List of Targeted Learner Interventions Learner Group Targeted Intervention

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Learner Group Targeted Intervention

Learners without parents or household member who can  Tie-up with the SK Officials in their respective
guide and support their learning at home community to be the learning facilitators.
 SSG Officers may provide assistance to these learners
assuming that these learners are of the same
 Teachers may allot time for these learners through
home visitation if and only if home visitation is
already allowed, if not, then teachers may provide
technical assistance through messenger, phone call,
text messages and other means to communicate with
the learner.
Beginning readers (K to 3)  The parents play a vital role in the development of a
child especially in reading, call the attention of the
parents through orientation, social media and/or text
messaging/call so they could help their child.
 Record a video on how to teach children how to read
so that parents will be guided.
 Since children are good imitators, maybe we can
record a video on how to pronounce basic sight words.
 Send downloaded videos from DepEd portals for
beginning readers.
Struggling readers (Grades 4-12)  In the JHS, maybe the older siblings or parents can
help, teachers may just send the reading materials.
 SK officials may also serve as Reading teachers/tutors
provided that they have gone through
orientation/webinar on how to teach struggling
 A neighbour who excels in class may also provide
assistance to struggling readers.
No access to device and Internet  Provide printed materials.
 Neighbours with device may be of help.
 Home visitation if possible.
Inaccessible (living in remote and/or unsafe areas)  Brgy.Officials should be tapped in the distribution of
printed modules.
 Home visitation of possible.
Indigenous Peoples  N/A
Person with Disabilities  Learners with visual impairments should be given
appropriate learning materials to aid them in their
lessons.(recorded audio materials)
Others? Specify.

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