DELMIA - About Motion Types

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About Motion Types

When you are in Teach , and you can alter the motion type for an operation.  The tables below provides an
explanation of the effects of each motion type.  The tables provided are:

Motion Types
Linear move
Joint move
Circular move (circular via and circular move)
Slew motion
Linear orientation interpolation approaches

Linear Move
  Stop only when singular (ending) point gets close.

Orientation Near Keep config Keep config Set config Set config
Mode (shortest angle) Keep turn Set turn Keep turn Set turn

*Ignore input turns Input config and Input config Could be any input Could be any input
and config. input turns ignored. ignored. Use current config. Use current if config. Use current if
Compute turns and Use current config. config. Use new not set. Keep turns not set. Use new
config (use current Keep turns for joint turns for joint 4,5,6. for joint 4,5,6. Try turns for joint 4,5,6.
Wrist config) to get 4,5,6. Try to keep Find shortest angle keep turn for joint Find shortest angle
shortest angles for turn for joint 1,2,3 for any unset joint 1,2,3 for any unset joint
6 joints. Must 4,5,6 turn. Try to 4,5,6 turn. Try to
match joint 4,5,6; match new turns for match new turns for
try 1,2,3. joint 1,2,3. joint 1,2,3

1 Axis* *Based on the Based on the start Based on the start Can't use input Can't use input
start and the goal and the goal xform, and the goal xform, config. config.
xform, use use quaternion use quaternion Based on the start Based on the start
quaternion method method to method to and the goal xform, and the goal xform,
to interpolate the interpolate the interpolate the use quaternion use quaternion
xform of the xform of the middle xform of the middle method to method to
middle point. The point. The turn point. The turn interpolate the interpolate the
turn number of the number of the goal number of the goal xform of the middle xform of the middle
goal point will be point will be the point will be the point. The turn point. The turn
the same as the same as the start same as the start number of the goal number of the goal
start point. point. point. point will be the point will be the
same as the start same as the start
point. point.

N/A Same as 3 Axis Same as 3 Axis Same as 3 Axis Same as 3 Axis

2 Axis** (Use 1 Axis

Based on the start Based on the start Based on the start Based on the start Based on the start
and the goal xform and the goal xform and the goal xform and the goal xform and the goal xform
use Roll, Pitch, Yaw use Roll, Pitch, Yaw use Roll, Pitch, Yaw use Roll, Pitch, Yaw use Roll, Pitch, Yaw
rotation method to rotation method to rotation method to rotation method to rotation method to
interpolate the interpolate the interpolate the interpolate the interpolate the
3 Axis*** xform of the xform of the middle xform of the middle xform of the middle xform of the middle
middle point. The point. The turns of point. The turns of point. The turns of point. The turns of
turns of the goal the goal point will be the goal point will be the goal point will be the goal point will be
point will be the the same as the the same as the the same as the the same as the
same as the start start point. start point. start point. start point.

Joint Move*
  Will not move to a singular ending point
Near Keep config Keep config Set config Set config
(shortest angle) Keep turn Set turn Keep turn Set turn

*Use new input Input config and turns Keep config. Use new Use new config. If no Use new config and
config.  Input turns ignored. Keep current turns. If any joint turn new config, use current turns. If no new config,
ignored.  Compute config and turns. Can info not set, use config. Keep turns. Can use current config. If
turns to get 6 construct the Joint shortest angle for that construct the Joint any joint turn info not
shortest angles. target based on the joint. Can construct the target based on the set, use shortest angle
xform, config and Joint target based on xform, config and for that joint. Can
turns, then do the joint the xform, config and turns, then do the joint construct the Joint
interpolation. turns, then do the joint interpolation. target based on the
interpolation. xform, config and
turns, then do the joint

Circular Moves
Orientation Keep config Keep config Set config Set config
Motion Type (shortest
Mode Keep turn Set turn Keep turn Set turn
Motion planner Motion planner Motion planner Motion planner Motion planner
will not plan a will not plan a will not plan a will not plan a will not plan a
move at this via move at this via move at this via move at this via move at this
Circular Via None.
point, only save point, only save point, only save point, only save via point, only
necessary necessary necessary necessary save necessary
information. information. information. information. information.
Circular  wrist, Motion planner Motion planner Motion planner Motion planner Same as
Move 1 Axis will plan a move will plan a move will plan a move will plan a move LINEARMOVE,
**** 2 Axis from start point from start point from start point from start point above.
3 Axis through via point through via point through via point through via point
to goal point. The to goal point. The to goal point. The to goal point. The
interpolation will interpolation will interpolation will interpolation will
done from start done from start done from start done from start
point through via point through via point through via point through via
point to goal point to goal point to goal point to goal
point depending point depending point depending point depending
on the orientation on the orientation on the orientation on the orientation
mode like mode like mode like mode like
  *Default choices, if not specified.

**May create a new method

***May not be coded for using Roll, Pitch, Yaw rotation method.

**** If CIRCULARMOVE point is directly after a LINEARMOVE point, then an arc move will be planned which is tangent to
the line end at LINEARMOVE point. This is called one-point circular move. If CIRCULARMOVE point is directly after
CIRCULARVIA point, this is called two-point circular move. If CIRCULARMOVE point is directly after another
CIRCULARMOVE point, then an arc move will be planned. The arc center will be determined by this CIRCULARMOVE
point, previous CIRCULARMOVE point and the point ( any point ) before previous CIRCULARMOVE point. This can be
consider a two-point circular move, too. The difference is in Any point, CIRCULARVIA point and CIRCULARMOVE point
case, the arc is planned from any point to CIRCULARMOVE point. In Any point, CIRCULARMOVE point and
CIRCULARMOVE point case, the arc is planned only from previous CIRCULARMOVE point to CIRCULARMOVE point.
Linear Orientation Interpolation Approaches
  The table below describes the different linear orientation interpolation approaches.
1 TCP rotate against 1 axis to reach the target orientation. Turn number of robot joints could be changed.

N/A. Will use 1 axis if 1 axis motion can reach the tag with turn number specified. Otherwise, use 3 axis instead.

3 Beginning tag and ending tag could have different turn numbers, which might not be reached by rotating against
Axis 1 Axis. Using 3 Axis will solve the issue. However, if 1 Axis approach can reach the target and meet turn number
requirement, 1 Axis will be used automatically.
TCP is on straight line while interpolation happens on joint4, 5, 6. Robot config and joint turn numbers are all

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