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Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600

Philippine Politics and Governance

Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: HUMSS 12
Module 1 – Pol Sci Subject Teacher: Erwin John E. Resurreccion


Welcome students! We will begin our journey to understanding Philippine politics and
governance through Module 1, which will provide an overview and introductory concepts
about politics itself and ways to study it. This module will also include discussions about the
typologies of government as well as practical exercises that you can use to assess your

Learning Objectives:
A. define politics, government, and governance;
B. distinguish the different insights and theories about politics;
C. identify real life situation by which politics is observed; and
D. differentiate the different forms of government.


What comes into your mind when you think of the word “politics”? On the diagram below,
write down at least five (5) words that you think can be related to politics. You can fill the entire
space if you want. Try to avoid looking for any hints or clues in this module. This is just an exercise
and it will not be graded.

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Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Philippine Politics and Governance
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: HUMSS 12
Module 1 – Pol Sci Subject Teacher: Erwin John E. Resurreccion

Did you write “power”, “politicians”, “government”, “corruption”, “war”, or something else?
You see, there is no absolute answer. Politics is a highly contested concept. Even scholars and
intellectuals are debating about the true nature and meaning of politics. This is why we will be
looking at the main insights about politics to have a clearer perspective.


Politics concerns the structure, function, process, and

practice of the government; how leaders perform their vital
roles in the society.

Politics is the conduct and management of public interest;

relates to anything that concerns people in general (such as
laws, welfare and safety).

Politics attempts to resolve conflict through discussion,

compromise, bargaining, and consensus, wherein people
arrive at a binding decision.

Politics involves the use of authority and influence to

advance interest, perform functions in the state, or distribute

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Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Philippine Politics and Governance
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: HUMSS 12
Module 1 – Pol Sci Subject Teacher: Erwin John E. Resurreccion

These are the general insights about politics. Try to review the words you have written in the
first exercise. You can see that those words will fall any of the following: “art of government”,
“public interest”, “compromise and consensus” and “power”. We can use these concepts to
come up one a working definition of politics which we can utilize in understanding basic
political concepts.

Politics is defined as the activities and affairs of the

state and government; it is a social activity
associated with the practice of government, search
for conflict resolution, administration of public affairs,
and assumption of power or authority.


Are you tired of hearing news about politicians? Do you want to

completely detach yourself from politics? Unfortunately, you
cannot. Government is just one aspect of politics. You can perceive
politics everywhere, even in your household. If you are to observe,
there is already a distribution of power among you and other family
members. Some of them manifest their power by exerting influence
and authority, such as the elders. Whenever conflict arises between
family members, it is to resolved by compromising. Sometimes,
authority is given to a family member and he/she will be the one to
come up with decisions for the family.

You can also observe politics in school by which authority is entrusted to the teachers. They
have the power to give instructions to the students in aid of their learning. Disputes between
students are settled through an open forum or by seeking help from the adviser, counsellor, or
principal. Decisions are sometimes made through voting to settle differences in opinion.

Even on your employment, there is still politics. Requirements such as birth certificate, NBI
clearance, barangay clearance, and other pertinent documents are clear manifestations of
politics. Not to mention, you have a responsibility to pay your taxes!

Lastly, the mere fact that you are following simple ordinances or rules within your community
means that you are already involved in politics. In short, politics is a vital part of our life. Even
when you isolate yourself from the society, there may still be an ounce of politics included in
what you do. This is why Aristotle stated that “man is by nature a political animal.”

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Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Philippine Politics and Governance
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: HUMSS 12
Module 1 – Pol Sci Subject Teacher: Erwin John E. Resurreccion


If you want to have a grasp or understanding of this world, you have to use “science”. Science
is the acquisition and application of knowledge about the world through systematic
methodology. You cannot simply provide an answer to many questions about the world by
using hunch or gut feeling. You have to engage in a thorough study. Your pursuit of knowledge
about anything must undergo a systematic process which involves observing, raising
questions, making educated assumptions and experimenting; this is science.

Our world is so complex and has multiple areas of concern, so we should use different
branches of science to improve our learning. Each branch of science has its own focus and
approach. While there are many of them, we will focus only on two branches: natural sciences
and social sciences.

