Submission 3 - Questionnaire Design - 1 PDF

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Avinash Deka – 1911242
Rituparna Ghosh - 1911246
Nihar Lohiya - 1911264
Kavya Marupudi – 1911265
Arshita Saha - 1911285
Marketing Decision Problem (MDP)
How to increase brand awareness and sales for Epigamia

Marketing Research Problems (MRP)

1. Consumer behavior related to yogurt
2. Level of consumer awareness and brand perception of Epigamia amongst the existing consumers
3. Analyze the possibility of an increase in sales of Epigamia products
4. Examine the feasibility of product extensions

Hypotheses Test
1. To test whether there is any correlation between the satisfaction with the brand and the
frequency of usage
2. To test if there is any correlation between availability of flavors and purchase intentions
3. To test how far the retention of the customers is affected by the price of the Epigamia
yogurt and what percentage of the respondents feel the products were expensive.
4. To test the brand loyalty among men and women and to find out who is more loyal.
5. To test the marketing strategies of the brand and assess which would be the best
communication method to attract new users.
6. To test the impact of desirable attributes on sales and awareness of Epigamia.
7. Analyze all the concept tests w.r.t. the attributes using the collected data.

Attributes/Consumer Benefits
Based on our qualitative research, we identified the following important product attributes and
consumer benefits – Taste, Health benefits, Nutrition, Flavor, Packaging, Quantity, Price,
Quality, Convenient, Innovative.

Concept Test
1. P1 – For your daily dessert cravings, try the “cultured-milk ice cream”, the Epigamia
frozen yoghurt. A non-fat, low calorie and high protein guilt-free indulgence for the
increasingly health conscious generation.
2. P2 – Try different Epigamia pack sizes suiting different times and occasions of the day
– a smaller pack as an anytime snack or a bigger pack for the entire family.
3. P3 – Get the favorite Epigamia flavors, in combo packs at 10% discount for packs of 2
and 15% discount for packs of 4.
4. P4 – Eat your favorite Epigamia yoghurt in an all new flavor of tender coconut. The same
low calorie, high protein, pro-biotic snack, with the freshness of coconut.
Demographic information Flowchart for the questionnaire

Age, Gender, Education,


Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

Are you a No Alternatives Category

Barriers Triggers
Q2 yoghurt Awareness


Q3 Reasons/Preferences


Attributes Ranking

No No
Epigamia Past
Q11 user? user?

Yes Yes

Q12 Attributes Reasons for leaving Current Brand Q20-22

Q13 Likes/Dislikes
Q4 Attributes Q23
Q14-15 Brand Awareness
Brand Loyalty Q24-26
Q16-17 Brand Loyalty Concept Perception

Q30 Value for money

Q30 Value for Money

Q31 Purchase Intentions
Q30 Purchase Intention
Demographic Information
1. Information related to demographics.
Age Gender Education Occupation
1.Upto 25 years 1.Male 1.High school & below 1.Student
2.26-35 years 2.Female 2.Graduation 2.Family business
3.36-45 years 3.Unwilling to disclose 3.Post-Graduation & above 3.Services
4.Above 45 years 4.Unwilling to disclose 4.Unemployed
5.Unwilling to disclose 5. Homemaker

Category Information
2. Are you a yogurt user?
• Yes
• No
(Answer questions 3-6 if answer to Question 2 is ‘yes’. Answer questions 7-10 if answer to
question 2 is ‘no’)
3. Why do you like yogurt?
• Taste
• Health benefits
• Digestibility
• Lactose intolerance
• Others

4. How frequently do you consume yogurt?

• Daily
• 3-4 times a week
• Once a week
• Once in two weeks
• Once a month

5. Please indicate how important each of this feature is to you when you purchase yogurt
(Give rank 1 to most important feature, rank 2 to next most important feature and so on)
• Taste
• Health Benefits
• Nutrition
• Flavor
• Packaging
• Quantity
• Price
• Quality
• Convenient
• Innovative
6. Please select the price range of a cup (~90 g) that you think is appropriate for your
• <30
• 30 - 50
• 50 - 80
• >80
(Please proceed to Question 11)
7. What are your reasons for not preferring yogurt?
• Don’t like the taste
• Price concerns
• Lack of availability
• Don’t find it useful/necessary
• Prefer other substitutes (other desserts)
• Others (Kindly mention any other reason)

