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Assignment on

Business Plan for BD tech in Bangladesh

Course Code: BUS-304

Course Title: Entrepreneurship Development

Submitted to:
Shah Alam Kabir Pramanik


Department of Bachelor of Business Administration

Daffodil International University

Submitted by:
Md. Shafin Islam

ID: 141-11-139

Department of Bachelor of Business Administration

Faculty of Business and Economics

Date of Submission: 8/12/2015
Page: 1 of

BD tech

Here to change

I am extremely indebted for the support provided to me by my mentor, family and

friends. In this regard I would like to thank them for giving the required support,
motivation and guidance at each step of the work. Furthermore, I would also like to

thank Shah Alam Kabir Pramanik sir who helped and given full support to write this

dissertation and to create this plan.

Table of Content


2.Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

3.The business concept……..…………………………………………………………...………………………………….

4. Description of the business idea……………………………………………………………………………………..

5.Target customer……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

6.Supply chain…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

7.E-Commerce ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



10.Start-up summary…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

11.Production Plan………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

12. Marketing Plan………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

13.Organizational plan…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

14.Financial Plan………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

15.SWOT analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



The business plan is basically designed to establish a new company as an

entrepreneur. In this regard, it is required that a detailed business proposal plan is made
to analyze the possibility in upcoming future. Hence, company plan can be defined as a
proper outline of vision undertaken by businessman followed by narration of operations
and strategies that are to be taken to complete the venture.

Thus, creation of a detailed business plan helps to offset the cost factors. It thus
enables the owners and managers of company to give a thought about industry broadly.
It also helps to discuss the business objectives to employees and lays path for future
decision making.

Moreover, it is beneficial if an entrepreneur accepts the making of business plan as

there is a requirement to take advices from professionals, consultants and others to
achieve success.

The process helps in considering all the opportunities and risk that are associated with
the business proposal which provides a guideline for fruitful decision making. A good
business suggestion also aids in process of good investment making. Thus the present
scheme has been drafted for BD Tech courier services who wish to start its operations
in Bangladesh.

It is basically a innovative business plan created with an intention to establish a new

business venture as an entrepreneur. Every business requires a detailed business
proposal. The business plan has been designed in order to offset the costs. It is thus an
expression of the mission and vision along with description with respect to operations
and strategy to be followed.

It thus helps the top management to think about future prospects of business and make
decision for the same justification of business idea along with chosen aims and
objectives for business. It is basically an account about background of study. The plan
deals with business concept and deals with detailed business picture in terms of
innovation or invention. Other than this mission, vision, positioning and growth
anticipation will also be studied. Next part deals with Feasibility aspect related to
organization and financing. This will help to formulate a new business model.

In the fourth section business model development will be done to capture essentials in
order to get clarity on various aspects like core strategy, resource requirements and
core competencies of business. In the business development plan there is a blueprint
as to how the firm intends to function. In the last section, viability aspect of proposed
plan will be analyzed. This will help to find out whether to go ahead with the proposed
business plan or not.

The Business Concept

Concept of business is an idea covering basic information like the product or

service specifications, the target customer profile along with a unique selling
proposition delivering competitive advantages to a company. Under business concept, an
entirely new product or services can be defined as an invention in the business line or simply a
novel approach to servicing with some innovations. Innovations can be in the form of novelty in
international courier service provider in Bangladesh.

Now a days we called our country as “Digital Bangladesh” but we are not properly digitized. The
main thing which made a country digital is electronics. The backbone of electronics is electric
circuit board. But unfortunately we don’t have any electric circuit board manufacture company.
We import circuit boards from many foreign countries but we can’t get any accurate model
which we demand. As a reason we unable to create a new device like other developed country.

I saw many expert people in Jinjira in Dhaka who can make a circuit board but they can’t
produce commercially. They can also embassed any devise on circuit board.