Deals with the natural and Deals with the people,

physical world. relationships, and society.

• Biology • Sociology
• Physics • Anthropology
• Chemistry, etc. • Political Science, etc.

If you want to understand nature, complexities of life, non-living systems or any natural
phenomena, use natural science. It is a category of science that deals with the natural and
physical world and it includes disciplines such as biology, physics, and chemistry.

If you want to engage in grasping knowledge about people, human relationships, social
behavior, and social world in general, use social sciences. Since politics is part of society, it is
an area of concern for social sciences. Among the different disciplines of social sciences, there
is one dedicated for the study of state and government – Political Science.

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Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Philippine Politics and Governance
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: HUMSS 12
Module 1 – Pol Sci Subject Teacher: Erwin John E. Resurreccion


Political Science is systematic study of the state and government;

it is a social science that deals with the theory and practice of
government in the local, national, and international levels. It also
includes the study of power, influence, authority, ideology, and
systems of governance.

Here are the lessons we will learn with through Political Science
which will help us understand Philippine politics and governance:

Based on the list, it is clear that we will be utilizing historical-institutional approach in Political
Science. Meaning, we will learn about Philippine politics and governance by looking at its
structure and history. We will examine the structure of Philippine government, political leanings
of Filipinos that affect their political behavior, and distribution of power in the Philippine society.
In addition, we will also investigate the development of Philippine politics through its rich
history, and connect it to current issues and events. As you go over the different lessons, make
sure to enjoy learning and apply it to your life.

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Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Philippine Politics and Governance
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: HUMSS 12
Module 1 – Pol Sci Subject Teacher: Erwin John E. Resurreccion


Usually called the “working arm” of the state, it is a body of people that performs administrative
duties such as making collective decisions and enforcing rules to serve the general interest or
will of the state. It is the totality of authorities which rule a society by prescribing and carrying
out fundamental rules which regulate the freedom of its members.


1. Constituent Function – maintenance of order and security of the state by crafting and
enforcing rules or laws.
2. Ministrant Function – promotion of welfare of the state by providing projects such as public
works and public education.


To carry out the functions of the government, there are three coequal branches of
government that work together:

1. Legislative Branch
The formal lawmaking body of the government. The legislature has the constitutional authority
to pass laws, which is also the power to repeal or change them. Example: Senate
2.Executive Branch
The seat of authoritative power in society entrusted with managing its affairs and enforcing
rules. The leader of the executive depends on the system of government. Example: President
3. Judicial Branch
The government body enforced to apply and interpret the laws. Hierarchy is a universal
feature of judicial institutions. Virtually, all political systems have multiple levels of the judiciary
where some courts are explicitly subordinate to the others. Example: Trial Courts

Page 6 of 13
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Philippine Politics and Governance
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: HUMSS 12
Module 1 – Pol Sci Subject Teacher: Erwin John E. Resurreccion


1. De Jure or Legitimate Government – Refers to the status Constitution

achieved when the government is established according to It refers to the supreme law
the constitution of a state, and is officially recognized by the of the state or the highest
other states. An example of this is our current government law of the land. Other laws
must adhere or follow the
under the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte. It is a
principles of the constitution.
de jure government since the government officials were
Otherwise, it will be deemed
elected and appointed following the rules under the 1987
2. De Facto or Illegitimate Government – Refers to the status achieved when the government
is established by force and other unconstitutional methods such as revolution, secession
(withdrawing membership from a state), and conquest. An example of this is the Puppet
Government under the presidency of Jose Laurel. This is a de facto government since it
established by force by the Japanese forces during World War 2. In addition, orders come
from the Japanese forces which implies manipulation of the government officials.


A. According to the Number of Rulers (Traditional/Aristotelian)

Aristotle stressed that the forms of government has two variations: positive and negative. A
government becomes positive when it serves the will of the state. On the other hand, it
becomes negative when it’s fueled by the selfish desires of the ruler/s.

