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Modeling of industrial robot for identification,

monitoring, and control

Måns Östring, Fredrik Tjärnström, Mikael Norrlöf

Division of Automatic Control

Department of Electrical Engineering
Linköpings universitet, SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden

17th June 2002




Report no.: LiTH-ISY-R-2439

Submitted to nternational Symposium on Advanced Control of
Industrial Processes, Kumamoto, Japan June 10-11, 2002.

Technical reports from the Control & Communication group in Linköping are
available at

In this paper we study the problem of a modeling, identifying, and

monitoring an industrial robot. We start by showing how a robot can
be modeled in increasing degree of accuracy using high end tools such as
MathModelica. This model can be transformed semi-automatically into
a minimal state-space form which in turn can be used for identification.
Moreover, the physically connected equations can be identified recursively,
making it possible to monitor critical parts of the robot. When attached
to a well trimmed detection scheme this provides a big help for operators,
who easily can track problems with the process.

Keywords: physical modeling, identification, recursive identifica-

tion, monitoring, detection

M. Östring, F. Tjärnström and M. Norrlöf

Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköpings universitet,

SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden
Email: mans, fredrikt,

Abstract: In this paper we study the problem of a modeling, identifying, and

monitoring an industrial robot. We start by showing how a robot can be modeled in
increasing degree of accuracy using high end tools such as MathModelica (Jirstrand,
2000). This model can be transformed semi-automatically into a minimal state-space
form which in turn can be used for identification. Moreover, the physically connected
equations can be identified recursively, making it possible to monitor critical parts
of the robot. When attached to a well trimmed detection scheme this provides a big
help for operators, who easily can track problems with the process.

Keywords: physical modeling, identification, recursive identification, monitoring,


1. INTRODUCTION This paper aims at showing several things. First,

we show how a physical model can be con-
This paper covers modeling of an industrial ABB structed with minimum effort using available soft-
IRB 1400 robot. The physical model is used for ware as, e.g., the newly developed MathModelica
identification of physical parameters, control, and software tool (Jirstrand, 2000) from MathCore.
monitoring of the process. MathModelica is an extension to Mathematica
(Wolfram, 1999) and implements the Modelica
From an industrial perspective, modeling, control,
standard (Tiller, 2001) for modeling and it also
monitoring and identification of industrial manip-
gives the possibility to use the powerful math-
ulators are becoming more and more important.
ematical capabilities of Mathematica to derive,
In the competition of consumers, that is present
for example, a state space description of a me-
today on the robot market, the price and per-
chanical system from a Modelica model. Second,
formance issues are essential. In order to reduce
after construction of a mathematical description
price but still keep (or increase) the performance,
of the system in, e.g., state space form, it is
a more light robot structure is a tempting possibil-
straight forward (but not problem free) to perform
ity. Making this step will also reduce the rigidity
identification experiments for estimation of the
of the structure, which means that good models
unknown physical parameters. Tools available for
for control will be even more important. Good
identification are, e.g., the well known System
physical models are a key tool for monitoring the
Identification Toolbox (Ljung, 2000b) for Matlab.
condition of the robot. This makes it not only
The identification usually produces a good model
essential for detecting possible faults, but also to
of the system that easily can be used for control.
compensate for these faults in the controller while
The construction of controllers is however not in
waiting for new components.
the scope of this paper. Instead we focus on a
third essential point, how to recursively estimate
1 This work was supported by ISIS. the physical parameters of the system. Estimating
some of these parameters recursively, initialized in considerably simplified description of a real robot
the off-line estimated optimum, makes it possible arm it is a useful approximation in many situa-
to monitor important parts of the system such as tions. This model is shown to model the system
friction and gear-boxes. This can in the end be reasonably well in Östring et al. (2001). The input
used to detect changes and faults in the process. is the torque τ generated by the electrical motor,
while the output is the motor angle φm . The
angles of the other masses, φg and φa respectively,
2. THE ROBOT SYSTEM are not measurable.