8. Please indicate if you consume the following alternatives

• Lassi
• Buttermilk
• Shrikhand
• Others (Kindly mention the other substitutes)
• No substitute

9. Which of these yoghurt brands are you aware of?

• Epigamia
• Milky mist
• Nestle
• Mother diary
• Amul
• Britannia
• Danone
• Yogurberry

10. Which of the following reasons could bring you to try yogurt?
• More availability
• Lesser price
• More variety
• More advertisement
• More flavors
• None
• Others (Mention if any)
Brand Information
11. Have you used Epigamia yogurt?
• Yes
• No
(Answer questions 12-16 if answer to Question 11 is ‘yes’. Answer questions 17 if answer to
question 11 is ‘no’)
12. Could you indicate how important the following attributes of Epigamia yogurt are to

13. What flavors do you like the most?

(Give rank 1 to the most liked flavor, rank 2 to the next liked flavor and so on)
• _____ Natural
• _____ Mango
• _____ Strawberry
• _____ Blueberry
• _____ Mulberry
• _____ Honey Banana
• _____ Green Apple
• _____ Vanilla Beans

14. Please select the source from which you came to know about Epigamia for the first
• Family/friends/colleagues
• Advertisements – TV/Hoardings
• Social Media
• Local Shop/Supermarket
• Others _____

15. Which of these Epigamia products apart from the Greek Yoghurt are you aware of?
• Greek Yoghurt Smoothies
• Snack packs
• Spreads
• Mishti Doi
• Artisanal curd

16. How would you like to rate Epigamia as a brand on a scale of 1 to 10?
(1-Lowest rating, 10-Highest Rating)

17. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend Epigamia yogurt to family/
friends/ colleagues/ acquaintances?
(0-Lowest rating, 10- Highest Rating)

18. Have you ever used the brand in the past?

• Yes
• No
(Answer questions 19-20 if answer to Question 18 is ‘yes’. Answer questions 21-22 if answer to
question 18 is ‘no’)
19. Please indicate your agreement with the following statement
I don’t prefer Epigamia anymore because _______

20. Please select your preferred brand of yogurt

• Milky mist
• Nestle
• Mother diary
• Amul
• Britannia
• Danone
• Yogurberry
(Please proceed to Question 23)
21. Will you try Epigamia yogurt depending on the certain occasions, influence and social
setting etc.?
• Strongly unwilling
• Unwilling
• Neutral
• Willing
• Strongly willing

22. Please select your preferred brand of yogurt

• Milky mist
• Nestle
• Mother diary
• Amul
• Britannia
• Danone
• Yogurberry

23. Could you indicate how important the following attributes of the selected yogurt are
important to you -

24. Please select the source from which you came to know about your current Yoghurt
brand the first time.
1. Family/friends/colleagues
2. Advertisements – TV/Hoardings
3. Social Media
4. Local Shop/Supermarket
5. Others _____
25. How would like to rate your current yoghurt brand on a scale of 1 to 10?
(1-Lowest rating, 10-Highest Rating)

26. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend your current yogurt brand to
family/ friends/ colleagues/ acquaintances?
(0-Lowest rating, 10- Highest Rating)

Concept Testing
P1 – For your daily dessert cravings, try the “cultured-milk ice cream”, the Epigamia frozen
yoghurt. A non-fat, low calorie and high protein guilt-free indulgence for the increasingly health
conscious generation.
P2 – Try different Epigamia pack sizes suiting different times and occasions of the day – a
smaller pack as an anytime snack or a bigger pack for the entire family.
P3 – Get the favorite Epigamia flavors, in combo packs at 10% discount for packs of 2 and 15%
discount for packs of 4.
P4 – Eat your favorite Epigamia yoghurt in an all new flavor of tender coconut. The same low
calorie, high protein, pro-biotic snack, with the freshness of coconut.