No. of Rulers Positive Negative

One Monarchy Despotism/Tyranny

Few Aristocracy Oligarchy

Many Democracy/Polity Ochlocracy/Mobocracy

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Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Philippine Politics and Governance
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: HUMSS 12
Module 1 – Pol Sci Subject Teacher: Erwin John E. Resurreccion

1. Monarchy – A government in which the power is vested in

a single person (the monarch) who has divine and hereditary A Greek philosopher who is
rights to rule as head of state. A monarch maybe a king, considered as the “Father of
queen, emperor, czar, Kaiser, sultan, or pharaoh. Corrupt Political Science”. He is
monarchs are called despots/tyrants. known to have laid the
a. Absolute Monarchy – The power of the monarch is foundations of political
boundless or not restricted by any law. Example: science because of his
Ancient Egypt (pharaohs) systematic treatment to the
b. Constitutional Monarchy – The power is limited discipline. In other words, he
because of the constitution/charters. Example: Great used a scientific approach in
Britain (Queen Elizabeth) studying politics.

2. Aristocracy – A government in which power is vested in a class or persons who are believed
to be superior and best qualified to rule (usually intellectuals). Aristocracy derives from the
Greek word aristos or “best” and kratos or “power.” When the rulers of this government turn
into corrupt and self-serving elites, then aristocracy becomes oligarchy.

3. Democracy – A government in which power is vested on the people. Democracy derives

from the Greek word demos or “people” and kratos or “power.” When the people formed into
a disoriented and rebellious crowd, then democracy transforms into mobocracy.
a. Direct Democracy – The people directly participate in all government processes such
as the creation of law and making decisions for the state. All assumes positions.
b. Indirect/Representative Democracy – Also called Republicanism, it is a government in
which people give authority and power through election to representatives that will
serve the interest of the state. Indirect democracy is used in the Philippines.

B. According to the Relationship of Executive and Legislative Branch

1. Presidential
A form of government that applies the Doctrine of Separation of Powers, in which the executive
branch exists separately from the legislature. The executive branch is constitutionally
independent from the legislature because both institutions are elected directly by the people.
Philippines is an example of country that applies a presidential form of government.
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Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Philippine Politics and Governance
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: HUMSS 12
Module 1 – Pol Sci Subject Teacher: Erwin John E. Resurreccion

2. Parliamentary
A form of government that applies the Doctrine of Fusion of Powers, in which the members of
an executive branch are nominated to their positions by a legislature called parliament. The
parliament is composed of legislative members called “ministers” who appoint the prime
minister from among themselves. A country that applies a parliamentary system in their
government is Japan.

Subject of Comparison Presidential Parliamentary

Separate Unified
Relationship of Executive
(Doctrine of Separation of (Doctrine of Fusion of
and Legislative
Powers) Powers)
The prime minister is the head of
The president is head of the government; it is partnered
Executive the government and the with a monarch or a president
Structure of
state. who serves as the ceremonial
head of the state.
Composed of senators It is called parliament which
and representatives. consists of ministers.
The legislative can The legislative can remove the
Removal from Office remove the president prime minister through the
through impeachment. vote-of-no-confidence.

The head of the state refers to the public representative of the country who usually has few or
no real political powers. His/her duties are mostly ceremonial such as being the representative
of the country abroad, opening new session in the government, being a symbol of unity and
nation, representation on the coins and banknotes, among others. The head of the
government actually holds political power such as administration of the government.

C. According to the Distribution of Powers

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Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Philippine Politics and Governance
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: HUMSS 12
Module 1 – Pol Sci Subject Teacher: Erwin John E. Resurreccion

1. Unitary – A form of government in which the Basic Levels of Government

governmental powers are concentrated on the • National Government – the level of
national government; only minimal power is government that exercises control and
granted on the local governments. Philippines influence on the entire state.
applies this form of government • Local Government – the level of
2. Federal – A form of government in which the government that exercises control and
governmental powers are shared by the local influence on their respective regions,
government and the national government. provinces, municipalities or cities.
USA is a country that applied federal system.

Subject of Comparison Unitary Government Federal Government

Centralized on the national Shared by the local and
Distribution of Powers
government. national government.
Local governments are highly Local governments turn into
Relationship of National
dependent of the national federal states and enjoy
and Local Government
government. autonomy and independence.
National government creates Local governments have their
Law Making laws that are uniformed for all own legislative body that will
of the local governments. create their own laws.
Local governments give most Local governments give a small
of their revenues to the portion of their revenue to the
national government. Then national government. Local
Budget Allocation
the national government set governments are directly
the budget for each local responsible for the budget
government. allocation.

