paintisig Pramod Chandra: Bundi Painting, Kait Khardeyavala & Oric Dicksore Kistiangarh Painting arrrems ooo g Uy RUN Paper IV; (fej HISTORY OF INDIAN ECOLOGY AND: : = Hrs, Duration 100 Marks . A] Note ¢ The paper will contain rine questions having three questions 49 cach sectlorr. Candidates. are required fo attempt five questions in ull ing at least one question Frone.each section. . —— —--———Seetion +1 - Understanding ecology and enivirorittert - weaning, contents a signiicaice. Eeclogy and Enviroment of Stone dge-ctores in ia. Chacolithic vies and dnvironmient Settlement archaeology ion of Agriculture. Harappaii citles --écosystém' ‘and fal factors. Indus and Satdéwatt rivehs: Water manaperiént at Dhotivita. Disaster’ maitigeniént iri‘ Hirappan' cities: A of ecology and envitonniént as - reflected it Vedic literattite. _ Rise of Magadhan empire - role of envirbittiient Beblogial atid awareness during Mauryan, postMapryanand Gupta A resume of Feber oe in.ancient Indian Pilosoply and literature ‘Section Al | Svicommental concecns in the lterture,incxiptions and other material of early medival Indian history: {c.-700-1200.A.D.), Uke oteslgy ed vere daring ps Beings in Mughal age. Jahangir’s concerns. Advent of the British in Ini . Focus on the preservation and promotion of environment : tof institutions likeSutvey of Initia; Geogtaphical Survey Agricultural experimental Fariié, tt.j’promotion ‘of eco- toutisn like developing hill stations; wild life‘sanichiaries, etc. Post- tas .policy.and concerns; Chipko.movement. .} -Seetion - HT - Palaeo-environmentiia Rajasthan. Eco-aystem of Kalihanga, Ahar and .Ganeshwar cultures, Geographical. zanes.of ancient Rajasthan (fotasts, mountains, desert, river systems). Flow’ ‘of Vedic Saraswati rived in Rajasthan and its ‘isappearance History of the desiccation and Hesertification of Rajdéthan- Agrarian and irrigational‘concerng in medieval and modern’Rajasthait: Role of Folk déities and Cults of Rajasthan in environment preservation: Kbéjadli Mavernent. Tribes of Rajasthan and environmenial issues. Environment Management in Rajasthan. Promotion of eco-toyrism : wild life sanctuaries - |. Ranthambor, Sariska; Ghana Bird Sanctuary; promotion of hill fers. Syllabus: DA History - Tha H. Grove, Via Danodara Satpal Sanger GIF: _Nanuye and. thé-Orient -Thit Hite of South and ‘Southeast Asia, Oxford University Press Madhav Gadigil eaeent oat ee ‘Nature (An Ecological History of fnilia), OUP, September 2004. Sem aces eT tse Poy i of Ecological Conflicts and Valnation), OUP, March Prabias C Sinha (et): Tag of gy. ene ‘and Pollation (set of 15 vols.) KC Chang Settlement Archaeology XK Batzes : Bavinoadfent aod Archaeology wey 5D, Berra: Science. in History KA Chowdhary ot al: Ancient Indian’ Agriculiyre apd Forestry ' in Nowthem India - : tag, Gove: pecs of History of Apscubure in Ancient M.S. Randhawa: A History of Agriculture in India A. Ciinninghiame Anciesit Geography of India B.C. Law: Histaxical Geography of Ancient India D.C Stscar Studies in Anca and Medieval Geography of nda Paper 1 (@) INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT AND THOUGHT 3 Mr Desation 100 Marks Note : The paper will cottin nine questions having thre in exch section. Cmdidates ‘are required to attempt five questions in°all selecting at least one question from each section, Section! Indian National Congress. Contribution of Moderates and Extremists to the National Movement. Swadeshi Movement . Home Rule ‘Movement. Constitutional Developments upto 1919, Role of Terrorists - and fern wt pelts Canin