Moreover we have many circuit designers in many universities who are having there major in
circuit. But a very little platform of work for them in our country. So after graduation they leave
our country and work abroad meritoriously.
Description of the business idea

The proposed business intends to establish an innovative circuit board manufacture company.
This firm will be named as BD Tech. We produce circuit board with many casual and different
circuit boards as our client demanded. At first we produce some board which are import from
foreign country. We also produce other circuit boards for lights, calculator, IPS, mobile phones
circuit board, switch circuit board and many others which are used in our daily life.

Target customers

Our main target customers are mechanical persons and universities students who deal with
electronics. We analyses their demand and produce our product as they want.
We also collect many new ideas from them and work with that.
We have R&D section for improve our products features.

Supply chain

Under this service, BD Tech will look for business contracts with different corporate to assist
them in domestic as well as international transactions. This service will aim at offering a
flawless supply chain function in the customer organization. Under this both the physical
delivery as well as legal formalities will be taken care by BD Tech on behalf of the customer.
Supply chain solution division will offer an integrated service to businesses across different
industries. All formats of services including flexible point-to-point distribution, complex end-to-
end integrated logistics or supply chain management services, BD Tech will offer with great
effectiveness and reliability to match the customer requisites. By solution to critical operational
constraints, much better working capital, and reforming business processes, BD Tech will
deliver product with sustainable competitive advantages.


E-commerce is the most popular among the end users of the products and services these days.
It has changed the entire game of the way businesses trade, package and ship the consumer
goods. As a result, more pressure has been exerted to assure the fulfillment of customer
orders. The only small link in the process is the last-mile logistics. This aids in brand value
creation for the businesses. BD Tech is going to present a speedy, last mile home-delivery
solution to complement the e-business of different players in Bangladesh. This would be largely
done with a specialized division, nominated staff and a nationwide network.

The vision statement of BD Tech is as follows:

“BD Tech intends to become the first choice for circuit board manufacturer among the
business as well as individual customers and corporate customers providing our product as
dependable and reliable way.”


“Mission of BD Tech is to offer innovative and remarkable circuit board to the consumers
on business houses as well as e-commerce customers. Business clients will be served by the
large size business agreements both domestic and international trades whereas the individual
customers will be served domestically.”
Start-up summary

At first we open a little workshop near at BUET. That will our head office and distribution
center. After this if we increase our capital we will also open other workshop in Jinjera. We will
also have some distribution center where electronic workers or students get together such as
Tongi, Rahaterpool in Ctg and some engineering institute such as Polytechnic, CUET,RUET, KUET
We also have a website where we describe all of our products where our consumer can easily
order our products.

Production Plan

At first we produce a little amount of product for analyzing the market. If we success at this
step then we produce large amount of demandable product and casual product.

We need some raw-materials for producing our product. Those are:

 Ferric Chloride
 copper sheets
 laser printer
 water
 Mini drill machine

Production process:

First we print our circuit design indirectly to our board, we print it on a glossy paper, photo
paper or magazine paper. Before we print we should use a laser printer or a photocopying
machine, using of inkjet printer will not work. After we had printed our circuit board design we
will iron the printed design over the copper side of the PCB, ironing it above the copper side of
the board will transfer the ink, from the glossy paper to the PCB board. The ink serves as the
protective layer to cover the copper part that shouldn't be etched. Then after transferring the
ink to the PCB board we will have to dip the PCB board to a etching solution like Ferric Chloride
for 15 minutes. After etching it we might have to rinse the PCB board with water to remove the
etching solution. After rinsing it we should remove the remaining ink with thinner, to uncover
the uneched copper part. After removing the ink we will need to dill holes for our components
to be soldered on the board. And last but not least just solder our components of our
customized board .

Management Plan

1. Introduce the key management team members when creating a management


Present each member's qualifications and experience. Include board members, investors, key
employees and entrepreneurs. Layout the background of these members, along with their
characteristics, and how each of them will contribute to the success of the business.

2. Establish the organization of the management team.

Determine the style of administration and how the company will be run. Layout the policies
regarding the decision making process and the chain of command.

3. Describe the hiring process.

Explain the basis on which new employees will be hired. Include the training process and any
incentive or reward programs you have implemented. A description of the company's benefits
program can also be added.