D. Non-democratic Governments

1. Authoritarianism – A form of government which requires obedience to the government and

limits dissent by minimizing political and personal liberties. Such governments often permit
churches, unions, and certain interest groups to retain relative independence from the state
as long as they do not challenge its authority. Under this government, social and economic
institutions exist but can be controlled. Authoritarianism is observable in China.

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Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Philippine Politics and Governance
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: HUMSS 12
Module 1 – Pol Sci Subject Teacher: Erwin John E. Resurreccion

2. Totalitarianism – The extreme form of authoritarianism; it is a form of government that tries to

control all aspects of private and public life. While authoritarianism wants a monopoly of
political power, totalitarianism wants to control everything, including social and economic
institutions. North Korea applies this form of government.

• •

• •

Subject of Comparison Authoritarian Totalitarian

1. Leadership of a dictator Yes Yes

2. Presence of an official ideology Yes Yes

3. Limited pluralism Yes No

4. Limited personal liberties Yes No

5. Press censorship Yes Yes

6. Suppression of opposition or dissent on the government Yes Yes

7. Complete control of social and economic institution No Yes

All government forms have pros and cons. It is important to understand each form of
government to know which is/are more likely to fit a certain state. Also, government forms are
not the only determinants of the success of the state, we have other factors such as citizen
participation, resources, among others.

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Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Philippine Politics and Governance
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: HUMSS 12
Module 1 – Pol Sci Subject Teacher: Erwin John E. Resurreccion

Name: Date:
Section: Score:

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and analyze each statement carefully. Encircle the letter
corresponding to the statement. (5 items, 1 point each)

1. What is the process of removing the president from the office?

A. impeachment C. quo warranto
B. vote-of-no-confidence D. revolution

2. What type of democracy is exercised in the Philippines?

A. Direct Democracy C. Individual Democracy
B. Indirect Democracy D. People Democracy

3. What is the form of government according to number of rulers in which one ruler is
corrupted and is fueled by selfish desires?
A. Mobocracy B. Oligarchy C. Totalitarian D. Tyranny

4. Who usually vote for the prime minister in a parliamentary form of government?
A. Judiciary B. Monarch C. Parliament D. People

5. The Puppet Government was established by the Japanese using unconstitutional methods.
What is the status of government of the Philippines during this era?
A. Anarchy C. De jure
B. De facto D. Republicanism

II. MATCHING TYPE. Match the statements or definitions in Column A to the choices in Column
B. (10 items, 1 point each)

Column A Column B

6. Government that controls almost all aspects of life and grants its A. Aristocracy
citizens limited liberties or freedom. B. Authoritarianism
7. Government in which people elect representatives. C. Limited
8. Government in which power is significantly shared by the national monarchy
government and independent states. D. Direct
9. Government ruled by a monarch having limited power. Democracy
10. Government which applies the doctrine of separation of powers; E. Divine Right
division of executive and legislative institutions. F. Federalism
11. Government ruled by few wealthy and corrupt rulers. G.Indirect
12. Government in which people have direct participation in the Democracy
affairs of the state including carrying out decisions and laws. H. Oligarchy
13. Government that controls all aspects of private and public life. I. Parliamentary
14. Literally means “rule of the best.” J. Presidential
15. Government with unified executive and legislative branches. K. Totalitarian

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Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Philippine Politics and Governance
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: HUMSS 12
Module 1 – Pol Sci Subject Teacher: Erwin John E. Resurreccion

III. ESSAY. Read and analyze the following prompt. Construct an essay answering the question.
Minimum of 5 sentences. You can use English or Filipino as your medium.

Standard for Scoring:

Content – 5 points
Clarity of Thought – 5 points
Total Score – 10 points

The Duterte administration is a staunch advocate of federalism and is pushing through charter
change to realize this ideal. The idea of federalism has a fair share of supporters and
opposition. Some of them think that this is the key to collective prosperity of each region of the
country. Others argue that this may be an opportunity for political dynasties to multiply and

Learning the different forms of government, do you think that federalism is good for the
Philippines? Why or why not? Justify your answer.

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