Shelia Bhagat Singh. oe iP ; Rise of GMA. Gandhi’s career, ideology and methods of mass : apbilisation, Nature of Gandhian Movements - Non-Cooperation vement; Cipil Disobedience Movement and Quit India Movement. ‘Left Mavements - Socialists and Communists. States’ Peoples’ -- Section Growth of ae Aligarh. Meron in League, Mahasabha. Subhash Chandra Bose and. y. Peasants’ antl Workers’ Movements. Depressed Classes nts. Women in the Indian Nafional Movement. The Act of 1935. Communal Politics and Partition. Transfer of Indian National : Vol. X¥- Struggle For Freedom Emergence of Ipdian Nationalism : “Social Background of Indian Nationalism : Emergence of the Indian National Congress : The Rise and Growth of the Congress : British Policy towards Indian Nationalism : The Extremist Challenge : Tilak and Gokhale : Aligarh Movement : Muslim Rajanitik Chintan ka Itihas (in Hindi) + “The Muslim League : The Left Wing in India : Gandhi - A Biography : The Transfer of Power in India : History of the Freedom Movement - 3 vols, : Source Material for History of the Freedom Movement jr-tadia.2 Vols. Pel \@ vn Seflabes: MA History . Ns Canta _: ten ton Jost Bown 2 Gatsdhs tise to Power, 1715-22 Mohandas K Gasktbi”: Paki of My prin wit Trot _ An Antobiography) eter Hardy 2 Maina of British Hoda Msnshicel Hasan (ol)? Indi’s Partition - Joba & McLane + Indian Nationalism and the Early Coppin Pages V : (Colepeflory for AU Gspupe) ‘Paper - V: MAIN TRENDS IN THE ‘AND CULTURE oF : . 3H. Duration * 100 Marky ‘Notes The paper wil contein nine questions having tice guestions i cack section. Condiaes ewe toyaiiod to atieapt foe questions ix all” scleciong ot last one qucstion from cach section. ‘Sedieed D.C|Shukla KM| Munshi BN: jpuri J.N. Asopa Jamey Tod Shyashal Das G.H. Ojha RN. Prasad 818. Social Changes - Prohibition of Female Infanticide and Sati. -onomic Changes; Land Revenue Settlements. British Monopoly of fan. Agrarian formation of : Pre-History ahd proto-history of Tnidia and Pakistan : Excavations at Ahar (Tatnbajvati) ‘Poona, + 1968, : Archaeology of South-Easterti’ Rajasthan, Varanasi é : Pre-history and ghee tats of Berach Basin. 3 Rajasthan Through the Ages (Vol. 1) Gi Barly Cliauhah Dynasties. “Lhe Paramaras | 2, The Paramaras 5 Political History of Ancient India, (Relevant portion) : History of Rafputana, (Relevant Volumes) : Early History of Rajasthan: : The Glory that. was Gurjara Desh (3 Volumes) : Pratiharas’ : Origin of hd Repose, : Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthl (Relevant Portions). : Vir Vinod (Relevant Portions) Rajputana Ka Itihas (Relevant Portions) : Times of Sawal Jal Singh: : Sawai Jai Singh (Hindi) : Marwar Ka Itihas : Maharana Kumbha + Social Life in Medieval Rajasthan. Mewar and the Mughal Emperors, ‘Rajasthan Through the Ages, Vol. IL ‘The State, Landlords and the Peasants - Rajasthan in the Eighteenth Century BLL, Giipta : Trade and Commerce in Rajasthan SS, Ratnawat : Rajput Nobility Madhu Sethia {Rajput Polity - Warriors, Peasants and . Merchants KS. Gupta : | MewafyMaratha Relations, RP. Vyas + Maharana Raj Singh : Raghubir Singh’ «:Purva Madtiya Kaleen Rajasthan HR Gupta + Third Battle of Panipat S.C. Misra : Sindhia Holkar Riviry. V.K. Vashishtha { The. Rajputana Agency - 182-1858 Shyamaldas + Vir Vinod (Relevant Portions). MS. Jain ~ ; Rajasthan Through the Ages, Vol. III MS. Jair : A Concise History of Modern Rajasthan MS. Jain + From Surplus to Subsistence AK.Coonjarswamy : Rajput Painting Moti Chand : Mewar Painting ie PAN

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