This section gives an overview of the physical

system. A picture of the manipulator is shown in 3.1 Generation of the physically parameterized
Figure 1. It has 6 degrees of freedom, but we will in models
this paper only model the motion at axis 1. The
In Figure 3 the Modelica implementation of a
robot is a commercial robot with a commercial
three mass model is shown. This section describes
control system. This means, among other things,
the generation of the equations for the three
that the controller cannot be altered in any major
mass model from the graphical representation. In
way and the actual implementation cannot be
Norrlöf et al. (2002) it is shown that a five mass
assumed to be known.
model is probably needed to get a really accu-
rate description of the process. The generation
of equations for a five mass model follows the
same pattern, but with more equations involved.
Since such complex models are not needed for the
purpose of this paper and space is limited, this
is left out. The main problem that occurs when
the complexity increases is the initialization of
the identification algorithms. This is a difficult
problem (Xie and Ljung, 2002), where not much
work has been done.
From the graphical description of the system in
Fig. 1. The IRB 1400 industrial robot from ABB Figure 3 it is possible to make a simulation using
used in the experiments the MathModelica (Jirstrand, 2000) environment.
This gives a simulated model with 6 continuous
states. By directly taking the number of states
from the Modelica model, using the MathModel-
3. PHYSICAL MODELING ica command GetFlatStateVariables[ThreeMM], a to-
tal of 9 states are found. The difference in the
When performing recursive identification and number of states comes from the fact that the
monitoring we will study a somewhat simplified different sub-models are modeled individually and
model of the robot. This model consists of three when they are interconnected it is possible to
masses connected via springs and dampers as reduce the total number of states. In Mathemat-
shown in Figure 2. (The notations used in the ica, using MathModelica, the equations describ-
figure are given in Table 1.) Even though this is a ing the three mass system can be found using
GetFlatEquations[ThreeMM]. It results in 55 equa-
r φg φa tions. Many are trivial, e.g., saying that the an-
kg , dg ka , da
τ ,φm Jg Ja gular velocity on one edge of a component equals
Jm the angular velocity of the connecting edge of the
fm next component.
The trivial equations can be removed easily in
Mathematica using Eliminate[eqs,list] where eqs
Fig. 2. Three-mass flexible model.
are the equations coming from the Modelica de-
scription and list is a list of the variables that
Table 1. Notations used for the three- should be eliminated. The result from this step
mass model. is that the number of equations are reduced from
Parameters Description 55 to 6. In the current version of MathModelica
Jm , Ja , Jg moments of inertia the list of variables to eliminate must be found by
kg , k a spring constants hand.
fm viscous friction coefficient
dg , da damping coefficients After this step it is also necessary to find and
r gear box ratio (r = 1/118) replace some state variables that could be ex-
Fig. 3. Modelica implementation of three mass model for the manipulator.

pressed as functions of other state variables. For This file can then be transformed, using a simple
the three mass model this includes the spring Matlab program, into an m-file (Matlab script-
damper components where the relative angular file) that can be used directly by the System Iden-
position between the two connections becomes a tification Toolbox. Using these tools the modeling
state variable. These two variables are replaced by to identification process becomes straight-forward
θa1 − θm r and θa2 − θa1 , respectively. and nearly automatic.
The next step is to introduce the state variables,
x1 to x5 . For the three mass model described here
they are given by 4. OFF-LINE IDENTIFICATION

x1 = θm r − θa1 , x2 = θa1 − θa2 , Off-line identification of the parameters in models

x3 = θ̇m , x4 = θ̇a1 , x5 = θ̇a2 of this type have been studied in e.g. Östring et al.
(2001). Other recent examples of identification of
For Mathematica to be able to solve the equations
robot parameters are given in Nissing and Polzer
it is also necessary to include the time deriva-
(2000), Albu-Schäffer and Hirzinger (2001), and
tive of the state variables among the equations
Berglund and Hovland (2000).
added to the 6 equations found above. This step
is done with the command Join[list1,list2] in In this contribution the focus is on state space
Mathematica. Solve[eqs,{x1’,x2’,x3’,x4’,x5’}] fi- models (with state vector x(t)), parameterized as
nally gives the state equations for the three mass either pure black-box models in discrete time, i.e.,
model in a closed form.
x(t + 1) = Ad (θ)x(t) + Bd (θ)u(t) + Kd (θ)e(t)
The state space description of the three mass y(t) = Cd (θ)x(t) + e(t), (3)
model from Mathematica becomes
or as physically parameterized models in continu-
ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t), ous time, i.e.,
y(t) = Cx(t)
  ẋ(t) = Ac (θ)x(t) + Bc (θ)u(t)
0 0 r −1 0
 0 y(t) = Cc (θ)x(t) + v(t). (4)
 0 0 1 −1  
− kg r 0 − fm +dg r2 dg r
0  The conversion from continuous time to discrete
A =  Jm 
 kg Jm Jm
da  time is typically performed using the assumption
 Ja1 − Jka1a dg r
Ja1 −
dg +da
Ja1 Ja1