4. List the various guides and advisors that you will be relying on for business advice.

These are the people that i may contract for marketing, personnel and financial knowledge and
insight. Having advisors readily available strengthens your expertise and knowledge base and
increases my credibility as a serious business.

Marketing Plan
Project monthly sales for my business during the first year, the Small Business Administration
advises. Make quarterly projections for my second and third years. Besides revenue
projections, factor all business expenses such as labor and production costs. Subtract expenses
from my anticipated revenue to derive annual profit estimates. Calculating my profit will better
help me determine when my company will break even.

Include a detailed competitive analysis as part of my business-plan marketing strategy. Order
secondary research information on my competition and industry. Secondary research
information will help me determine the market share and business strategies of key
competitors. Market share is the percentage of total sales a competitor earns in an industry.
Conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis for my company.
Write down strengths and weaknesses of various competitors and compare them to my own
company's strengths and weaknesses. Look for opportunities where i can take advantage of my

Another important aspect of my business-plan marketing strategy is personnel. Determine in
advance what type of marketing employees i will need to hire.

The crux of my business-plan marketing strategy should be focused on sales and advertising.
Determine where and how to disperse my sales team. Additionally, establish an advertising
budget for my company. Decide which types of advertising media i will use to market my
products, such as direct mail or radio advertising. Allocate a certain percentage of my budget to
each specific advertising media.

Organizational plan

Workforce Development Planning

Workforce development is all about creating a diverse, high-performance workforce made up
of loyal and satisfied employees. High-performance organizations do not develop by chance;
rather, a competitive workforce is the result of years of effective planning and successful plan

Product Planning
The goal in product planning is to create a more appealing product mix than your competitors'.
Product planning is a function of the marketing, finance and operations departments. The
marketing department is responsible for discovering what targets customers want and need.
The operations department is responsible for providing input on how best to design and
manufacture products; the accounting department provides guidance on how to keep costs low
and sets the ideal prices.
Expansion Plans
Small businesses have a range of options available to keep their companies growing. Marketing
can be a major growth driver for new businesses without an established reputation, for
example. As another example, licensing can allow a small company's products to reach national
or international distribution quickly through established distribution channels. Merging with
other small companies or seeking to be acquired by a larger company can boost a company's
size and market share quickly, as another example .

Financial Planning

Companies engage in financial planning activities the same as individuals and households.
Companies make plans to manage debt and utilize their profit in the most productive manner.
Savvy businesses never let cash sit idle; instead, they always put free cash to use earning a
return or investing in the company's future. Business owners can draft their own financial plans
or turn to experienced professionals to maximize the value of financial holdings.Making plans
to spend allocated profit in the most productive way is an example of financial planning in
business. Investing in government bonds to earn capital gains with otherwise idle cash is
another example of financial planning in our business.
SWOT Analysis of BD Tech

It is very essential to focus on specific strengths, weaknesses along with external

opportunities and threats from the outer circumstances so as to achieve competitive
advantage. SWOT analysis of BD Tech is given below:

1. Innovative business services.
1. Highly dependent on foreign product.
2. Proper market research and planning.
2. High dependence on the growth of export
3. Increase in Bangladesh exports. in the country.

3. Sensitive to the government laws and

4. Sound and peaceful domestic
4. Lack of raw materials.
5. Sound governmental policies.

1. Competition from global firms.
1.There is not any industry in our country like
2. Issues related to licensing and permit. us.

3.Competition with national importer. 2. Proper access to consumers.

4. Require investment for start up. 3. Good networking with prospective clients.

4.High profit from this business.


After this study we can easily identify a new sector of business. If we can start this business we
can enter a new era of science ant technologies.

It will reduce the import of electronic product and we can also export and a good amount of
foreign remittance.

Moreover many business will rise beyond of this business. Unemployment problem will reduce
and we will be effective digitalize.

Success is come from a little step. So I think this plan will be a perfect step for challenge the
digital world.

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