Calculations and Excel Output:: Dish TV

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We calculated the descriptive statistics, i.e., mean, median, mode, standard deviation,
variance, standard error, kurtosis, and skewness of the open, high, low and close values
of share prices of Dish TV and EROS International.

Dish TV:
Table 1: Descriptive statistics of Dish TV
EROS Media:

Table 2: Descriptive statistics of EROS Media


 We applied paired t-Test on the open and close values of shares of Dish TV:

Table 3: t-Test: Paired two sample for means of Dish TV

 We applied paired t-Test on the open and close values of EROS Media:

Table 4: t-Test: Paired two sample for means of EROS media

 ANOVA: SINGLE FACTOR (DISH TV): taking open, high, low and close values as
four different groups.
Table 5: Anova: single factor test for Dish TV

 ANOVA: SINGLE FACTOR (EROS MEDIA): taking open, high, low and close
values as four different groups.

Table 6: Anova: Single factor test for EROS Media



 For DISH TV (table 1), in case of open value of share price, the mean is 28.068
and median is 28.125. For close price, mean is 27.99 and median is 28.27. For
high price, the mean is 29.16 and median is 29.25. Similarly, for low price, the
mean is 26.83 and median is 26.72. In above all the values of mean and median,
the difference between mean and median values is negligible. This means that in
the entire data set, no extreme values are present. Therefore, we can take mean
values as the average values of the given data.
 The total number of observations is calculated as 60 in open, high, low and close
 The data analysis of descriptive statistics also gives us the maximum and
minimum values of all the four share prices in the entire data. For open prices, the
minimum value is 21.45 and maximum is 33.95. For high prices, the minimum
value is 23.15 and maximum is 34.79. For low prices, the minimum value is 21.15
and maximum is 32.59. For close prices, the minimum value is 21.65 and
maximum is 34.15.
 Mode shows us the value which is repeated most of the times in the given data
set. For example, in open share prices, 32.34 is the most repeated value.
 In all the four price ranges, i.e., in open, high, low and close prices, the skewness
is negative, which means that the data is left skewed and the curve will also be
left skewed. Also, the kurtosis of all fours is also negative, which means that the
curve is a flat one.
 For EROS MEDIA (table 2), in case of open value of share price, the mean is
22.623 and median is 16.024. For close price, mean is 22.42 and median is 15.75.
For high price, the mean is 23.05 and median is 16.25. Similarly, for low price,
the mean is 22.12 and median is 15.55. In above all the values of mean and
median, we can observe that the difference between mean and median values is
significant. This means that extreme values or outliers are present in the data set.
Therefore, we have to take median values as the average values of the given data.
 The total number of observations is calculated as 60 in open, high, low and close
 The data analysis of descriptive statistics also gives us the maximum and
minimum values of all the four share prices in the entire data. For open prices, the
minimum value is 9.4 and maximum is 71. For high prices, the minimum value is
9.95 and maximum is 72.25. For low prices, the minimum value is 9.1 and
maximum is 68.25. For close prices, the minimum value is 9.5 and maximum is
 Mode shows us the value which is repeated most of the times in the given data
set. For example, in open share prices, 15 is the most repeated value.
 In all the four price ranges, i.e., in open, high, low and close prices, the skewness
is positive, which means that the data is right skewed and the curve will also be
right skewed. Also, the kurtosis of all fours is also positive, which means that the
curve is a highly peaked.
For paired t-Test, the perception we have formed is that there is a significance difference
between the mean values of open and close share prices.
H0= the difference between the mean values of open and close share prices is equal to
H1= the difference between the mean values of open and close share prices is not equal to
(taking α=0.05)

H0: µo=µc
H1: µo≠µc
Where µo= mean of open price of shares of Dish TV
µc= mean of close price of shares of Dish TV

From the excel output (table 3), given above, we can determine that the calculated p-
value for two tailed is 0.690181786, which is greater than alpha (0.05). Therefore, the
null hypothesis (H0) is accepted and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is rejected. Thus, we
can conclude that there is no difference between the average or mean values of open and
close share prices of Dish TV.
For paired t-Test, the perception we have formed is that the average value of open share
price is less than the average value of close share price.
H0= the difference between the mean values of open and close share prices is equal to
H1= the mean value of open share price is less than that of close share price.
(taking α=0.05)

H0: µo=µc
H1: µo<µc
Where µo= mean of open price of shares of EROS Media
µc= mean of close price of shares of EROS Media

From the excel output (table 4), given above, we can determine that the calculated p-
value for one tailed is 0.06105282, which is greater than alpha (0.05). Therefore, the null
hypothesis (H0) is accepted and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is rejected. Thus, we can
conclude that there is no difference between the average or mean values of open and
close share prices of EROS Media.


For anova single factor test of Dish TV, the perception we have formed is that the
average value of atleast one of open, high, low and close share price is different.
H0= all the average values of open, high, low and close share prices are equal
H1= atleast one of open, high, low and close share price is different.
(taking α=0.05)
H0: µo=µh= µl=µc
H1: atleast one is different

From the excel output (table 5), given above, we can determine that the calculated p-
value is 0.00242, which is less than alpha (0.05). Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0) is
rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Thus, we can conclude that there
is significant difference among the average share prices of four groups of DISH TV.


For anova single factor test of EROS Media, the perception we have formed is that the
average value of atleast one of open, high, low and close share price is different.
H0= all the average values of open, high, low and close share prices are equal
H1= atleast one of open, high, low and close share price is different.
(taking α=0.05)
H0: µo=µh= µl=µc
H1: atleast one is different

From the excel output (table 6), given above, we can determine that the calculated p-
value is 0.99198, which is greater than alpha (0.05). Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0)
is accepted and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is rejected. Thus, we can conclude that
there is no significant difference among the average share prices of four groups of EROS

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