that the input is constant over the sampling
0 ka
Ja2 0 da
Ja2 − da
T interval Ts , see Ljung (2000b, page 94)
B = 0 0 Jm 0 0 (2)
 x(t + 1) = AT (θ)x(t) + BT (θ)u(t)
C= 0 0 100 y(t) = CT (θ)x(t) + v(t), (5)
Output from this model is the angular velocity AT (θ) = e Ac (θ)Ts
, (6)
of the motor. If the angular position is chosen as Z Ts
output the number of states becomes 6 since an BT (θ) = eAc (θ)τ Bc (θ) dτ, (7)
extra integrator has to be added. This equals the t=0
number of states in the simulation model in Math- CT (θ) = Cc (θ). (8)
Modelica. In the ABB IRB 1400 robot control
system the motor angle φm is the only available These models are estimated by minimizing the
output signal, but since the measurement noise sum of the squared prediction errors. For (5) this
is fairly small a reasonable estimate of the motor becomes
velocity is easily obtained. 1 X 2
θ̂ = arg min ε (t, θ) (9)
The model in (2) is symbolically represented in θ N t=1
Mathematica and this makes it very easy to repa-
ε(t, θ) = y(t) − ŷ(t|θ) (10)
rameterize and scale the parameters. After this
step the model description is saved in a text file. = y(t) − CT (θ)(qI − AT (θ))−1 BT (θ)u(t)
Here q is the discrete time shift operator, i.e., Introducing the extended state vector
qu(t) = u(t + 1). As the number of data increases X(t) = (z(t) x(t))T (17)
the estimate will converge to the true system,
assuming that the model class can describe the the state space description for the prediction and
underlying system and that the noise model is the gradient is given by
correct. If the noise model is incorrect a slight bias A(θ) Ā(θ) B̄(θ)
Ẋ(t) = X(t) + u(t) (18)
will be achieved (depending on the mismatch). If, 0 A(θ) B(θ)
however, the noise to signal ratio is small, the bias
will also be small. As a matter of fact this is the ψ(t) = (C(θ) C̄(θ))X(t) (19)
case for the studied manipulator. This is some- (14) and (16) are repeated for each parameter
what implicitly stated in Norrlöf (2000, Chapter that should be identified. This means that for each
7). For the exact expression of the limiting esti- parameter that is identified the state space model
mate, see for example (Forssell and Ljung, 1999). in equation (18) is extended with n more states.
Depending on which parameter that is of interest
the matrices Ā, B̄ and C̄ will have different prop-
erties. Considering e.g. identification of fm in (2)
one gets
The recursive identification will be carried out  
using a recursive prediction error (RPEM) algo- 0 0 0 00
rithm (Ljung and Söderström, 1983). The algo- 0 0 0 0 0 
 
rithm can be written as:  1 
Ā(θ) = 0 0 − 0 0 0 , B̄(θ) = 0, C̄(θ) = 0.
 Jm 
ε(t) =y(t) − ŷ(t, θ(t − 1)) 0 0 0 0 0 
1 P (t − 1)ψ(t)ψ T (t)P (t − 1) 0 0 0 00
P (t) = P (t − 1) −
λ λ + ψ T (t)P (t − 1)ψ(t) (20)
P (t − 1)ψ(t) In order to generate ŷ and ψ using discrete time
K(t) =
λ + ψ T (t)P (t − 1)ψ(t) data the state space model in (18) is transformed
θ(t) =θ(t − 1) + K(t)ε(t) into its discrete time counterpart in each sampling
(11) point, using the current parameter estimate.
where y(t) is the output, θ is the parameter vector,
ŷ(t, θ) is the one-step-ahead predictor, λ is a 6. EXPERIMENTS
design parameter called the forgetting factor and
ψ(t) is the gradient of the prediction with respect First, off-line identification is used to get the
to the parameters. parameter values of the model. The acquired
parameter values are used as nominal values in
The key point is how to determine ŷ(t, θ) and ψ(t)
the recursive algorithm. After that some of the
for the continuous time model when only discrete
parameters are recursively estimated.
time data are available. Consider a linear state
space model for which the predictor is
ẋ(t) = A(θ)x(t) + B(θ)u(t) 6.1 Determination of nominal model
ŷ(t, θ) = C(θ)x(t)
The determination of the nominal model is done
This predictor is chosen because off-line identi- by identifying a physically parameterized model
fication experiments give good results using OE as described in e.g. Östring et al. (2001). The in-
models. The gradient of the prediction w.r.t. a put used is a sum of sinusoids in the range from 0−
scalar parameter is given by, see e.g., (Ljung and 60π rad/s, created by setting the discrete Fourier
Glad, 1994), transform of the reference signal to one with ran-
d dom phase and then transforming the Fourier
ψ(t) = ŷ(t, θ) = C(θ)z(t) + C̄(θ)x(t) (13) transform to time domain. The system used for