27. Epigamia is planning to introduce a new product and a new flavor under their brand.
Also, they have planned different pack sizes and combo deals for the consumers. We
would like to know your views regarding these new concepts P1, P2, P3 and P4 on a
scale of 1-5 (5 – Very Good, 4 – Good, 3 – Neutral, 2 – Bad, 1 – Very bad)
Attributes P1 P2 P3 P4
Health Benefits
Flavor variety
28. Which of the below statements come closes to your opinion of the current existing
frozen yoghurt brands that you have tried or heard of?
P1 P2 P3 P4
There are frozen yoghurts which are exactly
the same as this product
There are frozen yoghurts which are almost
similar to this product
There are other frozen yoghurts that are
somewhat similar but not really the same as
this product
This frozen yoghurt product is quite different
than the current frozen yoghurt brands

29. How much do you believe that these proposals or products are feasible to launch?
P1 P2 P3 P4
It is impossible to launch this proposal
It is very difficult to make this proposal successful
It is possible to launch this proposal
It is definitely possible to launch this proposal
This proposal already exists

30. Which of the following statements come closest to your expectations when you think of
these new Epigamia products (P1, P2, P3, P4) described above –
P1 P2 P3 P4
a. This is the exact product/feature I was waiting for
b. Reaction to this product/feature (Happiness)
c. This product/feature is value-for-money or pricy
P1 – Around 120 rupees (~ 90gms)
P2 – Smaller pack – 30 rupees (~55gms)
Larger pack – 180 rupees (~450gms)
P3 – Pack of 2 – 80 rupees
Pack of 4 – 150 rupees
P4 – The regular serving – 45 rupees (45 gms)