collecting data from the robot is further described
where in Norrlöf (2000). The sampling frequency of the
d d data is 200 Hz. The System Identification Toolbox
z(t) = x(t, θ), C̄(θ) = C(θ) (14)
dθ dθ in Matlab (Ljung, 2000a) is used in the off-line
The time derivative of z(t) is obtained from identification. For comparison a very high order
ARX model is shown together with the acquired
z(t) = A(θ)z(t) + Ā(θ)x(t) + B̄(θ)u(t) (15) model in Figure 4. As seen in the figure the 3-
mass model is a reasonable approximation of the
where system. The acquired parameter values from the
d d off-line identification are used as nominal param-
Ā(θ) = A(θ), B̄(θ) = B(θ). (16)
dθ dθ eter values in the recursive identification below.
From u1 to y1 kT Jainv fm
10 1.6

1.2 1.4 0.08
0 1 1.2
1 0.06
10 0.8
1 2 3 0.6
10 10 10 0.04
200 0.2 0.2
Phase (degrees)

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 0 1000 2000 0 1000 2000

Fig. 5. Recursive estimates of the parameters.

2 3
10 This shows that it is feasible to identify the phys-
Frequency (rad/s)
ical parameters recursively. An important aspect
Fig. 4. Bode plot of the physical model and a of the behavior of the algorithm is that it can not
high order ARX model. The physical model be expected that the input signal is sufficiently
is shown with a solid line and the ARX model exciting all the time during real world robot oper-
is shown with dotted line. ation. The identification algorithm therefore has
to be able to treat this phenomenon by an appro-
6.2 Identification
priate monitoring of the matrix P (t) (Ljung and
Gunnarsson, 1990).
The choice of which parameters that should be
6.3 Detection and isolation
identified recursively originates from which pa-
rameter values that are likely to change over time.
An example could be a worn gear box, which One way of making fault detection and isolating
indicates an increase in fm . In these experiments using recursive identification is to look at the devi-
the interest has been concentrated on the three ation of the parameter estimates from the nominal
parameters kT , Ja−1 and fm . values. This deviation should then be compared
with an adaptive threshold based on an estima-
The design parameters to choose are the initial tion of the variance of the parameter estimates.
values of θ and P and the forgetting factor λ. Here a way of making a robust fault detection
The choice of λ is a trade off between tracking and isolation algorithm based on recursive iden-
ability of the algorithm and the variance of the tification with the use of the CUSUM algorithm
parameter estimates. In this application λ = 0.995 (Gustafsson, 2000) is studied. This replaces the
has been found to be an appropriate value. The usual threshold. Let the residual, θ̃i (t), be the
choice of P (0) can be made from different points deviation from the nominal parameter value for a
of view. In case the algorithm is going to be particular parameter, then the CUSUM algorithm
used with change detection, P (0) should be chosen can be written as
to give fast convergence after sudden changes in
g(t) = g(t − 1) + θ̃i (t) − ν
the true parameters. Without change detection
the tracking properties will be determined by the g(t) = 0, if g(t) < 0 (21)
current values of P (t), which depend on the choice g(t) = 0, and ta = t and alarm if g(t) > h
of λ and the properties of the input signal via ψ(t). The drift variable ν, in the CUSUM algorithm,
In the identification presented here, the aim is can be based on an adaptive threshold, and the
to show the algorithm properties without any threshold h is a measure on how long time the
change detection involved. In order to select an threshold ν must be violated. Note that if the
initial value of P (t) that represents the steady residual can be negative another CUSUM test
state behavior the update equation for P (t) is must be run in parallel using −θ̃i (t) as input.
first run using the nominal parameter values in A CUSUM test is applied using the recursive pa-
the computation of ψ(t). The mean value of the rameter estimates. In order to make the threshold
diagonal elements in P (t) are then used to form adaptive, we have chosen to let ν vary with time.
the initial value P (0) in the actual identification. Let the nominal parameter values be denoted θ0,i
The initial value of the parameters in θ is set to for parameter i, and P (i,i) (t) denote the ith di-
20% above the nominal values of the parameters agonal element of P (t) in the recursive identifica-
to see how well the algorithm adapts. The adapta- tion algorithm (11). The design parameters in the
tion is shown in Figure 5, and it can be seen that CUSUM test (21) are chosen as
all parameters converge to their nominal values. q
The convergence rate is approximately the same ν(t) = α1 λ0 P (i,i) (t) (22)
for the estimates of Ja−1 and fm respectively, while
it is somewhat higher for the estimate of kT . h = α2 θ0,i (23)
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50 10 0.5 den.
0 0 0 Ljung, L. (2000a). System Identification Toolbox –
0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 User’s Guide. The MathWorks Inc. Sherborn,
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