31. How close are you to buying this product due to the current proposals?
P1 P2 P3 P4
1. I would definitely not buy it
2. I most probably would not buy it
3. I might or might not buy it
4. I would most probably buy it
5. I definitely would buy it
Code Sheet
Q No Questions Coding Scheme No of Scheme Type
1a Age 1 - Upto 25 years 1 Nominal
2 - 26-35 years
3 - 36-45 years
4- Above 45 years
5 - Unwilling to disclose
1b Gender 1 - Male 1 Nominal
2 - Female
3 - Unwilling to disclose
1c Education 1 - High school & below 1 Nominal
2 - Graduation
3 - Post-Graduation &
4 - Unwilling to disclose
1d Occupation 1 - Student 1 Nominal
2 - Family business
3 - Services
4 - Homemaker
5 - Unemployed
2 Are you a yoghurt 1 - Yes 1 Nominal
user 2 - No
3 Why do you like 1 - Taste 5 Nominal
yogurt? 2 - Health benefits
3 - Digestibility
4 - Lactose intolerance
5 - Others
4 How frequently do 1 - Daily 1 Nominal
you consume 2 - 3-4 times a week
yoghurt? 3 - Once a week
4- Once in two weeks
5 - Once a month
5 Please indicate how 1-10 ranking 10 Ordinal/Interval
important each of this (In terms of importance,
feature is to you when 1 – Rank 1, 10 – Rank 10)
you purchase yogurt
Health Benefits
Flavor variety
6 Please select the price 1 - <30 1 Nominal
range of a cup (90 g)
that you think is 2 - 30 - 50
appropriate for your 3 - 50 - 80
yogurt 4 - >80
7 What are your 1 - Don't like the taste 6 Nominal
reasons for not 2 - Price concerns
preferring yogurt? 3 - Lack of availability
4- Don't find it
5 - Prefer other substitutes
(other desserts)
6 - Others (Kindly
mention any other reason)
8 Please indicate if you 1 - Lassi 5 Nominal
consume the 2 - Buttermilk
following alternatives 3 - Shrikhand
4- Others (kindly mention
the other substitutes)
5 - No substitute
9 Which of the yoghurt 1 - Epigamia 8 Nominal
brands are you aware 2 - Milky mist
of? 3 - Nestle
4 - Mother dairy
5 - Amul
6 - Britannia
7 - Danone
8 - Yogurberry
10 Which of the 1 - More availability 7 Nominal
following reasons 2 - Lesser price
could bring you to try 3 - More variety
yoghurt? 4 - More advertisement
5 - More flavors
6 - None
7 - Others (Mention if
11 Have you used 1 - Yes 1 Nominal
Epigamia yoghurt? 2 - No
12 Could you indicate 1 - Completely 1 Ordinal/Interval
how important the unimportant
following attributes of 2 - Unimportant
Epigamia yogurt are 3 - Neutral
important to you 4 - Important
Taste 5 - Very Important
Health Benefits
Flavor variety
13 What flavors do you 1 - Natural 8 Ordinal/Interval
like the most? (Rank 1 2 - Mango
to most preferred, 2 to 3 - Strawberry
next preferred and so 4 - Blueberry
on) 5 - Mulberry
6 - Honey Banana
7 - Green apple
8 - Vanilla Beans
14 Please select the 1 - Family/ friends/ 1 Nominal
source from which college
you came to know 2 - Advertisements -
about Epigamia from TV/Hoardings
the first time? 3 - Social Media
4 - Local Shop/
5 - Others
15 Which of these 1 - Greek yoghurt 5 Nominal
Epigamia products smoothies
apart from the Greek 2 - Snack Packs
Yoghurt are you 3 - Spreads
aware of? 4 - Misti Doi
5 - Artisanal curd
16 How would like to 1-10 scale 1 Ordinal/Interval
rate the Epigamia as a (1 - Lowest rating, 10 -
brand on a scale of 1 Highest Rating)
to 10?
17 On a scale of 0 to 10, 1-10 scale 1 Ordinal/Interval
how likely are you to (1 - Lowest rating, 10 -
recommend Epigamia Highest Rating)
yogurt to family/
friends/ colleagues/
18 Have you ever used 1 - Yes 1 Nominal
the brand in the past? 2 - No
19 Please indicate your 1 - Strongly Disagree 1 Ordinal/Interval
agreement with the 2 - Disagree
following statement 3 - Neutral
Epigamia is 4 - Agree
expensive 5 - Strongly Agree
I would rather buy
some other brand’s
I don’t like the taste
It’s not available in
the stores nearby
The quantity is quite
Others ____
20 Please select your 1 - Milky Mist 1 Nominal
preferred brand of 2 - Nestle
yogurt 3 - Mother Dairy
4 - Amul
5 - Britania
6 - Danone
7 - Yogurberry
21 Will you try Epigamia 1 – Strongly Unwilling 1 Ordinal/Interval
yogurt depending on 2 - Unwilling
the certain occasions, 3 - Neutral
influence and social 4 - Willing
setting etc? 5 - Strongly Willing
22 Please select your 1 - Milky Mist 1 Nominal
preferred brand of 2 - Nestle
yogurt 3 - Mother Dairy
4 - Amul
5 - Britania
6 - Danone
7 - Yogurberry
23 Could you indicate 1 - Completely 1 Nominal
how important the unimportant
following attributes of 2 - Unimportant
Epigamia yogurt are 3 - Neutral
important to you 4 - Important
Taste 5 - Very Important
Health Benefits
Flavor variety
24 Please select the 1 - Family/friends/college 1 Nominal
source from which 2 - Advertisements -
you came to know TV/Hoardings
about your current 3 - Social Media
Yoghurt brand the 4 - Local
first time? Shop/Supermarket
5 – Others
25 How would like to 1-10 scale 1 Ordinal/Interval
rate your current (1 - Lowest rating, 10 -
yoghurt brand on a Highest Rating)
scale of 1 to 10?
26 On a scale of 1 to 10, 1-10 scale 1 Ordinal/Interval
how likely are you to (1 - Lowest rating, 10 -
recommend your Highest Rating)
current yogurt brand
to family/ friends/
27 Attributes of P1 1 – Very Bad 1-5 Ordinal/Interval
Attributes of P2 2 – Bad
Attributes of P3 3 – Neutral
Attributes of P4 4 – Good
5 – Very Good
28 Uniqueness of P1 1 – Exactly same to 1-4 Ordinal/Interval
Uniqueness of P2 existing brands
Uniqueness of P3 2 – Almost similar to
Uniqueness of P4 existing brands
3 – Somewhat different to
existing brands
4 – Quite different than
exiting brands
29 Believability of P1 1 - Impossible product 1-5 Ordinal/Interval
Believability of P2 2 - Very difficult product
Believability of P3 3 - possible product
Believability of P4 4 - Definitely possible
5 – Already existing
30 Proposal has 1 – Yes 1 Nominal
expected features 2 - No
Proposal generated
Proposal was value
for money
31 Intention to buy P1 1 – Definitely not buy 1-5 Ordinal/Interval
Intention to buy P2 2 – Most probably not buy
Intention to buy P3 3 – Might/Might not buy
Intention to buy P4 4 – Most probably buy
5 – Definitely would buy

Future Work
We plan to test the hypotheses stated through the data collected through this questionnaire and
analyze using SPSS. Further, there is a plan to use the statistical methods used in class to draw
different conclusions.

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